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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Perhaps you should download and read TK Decal's Tutorial? It can be found in the "Utilities" section of the SF2 Downloads
  2. <cough> Userlist.ini. Which I"m sure that doesn't have already. in data ini: Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear= ExportEndYear= ExportedToEnemy=TRUE I'd suggest looking at the Vampire, Hunter, and Meteor data and user list inis to see how it's done.
  3. Version


    SF2 BAe Nimrod MR.1 Remod Pak by Veltro2k = For SF2, (Full 5 Merged ONLY!!)= **FUll 5 Merged reccomended, as the destroyed model references the stock 3W B-52, and many statements in the data ini refer to SF2NA coding only** A Re-release of the Veltro2k's Nimrod Martime Patrol aircraft, now with some (ok, many) updates for the SF2:NA environment. This is the complete aircraft package, with an new cockpit and various and sundry ini tweeks. Several new or updated weapons are included. The hangar and loading screens have also been converted for SF2 usage. 2 skins are included: 42 Squadron, in the original 2-tone (called Early) 201 Squadron, in the Hemp (called, Hemp (doh!!)) The skins will automatically change from the Early to the later Hemp at a (semi)specific date. (Read: my best guess)! Skins remain in bmp format. Decal randomization is set to TRUE for both skins. Basicly, it's the exactly as I released sometime back for SF2 (pre-purge), but with several enchancement and tweeks, now set up for SF2NA. Damage textures are in DDS. Loadouts have been adjusted to start with torpedos, and then switch to Harpoons, also at a 'best guesstimate' year (1983). As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular on operational usage. The Legal Statement has been changed with regards to this aircraft. For those that still have the original releases, you may want to delete said original (or back it up somewheres), as there HAVE been changes and additions in several of the inis mostly in respect to SF2NA. Consider this a FULL replacement of the original. **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**. Good Hunting! wrench
  4. when posting in this thread, it won't show until approved. It's a "KB" thing. I"ll try and watch it more carefully from now on. This is some very cool stuff for our 3d modelers
  5. you should be able to use either the 75 or 108 gallon -- they weigh the same as the drop tanks. (in fact use the same lods). There should be no reason why they won't load on the stock 3W mustang we used for KAW. We all know the Israelis use nape with great success against Arab force tanks in Siani in 56 and 67. But like I said before, it really more eye candy (what a horrible thing to say!!) ======== edit: check diameter limit in the data ini -- increase it or comment it out. Nape will load then (I had to laugh when I say what my target vehicles were!! How appropriate!! fire bombing a Fire Truck!!!)
  6. Shack AEW also in the paint shop -- of course I had to pick the squadron that requires the most decal work....
  7. Yes, nape is classed as "BOMB". Odd that it's not loading, or even selectable In-game wise, it's not as destructive as it could be. Pretty to look at, but you're better off with fragmentation bombs or standard HE (my opinion only)
  8. might want to tell the model maker that only the right side door opened. the left side was covered with the engine controls. of course, you can always roll down the automotive style windows (photos of real '39s available on request)
  9. anybody know (or remember!) which cat has the sound files???
  10. what extractor is that??? the 3W one? If so, which version? doesn't look the same at all; I've not "filter" drop down, and extracting the FlightData produces no .wav files (2013 patch level) I
  11. ok, this is strange ... gone though every cat file, and the only wavs I found are the button click, and so forth. So, where DID TK hide the engine sounds???
  12. Souli, I"ve got Fast Cargo's Mustang nearly done (got sidetracked helping Veltro with the Shakeltons). I have to message him (FC) and make sure it's ok to release it.
  13. I should have said engine sounds ... but I'll re-check those. Thanks! Rus, just you wait... I got another one... I need white outlined red lettering (26) and numbers (squadron numbers) fro the Shakelton, both the MR.2 and AEW. Is there a "template" for those, or am i stuck doing the outlines by hand, and filling in the inner bits??
  14. That would be my guess too. Improper "type names" in the load out ini. Edit to match the exact name in the weapon's data ini
  15. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    don't worry about them -- they don't work! you have to do it all by hand
  16. considering the last post in this thread, is from 2012???? Don't take a rocket scientist to figure it out!! seriously, lets NOT necrothread, shall we??
  17. that was actually for ext; i thought your IDF one was quite clever!
  18. search engine not working, brother?? https://combatace.com/files/category/691-p-40/ all of Raven's Tomahawks & Kittyhawks here
  19. improperly flattened airfield. I've run into it before what terrain? more information would be exceedingly helpful (or you didn't check the tire pressure!!!! )
  20. If there's a base skin already, decals should be pretty easy. Have to look up serials, of course... I can take a stab at it, if you want.
  21. WOW!! I went right to it!!! On one of my externals, in a KAW zipped file had to redo the skin, as it had the old mapping; hex edited lod to take jpg textures. using stock 3w decals. I'll have to check the FM, and some other things (my stick as a 'drift' in it on pitch). But, here's a 1st look... Now, if I can just get someone to finish off the TMF Spit Mk 9 .....

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