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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. "How to Improve the Agressiveness of Enemy AI?" hmm.... Make them mad? Call them a bad name? Tell them you just slept with their wife/daughter/mother/other female relative??? j/k!! I couldn't resist....sorry! wrench kevin stein
  2. Beast: any idea on the font for those numbers??? Closest I can find is one called "Lexicon Cyrillic", although there's a template I got from simmerspaintshop ©, that MIGHT be a bit closer.. wrench kevin stein
  3. The Patent-Pending, Stand-In, Not Even Close To Reality, But It Works & It's Free Prop Pit ™ is for EVERYONE -- so go for it!! wrench kevin stein
  4. Ed, I wouldn't know what to DO with the Max file!!! Since I don't know diddly about building, I just know what the result is! I have GMax, but really don't know how to use it, but DO know it probably wouldn't help much! wrench kevin stein
  5. Needs the number decals, but you all are welcome to it. I"ll have to go over the inis again, as it's a WW2 VVS Nationalized ™ aircraft -Russian only, although it'll still carry USAAF weapons, and uses the Hurricane pit matt: Mustang framing is wrong, views need more 'restricting', other details; the Hurri is actually a bit closer to placements (believe me, I did all kinds of research for the P-400 mod, including downloading 80 megs worth of books on Airacrobas on pdf --the best one is the Detail & Scale) wrench kevin stein
  6. ummm...weren't ALL the Zekes changed to LavEngine.wav???? Double check that, cause that's what I been using for the last 3 years...unless it was changed by someone else As for them not fighting each other, do you have the CORRECT WW2 nations ini???? Are the NationNames specificed in the data inis correct??? wrench kevin stein
  7. That's Runway 4, the LARGE airbase. So, airfield4_data.ini btw, it's never done that for me, pre or post patch. Which version of Libya, and which airfield ie: the name of the base? wrench kevin stein
  8. Oh my!!! ohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmyohmy x1000 slats on the 109s, too!! And updated Jugs...Major Lee will be very happy!!!! Many thanks for sharing those, Jim!! If I can help in any way, I'll be glad to try! wrench kevin stein
  9. Anyone have templates for TMFs Mirage IIIE?? Want to try a skin, and don't want to redraw everything (as it may not won't look as good as the "Factory" template. TIA!! Wrench kevin stein
  10. Rats...I forgot the check it with the NATO/USAF style attachements ... got sidetraked with the Starlifter decals and such. I'll have a look at that later today; personally, I'd like to keep the Western Weapons if possible, rather than remake "new" ones, that mess up the rest of the Red Air Forces! wrench kevin stein
  11. Shouldn't 111's only have 3 -nose, dorsal and ventral?? (b-29s are the WORST to attack , btw ... really kills frame rates, and they YOU get killed by all them 50s!!) Never could figure out WHY Gramps used such an odd size ... the lined maps I used for some of skins (Dora-9 and 152) were standard, 2048x or 4086x. I'm just hoping that Wolf releases his Spits and Hurris on us ... I'm DYING to see them!!! Well, and skin too.... wrench kevin stein
  12. Swweet!! Btw, some of the serial I'm using actally ARE for Bs....my goof!! Well, look at it this way....one less set of decals to make, and who but a Rivet Counter of Nth degree would really notice, without me saying so!! Aren't B just A's with the extension plugs??? Ed, is there any way I can talk you into looking at the LOD to find the open meshes near the right side fuselage, at the edge where the cargo door meets (upper, front corner)??? I can supply some close up shots of the region, if it'll help! (glad your arm's better!!! broken bones suck!!!) Let me see what my Project Schedule looks like --I haven't touched the Indo-Pak terrain for like 4 weeks!!!!-- maybe I can help out with the skinning! wrench kevin stein
  13. Moved to the proper Fourm PLEASE do not post questions in the Knowledge Base!!! It's for answers' only!!! Thank You! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some 'autospeed' controled canopies no longer work in the post patch world. There are several DOZEN thread about how to fix it; a quick search will turn them up. Also, listed in the "Things You Need To UPdate Thread", who's location excapes me at the moment.... Simple Fix: comment out the offending sections in the aircraft data ini, thusly: //[Canopy] //SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE //DeploymentMethod=AUTOMATIC_SPEED //Setting[1].Angle=30.0 //Setting[1].DeployValue=0.0 //Setting[1].RetractValue=25.0 //MaxDeflection=30.0 //MinDeflection=0.0 //ControlRate=0.50 //AnimationID=5 using the Patent Pending ™ double slash marks Permanent Fix: assign an animation key-control to it, also via data ini edits. Full information on THAT is in Knowledge Base. ... again, I disremember exactly where wrench kevin stein
  14. Um...look in our downloads section for my P-400 mod ... disremember if I incuded the 'new' pit, but it's all set up to use the Hurri pit, as everything including/after the D model used the N-3 reflector gunsight. Not perfect, but an improvement wrench kevin stein *note to self: consider adding this line to sig file: WW2 Mod Master*
  15. Skinning the crates?? wrench kevin stein
  16. Was thinking about Baltika's question/comment about the existing He-111.... has anyone tried THIS with them please note the change in the LOD001, and the commented out of the 'distance lods' Worth experimentating with, methinks (some other models use something similiar) wrench kevin stein
  17. Hmm...Airacobra, huh?? Never finished decaling it, as I couldn't figure out the 1)font and 2) how the sequence runs and the fact that all the ini "disappeared" in a system restore last year, and need rebuilding again wrench kevin stein
  18. Yup, the Hanoi Taxi "First C-141 Into Hanoi" (unfortunately, I can't get that decal over the front crew door) It's the first Number in the list. Damn, Thunderchief, that was a fast reply! And you're our winner!! Still got a couple dozen more number to do, and stuff; expect the update/skin/decals this week sometime wrench kevin stein
  19. See my post above -- unless TOTALY and COMPLETLY rebuilt, it ain't gonna work. wrench kevin stein
  20. Nice to see them back again!! Thank you Diego!! wrench kevin stein
  21. Same color issues in Photoshop too, as the 'export as bmp', comes out in Index, not RGB. The only other suggestion would be to pull the _HM.bmps from ther germanyce cat, and paint them all black, and drop them into (and leave them!) in the Anatolia terrain folder*. That makes them 'flat' and hard, so things don' t tend to sink into the ground. Also setting the HeightMapScale= to 2.0000 helps a lot. We ran into a LOT of these issues with pre-08 maps when the patches came out, and these are some of best fixes we could find. I had to do that for several maps, some using the Desert set, some the Vietnam set. It seems to work fairly well!! All the sea/land tiles SHOULD have a HM listing in the terrain's data ini: I'd start checking the terrain data ini, and your cat pointer line (although THAT shouldn't effect anything!!) I know the TE, when it 'generates' the _data.ini, DOSEN'T use all the data for each of tiles; especially for the Solid & Alpha objects, so I use a 'stock one', freshly extracted, and if I've added custom tiles, stick them at the bottom of the listing -and make sure the Texturelist.ini matches EXACTLY!!! Or weird s**t happens!! (and I DO know my weird s**t!! ) wrench kevin stein *=you'll notice they're in a LOT of my recent map mods/upgrades/fixes and whatnot!
  22. Ok Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fix For the Missing Loadouts .... meaning NOTHING shows up on the in-game loadout screen- is the simple fact the reference line for the loadout ini is missing (!!) from the F-4E_2020.ini. Open it in you text editor of choice, and add the following line: LoadoutFile=F-4E_2020_LOADOUT.ini making sure it case sensitive, for use in SF2 (ie: NextGen Series) With many thanks to PureBlue for finding this!! Wrench kevin stein
  23. Yah, I couldn't get anything to load either....and NEVER looked into the main ini!!! What a n00b mistake!!!!! Damn, don't I feel dumb!!! Some expert I turned out to be!!! PB, righteous call!!! we can clown on Dave for forgetting that!!! Sundowners skins are amazing ... if I had 1/10 his skills... well, you know the rest wrench kevin stein EDIT: release announcement edited to contain the needed fix
  24. Yup, what Storm said. Nationalized aircraft should ALWAYS have the exported= set to FALSE, even if untrue in the Real World ™ (example: RAAF Sabres eventually wound up in Malaya, etc, but my 'nationalized' versions have specifice start/end dates, with NO exportation) This forces a narrowed "window of operations" for the specific country of use. S0, when they hit their expiration date, they get removed from the shelves, so to speak wrench kevin stein
  25. stupid time-warner cable...lost the connection when posting the reply *&^%$#@! ok, did you actually CREATE new nationalized weapons for Turkey?? Meaning, in teh WepEd, "create copy of weapon", then edit it to fit. Changing the NationName= to Turkey, and AttachmentType= to WP?? (unfortunately, this also gives eh Soviet Air Force access to our late model Sidwinders and Sparrows....) Just like in the old BunyPak, that's how it would have to be done. Now, I'd have to look and see how the old -06 leve does it, but you SHOULD be able to load FRIENDLY weapons on ENEMY aircraft (example: WoI Arab Hunters, carry UK bombs/rocket pods.) The EXPORTED box would probably need to be checked (ie: Exported=YES) I've got ONE 06 level modern install left, (all ww2 are 06, everything else is 08!) and can see what's happening. The problem MAY be releated to the Nations ini, changing Turkey to enemy, but it shouldn't make too much of a difference. wrench kevin stein

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