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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I was thinking that too .. Harold did the RF-51. Been dealing with RL bs the last few days, so I haven't searched fro the other. I'll do that next week (monday). Looking at my template for the RF, it's named "pf-rf-51", so it must be around someplace!!! Geray, here ya go! Pretty sure it's in 2048x, all my layers intact. Free feels (?) to make any improvements! wolf-p51b.7z
  2. No, I don't thinks so. We went with TKs. I don't think FastCargo ever finished his new version. I can check...??? archived someplace?? Geary, did you still want the templates for the A/B/C Mustang? (also A-36, with is really just the A with painted on dive brakes)
  3. remember, this is WW2 CBI. Long before BT2D's were thought of !!
  4. I would DEFINATELY go with Souli's over mine!!!!
  5. I have templates for Wolfs, as well. If you want them. (they're "ok", may need some work)
  6. didn't I post my 3w mustang templates?? feel free to make any changes or improvements. They should be 2048x, iirc. 3w p51d-mustang.7z
  7. it's really just a ported static from FE, for one of their "oceanic" mods, as FE doesn't support naval units of any kind. I think the meshes just extruded that way BECAUSE it had no functionality as a 'naval unit'. But it IS nice docked in-port.
  8. Well, I'm not running that mod. So, for the General User, it appears as it always did. So, in my games. it's stock
  9. yes. it's to increase the chance of them being tasked as a target in strike mission. You'll be assigned more warehouses than parked boats, which the game really doesn't support (as in port targets). These are fixed targets, what will always appear within the years specficed by their data inis, start date in the _types ini, and even specificly listed dates in the _targets.ini. Think of this logically ... a cargo ship in port is full of what???? thats, "goods and wares". Therefore, it's a floating storage building for ware, ie: a warehouse. Tankers in port are full of what???? petrochemicals, most usually oil (crude or refined). Therefore it's a floating oil tank, ie: fuel_storage. So, in the end, these have nothing to do with what your trying to do -- increase shipping traffic in the sea lanes
  10. simple answer: that ship was designed, and built, to be a TERRAIN OBJECT ONLY!! It don't work as a 'real boat'. And never will
  11. dx 12 support other than that, ????? check the thread above in the SF Series News Forum
  12. SovietNavy is not a valid nation ... Check the Nations.ini. It dosen't exist. So why what you did works, is just another of those amazing mysteries that will never be solved. (btw: nation's ships must match nation's aircraft. Case in point: USN. USMC, oddly, will not generate from CVs in single missions)
  13. has nothing to do with "ship dynamics". These are GroundObjects being used as TerrainObjects. Nothing to see here...
  14. An alternative is just to get the Complete SF2 set, which is on sale for $100 USD. There's an announcement in the SF2 forums: And since it DOES run in Win10, might be a good investment. Also, the Winge10 version of SF2 (with the desert map) may be nearly completion and release. Just saying.
  15. NUTS! I bought the complete set last year, even though I have all the original releases (but not all the DLCs). Even though my machine is still Win7, be nice to be able to get the W10 version, when the inevitable happens. Now, the question is ... what are the SF2 W10 DLCs??? Maybe the the original 29 ported? Something new? Something borrowed? Something blue????
  16. B-1 Lancer Prep and Takeoff

    Wish FastCargo was still hanging out here --- he used to make his living driving Bone's
  17. and check that the avionics ini has the proper lines for the RWR as well
  18. Ok TK knows, and he ain't talking.
  19. Fighter Squadron 1948(Jugs galore)

    IMDB says that it's Rock Hudson's debut film. Don't know exactly where he's at, but maybe something to do with the Sargent and the cat? What I love in that film clip above is the 'standard Warner Bros" music used in dozens of films (catch "Dive Bomber" for one of the earlier uses), I think it was also used in Operation Pacific, but would have to watch the movie again (*) (*) like that's a problem!!!
  20. Fighter Squadron 1948(Jugs galore)

    A very rare film, even Turner Classic Movies don't play it too often. And not available on VHS or DVD. If anyone every sees it listed, TRY and watch it. Not the best war film but good flying sequences. Sharp eyes will also note Jack Larson, who play Jimmy Olsen in the 1950s Superman series. and that darn cat!!
  21. They've been advertising t-shirts with that statement, and the Union Jack on FB. As a Loyal American (tm) I REALLY thought about buying one!!!
  22. after several hundred, yes it works just fine!! Thank you very much!!
  23. that line only means the aircraft's RWR can (or cannot) detect continous wave radars. Which are diferent from pulse radars. Has nothing to do with the display (not much) as the actual RWR is in the avionics ini for said aircraft (research: pull the data, cockpit and avionics inis fro the F-15 or F-16 - mind you, these are TEWS RWRs, but for a vector type, pull those listed from the F-4Es What's listed in the data inis' section is for AI only
  24. I came across this today, don't know if it'll help, but ???? LW airfields http://www.ww2.dk/lwairfields.html

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