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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. TK has a LOT of the templates available over at 3rd Wire. There are some 'homegrown', higher rez versions of some of the stock ones here as well. For SUPER GYNORMUS ultra-rez templates for Phatnoms, you'll have to hit up Sundowner ... I'd venture a guess his templates are over a gig per map!!! Considering the skins are running 2048x2048. and the details...jeeeezz!!!! I haven't tested any of the sky mods yet in SF2 ... WideSky is real good, as is Polack's old skymod (still using that in a lot of my SF/Wo* installs) Sounds? I only have a very few, and most of those came with varying aircraft wrench kevin stein
  2. Monty: there was never anything before in the inis (v5) for canopy and wing folds...!!! I added these 2 commands: [WingFold] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_9 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=6.0 AnimationID=6 [Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL AnimationTime=4.0 AnimationID=5 and this in the /Pilot section: CanopyNodeName=CanopyFrame01 CanopyAnimationID=5 to make them maunally controlled. I'm wondering if I got the anim IDs wrong?? I was kinda just guessing, looking at the existing data ini to see which weren't used. I'll test those wing names, with a 'clean' loadout, and see what happens. Much appriciation for you revisting this!! wrench kevin stein
  3. You mean like this Harold??? Yah, I found that out!! Fortunatly, there's only the RECON loadout with nothing on the wing, so sticking a LAU-3 there as a "just in case we run across something needs blowing up" was a simple edit. I don't want to make more work for Monty, in having him seperate a dozen stations to seperate meshs, so adjusting the loadout ini is the simplest, easiest answer. And besides, who DON'T fly a recon mission with a bomb truck, and NOT take something along for the Bad Guys to remember you by??? wrench kevin stein
  4. There's a LOT of stuff in that list that are, or should ONLY be used as terrain objects. ie: placed in the terrain folder, and added via types and targets ini edits. Meaning, things that are structures should not be in the GO folder, but terrain placed Unless someone has ACTUALLY built a train that moves with it's cars attached.... they've alwasy been static (yap maybe?? ) wrench kevin stein
  5. HOT DAMN!!! I just abso-frakking-lutely LOVE it when I guess right!!!! Yes, in this cas you can use the outer wing Now, I'll have to check Pasko's Panther for that too.... wrench kevin stein
  6. ummm....no. but i'll definatly check that!!! here's the station call out: from the OUT: CenterWing (152 polys, 456 verts) 'metal2' MainGearInterior (44 polys, 132 verts) 'metal2' LeftOuterWing (99 polys, 297 verts) 'metal4' LeftAileron (8 polys, 24 verts) 'metal4' LeftOuterWing01 (168 polys, 504 verts) 'metal4' RightFlap (48 polys, 144 verts) 'metal2' WingPylon01 (64 polys, 192 verts) 'metal2' RightMainGearCover03 (12 polys, 36 verts) 'metal2' RightMainGearCover01 (34 polys, 102 verts) 'metal2' RightMainGearCover02 (12 polys, 36 verts) 'metal2' RightMainGearStrut (35 polys, 105 verts) 'metal2' RightMainGearActuator (45 polys, 135 verts) 'metal2' RightMainGearTire (268 polys, 804 verts) 'metal2' LeftFlap (48 polys, 144 verts) 'metal2' WingPylon02 (64 polys, 192 verts) 'metal2' RightOuterWing (99 polys, 297 verts) 'metal7' RightAileron (8 polys, 24 verts) 'metal7' RightOuterWing01 (168 polys, 504 verts) 'metal4' LeftMainGearStrut (35 polys, 105 verts) 'metal2' LeftMainGearActuator (45 polys, 135 verts) 'metal2' LeftMainGearTire (268 polys, 804 verts) 'metal2' LeftMainGearCover02 (12 polys, 36 verts) 'metal2' LeftMainGearCover01 (34 polys, 102 verts) 'metal2' LeftMainGearCover03 (12 polys, 36 verts) 'metal2' is it possible to just use the LeftOuterWing mesh name?? wrench kevin stein
  7. Well, shoot, Spinners... you gonna make me wanna go back and revist this unfinished project from like 4 years ago... "The Other V-Bomber" , Viking Mk.3 obviously, needs some decal work, and new serials made up.... wrench kevin stein
  8. The guns on the A6M7 Type 63 are EXACTLY as they're supposed to be. Don't f*** with them. If ya don't belive me, do the research. I'd reccomend Fancillon's "Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific War", page 376 As stated in the readme: *= 12.7MM_Ho103 wrench kevin stein
  9. I think it looks really good with the stripes painted on. Added some details; steps, rescue arrow. I think the stripes need to be extended to be up against the bottom of the canopy rail?? wrench kevin stein
  10. And like so.... most from Aero Detail and Mushroom yellow on 109G -man, there are some GREAT closeups in these!! you should see the detailed drawing and pics of the sand filters!!!!! wrench kevin stein
  11. Let me find my Monogram Close-Up on the Gustav, and anything else in my massive PDF library...I should have an Aero Detail on 109.... wrench kevin stein
  12. we need Nicloas Cage, Mel Gibson and Robery Downey jr pilot figures... wrench kevin stein
  13. My Brother, if you can do that, you'll make a LOT of SPAD drivers VERY happy!!! To say nothing of us skinners/decalers!!! Monty, you're a STAR!!! wrench kevin stein
  14. Which weapons pak, and what patch level are you using? VERY IMPORTANT!!! if the weapons pak is still at, say the 06 level, and you game is patched to the 08 level, you'll need to re-inatalize the weaponsdata.ini and weaponsdata.dat using the new style weapons editor. A very simple process. was it crashing with a missileobject.dlll fault? That usually means a weapons fault. -been there, done that, got the meds to prove it! don't forget, when adding weapons the new /Weapons folder has to be created by YOU. Then you dump the goodies into it. Also, at 06 patch levels, you can't use 'folderized' individual weapons like the 08 patch and SF2 series. The Game Engine ™ can's see them that way. They just get all dumped into that /Objects/Weapons folder. That's one of the reasons I (re) created the WW2 era specific weapons pak. wrench kevin stein
  15. Storm, you mean like in the screenies below.... the 2 LAU-3s are in the F-4N upgrade, and the other is my "What If..." Phantom FGR.3" both available here (with thanks to Ant for the triple rocket pod goodies) I'm sure that triple-SNEB set up could be adapted/modifed for USN/USMC usage.... wrench kevin stein
  16. Or, if we can get a 3d modler to make the bulges, they can be added via the 'fake pilot seat' method. The only problem with that, is color matching for splinter or mottle camo patterns wrench kevin stein
  17. flipping the attachment angles on the existing winder stations might not be such a good idea...even though the AIM-9s are cylinders, it may change where the fins sit, in relation to the TER, wings and other items (birds, bugs, etc) Best way would be to duplicate those stations, rename, and add the new sytems to the 'effected' wings, and change the attachment angle. WHICH number to change I can't renember --- try the last one first. Some experimentation will be required. I KNOW for a fact, with judicious tweeking of the numbers, you flip things 180 in any direction. Also, don't forget to add them to the loadout ini, and make the Sidewinder stations either disappeared, or have a load of 0. by duplictae the station, I mean copy/past the existing, and renumber but keeping the same GroupID # Something like this: note: i've turned the brackets backwards, so the Board software don't have a cow or 3. Don't forget to turn them back around when adding to the data ini the SystemName[xxx]= of couse would have to match for the rightwing SystemName]013[=RPStation2 SystemName]014[=RPStation4 left wing: SystemName]013[=RPStation1 SystemName]014[=RPStation3 the loadout ini would need editing to something like this: you'll also need to "regroup" the Sparrow stations, if you want to put the jammer pod in the left forward bay. Change the GroupID on SparrowStation1 to 5, leaving SparrowStation2 as Group 4 It's pretty easy; the hardest part is figuring out the attachment angle for a verticle mountd dual Zuni launcher wrench kevin stein btw: the credit goes to TMF for the 'duplicate' station trick
  18. Ordway's got the Ouragon and Mystre's covered as well.... The Ouragon has a few little issues in the 08 patch world; including WoI, but nothing major. Mostly a little bouncy-jiggley on the ground. Spring rates need slight adjustmets, but I never messed with it too much. "If it works, don't fix it" Considering it's age, it flys QUITE well!! And, as you've got WoE, looks like you got the Hunters covered as well!!! btw, there's a version of Gepard's Isreal2 I did, that upgrades it for WoI. Somewhere in the "Terrains" download section wrench kevin stein
  19. Wellll....NUTS!!! It appears I've found some open meshes....see attached screenies alternatives: leave it off (eegghh!) or non-historicaly, paint it on, with means everyone gets one (easiest, but most annoying to my sense of historical propriety) or if Monty still has the max files.....and wishes to revist it. Methinks evryone is gonna have one.... wrench kevin stein
  20. Don't know why I had AL on the brain... Making the 331 larger is an easy fix in the decals ini. The BuNum tag under the stab says AD-6 (well, it's Monty A-1H, and as far as I know, that's a -6!!) I'll see what i can do with the stripes....find that one for the Scorpion and repaint it!! yes, I have a history of NOT wasting good decals!!! wrench kevin stein
  21. A small request.... if possible, can it also be tested in SF2, if it supports the HUD stuff??? 'cause I can't get any of the 17 or 19 pits to work .... game keeps crashing. Hate to be pest/annoyance/whiner ___ fill in the blank. Just asking! many thanks for ALL your hard work, ordway! wrench kevin stein
  22. dummy me... you actully said that in the first post... this one should be a little better BuNums aren't a problem, as I have the FULL listing for very one assigned from 1910 to ~1988!!! Just which goes with whom... if the stripe in near the canopy, I think it can be done as a decal, like I did on one of the Scropion skins. If it's further aft.....I'm out of meshes!! or just make a whole bunch of ALs with the numbers attached... wrench kevin stein
  23. File Name: AD-4 Skyraider, Version 2.0 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 Jun 2005 File Updated: 20 May 2009 File Category: A-1 Skyraider AD-4 Skyraider, Korean War Era, Ver. 2 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and possibly SF2 & SF2:V Updated to Version 2, Uploaded 5/20/09 Modifications and reskins for MontyCZ's A-1H to create the eariler AD-4 Skyraider, as used during the Korean War. This version is designed to TOTALLY replace the one I released in 2005; a LOT has been updated. It is also designed for use in a Korean War Era install -- although it's quite workable in any era up to 1956, when the US Navy changed the color scheme. It is also redesigned for use in the post-08 patch environment of the above mentioned games. Instructions for back-dating to 06 levels are in the "Notes" section below. There are 2 brand new skins, still representing VF-194 and VMA-121, during the Korean War, but based off new templates, with some enhancements from Royohboy's AdA Skyraiders, all new decals for modex and semi-historical BuNums. I say 'semi', as these ARE in fact, REAL BuNums as assigned by BuAer to AD-3/4s, but I was unable to ascertain exactly which were assigned to each squadron's aircraft. So, consider them as rather generic AD-3/4 BuNums, but accurate nonetheless. NOTE: these skins are also designed to REPLACE any earlier versions!!! The VF-194 skin is a redo of that from the original release, with all new decals. The VMA-121 skin bmps are new, and also gets all new decals. I believe the original skin/decal set was done by Volksjager. For those that might be wondering, yes, there are 2 more skins in the works.... This is a full, complete add on aircraft mod, with all the goodies necessary. Along with the new skins and decals, there's a heavily modified/repainted/tweekificateded A-4E cockpit. (more below in "Notes" on an alternate for those that wish a more beautiful, functional and fantastic cockpit). My old 'artwork' style Korean AD Hangar Screen is included; all the artwork was done by the legendary R.G. Smith, who worked for Douglas, and was more or less the Official Company Artist. Small data ini edits add a landing light, a few more running lights. Edits to the landing gear make this aircraft fully functional in the post-08 patch world. It should also function pretty well in SF2/SF2:V. This has not been tested by me however, as I don't have either of them yet. It's fully carrier rated, so mission and campaign builders can do their thing. Once we get the new Korea map.... Designed for use with any weapons pak, the 2 necessary addons, the AN/APS-4 radar pod and 300 gallon tank are included. What is NOT included, are the HVARs, 250, 500 and 1000 lb WW2 era bombs. You WILL need to have these available via one of the weapons paks. However, a "new" weapons has been added - the 260 lb AN-M81 Fragmentation Bomb as used by the Navy. Expeciallly usefull for those pesky CAS, Armed Recon and SEAD mission (and historically used by Panthers in the flak suppression roles) As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  24. There's alss a little 'ooopsssy. For the VMA-121 skin, the Num013.tga is missing ... somehow I forgot to make it. Ive attached a little zip with the missing number just unzip it, and toss the tga in the VMA-121/D folder. (for the classic series .. SF2/V users know what to do) sorry about that! wrench kevin stein

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