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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. if you want to add more parking spaces for the in-game generated parked aircraft, you have to edit the airfield ini. And have to extract them first from the relevant terrain cat, place them INTO the terrain folder you're working on, then locate the coordinates using the Target Area Editor. Be advised, all x/y coordinates are based off a N/S heading runway. Also, that's a global change; effecting ALL of they type of airfiled (runway1, runway2, etc; which ever one you edit as used by bpth sides) Should also let you know, things like that can go south pretty fast. If they do, delete the ini, extract a new one and start over. If you're talking about REPLACING those shitty 3W hangers, you'll need to edit the _targets.ini, _types.ini, and drop all the new hanger bits (lod, skins -bmp or jpg- and it's main ini) directly into the terrain's folder. Terraforming is NOT for the faint of heart!! (I mean, look what happened on LV-426!!)
  2. we have ones that are multiple?? I could have used them!! as to singles, i don't think so
  3. Looking for a crazy aircraft

    just saw the russian one on The Military Channel. Something like "Secret Weapons of WW2". There's a German, Japanese, and one other i think.
  4. ARRRGGHHH!!!! Chemtrails!!!! I hope they aren't dispensing CW-7 ... we all know how that turns out
  5. That's not even the Third Wire version, but the "other" publisher, Bold Games. One wonders if all the necessary internal files are there. Well, don't matter. Way back in the day, when these first came out, there were many issues with Radeon cards. It's too bad the archives from 2004-06 are gone; might find a cure. Yes, I've been around here that long. Well, good luck. Cause I"m out of ideas. I stand by my previous statement above. All things evolve.
  6. This is a laptop with a low end video card, too, isn't it? Although that won't effect the FM. It sure will screw the graphics By chance, did you install the game to the default location? C/ProgramFiles, etc? Try moving the entire game folder to the ROOT of the C drive. Make a new, or edit your shortcut. Maybe it's simply time to evolve??? Otherwise, you're just wasting time and far too much effort into trying to make something work in an environment it's not meant to.
  7. That's impossible. Unless you have the original 2003 release. Look in the lower left corner on the main screen; there's a month/year display. Tell us what it is. Also, WHERE was the game obtained?
  8. all the 3W scooters are mapped identicaly. it don't matter which one is used.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 F-86L "Lima" Sabre Dog Revamp Pack 6/9/2020 "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods" = For SF2 (Any & All) = This package is designed to replace the original F-86L from the pack available from the folowing URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/10286-sf2-f-86dl-v10/ by suhjake from 2009 It is =NOT= necessary to have the original mod pack, as this =WILL= replace it in total. Everything reusable from that pack will be included with this. If you do have the original installed, you will probably wish to remove, move, or delete it. Overwriting may cause conflicts. As the Lima's were mostly used by USAF Air National Guard units, that is what's covered here. The following units are depicted herein: 146th FIS PA ANG (57-60) 190th FIS ID ANG (59-64) 194th FIS, CA ANG (58-64) 199th FIS, HI ANG (58-61) 3550th CCTW, Moody AFB, GA (late 50s/early 60s) 3555th CCTW, Perin AFB, TX (late 50s/early/60s) and a USAF Silver (Generic) -a blank skin for other skinners to use. It does have the 'day glo' panels on the wings, fuselage and tail. As only the 194th is listed in the stock squadron list ini, it uses a level=1 decal to activate the displayed squadron name on the Loading/Skin selection screen. All of the Original Skins (PA ANG, 3550 & 3555 CCTWs) have been completely redone, although they remain in bmp format. All other skins are brand new for this package. 26 all new serial and buzz numbers, where used, have been created. While correct for this aircraft; all numbers are from the late-production Ds that were converted to Ls, they should be considered 'generic' in nature. State name identifiers and squadron markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. All weapons, pilots, etc are included. A backup copy of the original Data ini is already provided, as this new one has many modifications and adjustments. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzipperizing. Please follow the 'usual instructions' Happy Landing! Wrench Kevin Stein
  10. hmm.... most of us could do with a padded cell, er, um ... I mean cockpit
  11. Because all the stock aircraft actually work...
  12. Lack of skills in searching seems to be rather rampant these days. Lack of knowledge of the subject even moreso I'd suggest looking for the following aircraft: F-4EJ kai F-4E AUP As some folks are always trying to re-invent the wheel, and don't seem to understand it's already been done by experts ...
  13. I"m going to venture a guess that 3rd party mods will probably just drop in. Anything from 3W (DLCs, expansion packs) will most likely have to be party re-written for Winge10. Just my wandering thoughts ...
  14. No. Can't use it And you trying to mix and match two incompatable games. Don't do that. SF1 questions belong in the SF1 forums. SF2 questions here in SF2 forums. Please choose which you'd like to use. We've been getting some not so positive feedback, so for everyone's sake ... (and I'm trying to be nice here) Choose a path
  15. View File SF2 F-86L "Lima" Sabre Dog Revamp Pack SF2 F-86L "Lima" Sabre Dog Revamp Pack 6/9/2020 "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods" = For SF2 (Any & All) = This package is designed to replace the original F-86L from the pack available from the folowing URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/10286-sf2-f-86dl-v10/ by suhjake from 2009 It is =NOT= necessary to have the original mod pack, as this =WILL= replace it in total. Everything reusable from that pack will be included with this. If you do have the original installed, you will probably wish to remove, move, or delete it. Overwriting may cause conflicts. As the Lima's were mostly used by USAF Air National Guard units, that is what's covered here. The following units are depicted herein: 146th FIS PA ANG (57-60) 190th FIS ID ANG (59-64) 194th FIS, CA ANG (58-64) 199th FIS, HI ANG (58-61) 3550th CCTW, Moody AFB, GA (late 50s/early 60s) 3555th CCTW, Perin AFB, TX (late 50s/early/60s) and a USAF Silver (Generic) -a blank skin for other skinners to use. It does have the 'day glo' panels on the wings, fuselage and tail. As only the 194th is listed in the stock squadron list ini, it uses a level=1 decal to activate the displayed squadron name on the Loading/Skin selection screen. All of the Original Skins (PA ANG, 3550 & 3555 CCTWs) have been completely redone, although they remain in bmp format. All other skins are brand new for this package. 26 all new serial and buzz numbers, where used, have been created. While correct for this aircraft; all numbers are from the late-production Ds that were converted to Ls, they should be considered 'generic' in nature. State name identifiers and squadron markings are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE for all skins. All weapons, pilots, etc are included. A backup copy of the original Data ini is already provided, as this new one has many modifications and adjustments. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... they can be accessed after unzipperizing. Please follow the 'usual instructions' Happy Landing! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 06/12/2020 Category F-86  
  16. There are multi-national speech packs in the downloads section.
  17. The work has just begun .... muuuuahahahahahahhaaaaa <-------evil laugh
  18. mods enabled ONLY means you can add things. this is the most recent weapons editor, alos available in our handy-dandy downloads section. make a new folder in your Saved Games folder, I called my Utilities, and execute from there. You WILL have to set the paths on editor startup and yes ALL weaons go in the /Objects/Weapons folder. You can move/copy that entire folder around into all or none your seperate game's mods folder. That how most of us do it. There are tutorials in the SF1 & SF2 Knowledge Bases. Very well covered. SF2_WeaponsEditor_setup_Apr2012.exe
  19. what about 2 skids, like on the X-Wing or Y-Wing? You could put a set of rollers at the bottom of the skid, like on a Viper (original BSG series) or something like the proposed Gemini landing skids with the para-wing
  20. in the DetectSystem section ala F-117: [DetectSystem] VisualBlindArc=5L,6,7L VisualRestrictedArc=5,7 MaxVisibleDistance=1000.0 HasRWR=TRUE RWRMinFreq=1.0 RWRMaxFreq=20.0 RWRCanDetectCW=TRUE BaseRCSModifier=0.0000005 HeatSignatureModifier=0.0010
  21. You dont need to have the weapons data ini anywhere in the game, ever. The weapons editor reads from the cat file, THEN from any sub-folders in the /Weapons folder. the WE is no longer really needed, as ALL weapons are in seperate folders with the relevant main ini, data ini, lods and skin maps within. It can all be edited by hand with notepad in the weapons data ini. Maybe if you explained WHAT you're trying to do ... we can be of more assistance. Other than taking forever and a day to open the WE works fine. Are you using the right version? Should be April 2012
  22. remember ANY effect from 1stGens are missing the shader statments. Which is why they don't work.
  23. of course!! I haven't been reading the ODS forum for a couple of days, so I might have missed it

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