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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. 2 more for the stable... FAS MD-450 Ouragan (anyone notice anything different with it??? FAH F-86E I'll have to redecal Museli's FAH Sa'ar skins, as I found a complete listing of their serial numbers. Still haven't decieded what to do about the Mustangs... On the "What If" FAN Fishbed, what type of numbers should it have?? And color!! Many are near completion, just needing decals and readme (that's the hardest part, ya know!) Wrench kevin stein
  2. I remember reading the LOTR books in the early/mid 70s....just when there was a resurgence of interest in Tolkien.... but I don't really think the NATO codename folks would be that into fantasy books. (they'd been around since, what? the late 40s/early 50s?) I like the "fish-" idea, as it keeps with it's MiG-21 heritage. I'd go for Fishtail...maybe it has some deficiences in yaw control?? Or due to a small radar antena, the pilot has to keep pivioting side-to-side to get a good sweep??? Just ideas, thrown out there Wrench kevin stein
  3. If this is the 4 Seasons rebuild, I'd sugget re-reading the enclosed readme, that has a nice, simple to understand explination, and what to do on how to correct it. In the "notes and other nonsense' section. This is why we write them.... Wrench kevin stein
  4. Is it safe to assume you're speaking of the Indian Type 96 and/or 96B??? I didn't think they went to "98" Or perhaps the Mig-21-93 Bison??? (not too familiar with that one -- other than it's need new avionce to simulate the HUD). I have an uncompleted version, using the A-4F cockpit and F-15-style avioncs that give you a HUD. But, IIRC, someone's already done something along these lines......old age, I forget things sometimes...hard to keep track of all them pesky Fishbeds... Can you post some screenshots, to help describe the problem? Also, you know there's an update pak for both the 96 and 96B in the Downloads/Aircraft/Mig-21 section that I did in 2007? Brings the bird to atleast the 06 patch level. All the InAF Fishbed need yet another update to their data inis to bring it the 08 levels, but that's a pretty simple matter of data ini copy/paste of the relevant sections into a newly extracted 21mf data ini (IF, as always, one knows what one is doing...) Wrench kevin stein
  5. I wanna know where I can get this comic book.... reminds me of all those old ones I had as a kid in the '60 "Our Fighting Air Force" comes to mind Wrench kevin stein
  6. I LIKE the look of this beast!! NATO designator,huh??? Ok, gotta start with an "F"..... and it has to "not realy make sense" (like the others -c'mon, Fishbed??) I once saw a listing of NATO codename for Soviet equipments... even for stuff that turned out not to be real. I'll see if I can find it again.... EDIT: Ok, found it... I've included the actualy aircraft it was supposed to be used on Faithless (ye-2) Faceplate (ye-230) Flipper (ye-152) Firkin (su-47){obivious, not ready yet} Firefox (PAK-FA) !!!! I didn't include "Fred", as I normally would as a joke, but it seems to have been used on Lend-Lease P-63 Kingcobras!! Wrench kevin stein
  7. If you still want to use the old Bunyap Pak, Option #1 IS the only way to get it working int he Post-Patch World. BUT.... you still won't have weapons for Red Air, as they naming conventions are different from what in the data ini (stock) You'll still need to spend a LOT of time here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=18346 in our ever-so-conviently provided Knowledge Base WRench kevin stein
  8. So, KB, when you releaseing the SF2 Wep Pak???? You all relaize you just might make me have to spend 20 buck I don't have to get SF2....<sigh> If so, at least I"ll be able to rest the new terrains in it... Wrench kevin stein
  9. That cockpit is NOT available, as it's virtually impossible to import the files as used in Targetware stuff for our use As an alternative, may I suggest this replacement, as seen on my site: http://wrench1smog.com/wrench16.html scroll down about 1/3 of the page to the "Pre-WW2 Aircraft section" Mind you, you'll still need the DATs Guardsman to apply this package too... Wrench kevin stein
  10. File Name: MiG-19s, Iraqi AF Generic Camo File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 Feb 2009 File Updated: 28 Feb 2009 File Category: Mig-19/J-6/F-6 Farmer Skins MiG-19S/F-6 "Farmer-D" Iraqi Air Force skin and decal set; for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and probably SF2 This is a new skin for the stock 3rd Wire Mig-19S. I assume it's "representative" of Farmer-D as used during the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s. Filling a request for one of the CombatAce members. This skin was created using my home-grown 1024x1024 templates, where were based off the original 3W skin maps, resized and with redrawn panel and rivet lines. The camo pattern depicted here is also loosly based off the Syrian AF as seen in WoI. The colors are as close a match as I could make, given the lack of visual information available on the web. Basically, it's a "sand and spinich" as seen in a profile on ACIG. A VERY simple, easy to follow readme is enclosed with REEEEAALLLLYYY easy instructions. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  11. Truth be told, the tiles themselves are FAR from accurate ... right now I'm adding the rivers/river mouths at the Bay of Fonseca, Honduras. The river courses don't come near to being accurate, but they follow the "general lay of the land" (which means, switching back and forth from the "terrain tile view" to the "height field view" to make sure they don't look "odd" in game climping up and down mountain sides). Just to let you know, you can ONLY go striaght or curved (at least with the stock WoV tiles) there is no real way to create a river path that runs 45 deg to the terrain; oh sure, you can have meandering rivers with all the curves, but it's won't be like you see in Google Earth. But, by using the "riverT" in their various incarnations, you get it to follow a general course approx 45-60 deg off the north/south or east/west axis. Expect to do a LOT of testing and retiling! Have a look at the ASW map, ver 2 that I just released, and you can see how I got the Rio Grande to (generally) follow it's south-easterly course. I did create some 'custom' tiles for that ,too. Accuracy? Get it "close enough for government work", following a somewhat known course, and I'm pretty sure most folks won't bitch too much. If they do, tell THEM to learn that cursed TE ... and see HOW they like it!! Wrench kevin stein
  12. and rmemembe, too, that ALL decals MUST be square -- meaning 128 x 128, 512 x 512, etc. Otherwise, they all kinds of screwed up WRench kevin stein
  13. Differences in the type of projectile, me thinks. 7.62 is just a 'slug', 20mm is an explosive round As the the winders, maybe the difference between and annular blast warhead and an expanding rod type?? (you all can look that up at you leisure) Wrench kevin stein
  14. This thread , in our ever-so-handy Knowledge Base, may be of some assistance: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=32706 with pictures too!!! Also, I didn't mention it that thread, but double check the 'compatibility mode' Wrench kevin stein
  15. It has nothing to do with weapons effectivness....all the AFVs are WAAAAYYYY too thin-skinned. Take a look at the armor values of oh, lets say the Abrams in the DS mod. They're a bit more realistic. Even the Bradley is 'upgraded' slightly. Now, considering NONE of our tank guns are firing SABOT rounds; I'm assuming they're just 'standard' HE, I do think that it should be more than one round to killl anything (other than 1940s-early 1970s tanks). I'm also pretty sure the Game Engine ™ isn't taking into account things like sloping armor (ala T-34s and later) It's a pretty easy fix, if you know what to look for (and do the conversions from inches to MMs) Wrench kevin stein
  16. File Name: American SouthWest - Ver 2.0 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 28 February 2009 File Category: Terrains American SouthWest Terrain, Version 2.0 for SF/WoE/ WoV and probably WoI, FE and SF2 This is a complete rebuild of the terrain originaly released in Feb 2008. It has been completely retiled, and has had a MAJOR upgrade in the targetization. It is designed to COMPLETELY replace that original version. It has been fully updated to use in the post-patch world. This semi-fictional terrain represents Southern Texas and part of Northeastern Mexico (Tampilas/Monterrey) region, along with part of the western Gulf of Mexico. I use the term 'semi-fictional', as for the most part, the cities and airfields are relatively close to their real life locations, but some fictional target areas have been added for playability. I've designed this to be used in the alternative world of the "Global Sedition" vs the "North American Alliance"; it is, however, usable in any era from 1940-2040, with minor changes in the targets and types inis. This is a COMPLETE package, with everything needed to just unzip, install, and fly over. All the tiles are included, including several (ie: MOST) repainted to a more 'lush' version. All new TODs have been created, so you'll see lots of trees and small buildings, including the 'skyscrapers' from Polak's city tod. Almost all the original Desert tiles have been repainted to more closely represent the semi-tropical/minimally arid region of the Texas Gulf Coast. Several rivers have been added, and they, for the most part, follow their Real Life ™ courses across the region. The "look" of the terrain should be something between the stock 'Desert' and the overly green of say, Deuces Euro Repaint and/or the GermanyCE terrain. In other words, semi-arid, but with plenty of growing things. It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; either or both the Desert or Euro skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. With such an 'open ended' time frame for use, any and all GroundObjects should be available for use. It has been tested in SF, WoE and WoV, post 9/08 & 10/08 patch levels.. It should work in FE & WoI (also post Expansion Pak and Post Patch) with the correct cat pointer -- this has NOT been tested, however. It should also work in SF2, as long as you adjust the cat pointer lines in the main ini. Pre-patch users may have some issues due to the new way the Game Engine ™ reads/creates height field measurments. Enough data exists in the CA forums for find the anwsers on how to fix it, if needed. As you've all come to expect, there's a HIGHLY detailed readme with all the "data and materials" necessary to get you up and running. I'd suggest reading it first, after unzipping to a temp folder somewhere Happy Landings! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  17. Didn't I send you a Fencer Hangar??? Well, let me find it and double check that is 'presentable', and get it out to you!! Wrench kevin stein
  18. Yes, the Game Engine ™ gets confused some times. On the DBS rebuild, I'd have SA-2s on a site, with a StraightFlush or SpoonRest for the tracking/acquisition radar. Or any combination thereof. Which is why I dislike the 'generic' tags for SAM sites. It didn't, however, stop the Guidelines from shooting at me!! Now, they may have been "picking up" their data from another SA-2 site, that HAD a FanSong sitting on it. All my Red SAMs are networked, but to each type only (SquarePair to SA-5, etc) Remember, too the Engine won't populate a target site, expecially with GroundObjects, beyond an appox 30-50 km radius from the player aircraft. Wrench kevin stein
  19. Version


    MiG-19S/F-6 "Farmer-D" Iraqi Air Force skin and decal set; for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and probably SF2 This is a new skin for the stock 3rd Wire Mig-19S. I assume it's "representative" of Farmer-D as used during the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s. Filling a request for one of the CombatAce members. This skin was created using my home-grown 1024x1024 templates, where were based off the original 3W skin maps, resized and with redrawn panel and rivet lines. The camo pattern depicted here is also loosly based off the Syrian AF as seen in WoI. The colors are as close a match as I could make, given the lack of visual information available on the web. Basically, it's a "sand and spinich" as seen in a profile on ACIG. A VERY simple, easy to follow readme is enclosed with REEEEAALLLLYYY easy instructions. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein
  20. Well, I can try and see if there's enough room for a medium airfield, but it'll be REAAAALLLLLY close to the Nicaguran border. It is sad, I know. One of our very close friends is from El Salvador; even though Jose isnt a gamer (of any kind), it'd be nice to have his (and your) country represented. Considering how much time he spent in the jungles and mountains with "the bad guys", before coming to his senses.... I was mostly concerned with making sure the Canal Zone and norther western Columbia was there, to be honest. I wanna napalm coca plantations out of existence... There's a screenie around here someplace, with the basic map layout...I'll see if I can find it so you can see what covered. Wrench kevin stein
  21. "Get ready Sasha, we've got them right where they want us!!" Or: Hatch pops open on the commander's track, a confused looking young officer climbs out, map in hand... "Excuse me, we must have taken a wrong turn. Which way to Albuquerque?" Wrench kevin stein
  22. El Salvador is "off the map", meaning it's just over the edge for the 80km limit ie: "The Wall" wrench kevin stein
  23. We ran around in circles with this for the DS mod... There's actually 3 versions the IrAF used: F-7A (2 wing pylons) F-7B F-7BS (4 wing pylons) We settled on the 7A. TMF said (MAYBEEE!!!!) at some point of doing the 7B and BS, based on their 7A, but I'm sure it's low priority. All we'd really need is an add-on pylon set for the 7A, like for the Paki F-6s; added via that "fake pilot" and baddaboom baddabing, done Wrench kevin stein
  24. That almost looks like a canopy tga issue.... or open the main ini (A-7E.ini), and comment out the shadow section?.... //[shadow] //CastShadow=TRUE //ShadowLOD=A-7E_shadow.shd //ShadowType=1 //ShadowCastDist=10000 //MaxVisibleDistance=400 like I've shown above the next question is ATI or Nvida? Or has that finally be laid to rest? WRench kevin stein
  25. Oh, I forgot to mention I "reassembled" a package of ErikGens Sa'ar, with Museli's skins (idf style and loviz) for the Honduran versions, with Ordway's cockpit. The real buggabo will be the Nicaraguan Musntangs...that came pattern in INSANE!!!!! Haven't found any data on the Jug-Ns, as to if natural metal or camoed....not lookin forward to that either!! Wrench kevin stein

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