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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Some samples for you to examine and comment on: standard, RAF style ML-KNIL style, old leaf and young leaf, 'natural metal' undersides, I think the underwing flags might be too big; easily fixed. But at least the colors will match my Hawk 75!! Wrench kevin stein
  2. You're kidding, right??? This is, like, the most basic stuff there is.... The data ini for EVERY aircraft (along with main, cockpit, loadout, all the various and sundry lods, tgas and whatnot) are stored in the games Objects.cat. Using Skypat's Handy Dandy Extractor tool, (available in our downloads section) you just pull it out (or 'extract'), and drop it into the aircraft's folder in question. If you don't know how to use the extractor, there's an illustrated tutorial in the KB Wrench kevin stein
  3. BB: you just want a plane red tga??? Like for a marking or some such?? Not for a canopy type thing??? I've never figured out the 'clear' stuff...solid colors are easy Wrench kevin stein
  4. Wow...I can't believe how easy that was to correct....still might have to move the serial forward just a tad... I was worried about the mapping for the fuesalge flag placement, but I got lucky (or I'm that good and just don't know it! ) Derk, you never mentioned I had the flags on upside down!!! Fixed now!! :yes: Next, back to my production number listing, and get the right serials for 1-VI GV (best little pdf I've ever found, next to that one on USN BuNums!!!) On a personal note, I think that perhaps my interest in this region, and time frame, comes from a really old Gary Cooper movie: "The Story of Dr. Wassel". Based on a true story of the retreat across Java, he was a USN doctor trying to get his paitents; wounded survirors of MARBLEHEAD and HOUSTON off the islands, and to Australia. Oddly enough, the only aircraft we ever see are near the films end - Zeros strafing their freighter, until driven off by B-17s. I remember the line one of the sailors says, speaking to his blinded comrade, telling him what's happening ... "Their wings cover the whole ship". The movie makes a LOT of mention of the courage of the Dutch forces, trying to stave off the inevitable. A film well worth watching, if the chance presents itself. Wrench kevin stein
  5. Sound wise, I'd reccomend the "bf109E.wav" from Russo's Emil .. DBs have a distinctive sound, quite different from Allisons 1710s and Merlins (had the VERY distinct pleasure of seeing a BoB survivor Emil fly over my head one day, on the way to land at Santa Monica Airport -- still powered by it's orignal DB-601) Wrench kevin stein
  6. Probably the easiest was is to... 1) Have WoV, fully patched 10/08 2) Have WoE, fully patched 10/08 3) Create new, seperate, clean, fully patched version of WoE for this mod... 4) Delete all aircraft from said install WoE 5) Transfer ALL aircraft from WoV to said install of WoE (and all decals in the main Objects/Decals folder to be safe) 6) Transfer VietnamSEA terrain from WoV to WoE, include campagns, etc optional: 7) extract all menu bmps, inis, and associated 'button' bits from WoV, and install to WoE -this'll give you the WoV style for use People are continously trying to make WoV (and in some part WoI), something it's NOT!! WoV and WoI are damn near perfect as released, in what they're designed to do: replicate Theatre and Era sepcific historical and semi-historical events. Hence, WoV extreamly narrow operational window -- 1964 to 75, ie: the US Era in Southeast Asia. Personally, (and this is MY opinion only) it's the weakest of the series simply becasue it is so self-limiting. The same can also be said for WoI ... it replicates Arab-Isreali Wars from the 6 Day War upwards. And that's ALL those 2 sims are designed to do. Most folks just can't seem to grasp the concept....and continually run themselves into walls trying to figure it out. You want flexibility? WoE is the best bet. With small modifications to a couple inis (the Famous Adjusting the Beginning and End of Time Tweek), it covers everything and all mission types. That's all there is too it Wrench kevin stein
  7. Well, the Java Rhino is on most of those profiles you privided, plus photo evidence in all them damn books I had to go and d/l...so it was a very simple matter to create a decal for it and place it on the aircraft. All the research i've done over the last few weeks (and we're talking spending entire DAYS fact checking...), points to MOST of the KNIL aircracft still haveing the Orange Triangle, as most were too busy fighting for survival to repaint to Flag. But at least 1 squadron DID use them (flags that is). There is so much conflicting data on the camo colors, too...some are RAF type, others are Young/Old Leaf...some had stripes, some didn't.... it's really enough to make ya head spin!! D: got the PM, I"ll give the stripes a shot; the hard part will be figuring out the 'open' section for the serials. Solid, RAF style stripes is easy... I'll have to make new serial decals for 1-VI GV, as in these shots, I just reused the 2-VI GV serials. When released, at my site only, it'll be a "nationalized" aircraft. Meaning, Netherlands as the nation (as opposed to an RAF version that's also coming). Now, we just need Baltika to work up his Malaya/Java/Sumatra map for someplace for these birds to play in... ronan: your loss, brother!!! Wrench kevin stein
  8. Version


    Cockpit Upgrade for Pako's Fishpots (Su-9A, Su-9B, Su-11) For SF/WoV/WoE/WoI This semi-inclusive package contains cockpit upgrades and many ini tweeks for the following Sukhoi Fishpots aircraft made by Pasko: Su-9A Su-9B Su-11 It is desinged for use in a post 9/08 or 10/08 game install. These mods should work just as well in a non-patched version, but this has NOT been tested. There may be issues with how the shadows are generated, so the inis supplied here use the OLD style of generating shadows ie: using the ***.shd file that came with the aircraft when released. There MAY still be issues, even with that, so shadows are 'user optional', albeit activated. Included in the package are complete cockpit folders for all 3 aircraft. (since I'm kinda paranoid about someone =NOT= being able to figure out the same cockpit folder goes in all of them....this removes that possibility). They're the SAME pit all around; I know this increases the download size, but.... The cockpits are Ordway's radar equipped MiG pits, with various very small tweeks (mostly in the metricizing of readouts). They are not perfect matches for the Fishpots, but they're "close enough for gaming purposes". A closer, more accurate pit would be a single engined version of Boopidoo's Su-15 Flagon, but we've been unable to create one. :IMPORTANT: there is an 'aimpoint' issue with the gunpods used on the Su-11. Please see the reference jpg I've enclosed for the 'visual adjustments' you'll need to make when using these gunpods. More info the "Notes and Other Nonsensical Ramblings Section" below. Data and Loadout ini tweeks return to the "WP,SOVIET" attachment types, to allow for useage in any Weapons Pak, or none. HOWEVER -- the weapons will still need to be added to your stock WeaponsData.ini (for those NOT using the BunyPak ), or to the TMF Pak. The weapons themselves ARE included, in the new 'seperate folder' format pioneered by The Mirage Factory. This will create a cleaner, more readily accessable /Weapons folder without all them hundreds of loose files floating around. The naming conventions for the air-to-air missiles has been returned BACK to the stock method (ie: as used by 3rd Wires stock weaponsdata ini, and the TMF's WepPak. Meaning: NATO codes are used for the name; R-3S is the AA-2 Atoll, etc). For those folks still using the Bunyap Pak, and it's naming conventions, loadout inis specifically designed for them are included. They are named "bunypak_***.Loadout.ini, and retain the Soviet naming conventions for the missiles. Users of other Weapons Paks will have to make the same adjustments; it's a simple text edit in any case. Mission statements have also been amended, to ONLY Intercept and CAP; these ARE interceptor aircraft, more designed for a 'point defence' type of mission, and do not have any ground attack capabilites. Where information has been available, or based on 'best guesses' in looking at the aircraft, landing lights have been added, and the running lights upgraded. The Flight Models have not been touched, so be advised in the post patch world of possible handeling issues. A new, repainted "body.bmp'', with new panel lines and etc, have been included as well. New decals ini for all the Fishpots have been included as well. These have been edited to make use of the new, post-patch Blue Bort numbers. Agaim. more info is available in the "Notes and Other Nosensical Ramblings Section" below. Also included are the MiG RWR sounds (just in case you don't have them), and a couple of engine wavs. NEW damage tgas are included. Obviously, you'll need all these birds to install this package too. They're available at Column5's site, and (hopefully!) at Pasko's. If you can't find them there, they are also be availabe at CombatAce, 'way at the end of the "Cold War Aircraft: Soviet Aircraft and Variants". Look on the last page, and you'll find them. -This mod has NOT been tested in SF2 -- as I don't have it. Any attempts to add these aircraft, you're on your own! I'd reccomend NOT adding them to SF2, until such time as, or if, a new cat extractor becomes available, and the SF2 series weapons editor appears. Otherwise, you can't add anything... It is HIGHLY reccomended you read the enclosed readme ALL the way through before installing this pak...that'll get you familiar with the proceedures and lowers the risk of mistakes and errors.... Happy Landings!! Wrench Kevin Stein EDIT: package updated to include corrected avionics inis for Su-9B & Su-11. Sorry people! W
  9. File Name: F-86E-10 "The Hunters" Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 1 Jul 2008 File Category: F-86 F-86E-10 Sabre, 54th FIW "The Hunters" mod for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI This is a small mod, and reskin, of the F-86E-10 released by Bob "howling1" Hauser several years ago; which in itself is a mod of Zur's F-86 Sabre. I've included Bob's original readme, so you can see his comments. This is a complete aircraft, with all the trimmings. EVERYTHING is here to allow you to just unzip, and fly off to MiG Alley. The cockpit ini has had a little mod that includes the K-14 A-A and A-G gunsight tgas (seen also in several other WW2 & Korean era aircraft I've released) There are 2 skin included, a slight revamping of the original "USAFSilver1", fixing some decal issues, and one of the most wanted Sabre skins of all time: The 54th FIW, as seen in the motion picture "The Hunters". Serial and buzz numbers for the first 14 aircraft come right from viewing the DVD, the others are 'leftovers' from another Sabre skin I did. Pilot names have been added to the canopy rail, so you can fly as your favorite character from the movie, or famous people from the 3rd Wire Sim community. Damage tgas have also been included, just it case Casey Jones shows up and shoots you full of holes.... A revamped/cleaned up version of my "Sabre1_Hangar" is also included. == You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 style weapons ,and the Sabre drop tanks. I've not including any of them. So, if you're using the TMF weapons pak, you'll have to import the needed items. == The aircraft has been tested in SF/WoV/WoE. Other Sabre versions work fine in WoI, so you should have almost no problems with it, if installed there. But again, 'use at your own risk'. That's CYA for me! Please read the included "readme" file for install instructions. Also, the usual "Note & Comments" by General BS Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein yah, I know it's the same screenie as the preview, but I just don't get tired of looking at it! Click here to download this file
  10. Because WoV don't support intercept missions, per se.... You'd probably have to build you own, and good luck...I have reason to believe the mission contorl dlls aren't set for intercepts - for either side. After all, when the NVPAF ever fly sweeps over Than Sun Nhut??? Of, I'll have to check in the post-patch world... Wrench kevin stein
  11. Nice one! Try this for the cockpit position: Position=-0.03,0.35,0.750 not quite a 'centered' as I"d like....but damn close!! Wrench kevin stein
  12. And approved!!!! Damnit Ed!!! I haven't had time to get all my artwork together for a Hangar Screen!!! Wrench kevin stein
  13. Open the data ini of the aircraft in question, look at the top section. The parts you're intereseted in are PrimaryRole and SecondaryRoles.... from the stock 3rdW Thud-D, in WoE: (WoV should be similiar) If you're still getting tasked with CAP and INTERCPET in campaigns only, edit the squadron entries in the campagin data ini. The aftermarket Thuds,you'll have to double check. Addendum: 105F and 105G should ONLY have SEAD as their mission statements (which I think I covered in the KB, in the Bunyap Weapons Pak Thread some looooong time ago) Wrench kevin stein
  14. Those are the 'air fresheners', hanging off various knobs and suchlike As seen below, in an F4U Corsair: Wrench kevin stein
  15. You guys are making it way too hard for yourselves.... How about trying by extracting the cockpit LODs from the original SF/WoE/WoV cat files, drop them into Ordways's cockpit folders, and see it the MiG pit work that way??? Remember HOW the Game Engine ™ works ... it looks into seperate folders FIRST, then pulls what it can't find from the cat files. (mind you , I don't have SF2, but I know how the system works ... which would explain why the Fishbed pits work, as they are all inclusive - with all the lods and bits necessary to work whereever) Wrench kevin stein
  16. --response edited, then deleted by me--- Wrench kevin stein
  17. Dave: DAMN!!! I was HOPING for that skin!!! It'll go nice with the F-89 and F-4 one. Collect the whole set!!! Hinch... oh, YAH baby!!! possible replacement for the Iron Duke for a certain Island group???? Wrench kevin stein
  18. Wow, what a helpfull response!! Partly right, however. Practicing dive and 'laydown' techniques somewhere like The Range, without having to to worry about enemy aircarft or air defenses is a must. BTW Now, to answer the actuals questions... Think of the roll tabs as an artificual horizon at eye level on the gunsight glass. As to the rangebar, I've never seen it on an A-G mission but it sure shows up in A-A ... in the screenie above, you can see it at about 5 o'clock on the gunsight reticle. It'll move around the circle based on range. Much more visible when switched to guns. This is a Sparrow lock, near RMin. Reading the game maunal is ALWAYS a good thing... Wrench kevin stein
  19. Ok ... found it. The Su-9B and Su-11 are missing 2 sections out of their respective avionics inis. Just copy/paste the data below into each of their avi inis, and that'll take care of that... I guess I'll update my zip, and re-upload it. You all should mark this day on your calenders....it's only the 3rd time I've EVER made a mistake on something I've uploaded!! Here's what the damage tgas look like...this happened whilst I was check the radar displays. I forgotted that A-7s carry sidewinders... Wrench kevin stein
  20. ???? Really?? I"ll check it, and if it needs fixing, issue an update. damn cheap russian radars!!! Wrench kevin stein
  21. spectre: which targets were missin textures? Is it on the my 'upgrade', with all the factories, train station et al ??? One of the reasons we don't have enemy aircraft is there's not place for them to spawn from. There has to be an active airfield on the Red side for bad guys to base from; which is why I deactivated the runway at the Drone Facility. Otherwise, you're indundated with MiGs (cue song: It's Raining MiGs! Halleluah!! It's Raning MiGs) OR.....I'll have to experiment with this, and see if it work.... create a new runway, with 0 length, so perhaps parked aircraft could show up on it, but NOT be usable for Red Air basing. I'll put THAT on the list, too.... IIRC, The Range was designed for A-G practice ONLY. One could concievibaly take the instant action mission, edit it for use over The Ranges (Blue and Red) as a "Dogfight Practice Mission", and have it as a stand-alone Single Mission. Wouldn't be any harder than the editing for creating a "period" type, like I did for the WW2 installs. Wrench kevin stein
  22. Yah, there's a "drone launch facility" -- I"m not sure if I added it to the latest version (the one that here). It's a runway 3, with 'parked' drone IIRC (ok, empty SA-2 launchers ) The runway is 'deactivated', so as NOT to spawn enemy aircraft. Guys, please check you targets.ini -- mine has a date of 5/24/08, and if TargetArea017 is present "Enemy Airfield/Drone Launchers". If not, that means I didn't finish and upload the latest version. Which means I know what I'll be doing later this week.... Wrench kevin stein
  23. Somebody FINALLY listened!!! Never experinced that CTD myself...amongst all the possible faults I've seen/experienced/heard about.... You know the D is still a very beta, right? Needs bucco much lots work .... FM and skin (which I been fiddling with, but can't quite get it where I want it...) Check the data ini on your Forts, and see if they are set as "BOMBER" or "ATTACK". Don't know if it'll make a difference, but if it's bomber, change it to attack, and see what happens. At worst, another CTD! Wrench kevin stein
  24. ADDENDUM: Ok, it looks like there's some stuff messed up in the data and loadout inis. However, I got mine working... Give me a day or so, and I"ll have a full update for all Pasko's Badgers ... including a 'passable' pit Remember: I said passable, not perfect!! This is modded from the F-4E that the cockpit ini from the pak calls for. Definately NOT sure about the RWR indicator -- need our Russian friends to weigh in on that ... at worst, I toss it and go for the F-4B/C/D without. that FE coding added with the last patch for 'OpenCockpit=TRUE" really comes in handy.....Pasko did a great job mapping the interior frameworks. Mind you, it won't work on pre-patch installs, and the weapons coding I'm using will be from the BunyPak -which is easily replaced with whatever you End Users ™ deciede which/what/whos WepPak you're using... Wrench kevin stein note to self: FINISH the damn Fishpot updates!!!! and release them!!!

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