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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Wow, I gotta say it's a lot easier than it first looked. Don't know about campaigns, but in random, game generated single missions, the DATE of the mission (month/day) allows for the changing of the seasons. Some screenies (albeit, really nothing new that you ain't seen before), just all 4 combined into one terrain folder Spring: (just ingore that structure in the background...it'll probably be move, yet again!) Summer: Winter (note the trees) Thaw (in either direction!) Deuces/Doghouse tiles. hmm..forgot to turn off debug! Spring & Summer are my 3rd and 4th attempts at tileing. They're myth-mashed from 3 different source tiles (deuces, polak and maybe Gepards) Colors adjusted Some more targets adjustments, movement ini tweeks, etc. Should be sometime next week. Well be a full, complete REPLACEMENT for ALL the ANW terrains -- all in one big fat honking folder (really, I don't know how, but not too terribly large) Wrench kevin stein
  2. Just about done with final testing; have only one issue to try and figure out..... "Why in hell do the cursed Winter Tiles disappear at random, unpredictable intervals during gameplay, when they're STILL residing in their proper folder?" and "Why does dropping them back in ie: copy/paste of the "spare set" make them come back???" Other than that, and little fine tuning in the movements ini, and it's ready to go. LOTS of changes, new target areas, some renamed, airfields refaced, etc. The trees I ehem.. "borrowed" look really good!! Wrench kevin stein
  3. No, I disagree... my last count was 27.2 player (Dave being the .2, as he has the stuff, but don't play it) Wrench kevin stein
  4. I was thinking along those line meself, but for the Fishpots; Su-9A/B and 11 that have been stuck with an extreamly improper pit for the last 4+ years....as they need the radar display similarly placed in the upper right corner. Or we/I could annoy Boopidoo again to add a scope to his Su-7 pit (rebuilt from his Su-15 pit!). Wrench kevin stein
  5. The exact reverse of how we used to REMOVE the water/terrain effects for Vista users.... Extract the GermanyCE_Data.ini from the GermanyCE.cat, and compare the upper sections -- before the tile listings. You'll see a host of differences, new stuff, etc. A simple copy/paste of the relevant sections should get them up and running. Also, you'll want to watch out for the mountains ... a lot of the runways are not quite configured correctly -- meaning there's too many high mountains for you to decorate with splattered aluminium, both on take off, and EXPECIALLY on landings. The AI, even now, has difficulty clearing terrain features (read: high peaks) when shooting their approachs. For the time, it was good map. But Gepard's is far superior (and this is absolutely NO slight to Edward!!) Wrench kevin stein EDIT: DO NOT FORGET TO MAKE A BACKUP COPY OF THE DATA INI, JUST CASE....
  6. Actually, if you're speaking of the 'palm tree' I'm thinking of, the with a lod and shd and such..you can also place them as terrain objects, via targets and types edits. (experimentated with this on the Solomons map rebuild) Or, just open the terrain's _data ini file and point it to the palm tree's tga. A much simpler process. IIRC, in the Lybia map, I just renamed the tga to "terobject_tree1", and didn't even bother with the data ini. Of course, that makes palm trees appear on ALL TODs with trees, but what the hell, right??? Wrench kevin stein
  7. Hmmm...I can remove the component, but I'm not sure I can reposition it. Unless someone comes up with HOW to move it sideways, we might be stuck with a misplaced pitot tube. BTW: didn't we have someone who was using "The Pitot Tube Pirate" in the signature?? X: don't forget Ordway's 19P/PM cockpit mod. Might be better than the Fishbed I used on release of this mod Wrench kevin stein
  8. I think you'll find a whole slew of pre-made, model specific hangar screen at my site. Link in my sig below WRench kevin stein
  9. There is a tut in the KB on "Adding an Audio-Only RWR" ... I should know, since I "invented" the itme, and wrote the procedure As to adding the gauge...already done that Stormy!!! make sure the RWR.bmp is IN the cockpit folder It replaces the 2ndar ADI. Open the F-100D_cockpit ini and add/change the following: stick this at the bottom.... This is your new "F-100D_Avionics.ini" works on F-104s too, as I did this for the KLU mod (may be listed in the Bunyap Pak Weapons and Other Fixes Thread) Wrench kevin stein
  10. Along those same lines, and I personally haven't tried this...so experimenation IS required using the new 'folder option' for weapons, add the texture data to the tanks ini: this is just a quick plug-in to show the format. Wrench kevin stein
  11. BTW, the desert map is really sparse on even the plam trees. It would need new TOD files to replace the existing ones (and several NEW ones, as there is NO TOD for desert1.bmp and desert2.bmp There are, however, some rather clever ways round that.....that involve importation and renaming. Wrench kevin stein
  12. Bartender says to one: Why to long face???? Never said I could count, let alone spell*....been haning with you too long. And where is Ed, the Official CombatAce Spellchecker???? *another fine example/product of the Los Angeles City Unified Skool District Wrench kevin stein
  13. And if you wanted to add 'berms' around the launchers, just look at the SAM battery layout in the Isreal2 rebuild's targets ini, for those along the Suez Canal's SAM Fence. Wrench kevin stein
  14. Version


    Generic Hangar Screens for MiG-17 "Fresco" and MiG-19 "Farmer" 11/2/08 -For SF/WoV/WoE/WoI Here, as I promised a couple weeks ago, are just 2 rather "plane-jane" WoE-style hangar screens for the Fresco and Farmer. Designed for SF,WoV,WoE (although in WoV and WoI they should actually have their SEA or Mid-East markings and camo, but no matter...) These should fill a small gap for these 2 stock aircraft. More, model specific types can be found on my site (where they've been for up to 5 years....) But these are nice and generic, with Soviet markings Easy to follow instrucitons in the enclosed readme. As usual. Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  15. You're also missing an important item...the FireCan gun tracking radars to network the guns to. Don't forget the GUNS themselves DO NOT HAVE RADARS on/in them, they're a linked via radio or telephone BACK to the central fire-control radar from thier "control unit" (easily set on the targets ini by dropping the SovietCommandVehicle near a AAA battery to 'pretend' to be the C&C unit). Then, you network the approiate Gun units. Just ask me, Fubar and FastCargo Already a 'been done' thing. BTW, we DO need a better, more accurate KS-60 -- right now it's using the Pakso' KS-19.lod Wrench kevin stein
  16. Smoke and fire emitters

    as in smoke from factories or smoke from destroyed items??? for destroyed items, it's jut added as the 'SecondaryEffect=" in the types ini. For Example this is from WoE, for one of the fuel tanks. I added the 2nd effect: If it for like a factory or steel mill or something like that, if it's not got the effect called, you'll need to add it, and then plot the position for the smoke stack Wrench kevin stein
  17. Jager: there sure is ... Options -->Graphics---> you'll see a title "Graphic Detail Level" , click the little black down arrow, and go to "Customize", there you can set most ot them . You'll see "Shadows". Try setting to LOW Otherwise you'll have to comment out the shadow callout in each aircraft's main ini. Wrench kevin stein
  18. I should have a cities list...but I'll first need to physically "move" the items in question --- AGAIN!!! (please don't laugh at the total screw up I made of Karag Island...it's really bad!!! Sits like a mountain in the ocean. I totally understand with Korea...that's why I been fiddling with the DBS and ANW terrains. Deuces should have the re-treed Solomons ready for testing (meaning: how many target areas I have to move ) in a week or 2. That'll be a nice map; there's 2 operational seaplane bases for the Rufes/Rexes (Rexi???) to use, using Gepards "invisible airfield" from Midway. I'll get something too you in "2 Weeks".... Have to go over it, and re-check a boat-load of stuff Wrench kevin stein
  19. I should have one of my Patented AvArt Hangar Screens ™ around here for it too....better take a look... Wrench kevin stein
  20. opps...forgot something... It's taking a little longer to get finished than I expected, mostly due to some AI issues on take off and landings. I'm 'refacing' the airfields (and replacing as necessary), to try and find 'holes' in the canyon wall so you (under autopilot) and the rest of your flight don't turn yourselves into mountain-coating, splatter-on aluminium sidings -- the AI has a TERRIBLE tendancy to crash into the hills on take off (not so much, but an expensive problem for the budget-conscious governments), but definetly on landings....autopilot is NOT reccomended for shooting your approach. So, don't be to surprised to find 'oddly' faced runways that point into breaks in the hillsides...you can 'thread the needle' -hopefully- without splattering yourself on the wall. Mostly the problem is with the larger, less manuberable and 'underpower' bomber-types (Beagle, Brewers,) even though I've seen it with some of the lower performance fighters (Flashlight) so if all goes well, mid-week I'm shooting for. Depending on my "distractions" -- meaning I keep finding aircraft that need fixing to 10/08 standards, and have to stop to take care them. Wrench kevin stein ps: WDH, you know, that's the ONE thing I haven't tested!!!!
  21. Canadair: sorry, I forgot to answer your question. No, it's not in the data ini, but in the MAIN ini (ie: AmericaNW.ini or EAWEuro.ini) If you have the FE expansion pak, look at the Cambari.ini.... BTW, you all DO know that post-patch, ALL the terrains will work in FE, as long as one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ are also present in the main /Terrain folder, right?? Wrench kevin stein
  22. Dude, you're decal "problem" on the Sabre's has already been answered, in some detail elsewhere. Why keep bringing it up?? Again.... YOU DON'T NEED THE OTHER PATCHES WITH THE NEWEST ONE....HENCE TK STATING "ALL INCLUSIVE, AND UP TO DATE, WITH ALL PREVIOUS PATCHES INCLUDED You don't like the new borts? Well, in case you haven't noticed, there's a whole set of 'old style' Blue Borts in the downloads section, under Templates/Decals. I should know, I made them a year & half ago. You don't like 'something' in the new patches, don't install 'em. Plane and simple. Wrench kevin stein
  23. MiG-19S WIP

    Yes, TK will be issuing his own MiG-15, along with the P-51 and Meteor (albeit not sure which mark, as there were like 5 variants: F.3, F.4, F.8, NF-13 & NF-14) used in-theatre by the various nations -- many at the same time! Wrench kevin stein ps: kuko, you get the books at the link I posted?
  24. It was, and probably still is, avialbe in the Iran/Iraq total conversion mod. Should be in the /Campaigns downloads section. Mind you, it's EXTREALMY outdated; all the aircraft, ground objects, weapons, etc need rebuilds to the current standards. The terrain has been 'in the shop' for about 18 month, getting a complet overhaul. However, it need a complete retiling, as a lot of the Iranian stuff is 'misplaced' (geographicly). Teheran, Teheran airport (meaning all the city tiles and exclusion zones) need moving, and there's plenty of room on the map to properly place the Caspain Sea. Targets are 95% complete, with literaly HUNDREDS of new and exciting things to see and blow the crap out of. Completly rebuilt targets, types, movements, etc ini. But...I need someone that can correct the tiling. One of the few things I can' t do... WRench kevin stein
  25. Whilst fiddling with the EAW Euro, this is the problem I described in the "ANW 4 Seasons" thread.... Does this on all seasons of this terrain. I've adjusted the Height line for the coastal/river tiles from the stock "2" to "20", even repainted the HM fully white. The only thing that helps is commenting out the WaterEffects line in the data ini. Very odd stuff, I must say. I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't a TFD or HFD problem??? but, on a lighter note, I WAS able to import Brain32/CA_Stary's trees from GermanyCE.... the hard part is figuring out which germany tiles have what or ARE what (mountian, slopes, etc.) I got it kinda close So, any idears as the flooding?? And don't say Global Warming or the dykes are leaking!!! I should also mention that NEW tga's were created for the coastal, river tiles. Ain't nothing to create an alpha channel, and repaint it. Just like working with nose art, or any other decal. WRench kevin stein

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