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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Fox is an EXTREAMLY cool guy! Chuck: ck pm .. I found his email addy from the original release notes. I'm shooting it over to ya. Don't know if it's still valid or not, but worth a try! And avoids the obvious "issues" that may develop (right Don??!!) Wrench kevin stein
  2. Holly s**t!!!! That was a pure shot-in-the-dark on my part!!! The Gerry Anderson shows were the only thing I could think of that had aircraft of any type that were both shown here and in the UK Dude! That is soo cool. Methinks we'll be needed a new female pilot figure, though. As I recall, all the pilots were women. Now, about the flying launch platform/base..... Mannie: 4-5 years ago, bpao showed us some VEEEERRRYYY early work on the T-65s and Tie Fighter (as opposed to T/I, T/B, T/A, etc) Wrench kevin stein
  3. You can make 'damage tags' quite easily...I've done quite a few. The harder part would be the 'damage bmp' that now in the patched versions. And like Juls said, building the damage parts into the model (like TMFs mirages) would probably be a lot more work. Bullet holes ain't nothing. Wrench kevin stein
  4. Fox passed the SuE to the Dev A-Team for 'finishing' and release, you might want to shoot Capun a line. Or post the question over at the DAT site Wrench kevin stein
  5. Ok, so that statement would rule out movies...so there goes my guess at a Z-95 Headhunter!!! That leaves TV shows.....what would have played in the UK that might have been seen here in the States???? hhhmmm.... the shape shown is probably to throw us off.... Ah!!! Angel ships from Captain Scarlet!!...but they used missiles and cannon (IIRC) Dare I think of the modifed F.6 Lightnings used in "Wing Commander"????....nope, that was a movie. Drat!!! (uummmm Saffron Burrows....) Well, I'm content to wait to see what Russo got up his sleeve. Considering he's in Cardiff; with it's know time-space rift, it could be anything!!! Wrench kevin stein
  6. OH, you all know this is just TOO good an opportunity to pass up..... You mean this kind? Wrench kevin stein
  7. GOOD for you!!! Maybe the Italians were surrendering? Had a yen for Yankee pot roast???? Might be a campaign fault...someone lost a battle somewhere, and you base "belong to us now"?????? The North Africa terrain may be going into The Factory for an overhaul...."somebody" asked me if it could be Modernized.... be nice to add more airbases in Greece and Turkey......but it'll need a s**t-load of work, because of airfield placements too close to mountians on Crete...... Wrench kevin stein
  8. Viggen: you know you can just turn off the display with a simple keystroke??? Post patch it's defalut Alt/D. Wrench kevin stein
  9. Just a stupid question.... are those Flak units INSIDE the terrain folder???? And NOT in seperate folders in the GO folder??? This used to be a problem with the early versions of the WW2 terrains. We had to create new folders for each, create the new style GO ini (with the objectname=), move all the lods and bmps and tgas into them. BTW, this never has happened to me. Another thing to check is the "NationName=" line for the 40mm Flak ... make sure it's set to "Nazi_Germany", and you have the correct WW2 nations ini in the flight folder. Also might want to double check the targets ini for all the airbasses, cross checking with the types ini to make sure the listing are correct and /or just using the generic "AAA" tag EDIT: looking at the codepiece you posted, one of the other problems on ALL the wW2 terrains is too many squadrons on an airfield. Runway 3 (the small dirt strip) can only handle 1. You'll need to edit them -- ALL of them. Also, DO NOT USE THE NEW POST PATCH DESERT AIRFIELD INIS!!!! -- they place parked planes on top/insides/next to and in various places where they don't belong. The 'terrain object' statics will all have to be removed or you'll need to revert back to pre-patch airfield ini. Easy enough to do...just use the ones that came with the terrains. REmoving them reqires a little (read: lot more work). There is, howeve a shortcut. Locate the lods for the varous parked staticks, and rename them by adding a "X" in front ie: "xBeaufighter.LOD". BUT.... that creates OTHER problems, as the Game Engine ™ will populate the bases with whatever it wants, irregardless of 'proper' time frame, etc. Wrench kevin stein
  10. File Name: Isreal2 ver 2.5 by Gepard File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 10 Oct 2008 File Category: Terrains Isreal 2 Terrain Upgrade for WoI -- Version 2.5 This update/rebuild is designed to REPLACE the one I released in March, 2008. This is an extensive expansion of Gepard's "Isreal 2" full-scale map he made several years ago for Strike Fighters. What this will do, is allow its usage in WoI (or any of the other games, for that matter). There has also been a massive 'cleanup' of several of the additonal airfields as originally issued. I've removed, for the most part, all but one runway where there were mulitples. Several new items have been added to the types ini, allowing the 1948-1967 timeframe for Historical missions and Campaigns in the Middle East region. This IS the full terrain =complete with tiles, tods, hm bmps in short, everything needed to correct pre-patch errors, and is designed to replace to earlier version, dated March 2008. This is updated to the latest standards, post 8/28/08 patch for WoI and WoV/WoE. This build repairs the sinking into the terrain, odd elevations and other funny business. Those still using SF will not benefit from this upgrade, and will not get the game generated parked aircraft. It has been extensively upgraded, with new movement, targets and types ins. Water effects are active, so Vista users take note...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users" below. Contraindicated: post-patch, the water effects for Vista users seem to be working. It is reccomended (read: REQUIRED) that you have Pasko's SAMs and Vehicles Pak installed in your GroundObject folder; expecially the Desert skinned vehicles, plus any additional vehicles such as Kesselbrut's ZIL truck pak, Infantry paks, Moonjumper's fix for the BM-14-16 (adds working Kytusha rockets) and any other SAMS or AAA, vehicles or whatever strikes your fancy. The SAMs are pretty important, as there are several batteries that call out for the SA-3 specifically, and the stock in-game SA-2s along the "SAM Fence" at the Suez Canal (although, they should be outside the historical year range I've designed it for this; call it a "backdated map"). As such, this map should be usable in the timeframes of 1948-2050. Please note: the ground objects included in the March 2008 build are NOT included with this version. It is designed to use either the Bunyap or Mirage Factory Weapons Pak; some of the names for the IDF air defenses (ie: the HAWKs and their associated radars) and their 'arranements', are taken from Nick Bell's 'NATO Air Defense Mod'; these are the names used for the 2 HAWK radars. As stated above, it is =specifically= designed for use with Wings Over Isreal. It has -also- been tested in SF, WoE and WoV, but to have the proper feel, use it in WoI only. Remember: this terrain IS designed with the 1948-1966 timeframe in mind; although there ARE many target areas still active for later years (ie: Canal SAM Fence, possibly the Cyprus airfields), but the WoI IsraelME terrain works best for 1967 and later years. As it was designed to. As always, there's an extensive, highly detailed readme with step-by-step instructions. You all should know what to do by this point. A (hopefully) full listing of contributors is in the readme...with my thanks for all their help. Happy Landings!!! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  11. Tested: yes Actually redesigned for: not really (this version, that is) Having said that, I'd reccomend downloading the ORIGINAL version (it's here in /Terrain section, you'll just have to hunt for it) THEN install this DIRECTLY over the original, letting anything that wants to overwrite. It looks like you may be missing some tiles (flugplatz??), or are running an ATI card. We've had this before with them. Wrench kevin stein
  12. Any decent imaging program can do that: Photoshop, PaintShopPro, even Gimp (which is freeware--and suggested for those just getting started) Failing that, replace the known troublesome ATI card with an Nvidia (Gimp is MUCH cheaper!!! ) Wrench kevin stein
  13. Don't forget Marcfighter's as well. Wrench kevin stein
  14. Yah, the pit itself was never released. I had it's original, stand alone, as a DAT member. It does, however, come as the cockpit for the Dev A-Teams HAL Marut. and easilty adpated for use on Pasko's Shooting Star and/or T-Bird. (although I'v not see blackbirds mod thereof -- my T33 uses using the F-80 pit). Just laziness on my part! Wrench kevin stein
  15. Ground structures

    Looks good. Can you give us a closer shot, using the free camera view?? Also, it looks like it's crossing a river...is there a bridge there or just the tracks going over?? (as I may have a railbridge) Wrench kevin stein
  16. Yorkshire Air Museum

    You gotta love Hunters!! Look how smooth that shape is!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Wrench kevin stein
  17. Guess I better find that hangar screen for ya, huh Timmy??? Wrench kevin stein
  18. Well, to put it simply, and not to point fingers (C5 will do that for me)....the problems are aircraft data ini and in some case, models (or lod related) I've had dozens of instances where the AI (and myself -now, I must admit I AM a bit of a yank and bank prop pilot- ) simply fall out of the sky. Or, as many have noted, wandering around the ground forever not taking off, or simply exploding on runway. To be fair, the "Driving Miss Daisy Diesase" and 'exploding for no adquatly explained reason' has been with us on several planes all the back to some of the first WW2 offerings for SF. But several new problems have become evident...we have aircraft that not only wont take off, but now they "pull" (mechanics term) so hard to the left, they cruise right into buildings and such. And I know it's not torque modeling, as US planes torque was always to ther right I can under stand 109s being a bitch to land and take off, what with their narrow gear track, but having them swap end-for-end it something I've never read about. I sure don't expect an instantenous 9g pull on Mustang or Spitfire, but I DO expect them to be somewhat stable, and controlable. I don't want to be fighting MY aircraft, as well as the enemy's Until someone with a greater knowledge of FMs step in and explains it to me, everything I've ever read in over 40 years of collecting and reading aviation history books, and specific aircraft books, tells me I should be able to throw these things around the sky until the cows come home, the wings come off, or General Aerodynamics catches to me and I run out of flying speed (given the limitations of the game, my own skills and how the model was built). Simply put, every single one of the flight models of every single WW2 aircraft needs a complete and utter overhaul. There are NO excpetions!!! Now, I don't expect some to get done, ever, unless by an outsider, as 2 of our WW2 Builders aren't in the community anymore. As for the others...and I do know Real Life ™ takes precedence...I've seen no desire to even try to get them to have some semblance of coherency. Even after reporting directly to "The Manufactuer". So, is essence, patching your WW2 install makes little or no sense. The advantages are heavily outweighed by the disadvantages. The upgrades in avionics contributes nothing to aircraft with no radar; the parked planes create other issues at the ww2 airbases (meaning: they all would need rebuilds to remove the parked statics). There are enough problems with so many aircraft, even pre-patch, that adding the 9/08 patch is just pouring gasoline on the fire. Obviously, this IS just my opinon, but based on a lot of time spent simply looking for a fix. And I do have a single, all inclusive WoI -WW2 install ...with every WW2 plane out there in it, and the terrains (albeit not updated). I can pretty much state categoricly, that half a dozen or less of these aircraft I consider 'OK' to fly. (not including bombers, since they should only be AI anyway -- this is a Tactical aviation game, not a Strategic simulator.) The main point is: don't expect the people that released these aircraft to attempt to fix them. This is the impression I've gotten over the last coupla years. Even before the patch. Heck: are you pointing to the IsrealME.cat??? Try moving the desert or germanyce or vietnamsea terrain folders over, and point to one of their cats, see if the "sunk in the ground" issue vanishes. Just as a test, mind you If it's still there (at whichever field), it's a BoB terrain fault, probaly an 'unflattened' airfield Wrench kevin stein (btw, the changing the minus sign in the steerable tailwheels don't always work. In fact, it 98.6% of the time, it don't.
  19. Please, post it in you native tounge; we've got enough speaker of various languages we can get it translated better. Also, just to clarify, you ARE using the latest weapons editor, should be dated 2/20/08. Wrench kevin stein
  20. Here's an even better idea....and this is ABSOLUTELY no slight to cmprnt's excellent work... Plot the center position of the QRA sheds, and add them to ***_airfiled ini, in the parking slots section. Did this for some of the DBS airfields, to get planes in the HAS along the edge. Now, since the percentages are low, you might need to bump them up a few percent Extract the airfield inis , and you'll see what mean. Wrench kevin stein
  21. As long as Kess said it's ok...that's good enough for me!!! Daniel's been very cool about such things (like my jet cockpit mods from his Spit and Beaufighter pits). So, we're going to leave this alone, and let everyone enjoy it!!! Any problems that might arise, we'll deal with later WRench kevinstein
  22. Footage or not?

    They're 'shopped. Look at the contrails....totally wrong illumination. Look at the sky ... possibly late twilight/early evening; wrong sun angle on the moon/aircraft on the 2nd one, looking at the moon angle, more of the underside of the 747 would be illuminated. When I've seen real aircraft fly across the face of the real Moon, it's usually in siloute, as the 'moon glow' would washout the aircraft, and the contrails usually appear as shadows. They ARE pretty, nonetheless! I've taken pictures like this, a long time ago. Wish I could them....they were sooooo blurry!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  23. Which cat is being pointed to in the BoB.ini??? I've that crash lots of times...it usually means a ground object is missing or a mission type not supported by the terrain or aircraft. Which aircraft? What type of mission? Also, pre-patch or post 9/08 patch? Remember the most important rule for WW2 installs: DO NOT PATCH YOUR WW2 INSTALLS -- YOU'LL PORK ALL PROP JOBS!!!! Let us know, and I'll try to duplicate it. Wrench kevin stein
  24. Came down fine for me. Unzipped with no problems, either. BTW, not to be a dick or rain on the parade, but there's been a cockpit for the B-57s since Feb, 05 http://wrench1smog.com/zips2/canberra_cockpit.zip used to be here a CA, too....wonder where it went..can't find it in /cockpits section!!! Also, did you all check with Kesselbrut and Dev A-Team before uploading....since Capun & Company handle Kess's more recent releases? And the F-80C pit WAS originally released thru the DAT site. Which means "memberware", and NOT shareable. (which means Blackbird's mod is also slightly on the illeagel side...) To the best of my knowledge, there was NEVER a general release of Kess's Shooting Star pit. Please, double check with whomever/where ever it came from originally, and let us know the results. Just trying to head off any ugliness that's bound to appear...and you KNOW it will!! Wrench kevin stein
  25. When Major Lee started the project for DBS 2, we had our own seperate forum, where a lot of VERY cool stuff made by some VERY talented people made its appearences. Well, I'm reworking the original DBS, adding some new targets, fixing the post-patch terrain issues, and such like. I've even gotten "someone" to volenteer to make a new campaign for it. For those 'concerned', YES, there ARE easter eggs. Wadda expect? ... I have a reputation to uphold! And they will show up as "stargetic targets" for Soviet strike missions What I'd like to know, is if those items shown in Secret Forum are at a finished, or nearly finished state where they can be used to enhance the eye candy for this upgrade. If you ground object/terrain objects are complete, or nearly complete, I'd very much like to include them. Please PM me with what you've got, whate state it's in, and if you want me to include it. Wrench kevin stein note to ErikGen: your "items" will be included, I'm just waiting for one to be 'fixed', so it fires and tracks.

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