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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. The is a question that most definately needs to be asked DIRECTLY to TK over at his 3rdWire Forums Wrench kevin stein
  2. Yup, sho' nuff. Just like the F-100 'Rehab' guys used and I did to remove the radio antenna wire off the CAF Peashooter. Not hard at all. (well, finding the correct mesh name would be the actual hard part -- but with the supplied OUT file, I think it'll be almost too easy Wrench kevin stein
  3. look in you main /objects folder, see if the "AIRCRAFTOBJECT.INI" is sitting in there. If so, delete it. Wrench kevin stein
  4. Yup, got the link today for the corrected map/tiles, etc, so my next move is to double check and place and/or re-place all the 200 odd target areas. Wrench kevin stein
  5. Oh, Harold, you KNOW I can't resist that one... I'm the guy on right, in case anyone is wondering. Wrench kevin stein
  6. Sho' nuff.... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=1494 Did you read the blub describing the download??? Can't get much simpler than that! Why'd you think the file size in 87 megs?? Wrench kevin stein btw: that whole terrain is going to completely and utterly replaced, so that mod will need some serious updating, hopefully, before the 1st of New Year W
  7. It's a stock decal, hiding in the objects.cat. There should be 100 of them. I (guess!) all you'd need to do is give a pointer in the decals ini, and they should show up. Theoreticly, ones could be made, following the same format for the 'bad guys'. And probably stored in the games main /Decals folder in the /Objects folder and pointed there. Something for the Mig drivers to think about. What they would/could/should use for the 'symbol' is whatever they want Wrench kevin stein
  8. I hope that's for the -5P. It would be the ONLY one with drop tanks. Standard Panthers weren't wired for them. Hence, they being missing from the data and loadout inis. At least, according the the Detail and Scale book, with is structrial diagrams of the wings. (which I poured over page by page to work on that upgrade). Only ones the -3, -4, -5s had were the internal tanks, and the wingtips Wrench kevin stein
  9. Which plane, Jug? They're working for me. check the decals ini, and see if it has a pointer for the killmarks Below is frm the F-4E's Should be something similiar for the others. (excepting the commies....they don't get any which really means, no one's actually plotted the positions out on the various and sundry MiGs. Nor is are there any -stock- kill marks for bad gusy. I DO remember someone releasing Arab one for WoI) Wrench kevin stein
  10. Rhubarb experimentating with CA_Stary/Brain32's trees TODs on the EAWEuro WW2 map...need more work Wrench kevin stein
  11. File Name: Douglas A-24 Banshee File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 Nov 2008 File Category: Allied Bombers Douglas A-24 "Banshee" Light Attack/Dive Bomber This is a mod of Wolf257's SBD 'Dauntless' dive-bomber into the A-24 "Banshee" as used by the US Army Air Force, circa 1942 in the SouthWest Pacific/New Guinea region This is to be considered as an "incomplete" aircraft mod, due to the non-inclusion of certain files. I've NOT included the aircraft LOD file, as per Wolf's wishes . See below "To Install" for a complete list of the necessary parts. The cockpit IS included, however. You -MUST- have the SBD to make use of this aircraft, as you'll be coping files over from it. The new skin, from a completly redrawn template, represents aircraft from the 8th Bomb Squadron, as seen in and around Port Moresby circa mid-1942. Serial numbers are suppled for 24 aircraft; these are 100% accurate AAF serials as used on Banshees, but I claim no accuracy as to if any of them were on the 8th's aircraft. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, it is NOT reccomended for use in a post 8/08 or 10/08 patch environment, as the flight model will probably be a little 'squiffy' = = This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package. = As ususal, there's detailed readme with the install instructions. Read it or weep Good LUCK and Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  12. Douglas A-24 Banshee



    Douglas A-24 "Banshee" Light Attack/Dive Bomber This is a mod of Wolf257's SBD 'Dauntless' dive-bomber into the A-24 "Banshee" as used by the US Army Air Force, circa 1942 in the SouthWest Pacific/New Guinea region This is to be considered as an "incomplete" aircraft mod, due to the non-inclusion of certain files. I've NOT included the aircraft LOD file, as per Wolf's wishes . See below "To Install" for a complete list of the necessary parts. The cockpit IS included, however. You -MUST- have the SBD to make use of this aircraft, as you'll be coping files over from it. The new skin, from a completly redrawn template, represents aircraft from the 8th Bomb Squadron, as seen in and around Port Moresby circa mid-1942. Serial numbers are suppled for 24 aircraft; these are 100% accurate AAF serials as used on Banshees, but I claim no accuracy as to if any of them were on the 8th's aircraft. = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, it is NOT reccomended for use in a post 8/08 or 10/08 patch environment, as the flight model will probably be a little 'squiffy' = = This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package. = As ususal, there's detailed readme with the install instructions. Read it or weep Good LUCK and Good Hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  13. Yah, I just d/led and looked at it. (shakes head) That REALLLY is a butt-ugly burd!!! You could, theoretically, copy the wing section of the bmp, repaint it, redraw the panel/fabric lines, and then create a decal out of that. Size-wise, I'd have to guess it would need to be at LEAST as large as that section on the skin map, in a 1:1 ratio. It'll be one hell of large decal, that for sure -- probably in the 3-4 meg range with the alpha. Don't have a clue as to what you could do with the horizontal stab or lower fueslage...minimal re-painting of skin maybe? Wrench kevin stein
  14. If you use a decal, you'll loose all the detail on the wing. It'll cover everything. Out of curisosity, why can't the lower wing be painted? Mapping issue? Shouldn't be a problem, Capun usually splilts the upper/lower sections on the t bmp. I look at it when I can find some time (and after d/ling it) Wrench kevin stein
  15. As to the Panther, you might want to look for the update I did a few months ago....a lot of things are already fixed. Might save you some work http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6897 as to the file format, it's been that way since at least '06 (patch4??) you need to add the aircraftfoldername/aircraftskinfoldername/decalsfolder/decalname as to NOT having numbers, double check the decal level= has to be "2" for ID or modex numbers; and you've probably run past the end. A lot of early aircraft have a very miniumum number (sometimes 12 or less). Try renaming the 'numbers.lst' to "xnumbers.lst", should force the Game Engine ™ to cycle back to the first one. Make sure you HAVE enough numbers -- there's a lot (and I mean several dozen) skinsets that don't have enough numbers, or only ONE serial/buzz number/modex number decal, or are numbered incorrectly (the Sabres are good example -- their serial and buzz numbers start with 001, and you'll find an extra one without a number; rename that to ***000.tga and cylce normaly. Wrench kevin stein
  16. Moved to a more proper Forum.. ------------------------------------------- First question: unpatched or post patch? (meaning 9/08 or 10/08 patch) Which game specifically? You mention SFP1, is this where you're flying it? If post patch, well....you're gonna have problems with ALL prop jobs, as they ALL need their flight models rebult. Not having spent too much time in the Fang in my unpatched version, I'll have to say "I don't know, as I don't recal seeing this" Sounds like maybe a CG issue? Or perhaps something with the min/max extent point or collision points in the LOD, but I am TOTALLY guessing! One, could for experimental purposes only, replace all the FM data in the La-11's data ini with that from the FW-190A (as they are fairly close in performance and physical size) --after backing up the original data ini of course (a MUST!!), and see what happens. Wrench kevin stein
  17. Don't feel bad...I yell at EVERYBODY, so you're in good company. In single missions, the game WILL generate random aircraft, from (basically) whenever they were available. This is usually because the "Exported=" line in the various and sundy Migs/Sus, etc ***_data.ini is set the TRUE. Which mean it's very likely to encounter anything from MiG-15 to Su-27s (well, depending on their incept dates of course) with the random, game generated missions. The only Real and True Ways © to avoid this are: 1) create nation specifc aircraft for the varying models. With NO exportatio -- very difficult, given the proclivity of exported MiGs (or other nation built versions/users -PRC, Paki, Poland, Czech, etc, etc, and of course, etc). And even this is no garuntee (sp?) 2) create 'user built' mission that ONLY specify certain makes and models at least, to the best of my knowledge. Wrench kevin stein
  18. Inspiration

    I'm with Syrinx...I was this >< close to dropping Battle of Britan in the machine today...just wish on this latest US version, they hadn't changed the closing/end titles music. My soundtrack CD has both the released, and unused scores. As for 633, gotta love Ron Goodwin's score... now, if I could only find the last 4 books in the series...... Wrench kevin stein
  19. The question is mis-stated, but the intent is obvious... The question should be: "How do I remove an aircraft from my game install, but not delete it, as I wish to add a different version to test the new LODs?" easiest, simplest way would just be to rename the aircraft's folder so it and the main ini don't match. For example, we'll use the stock 3W MiG-19S your folder would become: zMiG-19S that drop it down to the bottom of the folder list, but dosen't DELETE it. And removes it from the Game Engine's ™ sight. a secondary way, would be to RENAME the folder and main ini to "MiG-19S_3W". Inside the main ini, you'd add a suffix to the "AircraftFullName=" to become: AircraftFullName=MiG-19S Farmer-C (3W) so in game, the drop down would display the "MiG-19S Farmer-C (3W) so you know it's the stock one (this is how I diferentiated the TMF Fishbed C from the stock 3rdWire Fishbed C (21F-13) Also, in the "new" version, you can do the same, but say use "BB" as the suffix for "Blackbird" Nothing to it really. Oh, and it IS covered in the KB, just not in a place where you'd expect it to be. It's mentioned several times in the Bunyap Weapons Fixes Thread; again, to diferentiate between "stock" 3rdWire units and "Third Party" units (in particular, the various Floggers) Wrench kevin stein
  20. Just realized I didn't have it loaded either! (which would explain why they just sat there like dummies...) Found it in HMS Repulse's readme... Wrench kevin stein
  21. One thing you should Never, EVER touch, are the service dates in the aircraft's data ini. They reflect the actual, Real World ™ active time frame of the aircraft in question. Anyone that says different, is purely full of it. The problem, expecially with WoV, is the start and end dates of the game itself. And they'll need adjusting. I don't suppose you've looked in the Knowledge Base for the "How to Change the Beginning and Ending of Time" post?? If not, you'll find it at the link below: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=27492 That should fix you right up. Wrench kevin stein
  22. That truck on the top row, center, with the pole sticking over the front, wouldn't happen to be a Japanese starter truck, would it??? Hmm....B-10s in NEIAF colors...escorted by the NEI Hawk 75s....some disticnt possibilities here, not just for the China map... Also, when these arrive, open the possibilites for mid-30s "War Plan Orange" scenarios. We'll just need the Lex and Sara (along with a few Grumman Barrels fighters...) Wrench kevin stein
  23. "8 hours: bottle to brief" Are the aircraft actually colliding with each other, or just exploding* on the runway??? All aircraft, or just "specific" ones?? Which terrains? Do you have the cat pointer in the terrains main ini pointing to the proper cat?? Do you have the WW2Nations.ini in your /Flight folder (this is a MAJOR cause of issues)?? Like FC said, if you're in 9/08 or 10/08 patched, you're hosed. Use an unpatched version *=meaning, hop left and right, up and down, bounce into the air, spin around on their tails, and explode -- I ain't kidding! That's exactly what happens. Wish I could figure out a video capture program, and actually show a movie of it. Wrench kevin stein
  24. That's a good start, jtin. A little close to "The Wall" maybe... what's needed is water where South Bend is. Center, lower portion of map. Some rivers; one in the canyon/gorge just nortf of (ha!) North Fork, following the terrain towards Salmon River (duh!) oil filds. I'll work an image of what I'd envisioned, and post it in the Mods & Skinning Forum Wrench kevin stein
  25. File Name: P-26 Peashooter, Chinese Air Force File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 5 Nov 2008 File Category: Allied Fighters P-26 Peashooter, Chinese Air Force, mod for SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO installs == For Pre-Patch (9/08-10/08) Installs -ONLY!!! == This is a slight rebuild, in a major sense, of Bunyap's P-26 Peashooter, as used by the Chinese Air Force in the late 1930s. It is a complete aircraft mod, with all the bits needed to just unzip, install and fly away. It is a 'nation-specific' aircraft, and will not conflict with any other versions of P-26 you may have in your game installs. There are 2 version of the data ini included with this; one (called ori-P-26A_DATA.ini) is the original as issued (with my lighting modifications as seen in a few other Peashooter mods). The other, set to use right now, has had it's FM parameters 'adjusted' to something that seems a LOT closer to how the aircraft should be (More in the "Notes" section below). Lighting is the same for both. Brand new, "only-available-in-this-mod" nation specific Hangar and Loading screens are included. A new 'natural metal' skin, based on Bunyap's templates, and new ID number decals for 18 aircraft are also included. The cockpit, created by CA_Stary is included. The only mod to his pit is a I added my 'ring-and-bead' gunsight (nestled quite comfortably inside the telescope tube). Full, detailed instructions are below in the "To Installate" section. Along with the usual notes, comments and general foolishness.... --YOU MUST HAVE THE BUNYAP WEAPONS PACK TO GET THE WW2 WEAPONS!! -- - This mod is designed to work ONLY in pre/unpatched installs -those that pre-date the 9/08 & 10/08 units. If you install this mod to a post-patched game install, you do so at your own risk. Prop Flight Models are still a little "iffy" Post-Patch, and it is NOT reccomended you use this as such. - As you'd expect, there's a fully detailed readme enclosed with all the necessary instructions for installing and so forth. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin stein Click here to download this file

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