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Everything posted by Wrench

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  3. having the MAX files would be the most important thing, yes? Don't know if they even still exist. Crusader or Sundowner might know. Then, there's getting someone to ACTUALLY re-work them in MAX. Not a lot of cockpit gurus around
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  5. Super DC 3, Nice! just saying, the only other transport we're missing is the C-124. Just saying ....
  6. That'll make Gepard happy!!!
  7. me neither. allen, you crack me up, brother!!!
  8. I've got a skin I'm doing for an Air National Guard squadron. The unit operated the F-4C from 1976 to 1987. The VERY few images of the unit that I've been able to find, show their aircraft in ADC gray first, then 3-tone, then to 2 tone (maybe 3?) tone grays. I'd thought that by 76, everyone had gone to the SEA camo, excepting some units only based the "48 state". anybody have a link to references, or a site or whatever that I can research? Also, I know the 3w Phantoms are all mapped (pretty much) identical, and these birds had slimers on the fuselage and tail. Can I use Sundowners templates (E) for the C??? Otherwise, I'm using the stock 512x skin maps
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  10. thanks guys! I think I"m going to stick to the SEA 3-tone for the full years span. Since doing each of the paint jobs is just unfeasable due to game engine limits. Meaning: I'd have to do them that would coincide with each other, causing mass confusion in the game engine and End Users (tm) -who can get confused enough!!!! a special thanks to DaddyAirplanes for the books! They REALLY helped!!
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  12. yes, the 199th. Figured it would be nice to have a local unit for when I finish and upload the modernized Hawaii terrain. (I did they're P-47Ns some months ago in the Jug ANG skin pack, without even realizing it!) Here's the SEA skin, and the new fin flash. the photo (and a profile I didn't download) seems to show overall ADC gray the other shows the SEA 3 tone, with a ANG tail badge, but not the Hawaii flash. I like the full color flash better Got the PM, DA!!! MANY, many thanks for the books!!
  13. THAT:S what threw me off! Ok, Russ, you'll have give that gal a pedicure. (wonder how many polys the toenails are??)
  14. So, I guess this thread should be moved to the proper Fourm, like the SF/Wo* General Discussion?
  15. Rio de La Plata terrains issues

    as soon as you all upload it, I'll get it approved =================== nice Flying Wing!! Has that 'Crimson Skies' look to it.
  16. not that I'm a fashion critic, but I think "regular" shoes would be more appropriate; ya know, for the rudder pedals and stuff
  17. other than the post-war markings, it looks remarkably like the WW2 Desert skin I did in 2014. I DO like the Transport Command decals!!
  18. for an Li-2, maybe?? very nice!!
  19. these will be replacing the old ones (2008-ish?) we already have? Good! we need updated models (and I need to set down a battery on Oahu!!!)
  20. I use chrome too. When I clicked the links, I saw the images looking good!
  21. that'll go very nicely when I finish modernizing the Hawaii terrain.
  22. images not showing up. I know arty is supported ... I figured out how to make it work in 1stGens around 2005.
  23. you can tell it's 1stGen because it still has the flyable F-104

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