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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Glad I remember where this thread was....just patched my 'all is everything' WoE install, and had the controls take s**t me too!!! With nearly 300 aircraft in that ONE install alone.... (wouldn't it be a terrible thing for a moderator to NOT find what he was looking for? ) Had just finished updating the data inis (for the fm changes for about 12-15 different Mig-17 and 19 variants = soon to be released), and applied the updated files from my 'clean' install, updated the bunyappak with the new weapons editor, and found I had the oddest combination of switchologies I've ever seen!!!!! Yup, the old AircraftObject.ini was wacking things things out! My personal thanks to Strom and Drdoyo for troubleshooting this... Wrench kevin stein (one time expert diagnostician!)
  2. as to updating the DBS airfields, they're numbered the same as the stock desert ones, the only real diference is the snowy borders. 2 ways to do this: copy/paste the relevant parking entries into the DBS_airfield**.inis, they'd be inserted between the TaxiTail and DRM sets or extract the airfield ini, and rename them to match to DBS conventions. Backing up the originals by rename zDBS_airfield**.ini, of course. ie: desert_airfiled1.ini becomes DBS_airfiled1.ini either way, you'd still need to extract to get the parking positions. For all 6 deset arifields. BTW, people, this DOES work for the airfields on the WW2 maps, excepting you'll have to remove the parking locations (at airfield3) that are in the berm shelters, or you get aircraft trying to mate. Kinky to watch, but odd to see..... If you want lights on runway3, there's a crappy version of that in the Israel2 release from yesturday. Not perfect, but illuminated to degree.... Wrench kevin stein
  3. Yes. You must have the newly updated desert airfields inis, either in the reacharound cat pointer, or directly in the isreal2 terrain folder. SO you'll need to patch the germanyce.cat (you know, patch a clean, no mods install of Woe, then just move the germanyce.cat into the /GermanyCE folder in WoI) It's really easy!! Wrench kevin stein
  4. Just to let everyone know, there IS a easter egg on this map. Although I've personally yet to have had it tasked for a mission. Hamunaptra is in mid-western section, coord are 122603, 297519. Approsx 45 deg short of N from Al Minja. Also, there's a fix I forgot to fix in the targets ini open the Isreal2_targets.ini, and "find" TargetArea208. (EW Radar Station 1) This is the corrected postion: Position=403437,458119 That'll move it off the slope of the hill, and place it on top, on the more flat bits. Not a bit deal,but something that totally slipped my mind last night Wrench kevin
  5. For those that like physical evidence like I do (it's the technician in me...) Here ya go. WoI, desert terrain, newly extracted airfiled inis: I think this is QUITE cool, as it means in ONLY controled via an ini, and NOT one of the myriad dlls. Wrench kevin stein
  6. Yes, they will You can even do that in SF/SFG. Extract all the Desert_airfiled*.inis, drop them into the desert terrain folder. You'll see parked aircraft. Can't remember who found this...but they should get a mention! Wrench kevin stein
  7. So, that worked? Changing base size? I tested the Flashlight before going to bed last, and althought I didn't CTD, the machaine froze. If that's the case, that should do it!!! Anybody hungry? Got some fresh Yak-burgers!!! Wrench kevin stein
  8. Now THAT's an interisting concept! NIcely done!! Wrench kevin stein
  9. Spinner: Dude, where do you think NEW Hunters come from!!! Plane Porn!!! I'm telling Mom!!!! I'd double check the readme if I were you...looks like your missing the runway lods Make sure it pointing to one of the Original 3 Terrain Cats ™ (like is shown in ther "Selecting The Proper Cat" section). Also, make sure the terrain folder for one of the Orignal 3 ™ is in the WoI /Terrain folder. All covered in the readme. the most important section is stated here: Give that a shot and let me know. It's never happend to me excpet when trying to use the IsrealME.cat to answer Canadair question: I have less than no idea!!! No, seriously!!! Wrench kevin stein
  10. Why not just add the BK27 as you're supposed to do??? The gun editor works just fine post 8/08 patch. Just make sure you're runnng it in Win95 compatibility mode. btw, you mentioned the TMF weapons pak...you know that's for WoI ONLY right??? It's not reccomeneded for use in WoE/WoV. There is a WoE version in the works, and it'lll arrive in "2 1/2 weeks", so I been told... In case you don't have it, here's the correct data to add for BK-27 The gun editor works the same as the weapons editor. Just don't be alarmed if the screen look gray (background kinda grays out) If you don't know how to use the weapons editor, there's a really nice tutorial in the Knowledge Base http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=9323 Operations are basically the same, with the exception you'll be opening the "gundata.ini", which should placed in your /Objects folder Wrench kevin stein
  11. Just to let you all know, GermanyCE DOES extend to the alps. All you need to is look at the planning maps.... You want some real deep, winding canyons? You can't go wrong with Major Lee's "America NorthWest" series (aka: ANW) oh, you might want to remember Hard & Fast Rule #1: Neve, NEVER NEVER run executables into your game install....you take the risk of fouling something up. Run them into a temp folder someplace safe, then manually move the files to where they belong. A few seconds more work saves hours of head scratching.... There's a little tutorial in the Knowledge Base about adding terrains: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12230 Read the ENTIRE thread -both posts, as the 2nd post goes into greater detail than the first. Wrench kevin stein
  12. I don't have any problems with my yaks.... any model in particular, or all of them?? Cockpit inis/folder there? weapons listed and mounted?? A little more help here, Sparky!!! Please! Besides, if we put an article in the KB about how to use the Search function, nobody'd read it...like all the other stuff in there..... Wrench kevin stein
  13. The stuff I posted was just to be an example; it weren't the stock Flogger. It was to show the names must match The 800 ltr tank has been missing for a long time. In post-patch WoE, you'll find this entry in the STOCK weaponsdata ini: The physical tanks are stored in the objects.cat, hence your inability to find them. They don't need to be anywhere else. As to mulitplayer, if you want to keep it as simple as possible, use ONLY a 100% PURE stock install. Because, EVERYONE must have the same EVERYTHING - not only weapons, but aircraft and ground objects too. Otherwise, there are problems. You could probably add just those few needed, but keep the mods as small as possible. You have to learn how things work in these games....there are a myriad of tutorials available. PLEASE use them. Wrench Kevin stein
  14. Stock terrain or add on??? ALso, there's already a thread about this very same question, posted by Canadair. We'll merge the 2 threads, as to NOT take up more space.... Wrench kevin stein
  15. Does the name of the fuel tank in the loadout ini, match the fuel tank name on the centerline station in the data ini??? This is off the MF in WoI, but it's pretty much the same (the only reason I'm using WoI as an example, as I've been up to my neck in sand, fixing the Isreal2 map) loadout ini: Also explained somewhere in the WEapons Fixes Threads...but even I don't remember exactly where!! The 'adding Soviet' to the attachment types is metioned several times in several threads that we started right after the patch came out. The "Things You Need to Update" and "Official Patch Thread" And the Apex may require the 'StationSpecificCode=AA-7" added to the data ini. Pull a clean copy of the stock 23's and you'll see what we mean. It may need to be added to the weapon itself, via the editor -make double damn sure it's the SP5/WoI/FE weapons editor!!! Otherwise you'll fry your weaponsdata.ini into little crispy bits. Wrench kevin stein
  16. I'd noticed that too, in the singlemission ini. Old habit.... I guess that means the dates are now totally controlled by the options ini and each aircraft's data ini. Makes the necessity for 'nation-specific' aircraft even more critical, and the "exported True/False" methinks... Wrench kevin stein
  17. NO!!!! That pack is SPECIFICALLY designed ONLY for WoI. Really wouldn't use it if I were you, for WoV/WoE. Unfortunately I don't know where the WoE TMF WepPak will arrive. There is one in the works. BTW: to help with your problems, have you read the Weapons and Loadout Threads I maintain in the Knowledge Base???? There's one of the Bunyap Pak and another for the TMF WoI Pak. I"d really suggest reading BOTH of those all the way through. Link to the BunyapPak Forum: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=18346 Link to WoI TMF pak (albeit needing a few updates): http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26101 Off ya go!!! Wrench kevin stein
  18. The photo-real desert ones???? I've got them archived somewhere....will Deuces allow an upload??? Somewhere around here I should have all his desert repaints...I'll look in the morning wait...you said it was moving with the plane?? That almost sounds like a shader problem. Extract the terrain and water.fx files from the desert cat, drop them in that folder and see what happens (can't hurt, eh??) Also, pull the 'waternormal.bmp' just for good measure Wrench kevin stein
  19. have you adjusted the mission years in the options.ini and singlemission ini??? Just checking, of course... WRench kevin stein
  20. Sorry...TV night...have to keep up with "Ugly Betty" and CSI :yes: Everything on the two maps, ASW and SoCal is working just like it was before the patch. Watching the tanks engage each other at Brownsville (and actually overrunning the Matamores Defense base, but bypassing the arty units!!! -not a good strategy for tankers...) The guns batteries on both side and activly engaging and shooting at each other. On the SoCal map, the same thing...albeit the one border station (The Catamounts at Lake Tahoe) are out of range of the enemy tanks. But at San Deigo, they're doing their thing. So, I don't know what to say Gepard...maybe move the batteries closer together?? Wrench kevin stein
  21. Well, not me!!! Someone, probably back in 04 or 05 mentioned starting work on one. So, I dun up a hangar screen for it. Obviously, it's still looking for a home. Wrench kevin stein
  22. Oh, crap!!! I hope that's not true.... Looks like I'll be moving the ASW terrain into the fully patched install, and testing.. I am NOT rebuilding that terrain again.. Wrench kevin stein
  23. Honestly??? Cause I thought they kinda sucked.... there was a lot of detailing I just plane couldn't figure out (engine intakes/turbine fans). Some one did another skin right after the relase, that was soooo much better! Having seen the Real Aircraft ™ at Castle, well....at least I had some of my photos and lots of reference material to go one. The "Warpaint" on the Vulcan really helped. For a first time, creating off the lined map....well, I ain't so Sundowner! That's for damn sure! WRench kevin stein
  24. Yes, they can. And it's a hell of a lot of work, let me tell you! Expecially where targetization is invloved... BUT...small changes, like the height problems are easily fixed by anyone. Some experimentation is invloved (read: fly a mission to the region wanting to be inspected; see what wrong, edit ini. Repeate seveal hundred times till it's right) Several thread here cover this subject is some detail. Look in the Official Patch Thread, and Things You Need To Update Threads. Most of the stuff should be in there. Wrench kevin stein
  25. Changing the colors of the letters is pretty easy -- Iv'e done this countless times for just regular numbers. You'll have to extract all the RAF letters from either the object cat, or the main decals folder (don't remember where they are), and create a new /D subfolder in the 8Sqdn skin folder. Put the extracted decals in there. Open them in you imaging/paint program (I use photoshop - other progams should be similiar). With "Channels" tab selected, you'll have the 3 RGB sections, and the Alpha. Selecting the RGB, you'll use the paint bucket or flood tool to fill that section with black. This leaves the Alpha layer intact, to show the black letter through it. Then all you'll need to do is rewrite the path in the decals ini, specifing the 8Sqdn skin folder FilenameFormat=HunterFGA9/8Sqdn/D/RAF_letter sumpting like that should do. That way, you don't have to rename all the tgas. Yah, I'm lazy! Wrench kevin stein EDIT: opppsy.. .you said white letters. Use 15 -20% gray. that'll make them look a little faded

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