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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Look at you loadout ini...the names are all wrong. Those are the Bunyap designations, which are the Real Life ™ Soviet/WarPac names. The TMF pack uses the NATO style naming conventions (ie: AA-2, AA-27, etc) All your other answer can probably be found in the knowledge base. Do spend some time there; you'll find it very worth it. Wrench kevin stein
  2. Ed, you TOTALLY crack me up!!! You just one-upped C5!!! taco: Get into the Knowledge Base, ALL youre weapons questions have been answered, and I even tell you what to do, and HOW to do, and what to do it too!! BTW, we've discoverd that it's really not too good an idea to merge the 2 weapons packs; causes lots of duplications and etc. Bpao posted (in another thread) the Mirage Factory WepPak is designed as a historical addition to WOI =ONLY=. If you need other weapons, they will have to be imported manually (for example, F-86 drop tanks or things similiar) So, haul it up there, and start reading. Wrench kevin stein
  3. Who Did It?

    Pay it forward baby!! btw, Dave, weren't you going to send me that extra copy of LOMAC???? To whomever did such a good deed...blessing on you and yours forever! Good job! Wrench kevin stein
  4. Front line, IIRC, should look something like this: Can't remember the name of that damn island north of Hokkido -- Kamchatka?? although, I belive the 'incursion' into Manchuria may have been deeper. Still, you can have bases in mainland China to strike the Home Islands with 29s (as is historical -google 'Raid on Yawata Steel Works'), 17 and 24 as well. Tactical bombers (A-20, A-26, B-25, -no Marauders since we ain't got one and pretty sure they were all sent to ETO anyway- P2Vs from the Aleutians {also historical}) and fighters both at Iwo and China to hit Korean and HI targets. You could even add B-35s, if you wanted to go that far! Just some ideeers BTW, I LIKE it!! Wrench kevin stein
  5. That was actually Dave's advice to me, I'm just passing it along! (for those just joining in, you reduce the transparancy in the image layer DOWN to 85% -- NOT to 15%, otherwise it'll be indivisible. IE: REDUCE it by 15%, makes it have a more painted on look) Them skins are coming along nicely! Did you get the JG, NJG, StG, ZJG (?) squadron marking from SimmersPaintShop? Save you butt-load of work!!! Wrench kevin stein
  6. That Phantom skin DO look good over it's home turf!!! (Thanks, Ant!!!) Nice terrain too, ansons!!! Haven't explored it too much yet, but I'm liking it!!! Wrench kevin stein
  7. Objects.cat ---> Insignia005 (insignia names {ok, number} match the Nation's number in the Nations.ini) Wrench kevin stein edit PS:, c'mom Chuck, I'm an ex-auto mechanic. We LIVE for shortcuts!!! Expecially when you were getting paid ONLY on commission!!
  8. First off, loose the attitude...that first post is enough to cause serious doubts. If you're looking for "cool, futuristic sexy looking planes", maybe Ace Combat is more to your liking?? There are some "issues" with post -1980s aircraft in their avionices, and these ARE being addressed. The second post it MUCH better, a lot more civilized. Since you're new the genre, and this particular series, why don't you have a browse around in the Knowledge Base; you know that forum just above, right below the File Announcements? We created it for everyone, noobs and Old Hands. Start at the beginning...read every single post in there (there WILL be test). You wanna fly MiGs? That's all answered either in there, or somewhere else in these forums. MiG cockpits are readily avialable....you've just not found them. Browse through ALL the SF/Wo* downloads sections. You might be amazed at what you find. You'll also want to read the manual that came with WoI. You'll find it's a PDF file, in a folder called (oddly enough) /Maunal. READ IT!!!! Of course, you may need to download Adobe PDF reader, but it's free, and VERY usefull for other things. Browse through ALL the SF/Wo* Forums here...not just the most recent posts, but the older, eariler ones. You'll find a wealth of knowledge in them as well. Learn HOW to read a "readme" file, that little text file that (hopefully) comes with most downloads. Follow the instructions therein to the letter. Do all this, and THEN if you have questions, post in the appropriate Forum. Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. Dosen't anyone bother to read the manual anymore?? Or look in all the other little tabs on the mainscreen?? Options --> Gameplay --> Simulation Difficulty --> Customize --> Radar Display --> EASY or, Sumulation Difficulty --> EASY Wrench kevin stein
  10. If we're going the ugly airplane route, I'd want this: wrench kevin stein edited to fix broken picture link
  11. I"m half Russian, on my maternal grandparents side Pfunk, how about pulling the Soviet Star decal out of the cat file, renaming it to SovStar or RuStar, and just dropping it into the skin folder in question, then adjust the decals pointer line in the ini??? Quck and easy! (and I've done this before!) Wrench kevin stein
  12. You mean "ini" ... NOT dll!!!! Thems be core game files, and should already exist (ie: avionics60.dll, avionics70.dll, easyaviionics.dll. wrench kevin stein
  13. They'll be plenty of buildings...there's a lot already built into the TODs, plus I "imported" one from another map, that has some skyscraper types (thank you Polak!!), and of course, don't forget the "Large Urban Module". docked ships at harbors, vehicle parks (ie: army bases), air defense units, industrial centers, train stations, flags for all the nations -- I'm still not decieded about creating any Easter Eggs (as I've had a habit of doing since building missions for ATF/FA oh, so many years ago) Suffice it to say, a large, well know structure WILL be making an appearence as the Dear Leader's "Adult Movie House/Party Headquaters" -- and I DO mean party!! I'm thinking 2 terrains here...1950 and Modern. It's just a matter of laying out the various target areas. Which, unfortunately, means a LOT more NK airbases, plus the addition of Osan in the South. Still haven't figure out where it goes.... Anybody want to bomb the Hyundai car factory??? Wrench kevin stein
  14. Most assuredley so...we are missing a great number of ships for both sides. However, there is a 'fakedout' IJN destroyer at my site (for the last 3 or 4 years or so...) It's basicaly one of the standard DDs with a new flag. I'd like to see a real Fubukai classs, CAs and CLs for both sides. Hinch's MAC can stand in for CVEs (didn't someone do a mod for them recently?) Someone some years back had started an IOWA class BB; I'm sure some of Hinch's ships could be Re-Purposed ™ for USN usage, maybe as WASHINGTON class ??? For parked (ok, docked) I-class subs we could use the U-boat from the ETO map. We must just 'think outside the box'; ground objects can be found fairly easily. Wrench kevin stein
  15. Part of yesturday's work: Yalu River bridges, as seen from the Dandong (PRC) side you're looking at about 4 hours of work...AND I screwed up!!! There's only 2 bridges across the Yalu; one of them (in present day), has never been repaired after being dropped in the 50s. So I have to remove one of the rail bridges, and replace it with the vehicle/pedestrian bridge. In theupper middle distance, you can see the rail yard (now turned around and rebuild for a north/south orientation - which now give me 2 rail yards, E/W and N/S). And that one damn north entry ramp on the eastern bridge keeps getting misplaced; I'll dial it in today. Pyongyang will be getting bridged, as will what I can figure out for Seoul as well. Air defense placments will be my standard type; ie, seperate target areas with period specifc weapons and such. Lots of smaller changes, no pics yet -- I'll post some later. Coordinates for Kimpo: Position=274088,382471 Also, one of the PRC airbases need flattening, but I can't rmember which one. Do you have a current cities.ini I can have? Flattening airfileds is the ONE thing I can do in the TE!!! Thanks, B! As to the bases in Japan, just Itazuke (Fukuoka) and Iwakuni. I'm trying to figure out coords for some of the local cities, just for eye candy. Fukuoka is already added; need to figure out placements for Hiroshima and other around Iwakuni. Thank G*d for Google Earth!! I have complete layouts ready for Camps Casey and Hovey, but don't know how they figure in on 1950s scenario; again simple renaming can create to completly new maps (Korea, KoreaModern), with attendant changes in targets inis. Wrench kevin stein
  16. File Name: WW2 Luftwaffe stencling for Bf-109s & Fw-190s File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 Sep 2008 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets Some stencils for skinning WW2 Luftwaffe aircraft These are some psds I created for 'doing up' all those bothersome warning tags and labels and general info stuff as seen on the Bf-109s and Fw-190s. They can probalby be used on just about any WW2 Luftwaffe aircraft needing or using them. The various 'thingys' consist of the fuel triangles, oleo extension marking, tire pressures, lift points and other servicing bits. They were taken via the 'export picture' function in Adobe PDF from various and sundry Aero Detail books I have on PDF. They are QUITE large, and will require downsizing to fit on your aircraft skin template. I disremember how far down, but for the most part they DO remain viewable on a 1024x1024 skin. Best way to do this, is copy out the section (they're all invidual layers), drop it onto the skin template, guesstimate the shrinkage, delete THAT item, and then copy/paste into a NEW image, then reduce it in size, and copy/paste the newly resized unit onto the skin template. Lots of unnecessary steps, I'm sure! :) If you're used to working with multiple layers, it's pretty easy! Happy Stencling! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  17. No problemo!! It looks like I might be up to my ears in North Koreans anyway... Wonder how much of the Ascender FM can be used....it's definatley NOT a dogfighter (looks like a fish, moves like a fish, turns like a cow - no insult meant to my DAT mates - I'm sure that's how the aircraft would probably have been in Real Life ™ ) Gocad: you can try shooting Geo an email or PM (both here and SimHQ), and see if he's got to share. Or.... take my more labor intensive route, and make one. Like I did for his Hellcat. Wrench kevin stein
  18. Don't let Fubar see this thread, he'll start making fun of me again.... :blush2: As I also went through this when the thing was first released... Wrench kevin stein
  19. Brother, we'll take anything you can give !!!! Is it already mapped/unwrapped, whatever, so a template can be created?? Data ini created??? (loads I can do..FM nope!) I just might want to give it a try...quick! before I change my mind!!! VF-19 bear??? S would be Coral Sea ~1947 I love that photo-real shot!! WRench kevin stein
  20. I like those torps!! Much better than the 'stand in' I used in creating the Il-28T!! (availabe here at CA) Wrench kevin stein
  21. Gepard: using the external cat pointer line as well creates the anomilies??? I shouldn't, what with using one of the Original 3 Terrain Cats...as they're not patched yet, and all the 'goodies' reside IN the terrain folder (minus the cat of course) This is something I've not seen yet...guess I'll just move over the terrain and have a look see... Wrench kevin stein
  22. Hey, Brain! I actually started looking at it late day-before-yesturday. Worked onit all day yesturday. I gotta tell ya, them new tiles are utterly fantastic!! And the trees!!!!! And the rivers!! Finally, an almost totally accurate depiction of Penninsula!! I stopped work (temporarially) on the Modern Korea rebuild of FNG2K/Edwards version, which is about 85% complete I've started re-targetizing it, moving/changing stuff around, adding targets. I even finagnled a few 'new' tods for the cities, "borrowed" from another map and renamed to have high-rise buildings at Seoul, and general smaller buildings on the other city tiles. I may not be able to re-tile things, but I work around my limitations (to a point!!) My first question is: what era are we shooting for??? 1950-1959 (pre SAM, Korean War Era) or Later, 1960-to present. Depending on the time frame 'required', it may be better to have 2 variants of the map (simply done by renaming of main files ie: Korea.TFD and KoreaMOdern.TFD; essentially the same map, but 2 complete units, with differing targets inis -- for modern, there's a LOT more NK air bases to add, which would mean re-tiling for airfield exclusion zones for at LEAST 5-10 (approx) target areas, including the Yongbyon Nuclear Center, Yukate Dong Naval Base, the northern army camp (at the tri-border region), Osan AFB, and several other places. (all of which are on the above mentioned rebuild) OR, using the ActiveYear= line, have the SAM and other missile defense batteries placed, but inactive (expecially true for the SA-5 unit near Kaesong) btw, you forgot Kimpo!!! I've added it, but it'll need an exclusion zone, as its southeren end is now camoflagued in a forest! Some cities (Suwon fer instance), might get the "large urban module" treatment; same with Fukuoka near Itazuke. As is stands now, I'm looking at a more 1950s type of targets layout. Again, it all depends on what you guys want! Right now, I've put every other project on hold, and am starting to concentrate on this version. Let me know how/what direction it should go... Wrench kevin stein
  23. Dosen't that automatically happen at high sub-C velocites??? Wrench kevin stein
  24. I just copied the pictures out of the book!! I have NO idea how they should be really spelled!! I have enough problems with plane English! The books are in Japanese, with -most fortunately- English captions for the pictures. BTW, that ejection warning don't even show up when you put it on the plane. I used on the Dora 9 and Ta-152; all you can see is a little red square (if that!). There's also a bunch of other I did't use, simply because you'd never see them at the usual resolutions. I also forgot to put in the readme, what actual books I used Aero Detail #1: Bf-109E (although less than no help!) Aero Detail #2 Fw-190D Aero Detail #5: Bf-109G Aero Detail #6: Fw-190A-F Hope you all can make SOME use of them! Wrench kevin stein
  25. Allrighty then.... as promised, here's a zip of the pdf of the ATOP 1946 expansion manual. Mind you, when I had the wife scan this to PDF, she did it sideways, so you'll have to rotate the view in Adobe. Here you go: Aces of the Pacific: WW2 1946 Manual <-- linky thingy! enjoy! Wrench kevin stein

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