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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. are they painted on or decals?? I've noticed the painted one flashes, and insiginia, are looking quite washed out on a number of birds. Skinners take note: it may be necessary to go to decals for these, or experiment with the specular, glossiness and reflectivity in the textureset.inis Wrench kevin stien
  2. the hm bmps are locating inside the various terrain cats (ie: desert.cat, germanyce.cat, vietnamsea.cat) So for those pointing to the desert cat (actually it don't matter...all my terrains -in games- point to either germany or vietnam), but if the terrain uses the SF desert tile name set, you'd need the desert hms say, for isntance, the ASW map, germany cat, aftermarket terrain tiles (polaks or gepards desert beta for example), since it uses the desert cat tile names, you may need to use desert hm bmps. But Canadair's screenies show it working as is. I can always pull them and post or attach them somewhere Like Canadair said, taking a quick look at the SoCal, ASW, Lybia (fixed now) all seem to use these radically high numbers. So, it seem a pretty simple fix to tweek the data inis to the "2" value now listed in the patched stock terrrains (germany, vietnam). wrench kevin stein
  3. Korea uses the vietnamsea naming, so you'll need to hms from the vietnamseas cat. There's 49 of them, btw, including the 2 'open sea' ones that already ARE black. To save you'll some time, here they are: These are the Vietnam sea ones, already repainted. I'll try and get the desert one later, or each can extract their own. IMPORTNAT: DON NOT USE THESE IN ANYTHING ELSE BUT THOSE TERRAINS THAT MESSED UP - and ONLY THOSE USING THE VIETNAMESEA NAMING CONVENTIONS If using another cat pointer, these WILL NOT WORK (actually, these are from Brain32, for Korea) For the Lybia terrain, and problly several others of mine that use the old desert.cat naming for the terrain tiles, I"ll try and work up a set of them later. our vampire show is starting on HBO, and I gotta Fly like a bat!! Anna Paquin in a tight t-shirt...hmmmmm Wrench kevin stein
  4. ok after swapping out the value to "2" on the Korea map that is the fix!!! Didn't take any screenies, but all the objects, with a few minor flaws on those acursed Han river bridges (honetsly, I don't think TK ever expected anyone to build a bridge over 30+ sections long....) ie: some small vertical displacement at only those sections crossing the land/water interface. It all works. Ships are no longer submerged (even the docked Romeo is riding high - tanks blown dry??) So, using the stock height level, and repainted hm bmps is the way to go. Just extract anything with a ***_hm.bmp suffix, "paint it black" as Mick would say, toss them pack into the terrain folder, and that should fix that. Now, the only other issue that's popped up, is the generic building in the TOD files are now appearing where there wern't any before. Looks better, but now I got a dozen industrial buildings to relocate in Pyongyang!! It just never ends... Wrench kevin stein
  5. Here's some shot's, Libya and Korea, using the "10" value (which like Fub said above, and I now believe, is too high) Looking at the extraced, newly patched Germany anc Vietnam data inis, TK is using the value of "2", so that might be a good compromise. so, anyway, 10 works, just not on all things... interesting to note the differences in these 4 ships;the 2 in the foreground are riding 'high', while the 2 in the background are settinglower, like they've yet to be off loaded. korea: that bothersome bridge, just north of Taegu. At least thing are starting to show again and the Han river bridges yes, I'll have to fix that off ramp...damn CalTrans!! I also repainted ALL the hm bmps to black, which effectively give them a 0 height, and that helps a great deal as well. That way, the only height data comes directly from the HFD file (some terrain guru please correct me if I'm wrong. So, that's yet another fix to add to this mishagas. Back to rewriting them to "2.000" Wrench kevin stein
  6. Just out of curiosity, did the radio towers win???? You know, broadcasting decadent Western rock and roll and heavy metal at the Red Army's tanks??? Wrench kevin stein
  7. you know, what really funny about that pic, is the engine are obvioulsy still working as evidenced by the smoke. You'd think they boilers would flooded wit the decks fully awash. I've got the go check this now, both on Lybia AND korea!!! Hope it fixes bridges as well. Gabriel, you said it worked on ASW too??? That one was driving me bat-s**t crazy with the coastlines. Now, mind you, I STILL haven't patched my "all is everything install'', that has ALL the terrain maps, so I'm a little behind the curve right now. What with some 'other issues' to deal with too. Wrench kevin stein
  8. SICKO!!!! what, you don't want the Detail & Scale on the Peacemaker??? It's only a 72 meg d/l!!! (well, there are a couple other things in that zip) Wrench kevin stein
  9. It would be nice to have retractable gun turrets...kinda like how Pakso did the Liberator; the gear goes up, and the ball turret goes down (why does that sound dirty??? ) don, give dave that link i gave you Wrench kevin stein
  10. That's exactly what I was thinking...or the damn Snouts are here, dropping rocks on us.... Haven't seen that either. Did you try, just for grins, turning off cockpit reflections? maybe it's related to that? Wrench kevin stein
  11. Well, wadda expect from cheap ships?? Probably got attacked by Harryhausen's 5-armed Octo-squid or Godzilla!! I think it's the HM.bmp file related problem we're dealing with in Korea as well. It's DEFINATELY a post-patch issue. Try pointing it to the GermanyCE.cat, and see what happens (the result of which I'm pretty I know - nothing!) The other fix could be to extract all the ***hm.bmps from the desert.cat, and paint them black. (according to Brain32 that makes them flat). I was going to attempt this last night, but got extreamly side-traked on another issue. Which, of course, means that all the other terrains out there that have any water on them -- what is it? 30+ units?? -- will need major overhauls. That DO suck!!! Wrench kevin stein
  12. Well, that could be part of the problem...you should NEVER have terrain objects in the GroundObjects folders. Hangers and their ilk shouldn't have a data ini...their info is all contained in the various terrains ***_Types.ini, thereby locking them down, so to speak, as the building/structure that they are. Change the Role= on the radardome to "EW_RADAR" (again, this is another that should also only be a terrain object - just look in the Lybia V.3 build of mine). In this case, if you've fiddled with the [DetectSystem], and adding a search radar to paint you, you can concievbly place said data in INTO THE TERRAIN FOLDER (see Lybia, again). It may or may not register on your RWR, unlike Fubar's radar equiped CargoShips. Or just leave it in the GO folder, and hope it dosen't replace something vital like a Barlock or Flatface. I don't even believe in having the 'parked static' aircraft in the GO folder...reduces the chance of them showing up randomly in CAS or AR missions -- they should also be terrain objects (now a moot point with the new patch, btw) So, make your changes and let us know what happens. Remember: ALL building are terrain objects, and should never be in the GO folder. They can only be used via the terrains ***_Targets.ini and ***_ types.ini. Wrench kevin stein
  13. Hey Lexx, don't forget all those Scorpion skins I did earlier this year! Wrench kevin stein
  14. It was me. I'm still trying to get capun to cut the nose mesh seperate, so I can use all those Stargate themed nose arts on the Mongoose. Have USAF style tail codes for all 5 (or is it 6) DEADLEAUS class cruisers, plus serial numbers and such. Don't have a screenie of (or if I do, I can't find it), but they're the same decals used on the SGC Talon here in the "What If..." section. U'dajeets (Death Gliders to us of the Ta'ri) don't need markings. But the pilot figure has swapable bmps with different head tatoos for the various System Lords Wrench kevin stein
  15. Please do!! It's nice to know I actually fixed something once in a while!! Wrench kevin stein
  16. File Name: Planning Maps for Black Sea Terrain File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 27 Sep 2008 File Category: Planning Maps A rather generic-style set of planning maps for pfunkmusik's new Black Sea Terrain. No readme is in the zip, so just unzip somewhere, like a temp folder, and just copy paste the 3 planningmap.bmps into the Black Sea terrain folder. When asked to "Overwrite?", just say yes. As stated, they're pretty plane jane...and only show the airfields. With thanks to Keith Bedford for creating this little goodis, so long ago Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  17. Which map? The stock desert, or an add on??? That should never happen; although I have seen vehicles driving right through the TOD objects (those little bothersome buildings at cities) on both CAS and Armed_Recon. Also, check the movements.ini, to make sure there ARE "Ground_Attack" routes defined. There are some that do not have them, or use were never adjusted for the terrain (or terrain's in question) CAS should only generate vehicles that are defined as "Tank" in their data inis. A_R missions, however, will often generate extreamly odd things (cases in point: the 'camo net' and FireCan radars), other than objectes defined as "Transport"*. SF was doing this quite consistently, which is one of the reasons I don't use it anymore. WoE/WoV seems a bit more "stabalized" in how it generates objects for these missions. Wrench kevin stein * fun thing to do....take BTR-152s, BRDMs, M-113, etc (making sure they are the tweeked versions with working MGs) change their role to "TRANSPORT" from RECON ... and watch the sparks fly on an AR mission!! They will shoot you full of holes!
  18. Version


    A rather generic-style set of planning maps for pfunkmusik's new Black Sea Terrain. No readme is in the zip, so just unzip somewhere, like a temp folder, and just copy paste the 3 planningmap.bmps into the Black Sea terrain folder. When asked to "Overwrite?", just say yes. As stated, they're pretty plane jane...and only show the airfields. With thanks to Keith Bedford for creating this little goodis, so long ago Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  19. Well, they're not the aero-chart kind that look so cool, just VERY old style. But quite workable! There's a little proggie here called "SFMap" by (IIRC) Keith Bedford. Should be in the utilities section. It reads the targets ini (and possibly either the HFD or TFD or both), ad generates a map, and when you save, it goes to the root of "C" (ie: C:/ ***map1, etc). They need to be resized to their normal 512, 1024 and 2048 sizes, but that's no issue. Irfan or Photoshop or any image manulipitator can do that. It's the one I've been using on all my stuff -- not a bad piece of code, but just rather generic. Oh, the best place to install it is in the root directory of the game install. The 3 files are so small, you can have one in each game install. ie: C/ProgarmFiles/WingsOverEurope/sfmap.exe something like that. Check compatability too...not remembering, but it should run XPish just fine. I'll get them uploaded ASAP. Again, they're nothing special; they only show the airfields. Wrench kevin stein
  20. Or modifications (ie: renaming) of existing VietnamSEA bmps and tgas and fiddelations to get them to fit. There is obviously a way to get them to work together (renember: I can't tile!!!) Another thought .... aren't there some snow-capped mountains in one the alternate GermanyCE sets? Those would be nice to use, too. Expecially around the north ends (Hokkaido, Kuriles, Sahkailn (sp?) Vladivostok, etc) Like Brain said, I really don't think it's possible to one person to make super-detailed maps anymore. Not and have an 'outside life'. As the 'targets guy'...and pfunk can back this up... you can litereally spend an entire day on ONE single target area, trying to dial in those pesky objects --TOPIC HIJACK AHEAD-- an aside to Brain, any luck with fixing the Korea hm bmps??? I'm kinda at a standstill with things along the coast, until it's flat again...no rush, bro, just curious as to how it's going. There's still plenty of other 'places' for me to add, and the new signs too. --END TOPIC HIJACK-- Wrench kevin stein
  21. Add "SOVIET" to the attachment types on ALL the MiGs and Su-7. That's what I had to do yesturday. Couldn't get Apex's on the Flooger for some reason Wrench kevin stein
  22. Well, I obviously don't know what to tell ya than... Have you looked inside the LOD with a hex editor to get the exact mesh name?? Here's what we used to do; something I started 4 years ago with opening canopies. In our example, we'll be using the ubiquitious F-4E Phantom in the [Fuselage] section, we add a new systemname SystemName[018]=Canopy Then, we create the automatic speed controled device, namely, our canopy Here's from the A-4E (I've renumberd this one shown, as it's really 10, from the What If WGer Skyhawk version I did a coupla years ago) SystemName[009]=Canopy and let me tell you, finding the animations IDs on the stock units, without an OUT file was a hell of a lotta work!! You'll also note, that NOWHERE is the mesh node name listed. You didn't have use them. Back then Like the Doctor said, a LOT of the stock models DO NOT HAVE ANY ANIMATIONS OR OTHER MOVEMENTS ASSIGNED TO THE CANOPIES -- this was ONLY usable is SF, and WOV. WoE birds (A-10 for example), and most later WoI birds MAY not have it. It saves time, which is money, for TK to spend elsewhere. I CAN tell you, for a fact, all the SF/WoV MiGs (17,19,21) and the Su-7 can have the auto-speed type assigned as shown above. I should know -- I did 4 years ago. We moved away from that when animation key assignments started with the previous patch. Theoretically, you could possibly assign them as an 'arrestor hook', and use the H key to open and close it. Experiment with that; probably use the Phantom or Scooter or some Navy bird, and just change the node name Something like this, borrowed from the F-4J: SystemName[***]=Tailhook Personally, I turn them off, or don't assign them. It's just really for eye candy on the parked planes. I'd rather spend the time creating more terrain eye candy. BTW, auto high lift device seems to be working again, post-patch, as TMF's F4U-7 (albeit in desguise as an F4U-4B in Korea), uses the speed control. And it works just fine. Wrench kevin stein
  23. No, you just call the new SystemName=Canopy then the NEW system [Canopy] just as the Dr. showed ... use his example don't forget to assign a key for it in the Options -> Controls -> Customize menu Wrench kevin stein
  24. various and sundry examples of North Korean propoganda posters/signs. NOT responsible to damage to computer monitor, keyboard, or internal organs due to hysterical laughter just wish I had a bigger billboard...3x5 meters would be good. Would't have to cut/paste, and fiddle with moving 2 units to create one. Wrench kevin stein
  25. Yes PLEASE!!!! If we can get it off the ground apporx 1 meter, or anything close! Then I can easily recenter the images (psds are the bomb for sign templates!) and Timmy, thanks man! That's 2 I owe ya!! Wrench kevin stein

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