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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. It's Edward's WW2 Burma map. There's definately something wrong with Hanoi. Even after re-flattening all the airfields, it still disappears into the ground. Wingmates do the 'bouncy jiggly, spinnning on their tails til they blow up dance'. The misplaced buildings are a targets ini issue, and easly fixed by shifting their offsets. It's not a tiling issue, for sure. all the others work fine. And that's about the limit of MY TE skills!!! Well, at worst, I can always convert it to a parking lot!! I mean, surely the IJA had to store them Toyota Land Cruisers somewhere!!! I have, however, successfully converted Loiwing AB to my 'unpaved' runway 1, so the Allies has someplace to launch their bombers. Unfortunately, there isn't a spot large enough for the IJAAF ... I've checked all their airfields, and there's just too many trees!!!! Never thought I'd EVER complain about that!!! Wrench kevin stein
  2. It's a city target area; easy to fix! Check Hanoi airfield .. it seem to have sunk in a swamp. THATs a terrain issue, NOT a tiling issue; in fact the buildings in Downtown Hanoi are floating in the river! Gotta move them to. Or, just replace the whole city with the Large Urban Module ™ Just need to re-flatten Hanoi AB, and fixed. Although, I'ld really like to add runway1 there, and at Kunming for 'larger aircraft'. Still, I"m working the problem But those tiles -- oh man! how sweet they look! this is what I get for NOT playig WoV -- I just keep it on the HD to steal vehicle bmps from... Wrench kevin stein
  3. Then take an E model...it's good enough for me!!! Wrench kevin stein
  4. Gabriel, I can't agree more!!! It's makes SEA look like it's supposed to, especially in the Mid-20th Century, WW2 time frame. CA, sometimes I'm just a little slow on the uptake... One of the great things about seperate folders for things, is modding one terrain has no effect on others. Gonna be trying those adjustments, too. I did find a couple of glitches, however. There's a couple of cities (I didn't have the HUDData set to debug, so I didn't catch the location) that are buried in the jungles -- sort of a modern Ankor-Wat!!! One's on a mountain side....be no big deal to just pick it up and move it aside!! I feel so god-like!!! I'm still working on upgrading the airfield defenses (adding the IJA and Allied machine gunners -as seen in the New Guinea mod-), but I have noticed that Hanoi airfeild isn't flattened, so I'll have to fix that. No biggie. I like to increase it's size, so the IJAAF has a bomber base, but runway 1 is too big to fit the airfield tile exclusion zone...so have to find another way. Same for Kunming and a few others on the Allied side. Once I get the airfields sorted, then it's on the adding the 'usual suspects' to the ports and cities. Be a very target rich environment...just have to research for factories or other industrial centers. Which I don't think were too many at that time and place! Wrench kevin stein
  5. Works fine in 2 of my WoI installs... Wrench kevin stein
  6. Old news....that was just swamp gas. Or Dave eating burritos again... -=-=-= In actuality, it's misplaced runnign lights. But swamp gas is a better explaniation :yes: Wrench kevin stein
  7. File Name: P-400 Airacobra Skin & Ini Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 18 Jul 2008 File Category: Allied Fighters Bell P-400 "Airacobra", 39th FS Skin and Ini Pak, For SF/WoV/WoE PTO installs This is a semi-complete mod, re-creating the P-400, export version of the Bell P-39 "Airacobra". The skin represents aircraft from the 39th FS, 35th FG as seen around Port Morseby, PNG during mid-1942 It is also to be considered a FULL replacement, minus certain files, for the P-400 mod that's been on my site for several years. This version gets a fully upgraded skin, with newly redrawn panel and rivet lines, and a replacement cockpit, based on the Dev A-Team's Hurricane. When I say "semi-complete", this means the aircraft LOD file is NOT included, NOR are the cockpit files from the Hurricane 1. You WILL be transfering these from their respective aircraft. Needless to say, you MUST have Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak for the LOD, and the DATs Hurri. Full instructions, and a parts list, are below in the "Install Instructions". I've supplied all the inis, misc bmps and tgas and various and sundry bits to make the process as easy as possible. The skin, as said above, is for the 39th FS, and has completely new redrawn panel and rivet lines. Aircraft ID numbers are as accurate as possible, based on research. Serial numbers are NOT used, as these were painted out in-theatre. In reality, although not painted on the aircraft, these birds were assigned RAF serials, as they were originally intented for the UK. A revamped, cleaned up version of my original P-39 Hangar Screen is included, as is the damage tga. -= NOTE: you must have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =- - This mod has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE. This mod is NOT reccomended for use in a WW2 PTO style install of WoI, as it handles prop flight models in "a most unusual, and odd way" As usual, you are REQUIRED to read the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Good Luck, and Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  8. B-52

    I'd reccomend waiting for the Desert Storm mod -- completly new models, with cockpits. None of the others have pits; and it's a pain to get one close, although the Intruder is a workable option WRench kevin stein
  9. Just had another thought, whilst finishing off the P-400.... Since Edward's PTO maps use WoV naming, and the actual tiles, has anyone tried putting the "Green Hell" mod into one of the approiate PTO maps??? Might be interesting to see the result. It's something I'm looking at right now. I'll get back to ya'll later with some screenies and it's looks like the Burma map just moved up to the front of the line.... Wrench kevin stein
  10. Version


    Bell P-400 "Airacobra", 39th FS Skin and Ini Pak, For SF/WoV/WoE PTO installs This is a semi-complete mod, re-creating the P-400, export version of the Bell P-39 "Airacobra". The skin represents aircraft from the 39th FS, 35th FG as seen around Port Morseby, PNG during mid-1942 It is also to be considered a FULL replacement, minus certain files, for the P-400 mod that's been on my site for several years. This version gets a fully upgraded skin, with newly redrawn panel and rivet lines, and a replacement cockpit, based on the Dev A-Team's Hurricane. When I say "semi-complete", this means the aircraft LOD file is NOT included, NOR are the cockpit files from the Hurricane 1. You WILL be transfering these from their respective aircraft. Needless to say, you MUST have Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak for the LOD, and the DATs Hurri. Full instructions, and a parts list, are below in the "Install Instructions". I've supplied all the inis, misc bmps and tgas and various and sundry bits to make the process as easy as possible. The skin, as said above, is for the 39th FS, and has completely new redrawn panel and rivet lines. Aircraft ID numbers are as accurate as possible, based on research. Serial numbers are NOT used, as these were painted out in-theatre. In reality, although not painted on the aircraft, these birds were assigned RAF serials, as they were originally intented for the UK. A revamped, cleaned up version of my original P-39 Hangar Screen is included, as is the damage tga. -= NOTE: you must have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 weapons and guns and such =- - This mod has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE. This mod is NOT reccomended for use in a WW2 PTO style install of WoI, as it handles prop flight models in "a most unusual, and odd way" As usual, you are REQUIRED to read the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Good Luck, and Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  11. Actually, since you uploaded them, you can do a "update", and combine everything together. Go into the downloads section, find the skin pak, and look down near the bottom. There should be an "Edit" or "Update" button, or both. edit: lower right box, "Edit This File" Or, upload the combined pak, and either you or I can delete the old ones. Wrench kevin stein
  12. after reading that post, all I can say is "aaahhhh, crap!!!!" Never knew that would happen. I guess it all depends in how 'accurate' you want the mission types. Purely historically, Gs are ONLY Defense Suppression Where's Weasel Keeper when we need him??? Those were his birds.... Wrench kevinstein
  13. Thanks, Florian! considering that statement was almost my entire knowledge on 3d modeling... I can't even make a box in Anim8tor!!! I wasn't aware of the with or without decals options... but I can assume with, as you say, creates a larger, heavier model. Makes the poly count go up, perhaps? As to differening models, I LIKE idea; of course, I'm not building them (oh, gods-do I wish I had that talent!) With modern machines, the highter poly count may not have much effect on frame rates. Doing the FlightEngine ini mod probably is a large plus -and should be the first mod anyone makes, on any machine I guess, in the end, it all boils down to how much time the modeler wants to invest -- I'm pretty sure some of these birds take nearly forever to build correctly! There as sooo many older models that could use a little lovin' as they say! Wrench kevin stein
  14. Was something like this seen, just before the ship vanished: Wrench kevin stein
  15. I LOVE to see the Nell finally in game!!! Baltika: yea, the camo pattern is Wolf's original, so he gets credit for all that (and the airplane, too. Of course). Do you have the 'ring-and-bead' gunsight?? I'm not sure, but it might be in the MTO 112 Tommahwak. If not, let me know and I'll shoot you my cockpit ini and tga. The Burma and China maps were on my list for 'targets enhancements', like those other PTO upgrades. They've been pushed waaaaay back to a corner of the workbench. Working on a 'Modern Korea' right now. Monty's old Hawk III needs a major FM upgrade, but I don't know that it'll ever get done. Don't we have a Sally??? Somewhere??? Wrench kevin stein
  16. Let me see if I can get permissions for the stuff I used, and I'll release it as a full aircraft. Other than the serial number decals, and permissions, it's a done deal. Ready to fly against whomever. Making decals ain't nothing....just need to research the serials as used by Grupo de Caza No.5 As to the "Laser' tag, that's a very simple repaint, add text in Photoshop. As to weapons, there are some already in the Bunyap Pak. Look for BK-BR series bombs. I've adding about another 8-12, including MERs and TERS, an Argie Shrike (don't know if they really had/have them...erring on the side of 'lets have it anyway), and a host of others. BTW, I tried testing in it WoI, cause I have the GM radar actived with 70dll, but the cockpit got all 'skewed' sideways. More experimentating in that direction is needed. So, I'd better get started contacting Juls and Bpao! Wrench kevin stein
  17. Dude, we're NOT messing around with the weaponsdata ini. Me thinks you're absolutely looking in the wrong place. The weapons rack - the thing the pods are mounted on, already exists in the Weapons Pak. Or in not using a fully updated one, needs adding. A simple matter. Your problem is loadouts.... You need to add the rack statement to the Loadout.ini of the helo in question. For example, off the Whiskey Cobra, showing TOW Pods: You'll note the pointers to the apporiate lines In the helo's data ini, make sure it reads like this in the hardpoint callouts: AllowedWeaponClass=IRM,EOGR,TER,TLR,RP,ATR,CGR,WGR,LGR You shouldn't have many more problems with the loadouts. I'd reccomend doing a Search of the 3rd Wire Forums for "Hellfires" "TOWs" and "Hellicopter weapons" There are some tweeks for the Hellfires I can't remember offhand Wrench kevin stein ps: you also might want to spend some time in the Knowledge Base, reading up on all the "How To" in there. Lots of good information...lot's of fixes and tweeks. Save a lot of time too....
  18. Don't take Jimmy's advice as a tip -- consider it an ORDER. Convert the damn things to jpgs...mmmkay?? It helps reduce bandwidth usage here at the site. And he's right, it's decal bleed. If you'd been paying attenion to a hundred million threads, its mentioned coutless times. It's caused by an 'open mesh' in the 3d model. Since decals sit ON TOP of said model, it's like paint running into a crack on the wall. Can only be fixed by the original modler, going back in the Max, and fusing/welding/ or however they do it, the offending meshes together. BTW, didn't we give you a whole thread to place your questions into??? Lets try and use that one, shall we? Wrench kevin stein
  19. "Nation Specific" aircraft are easily created, as are their national insigina. There's a whole thread/post about that in the Knowledge Base. Which you obviously haven't seen... After creating the 'nation specific' aircraft, via the data ini edits, you do the same for the textrueset.ini for the approiate skin. NOTE: the nation's name MUST match that in the Nations.ini. After creating the new insginia decals, they can do DIRECTLY into the skin folder, with the decals ini adjusted to point to them. How hard can that be? as to Nations, new ones can be added to the Nations.ini as outlined above As to Shaolins question, YES, but conditionally. You'd need 2 complete aircraft sets, say for Iran, IIAF, which would be "FRIENDLY" to Western/NATO, and IRIAF, which would be ENEMY to Western/NATO. You'd also need 2 complete weapons sets. Again, relatively easy to create. You'd also need the Nations entries, for "Imperial Iranian Air Force", and "Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force" That should work. BUT -you knew this was coming- you could theorictially have IIAF Tomcats against IRIAF Tomcats. It would make for an interesting scenario; Loyalist Shah forces against Revolutionary Islamic Forces (Ayatollah's Dudes) Which is why, for gaming purposes, in/on the Iraq/Iran Total Conversion Set, Iran is set to friendly. I mean, who wants to fly for Saddaam? As to Captain CA's questions -- practice, practice, pratice. If you don't know how to do the job, LEARN. If you can't learn that one, find something easier until your Skill Set is expansive enough to include it. Or just play the game, and enjoy it like lots of other non-modders do. Wrench kevin stein
  20. They always flew with the 600 gallon centerline tanks, so you'll need to swap out them cluster bombs. The jammer pod, depending on the year, would be an ALQ-131; only the 2 aft Sparrows were carried (no winder at ALL). Don't know what they stcuk in the right/forward Sparrow bay. Maby just leave another Sparrow in there? Also, such a 'high value' specallized aircraft would NOT be used for anything else, other than SEAD. Check the "Loadout Fixes Thread for the Bunyap Pak" in the Knowledge Base -- albeit based on the much older version of the F-4G WWV, and not the new TMF version, the loadout listed there are quite realistic. I did a LOT of research on it. You see, "killing SAMs in my thing" Look in the Squad/Signal book "Wild Weasels" for accurate loads - goes right up to Desert Storm If you don't have it , or can't find it, PM me. I have in hardcopy and should have it on PDF. Here'a a direct link to the relevant post in the Loadouts Thread http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...ost&p=80379 Wrench kevin stein
  21. There's also Baltika's Battle of Britian, but it uses the Battle of Britian map (obviously! ) Wrench kevin stein
  22. I agree wholeheartedly; but I'd like to change one word in that statement (it's the English Major in me). Would needs to be replaceed by Should. But again, it goes back to the site owners making the final descision/judgement, in respecting the author's wishes. Which leads us back in a circle to where we started; the loss of some good mods (pilot skins, ships, vehicles, aircraft, etc) on the "Open Market". Where, in all honesty, they should be. I know I'm gonna catch flak for that, but I can't help having my opinons. My problem is, I see all 3 sides in a 2 sided argument (you gotta be Jewish to understand that one!) Wrench, The ( that soooo cracks me up!) kevin stein
  23. You might also want to look in the "Bunyap Weapons Pak Loadouts and Fixes Thread" in the Knowledge Base. There's a BIG post in there, with the Vark tweeks. From a long ways back... Wrench kevin stein
  24. You and ME both sometimes!!! It's a work in slloooooww progress.... Wrench kevin stein
  25. I always classed the infantry units as "MISC", even though their data ini says "TANK" It "Target_of_Opportunity" listed somewhere in a dll??? If not, it may crash. Wrench kevin stein

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