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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Problem with FE2 effects

    missing the shader statement in the "materials" [ExhaustMaterial] EffectShaderName=effectLightLevel.fx DepthBufferCheck=TRUE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE IgnoreRenderOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=FALSE LightEnabled=FALSE UseLightLevel=TRUE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0.000000 PriorityLevel=3 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName=smoke.tga TextureStage[01].MipMap=FALSE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE SF2 & FE2 require those
  2. Happy Independence Day from the IDF

    I have a cousin over there serving now in the IDF Happy Independence Day!
  3. what airplane? Stock or 3rd Party??? if the alpha layer is good, the problem might be the aircraft meshes themselves (as has been stated and addressed a LOT of the last 15 years).
  4. Yeah! I've been wanting a cargo ship of this class for YEARS!! Would look nice moored in Gatun Lake on the Central America map!! I was able to move over to the Cargo Ships & Transports section! Don't know why it wouldn't let you do so from upload, but, hey, fixed now! (0ddly, the link above STILL points to the Battleships ... hmmm..have to look into that...) thanks for sharing this!! (got any more??? )
  5. Looking around we found that Deniss Oliveira has been overlooked in his work on the various Mirage's. To amend this oversight, a long overdue elevation to Modder Status has been performed. As many of you know, this involves many arcane rituals, invoking Dark Powers ( and beer) and the sacrifice of Buffalo Wings and so forth. Please extend your congratulations to our newest Modder!!! Welcome brother ... to the Dark Side .... muuuahahahahahahaha
  6. Problem with FE2 effects

    are they older effects inis, like for, and imported from, FE1? If so, check inside and see if they have the proper statements for DX10. There should be statements, probably near the bottom, that would have ****.fx. The effects shaders and stuff. just thinking out loud
  7. if your adding a 'standard' airfield, you just need to copy/paste the target area listing into the TARGETS ini; not the types ini. The only time you'd edit the Types ini is to ADD a new object. you need the x/y coordinates, and that its. other than flattening
  8. can you work the terrain editor, because it'll need flattening after being laid down
  9. View File SF2 The Forest Bowl Terrain, V.2 SF2 Forest Bowl Terrain, V.2 4/5/2020 - For SF2, Any & All (Full-4/5 Merged, + Expansion Packs Reccomended) This is a (mostly) complete revamp of "The Forest Bowl" terrain that was included in the (uncompleted) SF2 Civil/Firefighter Mod. It has been completely retargeted to make it a useful 'combat' terrain. All new movement inis, targets, types, etc. Also, now all 4 seasons are working. This terrain takes place in the fictional world of the Alliance vs the Global Sedition. The map is fully functional for ALL mission types with year spans from the 1940s through the far future (well, at least 2050) ie: There are NO mission type or time limitations. Many and Lots (tm) of new terrain objects have been added, all cities are now valid targets. Shipping, Ground Attack and Armed Recon missions have a good number of routes for both sides to utlize. As is my habit, the terrain is covered with Easter Eggs; you shouldn't have any problems finding them. In short, the terrain is a myth-mash. You may experience longer than normal loading times due to the number of terrain objects and seasonal tiles. As is reccomended, unzip this archive to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you -read- the document through after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 04/27/2020 Category Full Terrains  
  10. for a final release, no issue. I do know the TE can't see jpgs (or do some things!!!)
  11. streaming shows would look real good (and other things ... wink wink, nudge nudge)
  12. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Upgrade Pack For Western Transports, Airliners and AWACs by Veltro2K 6/1/2018 = For SF2, Any/All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) = This is a remod pack for Veltro2k's Western/NATO Transport, Airliner and AWAC aircraft. This package =ONLY= contains the data inis for the aircraft listed below. You will still need to locate the original aircraft. It is highly suggested (read: REQUIRED) that you have SF2NA as part of your merged installs, as several of these reference the stock 3W Tu-95 Bear destroyed model. Some reference the stock 3W An-12, Tu-16 or B-52D (SF2V) destroyed models as well. Flight Models remain "as issued"; they've not been touched by me. All New Data Inis Included in this pack are for: C-5A Galaxy C-17 Globemaster II C-141A Starlifter C-141B Starlifter G-222/C-27 Spartan E-767 KC-767 (KC-46) Nimrod MR.1 (RAF ASW/Martime Patrol) Br.1150 Atlantique (ASW/Martime Patrol) PB-1W Navy Fortress (USN 1940s/50s AEW - B-17) DC-8 * B-747 Pan Am"Jumbo Jet" *The DC-8 mods are for the package by Daddyairplanes* All aircraft have had their data inis reworked to correct, add, move, remove or generally "fix" all the hit boxes, relocate components (ie: fuel tanks, as best as possible inside the airframe) and in general clean up many things that simply escaped notice. The exception here is the Pan Am 747, which gets a partly repainted skin, with all new 100% accurate civil registration number decals (18) AND their matching "Clipper" names. Decal Randomization is "TRUE". The 747 and DC-8s also get an avionics upgrade (GM radar). Some sounds are included; you may have them alread, or not; but I like "to be sure". Please note, some of these aircraft may NOT be in the SF2 downloads section; one will need to Search the SF1/Wo* (1stGen) downloads. Equally important, is to HAVE the aircraft installed =BEFORE= installing this Upgrade Pack. Kinda makes sense, right? <gr> As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein EDIT: 6/4/18 - added missing G-222 folder and inis
  13. I like the fact that the gunner gets to sit down!!
  14. Free military history ebooks at Osprey

    a HUGE thanks to all you that sent me copies!! stay safe!! I hope they do more!!!
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  16. Free military history ebooks at Osprey

    WTH? can't even log in! keeps timing out. Must be something at my end here in California. em, if anyone grabbed the Japan 1945 book, could I ask for a copy?? I can live without the Jg 52 and M-1 vs T-72 ... and I'll keep trying to get in. Very odd!
  17. Gentlemen, and any Ladies, the Staff of Combat Ace is proud to announce the elevation of the following members to Modder Status: Guuruu, Strahi, Menrva, Gkabs For outstanding work and contributions to the 3rd Wire Community. You now have access to the Modders Secret Roundtable, and later I'll go over the Secret Handshake (tm) via video due to Social Distancing (tm) Welcome to the Next Level!! First round is on YOU all!!
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  19. the 'after' is SOOOOO much better! Great work!!!
  20. Free military history ebooks at Osprey

    what's the code for this week? I can't find on their site
  21. that's because the 3W forums no longer exist. my guess would be for implementing damage. We've seen fuel and oil leaks, and on the Spits/Mustangs/S-99-109G I think I might have seen coolant leaks. I 'way back in 1stGen, I remember a hydralic failure - controls locked up and plane was still flying (skyhawk) hopefully, someone else might know more
  22. remember, the hangar is generic -- to be used by both sides, OTH, it's easy to paint a logo out (done if before!)

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