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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. What the problem with the ground radar? Just not coming up? Have you created an avionics ini for the bird in question; Does it have a CRT to display the radar (or that bothersome box in the up/right corner) - not familiar with the pits, is I! Is the avaionics60.dll called out in the main ini? Easy way to cheat (and I should know -- Ive done it) use the avionics ini from the A-4C/E; its ground map/terrains avoid only. That's alwyas a good place to start. Wrench kevin stein
  2. I seem to remember that you can have an envriomental ini for a particular terrian; also setting the latitude and longitude in the ***.ini sets things like sunrise/sunset, etc (see DBS and Edward's EAWEuro terrains) Plus the various skymods (Polaks clouds are superb!) for differing types of clouds and stuff Wrench kevin stein
  3. Got behind on some things... I know most of this is that one-handed exercise, but I've fixed the following aircraft for use with the weapons pak, assuming Argentina is stated as an "ENEMY" nation (by editing it' entry in the NATIONS.ini) -- which removes just about all weapons for their usage: A-4C 'Caza" A-4Q A-4P Pucara Dagger There already exists, in the Bunyap WP, 3 Argentine bombs: BK-BR 125 kg BK-BR 250 kg BK-BR 500 kg I've created some new weapons, to replace those that can't be loaded due to nation status: M117 750# bomb TER_Arg Shafir1_Arg Sharif2_Arg LAU-3A_Arg rocket pod The only aircraft I haven't looked at is their Canberra. I still have to write a readme for the update of nosecone's A-4Q, so expect that sometime tommorrow. If there is any real interest in this...and remember, this is all moot when the FMT releases the newest version, I can upload the fixes. This will allow you to run single player missions, as the campaign ini would need tweeking for the new Argentine weapons. Note to FMT: if you can use any of my stuff or ideas, please feel free to do so. (which, knowing the folks on the Team, probably have come to the same conclusions as I have!) Wrench kevin stein
  4. The real Avro CF-100 is sadly missing...would fill a historical gap (and be quite usefull for DBS2, at any rate) As for the Arrow...who do I have to bribe/kindnap/kill/whatever to get one for the game??? I, personally, think that's the greatest "What If..." aircraft of all time. Still looking for "Last Flight of the Arrow", but it's been out of print forever (and I'm out of funds anyway) If I contiue with the Super Sabre, what could it be called, to diferentiate it from the Canuk??? CF-110? CF-1100? All the markings are stock in-game decals. So for late 50s, early 60 the natural metal would be ok? Hope so...other wise I have to plot out the mapping for the 2-tone! Hi-viz international orange wing tips?? ...hmm...hmm...something to fiddle with for later Wrench kevin stein
  5. Hey, Sag, got some rather dumb questions: When was the RCAF replaced by the CF? When did they go to camo, and did it depend on where deployed (home, Europe, arctic)? And this one's for fun...CF-100 about 10 minutes work If I know more about the markings, I could release it as another "What If..." Wrench kevin stein
  6. Is the carrier added to the terrain's ***_types.ini???? Is the carrier listed in the terrain's ***_targets.ini (at the CV station)??? Wrench kevin stein
  7. You DO have a carrier in you /groundobjects folder, right?? Did you add the carrier to the WoE_Types.ini???? Wrench kevin stein
  8. All the aircraft for I/I are already done...we just need to finish Desert Storm before moving on. I'v completely rebuilt that map -- it has over 200 target areas, new movement ini (lots of places for tank battles), corrected placements of, well, places. I think many of the 'places' are with a few meters of their acutal location (gotta love Google Earth). But several of the Iranina air fields are mis-located, and need moving and terrain flattening...same for the several new ones I added. I've tested the new version (map) in SF, WoV and WoE...so I know it works. The campaign ini itself needs to be completely rebuilt, as there are scads of new nation-specific weapons. MK2 just released that as a small update. Have you looked in the Knowledge Base, "Weapons and Loadout Fixes Thread", you'll find the entire Iraqi and Iranian air forces fully updated... Remember folks, I don't keep that thread for my health...it's there for situations like this, to give you what you need even before you know you need it. As for the MiGPits...they work in everything...check your install procedures, youve missed something somewhere. Wrench kevin stein
  9. LloydNB has a couple of nice walkway warning decals in this Egyptian AF skin (I know, cause I borrwed them for the WW2:46 version) A good template is needed for puppy.... Wrench kevin stein
  10. Use the standard WepPak. The Argentine camo tanks, and the 'avionics blisters' are not in the MF one. They could be added, of course... You know, of course, that once you add the weapons pak -- of any kind, you'll be having to start extracting the data and loadout inis for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE STOCK AIRCRAFT, as all the Soviet/client states and various other users have all been changed. You'll need the cat extractor tool, available here in the 'Utilities' downloads section, and then spend a lot of time in the Knowledge Base's "Weapons and Loadout Fixes" Thread. Welcome to the world of modding...and contragulations, you've almost taken your first step into a much larger world... The upgrade of nosecones' skin will probably be up later today, just cause I hate having finished projects sitting around. Wrench kevin stein
  11. DAMN!!! I sure could use those stencils for the Scropion skins!!!! Any chance of a hi-rez scan of that??? (might give the tulips a try too...) I tried putting the tuplis on that GAF Spit 22 mod I did too....that was ANOTHER real pain, too. Never did get them right; to my satisfaction. Wrench kevin stein
  12. With a few more tweeks, it might be usefull for the Large Staff Weapons as used on the Death Gliders.... This is what I used for them (LCannon sound not included, it comes from XvT) Wrench kevin stein
  13. WHOOPSS!!! I forgot that one!! Thanks Paladrain! Wrench kevin stein
  14. One of the all-embracing reasons to extract to a temp folder --- I'd start over, deleting the obvious addon, then unzip it to a temp folder. Intallling the cockpit is a really straightforward affair -- there's even a thread about it in the Knowledge Base "Adding Cockpit to them Pesky MiGs" or something like that... 1) unzip to aformentioned temp folder 2) select with mig to update, for instance the 21MF 3) copy/paste the approiate 'cabina' folder into the MF's main folder 4) copy/paste the approiate "Cabina_**.ini" to the MF main folder 5) open the MiG-21MF.ini, and add the necessary lines -- This is directly from mine: [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=MiG-21MF Fishbed-J AircraftDataFile=MIG-21MF_DATA.ini CockpitDataFile=Cabina_MiG-21MF.INI HangarScreen=21MF_Hangar.bmp LoadingScreen=Imagen02_MiG-21MF.bmp LoadoutImage=Imagen00_MiG-21MF.bmp LoadoutFile=MiG-21MF_loadout.ini AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll <--- AvionicsDataFilename=Avionica_MiG-21MF.INI <--- these last 2 line are VERY critical to getting working radar and rwr But DO have a look at the 'adding pits' thread inthe KB...a lot of other questions will be answered as well. Wrench kevin stein
  15. ????!!!! there's another one??? Where might this be acquired from??? I don't seem to have it.... Wrench kevin stein
  16. Mine too...I had a HELLL of a time trying to get the shark-mouth for the 112 Squadron Sabre 4!!!! Maybe as decals??? I have a small jpg of a decal sheet for it somewhere.... Wrench kevin stein
  17. File Name: MiG-21MF 1024x templates File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 Dec 2007 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets MiG-21MF Fishbed-J 1024x Skin template: These are new templates, based off and resized from the original little itty bity ones as originally issued by 3rd Wire. I call these "semi-HiRez, as they are now resized to 1024x1024...to me HiRez is anything OVER 2048!! This set is designed to allow you to create new skins, either natural metal or camoflague types. I have NOT plotted out the overlaps for camos, but this can easily be done in you imaging program (Photoshop, Gimp, PSP, etc) by enlarging the camo skin bmps, and adding them as another layer. Repainting should be relatively easy after that. I've redrawn, as best I can, all the panel, rivet lines, inspection plates, etc. Some of the rivet placement is a 'best guess', as the original size of the bmp was ONLY 256x256, and are badly blurred. The base skin color is a 10-15% gray, which when adjusted for in the textureset ini, will look like semi-polished natural metal. (the accompanying screenshot shows this new skin, with the 'Blue Bort' number decals) Happy Skinning! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  18. Version


    MiG-21MF Fishbed-J 1024x Skin template: These are new templates, based off and resized from the original little itty bity ones as originally issued by 3rd Wire. I call these "semi-HiRez, as they are now resized to 1024x1024...to me HiRez is anything OVER 2048!! This set is designed to allow you to create new skins, either natural metal or camoflague types. I have NOT plotted out the overlaps for camos, but this can easily be done in you imaging program (Photoshop, Gimp, PSP, etc) by enlarging the camo skin bmps, and adding them as another layer. Repainting should be relatively easy after that. I've redrawn, as best I can, all the panel, rivet lines, inspection plates, etc. Some of the rivet placement is a 'best guess', as the original size of the bmp was ONLY 256x256, and are badly blurred. The base skin color is a 10-15% gray, which when adjusted for in the textureset ini, will look like semi-polished natural metal. (the accompanying screenshot shows this new skin, with the 'Blue Bort' number decals) Happy Skinning! Wrench kevin stein
  19. File Name: Blue Soviet Tactical Number Decals File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 11 Dec 2007 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets Blue Soviet Tactical Numbers - For SF/WoV/WoE 12/11/07 These are simply repaints of the Stock 3rd Wire red SovTac numbers, now in a blue color for the PVO interceptors. Or for whomever else used them :) There are 100 numbers in total. There were all extracted from the /objects.cat, and then repainted. I've also incluced the 'numbers.lst', which is the same as used by the Red Numbers. See the enclosed readme for fairly easy to follow instructions Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  20. Version


    Blue Soviet Tactical Numbers - For SF/WoV/WoE 12/11/07 These are simply repaints of the Stock 3rd Wire red SovTac numbers, now in a blue color for the PVO interceptors. Or for whomever else used them :) There are 100 numbers in total. There were all extracted from the /objects.cat, and then repainted. I've also incluced the 'numbers.lst', which is the same as used by the Red Numbers. See the enclosed readme for fairly easy to follow instructions Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. At least, I thinks that's what they're called. ie: Soviet Tactical numbers. What determines what color goes on which airplane, as below: (21MF) I've got a full set of the original SovietNums repainted to the blue seen here (the stock ones). I know the Flagon's 'seemed' to use them more, but I've seen profiles/pictures of Fishbeds with them as well. Also seen yellow, a lighter blue and black. What's the rhyme or reason behind it? Inside or out of the Soviet Union, type of aircraft and/or aircraft role?? Can't seem to find anything that might explain it! BTW, that's a new skin in 1024x1024, from a new psd template I just finished. Is there any interest in it?? If not, I'll just dump it -- yeah, like that's gonna happen!! Wrench kevin stein
  22. Ok, ok...I can take hint!!! I'll try and have the Hawk 75 finished and out by the weekend!! Wrench kevin stein
  23. What???? The military is filtering your p0rn??? Looks like it's time for 'a letter to The Times' Hopefully, somebody can do this skin: Wrench kevin stein
  24. Thanks guys! I'll probably upload the package of Blue Borts, just so's folks can have them. I personally added them to the PVO Fishpots, so they all get numbers. Odd, though, no one responeded to my question about the 1024x 21MF templates.... Wrench kevin stein

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