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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Version


    MiG-17 Fresco 1024x Skin template: These are new templates, based off and resized from the original little itty bity ones as originally issued by 3rd Wire. I call these "semi-HiRez, as they are now resized to 1024x1024...to me HiRez is anything OVER 2048!! This set is designed to allow you to create new skins, either natural metal or camoflague types. I have NOT plotted out the overlaps for camos, but this can easily be done in you imaging program (Photoshop, Gimp, PSP, etc) by enlarging the camo skin bmps, and adding them as another layer. Repainting should be relatively easy after that. I've redrawn, as best I can, all the panel, rivet lines, inspection plates, etc. Some of the rivet placement is a 'best guess', as the original size of the bmp was ONLY 256x256, and are badly blurred. (apparantly, the original builders like to add a lot of "noise" to the skin map) Please read the enclosed readme for more note from General Interest (an fascinating sort of fellow!!) Happy SKinning! Wrench kevin stein
  2. File Name: Su-7BM Fitter-C 1024x-1024 skin templates File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 2 Dec 2007 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets Su-7BM Fitter-C 1024x Skin template: These are new templates, based off and resized from the original little itty bity skins as originally issued by 3rd Wire. I call these "semi-HiRez, as they are only resized to 1024x1024...to me HiRez is anything OVER 2048!! This set is designed to allow you to create new skins, either natural metal or camoflague types. I have NOT plotted out the overlaps for camos, but this can easily be done in you imaging program (Photoshop, Gimp, PSP, etc) by enlarging the camo skin bmps, and adding them as another layer. Repainting should be relatively easy after that. I've redrawn, as best I can, all the panel, rivet lines, inspection plates, etc. Some of the rivet placement is a 'best guess', as the original size of the bmp was ONLY 256x256, and are badly blurred. The base skin color is a 10-15% gray. Please read the enclose readme for more notes of general interest! Happy Skinning!! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  3. Version


    Su-7BM Fitter-C 1024x Skin template: These are new templates, based off and resized from the original little itty bity skins as originally issued by 3rd Wire. I call these "semi-HiRez, as they are only resized to 1024x1024...to me HiRez is anything OVER 2048!! This set is designed to allow you to create new skins, either natural metal or camoflague types. I have NOT plotted out the overlaps for camos, but this can easily be done in you imaging program (Photoshop, Gimp, PSP, etc) by enlarging the camo skin bmps, and adding them as another layer. Repainting should be relatively easy after that. I've redrawn, as best I can, all the panel, rivet lines, inspection plates, etc. Some of the rivet placement is a 'best guess', as the original size of the bmp was ONLY 256x256, and are badly blurred. The base skin color is a 10-15% gray. Please read the enclose readme for more notes of general interest! Happy Skinning!! Wrench kevin stein
  4. I plan on uploading the 17's templates, along with new ones for the Su-7 sometime later tonight. Wrench kevin stein
  5. Didn't we just cover this in the recent past???? I quote meself: "The thing you downloaded is probably just a skin and ini update. The aircraft itself is ONLY available in WoV, so without the lod files, you won't have anything to fly" Hence, also, the necessity of conscise, fully informative readmes...... Wrench kevin stein
  6. I'd say so... Why would you be fiddling with the prop tgas??? There's nothing wrong with the one it has.. It just has the wrong nose (and can't be fixed) As for skinning, well...let's just say my 109G template is over 75 megs....lots of layers Wrench kevin stein
  7. My site only, on the "new aircraft & skins' page. Please remember, that it's still using the 109G10 body, so we don't have the correct nose and propeller. Also, since Capun posted the beta models....there's this in the works too. This is just the first pass on painting it...it'll need to be totall redone as I've now got the correct colors and patterns from 'a friend' Wrench kevin stein (link down here in my sig)
  8. Pulls out 'Work in Progress' list...better update that Arctic skin for the Scorpion.... Wrench kevin stein
  9. Aussie Vigilantes?

    Two choices on the weapons fit:: 1) Leave as USN, no problems 2) Adjust for Oz use (WP), also no problems -- all the needed bits for RAAF and RAN are already in the weapons pak Wrench kevin stein
  10. Strange Bedfellows

    And, you can find an Avia S-199 'Mule' stand-in over at my site!!! (109G10 body used) Wrench kevin stein
  11. That looks damn good! Kudos to FC for the pod!! Dail that puppy in, and ship it to the masses, I says!! Wrench kevin stein
  12. Actually, thinking more about this...and being the twisted individual I am.... I'd originally thought he had a belly button problem!!! (having had surgury for a navel hernia, I can understand) I was goind to suggest maybe a Q-tip to clean it??? Ok, I'm leaving now... Wrench kevin stein
  13. File Name: MiG-19S 1024x1024 Skin templates File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 30 Nov 2007 File Category: Skin Templates / Decal Sets MiG-19 Farmer 1024 Skin template: These are new templates, based off and resized from the original little itty bity ones as originally issued by 3rd Wire. I call these "semi-HiRez, as they are now resized to 1024x1024 This set is designed to allow you to create new skins, either natural metal or camoflague types. I've redrawn, as best I can, all the panel, rivet lines, inspection plates, etc. Some of the rivet placement is a 'best guess', as the original size of the bmp was ONLY 256x256, and are badly blurred. The base skin color is a 10-15% gray, which when adjusted for in the textureset ini, will look like semi-polished natural metal. Please see the enclosed readme for more information, and other interesting tid-bits. Happy Skinning! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  14. I forgot the list in the credits, the 4+ book on the MiG-19 Farmer, which had superb close-ups of the aircraft, that really helped in getting the inspection hatch thingys more or less in the right place, ad the Squad/Signal In Action book. Also, those 4 little black round 'holes' on the port side of the fin are the signal flare discharge ports. Wrench kevin stein
  15. I should, I had to make a new template for the 17PF skin...I guess I'll do some clean-up on it (maybe add the gun blast-back stains). BTW, that new 'semi-HiRez' skin is IN the 17PF upgrade pak a few posts below. I've already tested it on the Fresco, and it ain't so bad. It's also in 1024x1024. Wrench kevin stein
  16. I'd go with Major Lee's answer on this one.... Let's see.... poor navigation in fog, collided drunk skippers, collided forgot the check the tide tables, ran aground drunk skippers, ran aground forgot to wear their tin-foil hats, exposed to alien mind-control beams, collied AND ran aground.... That tanker wouldn't happen to be the Exxon Valdez, would it???? Never could figure out an effect for an oil spill... longestpants: yes, those are my shipwreck objects. Wrench kevin stein
  17. that's ok...I been fiddling with MiGs instead of finishing off the hawk 75. I don't have a template for the SM79, perhaps Capun or charles does. Altough time consuming, it's relitavely easy to make one from an existing skin (although the fabric surfaces still has me mostly stumped). did you get my pm??? Wrench kevin stein
  18. The IDF Tomcat is only found on my site...the link is below in my sig. It's on the "New Aircraft and Skins" Page Wrench kevin stein
  19. Thanks Starfighter! I guess I shoulda researched the guns a little better...they're just as Madcaddie released it. I was more concerned with the damn rockets!!! Easy enough fix, though.... add to nose section: SystemName[006]=InternalGun3 add to guns section: [internalGun3] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=23MM_NR23 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=-0.24,4.22,-0.63 LightPosition=-0.24,4.22,-0.73 MaxAmmo=80 EjectShells=TRUE EjectPosition=-0.24,3.454,-0.437 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-2.0 MinExtentPosition=-0.20, 3.34,-0.67 MaxExtentPosition=-0.30, 4.22,-0.56 then adjust the rounds in the other 2 guns to match. I agree....MiGs make wonderful targets!!!! Wrench kevin stein
  20. Well, I'm not exactly sure...the -3 Wildcats (probably Martlet 1) didn't have folding wings and only 4 50 cals. That what I did when I made the early war -3; just commented out the outer guns and wing fold. The -4 and later (not including the FM-2, with a larger tail fin) had folding wings and 6 50s.... The hard part is to figure out with was the FAA versions... If it'd help, I have the Sqadr/Signal "Fleet Air Arm" book on pdf somewhere... also good for skins You know there's a cheat on all of pasko's skins....the righ and left wings are mapped identically. If you do one, all you need is to flip it (horizontally?? me thinks...), and rename the resultant bmp as right or left, depending on where you started. That's how I did the KM Stuka, F-80, F-94 and a couple others... Cheating is sometimes cool.. Wrench kevn stein
  21. Version


    MiG-17PF Fresco-D upgrade -Ver2.0 for SF/SFG/ WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2 & SF2-V Updated to Ver. 2 4/20/09 This version is designed to completly REPLACE the mod I released some time ago..... This is an almost complete rebuild of Madcaddie's MiG-17PF 'Fresco-D' limited all-weather, radar equipped interceptor. This has been tweeked to use a modified UV-16 rocket pod as an air-to-air weapon, along with a new-ish version of the S-5 unguided rocket. Most of the data for this weapons tweek was worked out by Lexx_Luthor in a thread over at the 3rd Wire Message Boards, using some data I've discoverd in the past. (see "Notes" section below for more details). The Flight Model parameters themselves have been copied directly from the latest Fresco-C's, so they are the most current (as of the 08 Patches for WoE). I'm releasing the ENTIRE aircraft, minus the lods of course, as they exist in all versions of the game, EVERYTHING is included, all the inis, new 'SovietSilver' larger skin bumps, etc. Also included is the cockpit, basically Mago/Paladrin's MiG-21MF; with some small modifications to the radar display. And, ONLY available in this mod, a new WoE-style Hangar Screen; the original 'artwork' type is also still included This is a completly new skin, created from a new template, made by me, based off the original 3rdW units. I've resized it up to 1024x1024, with completly redrawn rivet and panel lines. Also included is a revamped "M17PF.bmp" for the nose radar bubble, also resized and repainted. You =WILL= be using the weapons editor to add the new rockets and rocket pod!!!!! ==IT IS HIGHLY SUGGESTED YOU HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS EDITOR== As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions. Well, almost easy...don't forget you'll be adding weapons, if you've not downloaded this before... Happy Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  22. Now, THATs nice!!!! If you all are interested, there's kind of a wish list in the "filling the blanks with ground objects' threard, around here somewhere. We could definately use more stuff...Western AA units, soviet Long Track, and other radars -- expecially the NATO stuff. Vehicles, etc. (note to self: find out what Capun did with the Toyota pickup) Wonder if that nuke plant could stand in for the Baghdad Nuclear Research center in Desert Strom..... Wrench kevin stein
  23. Not to be a jackass, or twist a knife, but all this should have been stated in the original readmes. From my stickied post, in the General Discussions Fourm, Just A Reminder People: Check Mods Before Uploading Remember, it's like those tests the State gives (or schools for that matter); use the lowest common demoniator; keep it simple and easy to understand, while being detailed and conscise. Keep up the good work! Wrench kevin stein
  24. When rebuilding the DS map, I've noticed that coordinates in the mission builder don't quite match the coordinates given with the huddata debug set to TRUE. I ALWAYS use those coordinates, which means, usually, finding a area relitively close via the mission builder, they then flying single missions somewhere's close by, and then using the free camera to wander over and see what's what. This may need to be done several dozen times..... Remember too, the game enigne will only populate the target areas when you get close to them (10-20 km maybe???) So, for example, if you're flying a mission over Calis, and you need to see what's placed at Paris, you may find nothing there. There's a little illustrated tutorial doc in my 'shipwreck' object that speaks to object placement using the de-buged huddata. Wrench kevin stein ps: vacation was good; got back last Fri.
  25. Anyone carried this any further??? Haven't had time to experiment with the Harrier pit fof the Migs...which calls the question for those withOUT WoE...possibly using the pits found in some of the aftermarket Harriers....must investigate this in my spare time... Wrench kevin stein

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