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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. to the best of my knowledge, the LOD is NOT here. Unfortuntately (as recently seen) we really can't stop people from doing things. We can only warn them, advise them and hope they understand and follow site policy. Why did the OP post here in The Pub, instead of the right SF forum? Obviously, not paying attention to location. It's happened before, and it'll happen again You'll also notice the OP never said what game it's for. While I'm quite sure it for the SF series, without knowing WHICH one, I can't move the thread to where it belongs
  2. I'm now working on bringing these to FAB aircraft into the SF2-verse, and require some help. I have a listing of the FAB serials (4462-4627), but need to know where the 'break' is for the 2 versions. Also, trying to figure out WHAT gun and how much ammo is carried in the (unfortunately) built-into-the-LOD under wing gunpods on the AT-26 Xivante (2 seater). any and all assistance will be GREATLY appriciated!! Links to websites, books, magazine articles, etc! Many thanks in advance!
  3. I think they got move elsewhere, so I put them back
  4. the argentine modder group. under slow development (see spanish language forums) REQUIRED screenshot
  5. are the cities I placed still attached to their Thai airfileds??
  6. Yup, our AC-47s, AC-119s, AC-130s all just fly around like a bunch of dopes as a reminder to dsswan, we've had the AN-12 in this game since 2003, when it first came out. (how can you not know that?)
  7. took the words right out of my fingers, Jarek!
  8. SF2 DHC-1 Chipmunk Pack

    no, i'm not a 3d modeler. We have the Gnat/Ajeet, but the model has somewhat "fucked up " animations for the speed brake/gear door. as to the other, I do't work on DAT shit
  9. SF2 DHC-1 Chipmunk Pack

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 DHC-1 Chipmunk Pack 2/25/2020 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended, plus Exp 1) This is a remake & reissue of the the DHC-1 Chipmunk trainer aircraft first released in 2008 by "Big Al". It has been reworked to bring it more into compliance with SF2 standards, as best as possbile. Be advised, there are a number of issues & flaws; they are enumerated in the "Notes" section. This is the full aircraft, with all necessary parts. The skin maps, still in bmp format, have been slightly repainted to allow the use of decals for insignia, 'plane-in-squad' letters and serial numbers. Serial numbers, while historically accurate for the version depicted, should be considered generic in nature. Decal randomizaion is TRUE. As exported is TRUE, a user list has been created. It does not list all the Chipmunk's export users. End Users (tm) are encouraged to fill it in as needed. While this is an exceptionally old model, the canopy does work via standard manual animation keystroke (Shift/0 -zero). Expansion Pack 1 is required for the destroyed model (Spitfire). If you do not have it, you'll have to find another to use in it's place. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Please see the "Notes" section for a list of changes to make the aircraft more SF2 compliant, and certain other explinations. The original release readme, from 2008, is included within the aircraft's main folder. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  10. View File SF2 DHC-1 Chipmunk Pack SF2 DHC-1 Chipmunk Pack 2/25/2020 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended, plus Exp 1) This is a remake & reissue of the the DHC-1 Chipmunk trainer aircraft first released in 2008 by "Big Al". It has been reworked to bring it more into compliance with SF2 standards, as best as possbile. Be advised, there are a number of issues & flaws; they are enumerated in the "Notes" section. This is the full aircraft, with all necessary parts. The skin maps, still in bmp format, have been slightly repainted to allow the use of decals for insignia, 'plane-in-squad' letters and serial numbers. Serial numbers, while historically accurate for the version depicted, should be considered generic in nature. Decal randomizaion is TRUE. As exported is TRUE, a user list has been created. It does not list all the Chipmunk's export users. End Users (tm) are encouraged to fill it in as needed. While this is an exceptionally old model, the canopy does work via standard manual animation keystroke (Shift/0 -zero). Expansion Pack 1 is required for the destroyed model (Spitfire). If you do not have it, you'll have to find another to use in it's place. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Please see the "Notes" section for a list of changes to make the aircraft more SF2 compliant, and certain other explinations. The original release readme, from 2008, is included within the aircraft's main folder. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 03/05/2020 Category Other  
  11. yes, as has been stated several times above -- they are all seperate buttons -- and cannot be used all at once 1) select guns - fire 2) select missile (sidewinder, sparrow, phoenix) allow/wait for lock fire all different funchitons, requireing different buttons so, map your stick accordingly
  12. Version 1.0.0


    WW2 Allied Bombing Range - Final- 5/1/2018 - For SF2, Any & All (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) **Please note, you should have SF2 for this terrain references many stock items from the Desert.cat.However, instructions are provided to use other terrain cats.*** This is a major overhaul of Several of the target areas on the Allied Bombing Range. This is designed =ONLY= for WW2 Allied usage. It can be used for practice by any and all of the Allied nations. There are a myriad of targets, both the old and newer ones, to hone you skills in level and dive bombing, strafing with guns and/or rockets (for those aircraft equipped). I intend THIS to be the Final Version. It =WILL= replace all earlier versions of the Allied Bombing Range, so you'll need to backup, move/remove or delete any older version you may have. Like the revamped modern range terrains, it has been retiled in an "IME" desert style with the addition of a water feature for anti-shipping. See "Change Log" in the Notes section for more details As is reccomended, unzip this archive to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended you -READ- this document (THIS readme), expecially the "To Install" section, after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. Please also read the Standard Usage Discalimer, as it's been changed slightly to reflect a change in my policy. It's listed at the bottom, in the Legal Statement Section, with the URL back to the CA post. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  13. Version


    Bombing Range Revamp/Update for SF2 5/6/2016 = For SF2, any and all (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) This is a revamp/retile of Deuces original "The Range" terrain. Like the original, it's a terrain set up so one may practice Ground Attack and Strike mission against various types of ground targets. Also, finally, there has been the addition of a large "water feature", so now you can practice Anti-shipping missions as well! This will allow you to become familiar with the various types weapons, and their usages. ** REMINDER: there is NO Air-to-Air possible on this terrain. It is designed for attacking ground targets ONLY!! Also, like the companion "Red Range", this terrain is ONLY for Blue Force usage. Trying to fly any Red Force (Soviet, WarPac, etc) aircraft WILL result in lockups, CTDs and other unpleasentness. ** I'm calling this "ver. 4" even though I'm unsure exactly what it should be called! The terrain has been completly retiled in "IME" style tiles. Where necessary (and wanted), a few new TODs has been made with better looking trees. For the most part, however, it's an empty terrain. Home Base is now a Runway 4 allowing for bombers to be used, and has been completly redressed by 331KillerBee with objects from his recently released airfield upgrade kits. Also many other objects from the other various airfield dress-up packs by various other good people have been scattered around, making for a LOT of eye candy. This is also the first terrain to be (re)released using sets of sub-folders for the various terrain objects. Because of the amount of objects to be loaded, you may experience longer loading times at mission start ups. Also included is a modified "Single Mission ini" that has had the minimum target values lowered, so the game engine can assign Strike missions against a wide variety of "lesser value" items. This file can be used in ANY mods folder, and will work for all types single missions the game generates. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Give the "notes" a browse, too! For those unfamiliar with the "cat pointer" lines, there are instructions on it's proper useage. Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  14. don't even freeking remind me of WW2 nose arts .... (how many hundreds have I done, and mostly matched to plane and serial???)
  15. This Is Why You Research Things

    wait a sec ... you mean to say that gameplay isn't realistic!!!!????
  16. another one salvaged...amazing what one can find while cleaning house...
  17. I wouldn't even worry about it. IME is the only one, of ALL terrain -stock and add ons- that has one. And they all work fine. Trust me
  18. ah, yeah. you're placing them in the core install which is never to be touched. You need to put them in the mods folder Might I suggest reading the relevant posts in our Knowledge Base. and perhaps, re-reading any and all included readmes. They contain the install instructions.
  19. yawn my rebuild of Gepard's Isreal2, while not actually having Turkey, they could concievably fly from Cyprus Let us not forget PureBlue's Anatolia map. Would need a lot of reworking (retiling, retargeting) of course. Looks like that's what Stratos is showing. Sounds like a good learning project for a budding terraformer
  20. well, Pasko's FB6 cockpit that came with the plane, I should have said. sorry!
  21. This comes up every once in a while, and even I sometimes don't remembe, and have to look it up. So, what this little tutorial will, do, is show and list the steps necessary to "take things out" of a cockpit, that you really don't need. First off, you really, REALLY, REALLY should have a copy of Mue's Lod Viewer (tm). This will give a perfect view of the cockpit itself, with a full listing of the component meshes & their names. In the image below, you see I'm using Raven's Hurricane Mk.1 cockpit, and have marked part of the gunsight. We'll be removing it, as the aircraft I want to use it on, dosen't have one. You'll also notice the mesh name highlighted, over on the upper left pane. So, now we open the cockpit ini, and we'll be adding "new" insturments, so we can move these meshes out of the way. This part stays the same for all the differing methods, of which I will show you. In the =CockpitSeat01' , or 3rd section down, where all the instrument are defined, you'll add the "new" listing --always in numerical order!!! The actual "named" move sections (keep reading) are added at the bottom of the cockpit ini. [CockpitSeat001] ==-major snippage of uneeded statements== Instrument[029]=StandbyCompass Instrument[030]=ADI2 //--removes or moves --/// Instrument[031]=Move1 Instrument[032]=Move2 Instrument[033]=Move3 Instrument[034]=Move4 <----- Move "instrument" statements Instrument[035]=Move5 Instrument[036]=Move6 Instrument[037]=Move7 Instrument[038]=Move8 Now, the first way we discovered, sometime in the mid-2000s, was to "drop them out of sight". It goes something like this: It used the airspeed values, so as soon as the game starts ( "0" knots") the items vanishes. But, there are better and simpler ways As stated by Cliff7600, you can tell the game the mesh is a light (like a warning light, or light bulb, or whatever) As so below: The 3rd Method, as posted by Yakarov and Wilches, is simply make the mesh "Inactive". As seen below Remember, no matter how many moves you use, they must all be listed in the Insturment section, and must match the names of the moves listed. Save and close the cockpit ini, and go in-game to test the operation. It should look like the image below, with all the meshes of the gunsight removed And that's pretty much it Thanks to whoever first invented this (bpao? armordave?) and to cliff7600, yakarov79 and wilches. Happy Moving!!!

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