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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I take you haven't read my "Notes on Fishbeds" in the Loadout Fixes thread????? You'll probably want to get the Indian AF Fishbed fixes from the downloads section here, read THOSE notes...and make the necessary 'adjustments' Looks like mix-matched lods there m'boy, along with wanked-out shadow too. Remember, NOTHING from howling1 original pak will work right off....most of them are already fixed, and uploaded here. Wrench kevin stein
  2. Right now, it has "0" strength as a jammer, so that needs some adjusting. Hmmm....one wonders if you couldn't double the pod (and the mounting hardpoint).... Have another station EXACTLY on the same spot, make a copy of the D pod, change it to a CM dispenser, and then add the necessary flaff and chares, and mount it directly OVER the jammer pod. Give it a very light weight (10 or 15 kgs). It would then be hidden on top of itself, and you get the added bonus of having the jammer AND disposables all at the same place Editing the data and loadout inis is a nothing job...just adding a hardpoint in the same place as the original. 20 minutes, maybe a half hours worth of work!!! Now, the historicality (real life usage), well....that's another matter!!! Wrench kevin stein ps: I just did a whole bunch of fixes for the Indaian Fishbeds...but don't remember if I put the dispensers on. You all go check the Bison and let me know!!
  3. Version


    F4U-1C "Corsair" modification for SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO installs This package is a simple mod to the existing F4U-1C created by Wolf257. It includes mods to the data, loadout and cockpit ini. There is also a new skin, representing VMF-311 in late 1944 to the end of the war time frame. And a few other bits and goodies. The loadout has been modified from the original, as I've discoverd the -1Cs only used the inboard rocket rails. Also, I've changed the centerline station's drop tank type to use Geo's from his Hellcat. It's much closer to the actual shape and size. -- so you MUST have the latest weapons pak, and/or Geo's Hellcat installed to make use of his tank!!!! (it also makes real good sense to have Wolf's WW2 planes pak installed, to have the -1C Corsair, as well) Please read the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions, plus notes, comments and general mayhem. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  4. There's been an EW pod for the Fishbeds in the weapons pak for over 2 year now...look for item "RecPodD" Wrench kevin stein
  5. Let's start with a basic lessons in definations: CAPS LOCK....leave it off; with all caps your shouting, and it's not polite (basic internet courtesy) Patches: downloaded aircraft/skins/vehicles/etc are NOT patches, they are add-ons or modifications Patches are official upgrades to the game engine provieded by the manufacuturer/publisher and what the hell is an atualization???? Sounds like somthing for an automatic transmission. Silverbolt, might want to check your spelling/typing there, bro. It sure confused me!!! Now, to the matter at hand, lostmotz, could you please restate the problem you're having?? Give us a much information as you can, like what did you download, how did you install it, and error messages recieved (if any). With some basic knowledge of the problem, we can troubleshoot it. (yah, you can take the technician out of the shop, but the diagnostician still's inside him!) Wrench kevin stein
  6. The "Go" has been given. Do you want the whole package? If so, I"ll zip it up, and PM you a link Thanks again Lexx!!! Wrench kevin stein
  7. I likes it!! Fun and simple, fairly easy to fly. If I might make a suggestion for a cockpit, what about that single jet unit I built from the Spit Pit, for use on the Vampire? Even though it's set for non-metric measurments, it looks pretty good in/on mine. I also have a nice Russkie gunsight, if you want's it. If I could figure out the re-calibrations for metric...and relable the gauges in cyrilic...it'd be super! Great job to Timmy and Lexx!!! Wrench kevin stein
  8. Isn't it from JSF_Aggie's marine base from madagassar??? (I know I got them from him for use in DS) Wrench kevin stein
  9. CP: they're Daniel's??? I didn't know that ... no wonder they look so good!! Lexx: good enough for me! It dosen't have to be perfect; left the rivet counters whine. Just want something that works. Been informed there is a -5N in the works; but I think we'll forge ahead with this one. Even if it has the wrong canopy; at night, who can tell, eh?? Wrench kevin stein
  10. To permantly remove them or just for the screenie??? Can't remember the permant fix (something about editing some lines in the HUDdata.ini), but temporarialy for the screenshot, if you've got your keys mapped, it should be "Alt-H", hitting it twice should remove it. At least, that's how I do it in WoE Of course, using the clone stamp tool in photoshop also works, but dosen't look as nice. Wrench kevin stein
  11. That's what I meant!!! I've been flying it just a little bit ago, the scope basically just needs to be moved up. There were some data ini tweeks needed, as Wolf has the wings in the F4U cockpit lod, so I had to 'turn them back on' in the data ini. Dialed in cockpit position; looks pretty good. Guns probably need aim angles, and adjusting. Might have to 'borrow' them from the BoB planes from Baltika's set. They're fairly close right now, just need a little tweek. I'll get some screenies of what I have up later...nearly dinner time, and we're going to watch the 'Tranformers' dvd tonight! again, thanks Lexx!! Wrench kevin stein
  12. Sweet! Now, I just have to find them...oh Dave...weren't you on the SabreDog team?? Yes, indeed the compass tape thingy. I figgured the HSI would be most important for night operations ... since its the only thing that'll tell if you're upsided down or what!! If we can get Geo to come out with a -5 Hellcat.....(or figure out the moves on the MF F4U-7 - a new skin would be needed, of course for Korea...) Off to study that thread again...one of the best 'tweek' threads around, btw. Thanks Lexx! Wrench kevin stein
  13. AC-130 and AC-47 already exist. Wrench kevin stein
  14. Aren't the P-4's a stock item??? check-check...looking at their data ini, they're set as (strangely enough!) PATROL_BOAT. Hmm..didnt know we had that type. Easy enough to extract it, and change their role to "Cargo_ship" At least they shoot back! Wrench kevin stein
  15. File Name: F-110A 'Wraith' Package File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 Oct 2007 File Updated: 8 Mar 2008 File Category: Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's File Version: No Information Website: No Information F-110A "Wraith" Mod Pak for SF/WoV/WoE A "What If..." Cold War Aircraft First of all, I have to extend a great deal of thanks to BadFrank from the CombatAce message boards, as this entire thing was his idea!! He's also the person that found the mesh names for the rear canopy for me to get the decal on (it's also his decal, I just repainted it). What we have here is a mod of the F-4B creating a single-seat version of the Phantom. This version is designed for US Air Force use, as a long-range missile armed interceptor, along the lines of the F-102, F-106 and even it's older brother, the F-101A Voodoo. This aircraft has NO air-to-ground capabilities, in keeping with it's role as a continential air defense interceptor. A gun pod (SUU-16) can be loaded as they become available (later service year dates) All items used, excepting the new weapons, are stock 3rd Wire, and are readily available in each of the varying versions of the game. It makes use of stock, albeit renamed skin files, some of which have been repainted by me. I've included them in the package, as it's easier than having the end user transfer and rename files. And again, as they're all stock items, they exist in all versions of the game. As should all the serial decals as well. You'll be adding a couple of new 'weapons', a modified Scooter hump and a rebuild of my 'hack job' F-104 Recon Pod, now modified/renamed/tweeked for use on the Phantom. Full, detailed instrustions on all facets of installation are in the enclosed readme, along with full credits for folks who helped out. -- so PLEASE read the cursed thing!!! It'll make your life easier, I promise you! Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  16. Yes, Please Lexx! For a ww2 prop job, it should be fairly easy to repaint a few faces (like the EGT to 'CYL HD Temp'). Most folks don't seem to look at the gauges too much anyway. If that works out, getting permission from the SabreDog team would be next step Wrench kevin stein
  17. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5411 File Name: FAA Corsair Mk.2 (ETO) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 Oct 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Allied Fighters File Version: 2.00 Website: No Information *Note: this packing includes the latest skin. I'd originally planned this only as an update, but it appears I never uploaded this aircraft package here at CA...so, you've got it all now!* Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Vought Corsair Mk.II mod for SF/WoV/WoE *Note: this re-pack includes the new skin and fixed decal* This is a modifcation of Wolf257's F4U Corsair into the Mark II version used by the British Royal Navy in the Atlantic. (minus the clipped wing tips - as that isn't modeled) This is a semi complete aircraft mod, creating a country specific version for use in your World War 2: ETO installs ONLY!! As such, all the loadouts have been adjusted to fit Royal Navy aircraft of the time (or as best guess as my research has shown). This aircraft does NOT carry rockets. It does, however, have the inner under wing and centerline stations split into 3 groups, allowing for asymetrical loadout (as seen in several pictures I have) !Semi-complete means the aircraft lod is NOT included - you'll have to transfer it over from one of your other Corsairs! It represents aircraft from FAA 1842 Squadron embarked on HMS FORMIDABLE during the time frame of the attacks against the TIRPITZ. You'll also find a new ETO Corsair hangar screen, I created just for this mod, and ONLY available with it. ==NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS PAK INSTALLED FOR PROPER WEAPONS LOADOUT!!== Please read the enclosed readmes (there's 2 - for for install, and one explained the new 'updated' skin) for complete install instructions. Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  18. FAA Corsair Mk.2 (ETO)



    *Note: this packing includes the latest skin. I'd originally planned this only as an update, but it appears I never uploaded this aircraft package here at CA...so, you've got it all now!* Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm Vought Corsair Mk.II mod for SF/WoV/WoE *Note: this re-pack includes the new skin and fixed decal* This is a modifcation of Wolf257's F4U Corsair into the Mark II version used by the British Royal Navy in the Atlantic. (minus the clipped wing tips - as that isn't modeled) This is a semi complete aircraft mod, creating a country specific version for use in your World War 2: ETO installs ONLY!! As such, all the loadouts have been adjusted to fit Royal Navy aircraft of the time (or as best guess as my research has shown). This aircraft does NOT carry rockets. It does, however, have the inner under wing and centerline stations split into 3 groups, allowing for asymetrical loadout (as seen in several pictures I have) !Semi-complete means the aircraft lod is NOT included - you'll have to transfer it over from one of your other Corsairs! It represents aircraft from FAA 1842 Squadron embarked on HMS FORMIDABLE during the time frame of the attacks against the TIRPITZ. You'll also find a new ETO Corsair hangar screen, I created just for this mod, and ONLY available with it. ==NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE THE LATEST WEAPONS PAK INSTALLED FOR PROPER WEAPONS LOADOUT!!== Please read the enclosed readmes (there's 2 - for for install, and one explained the new 'updated' skin) for complete install instructions. Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein
  19. Better than a 40 foot satellite dish sticking out of your butt!!! You know, cows just turn themselves inside out sometimes. Wrench kevin stein
  20. Dosent' any one READ the readmes????? It's all explained (minus the location error for Otis) in ther, including the quote from Wiki above, parapharsed and edited to fit the 'alternate' history. Hence the title "A What If...Cold War Aircraft". *&^%$#@! don't know why I even bother some times.... Wrench kevin stein
  21. Phantasam brings to mind flying silver spheres, with lots of point-ed parts sticking out, ready to thawak into your head and suck out your brains. Wrench kevin stein
  22. Was looking at my FAA Corsair Mk.2 (F4U-1, Royal Navy for the unenlightened), and noticed the skin actually looked pretty crappy. So..after spending most of last night, and all of today redrawing all the panel and adding 'interpertative' rivet lines (meaning they're not quite accurate...), and now getting the correct (FS numbered) colors for the camo scheme. I wanted to experiment with fabric surfaces, which is something I've never quite gotten the hang of. Here's some close ups...don't know how well the fabric texture will show here in these screenies... and a full view. You really can't seem them from far way, but at least the panel lines look a whole lot better!! And the colors are MUCh more accurate. I still have to do something about the fues roundel...it's too bright. Probably de-saturate it a little. Never figured out that 'opacity' thing Dave keep going on about... If/when released, it'll just be an update of the skin bmp (and 'wings' bmp that goes in the cockpit folder) , along with the fixed roundel. Gotta love those 'Detail & Scale' books!! Let me know... TIA! Wrench kevin stein
  23. That's a little better.... Never done that before (I'm used to layer opacity for skinning, of course). Had to remake the tga from another bmp, create a copy layer, then fade that approx 80%, overpainted the original layer, flattened, then made the decal from that. As usual, I've probably gone the long way around to do it...as per usual for me. It's much easier with solid colors, say the "Royal Navy" & serial number decal; you can just flood the RGB layer with a lighter gray (70% gray works good for faded numbers), and go from there. Thanks guys! That's one more bugaboo stomped on! Wrench kevin stein
  24. It's which channel that's got me fuddled...I assume it's in the RGB channels not the Alpha (Photoshop 6) must....find...better...tutorials... D&S books are super...I've got about 15-20 gigs of all kinds of stuff on pdf ... mushroom, monogram close up, D&S, Osprey, In Actions, Pod Lupa, TiBU, Kagero, Aerofax, Aircam, Warpaints...etc...lots and lots of good stuff out there. Wrench kevin stein
  25. OOPPs@!!!! You think I'd know that from Wingman #1 -- that's where our story sorta starts! That's probably because the book I'm reading (about lost pirate treasrue) takes place in Maine. thanks for compliment, I hope you enjoy it! Wrench kevin stein

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