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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I don't think you can ... but i remember something about moving postions (y or z), but don't remember the code when I was experimenting with usual method, I noticed that Stary actually as the entry hatch down there in the lower right side. now, that's some detail !!! Just curious, wouldn't it be easier to use the "stock" FB6 or B.Mk.IV pits? (although the B pit has the crawlway to the nose, so maybe the FB6 ???)
  2. all are in the cockpit ini, I assume? your move statements are incorrect. this is from the "new" cockpit for the Chipmunk, I'm using Raven's Hurri pit, and removing all the gunsight parts list the "insturment" and then at the end the move bits [Move1] Type=AIRSPEED_INDICATOR NodeName=Cylinder02 MovementType=POSITION_Z Set[01].Position=-90 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-90 Set[02].Value=1.0 NodeName, obviously will be what ever you're trying to move out of visual range. In the image below, all the various compoents have been moved (something like 5 or 6 meshes of the gunsight)
  3. have you tried unplugging the keyboard, and letting the OS "find" it again, and reload it's drivers?
  4. ALVIN!!!!! (found this while doing some major housecleaning here. working on some improvements)
  5. View File SF2 Vichy French Air Force, Tiger Moth Skin UPgrade SF2 Vichy French Air Force, Tiger Moth Skin UPgrade 2/25/2020 -- Something for Fun -- = For SF2 Any and All= A small upgrade for LloydNB's Vichy French Tigermoth, as used in Indochina in the early 1940s. It is, obviously, for use on RussoUK's DH Tigermoth. The aircraft itself is available at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/14081-sf2-ww2-dh-tigermoth-by-russouk/ This is a very simple mod; just a quickie repaint to remove the original painted on fuselage number, and the addition of 18 "plane-in-squad" numbers. No historical accuracy is claimed, as I've only found one image of the aircraft, and it had the number 5 on it. As said above, something just for fun! Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein -with thanks to LloydNB for the original skin!!- Submitter Wrench Submitted 02/25/2020 Category Other  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Vichy French Air Force, Tiger Moth Skin UPgrade 2/25/2020 -- Something for Fun -- = For SF2 Any and All= A small upgrade for LloydNB's Vichy French Tigermoth, as used in Indochina in the early 1940s. It is, obviously, for use on RussoUK's DH Tigermoth. The aircraft itself is available at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/14081-sf2-ww2-dh-tigermoth-by-russouk/ This is a very simple mod; just a quickie repaint to remove the original painted on fuselage number, and the addition of 18 "plane-in-squad" numbers. No historical accuracy is claimed, as I've only found one image of the aircraft, and it had the number 5 on it. As said above, something just for fun! Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein -with thanks to LloydNB for the original skin!!-
  7. Surely, there must be someone in their offices that speaks English???
  8. that would be great Russ!!! That's really all it's been missing; That would allow the NA game coding to park them on the ship (after I change the "CarrierParkingSpan=" statement. Those inner wing sections (when exposed on folding would need meshing and mapping, but you knew that already! I'd just map those to a seperate sheet, as to not change the main aircraft skins.
  9. thanks Russ I can do the "basic" NM, but I'll need someone to do the late-model 3-tone. Decals wont be a problem
  10. soundlist.ini is the the FlightData cat. after extraction, it goes in the mod folder's /Flight folder. :)
  11. ships are a nightmare, as that ability only came out with NA. Some of the (very much!) you might be able to get away with one or two; like on the island or flight deck. Depends on how many meshes the modeler built.
  12. sorry, no. i'm not that big an FE2 player, and really haven't modded the game at all!
  13. at least 500 gigs. never have actually sat down and figured to total
  14. the original plan was 1945-1955, for the 1st Indochina war (well, that was my original plan, at least!). The Vitnam48 map will be seperate from the "standard" VietnamSEA map. It appears that, yes, 2 era specific version will most likely be appearing. the 1956-75 (ish) will replace the stock map, with a huge upgrade in targeting (like, all the fracking railroads!!!) Which means the original campaigns (all the stock ones) will get boned.
  15. As some of you may know, there is a mod in the works for the 1st Indochina War. I'm going to share some of the aircraft that will be in the mod, eventually Everything used herein is available here at CA, or are stock aircraft "adjusted" to fit. Nothing from anywhere else will be used or discussed. Unless someone want to build new ones... The terrain (VietnamSEA) is in heavy rework, as Menrva has scrapped off everything above the bedrock, and we are rebuilding it, litteraly, from the ground up. It will, however, remain the "stock" 63% size. Reminder: several of the aircraft will not be seen as they're "unavailable". To remedy this, stand in's or aircraft used by the units will have later versions implemented earlier (ie: C-47 for Toucan). Several aircraft used are VERY old, and do have several flaws (mesh bleeds with decals, shadow ropes, incorrect shapes, etc) Please try and hold your questions until all the images have been posted! DO NOT POST THEM WITHIN THIS SCREENSHOT THREAD -- THAT'S NOT WHAT THE SCREENSHOT FORUM IS FOR!!! POST THEM IN THE GENERAL DISCUSSION FORUM, IF NEEDED. This thread was created ONLY to show you all what will be available when this mod is finished. Thank you! --------- Early day, directly post-WW2, to 1947 GC I/7 Provence, Ki=43iiI GC II/7 Nice, ex=RAF 273 Squadron Spitire Mk.VIII (as there are no photos or other visual evidence, the aircraft remains in RAF SEAC camoflague GC I/6 Corse, Mosquito FB Mk.VI GT II/62 Franche-Comte C-47 Skytrain (Dakota)
  16. I have always found it odd the VPAF never had the -15 (other than the UTI). Of course, given WHEN it actually formed, the 17 was a better choice
  17. torno: are you all building a new Wessex? I hope so. Cause, the only other one is Capun, and no longer available to the General Community (tm)
  18. somewhere around (or soon after) 1959, the VPAF started with some transport aircraft. No.919 Transport regiment had a gaggle of AN-2, Li-2 and IL-14. These are not what ifs, but real(ish) Here's a Li-1 "cab" from Paulo's Li-2 shin pak This is a rather generic looking Il-14 'Crate'. I found no information, other then the regiment, no picutres not a thing! ANd I can't find my copy of the Red Star book on the Crate that I used when Veltro built it!! So, it has stock 3W VPAF serials.
  19. I'm trying to find the actual squadron name for the AdA unit, ECN I/71. It was a night fighter unit in the late 1950s. I know AdA units were named after provinces or colonies, but can't find much of anything on this one. Also, looking for info on the Matra 122 air-to-air unguided rocket pod. What little i've found seems to point it's just the same as the 155 pod (looks and amount of rockets carried). Making the a-a rocket isn't a big deal ... same specs as I used for those on the Scorpions. thanks in advance
  20. check your browser -- chrome will automatically do translations
  21. My Tigermoth templates were NOT as complete as I first thought, so I had to finish off redoing all the lines I took Lloyd's Vichy TM, and simply painted out the single number, and gate it 18 "plane-in-squad" decals. A simple, if probably NOT historycally accurate fix. I may load this as an update, if it's waranted. Menrva sent me a link to the 2 real TMs taht Boa Dai had, and became the first aircarft of the Viet Minh. But, I'd already done this one. Standard "day camo" over silver dope. 18 generic numbers More into the What If... since Mao is already sending help in the form of the Yak-9s, why would they neglect the strike/assault elements? Here's an IL-10 from the "10th Volunteer Assault Regiment" (or whatever!! :) )
  22. I see I have to change the tail code; I went the "traditional" method of individual letters. Easy fix. I (re)used the stock Matra 155s, renamed and created a A-A rocket (like I did for the Scorpions) from the 68mm SNEB. The sites I saw for the 26N said 8 aircraft converted. I used generic serial, except for 2 seen in a photo, and another a profile. Easy enough to make new decals of the serials listed above. Left the wing guns in place, as we don't have a dual-50 cal gun pod. this is just one of those "make do" projects, while I'm waiting for the Vietnam 48 to be fixed by Menrva. It will, however, BE release when I'm (more or less) satisfied with it. Don't know how it'll be used in game...with no proper NW Africa terrain..sigh. this is a GREAT help!!!
  23. Fishbeds never carried those. maybe a GP-9 would be more along the lines??? Research, Research and more research.

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