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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. What specifically, are we looking for??? The M-24, I assume is the Chaffee tank??? Most ground objects should be found in the SF/WoV/WoE/Non-Aircraft Object Mods (that don't mean always they are, of course) Lots of the WW2 AAA units are included in the terrains, unless like me, you extracted and 'folderized' them for SP4. Lots of work.... Wrench kevin stein
  2. File Name: 610 Squadron Spitfire Mk.1A Skin File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 Sep 2007 File Category: Spitfire Mk V Spitfire 1A 610 Squadron skin for SF/ WoV/WoE Battle of Britian or ETO/SWOTL intalls: This skin represents Spitfire Mk.1A from 610 Squadron, RAF, during the Battle of Britian. This is a newer skin with enhanced panel and rivet lines, scuffing, wear and tear and general dirtiness. I've also tried as best I could to match the FS numbers for the color schemes. It has new Squadron Codes, individual aircraft letters, and serial numbers for about 26-30 aircraft (serials only - letter codes only go A-Z). The serials are actual numbers for Mk.1s, but I haven't been able to find a reference as to which prefix set was used by 610 Sqdn (although they were probably early number series). So, these are 'best guess'. (if anyone is interested in the source, it's from "Modellers Datafile #3: Spitfire Part 1: Merlin Powered" - which is a SUPERB reference work!!!) I created this skin for the simple reason that I wanted something to match the Nicholas Trudigan painting "Their Finest Hour", which I used as the loading screen for the Spit 1A. It always bothered me that NO one has ever thought to create it. I've also included the gunsight upgrade, switching over from the original unit, to the Pappa Romeo, EAW-converted RAF Mk.2 reflector type (with undying thanks to MoonJumper for finding these, and pointing me to them!) Full, detailed instructions in the enclosed readme -- so read the cursed thing!!!! Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  3. The MTO RAF/SAAF Tomahawks are either here at CA or my site or BOTH!!! I think the 112 here is the latest, updated version with the new panel, rivets, weathering, etc. If you all look at the screenshot; I've included it in the zip, you see the lead plane is E, and the #3 & 4 fellows are L, B...just like in the painting. My little tribute As for the ETO/BoB version of the Tomahawk, I can't get my brain functioning enough to write the 'Fictional Historical Notes" (my wife thinks that sooo funny!). Might release it without ... unless I can get my head and ass and fingers wired together (little mental strain thinking about tommorrow...) I do, however, have a new 50 gallon drop tank for use by the RAF Tommy, and it looks good on the Mk.2 and up Hurri's too. Moddied from the 52 gallon IJAAF one from our Tony. It also has vitrual bomb rack for 2 100# bombs. (all this based on researched info, mostly from the Sqad/Signal "P-40 In Action"). All of 3 paragraphs on RAF usage in England. My estimation is this is a Hawk 81A-3, with the bomb rack and drop tank provisions; the book even said the P-40B's used them but I've never seen photographic proof. Like I said, if I can get it together, a few days at most. If not, a few days at most. The aircraft is ready to go otherwise. It'll be complete, MINUS the lod file, as per Wolf's wishes. It WILL come with everything BUT that. Even has a ring-bead sight for your no-cockpit view. (also included in the 112 skin set, btw) Wrench kevin stein
  4. IAF Jaguars ‘sink’ USS Nimitz

    That's a sharpe looking little firgate...wonder what the RCS modifier is?? In the shot with the carriers, I assume the Viraat's in the middle? Damn, but she looks small compared to the KH and Nimitz! What class is she? Some old RN one, isn't it?? Wrench kevin stein
  5. September, 1940...Southern England We were tasked with intercepting a raid against the Ventnor RDF station. Having recently finished our conversion training, and with the corrected modifications* to our Tomahawks, 2 flights were up and airborne, hunting for the Hun. (*it should be noted these aircraft were originally destined for France; they needed extensive upgrades both at the Curtiss factory and at squadron depot level to rearranged the throttle, and add the needed armour and self sealing tanks. This delayed squadron deployment for almost 3 months) We spotted the enemy formation over the sea, vectored to them by Ventnor itself. Those controllers surely have big brass ones...none of those ladies left their posts for the duration of intercept. "Tallyho!" shouted my #6, "Stukas at 1 o'clock" "Look sharp for their escorts," I called over the R/T. "They don't have any!!" called by wingman, "Stupid buggers, they're sitting ducks!!" "Right then," I said, "All chicks, engage!" I swung out wide to the right, behind for formation as the rest of the lads peeled off and began attacking from the rear. "Watch out for the gunners!" somebody shouted. I pushed down and came up under, pulling towards the right... ...trying to rack for formation from front to back, left to right. I know it was a waste of ammo, but it could possibly draw off fire from my mates. Pulling up through them, I passed by without a shot being fired at me. I could hear my wingman guns going off, as he tried to get the leftmost bird in his sights. Extending out in front, with my throttle bent to the firewall, I pulled up hard and looped over and behind. Coming up from under, I had 2 buzzards stacked over each other in my sights....I pulled the trigger and held it down for a long burst, racking BOTH of them from stern to stem. As pieces broke off, smoke began to stream out, and they fell away from formation, heading down to the sea. The R/T was full of chatter with the exultant shouts of my flight as they tore into the almost helpless Nazi dive bombers. As I pulled up and over, I was greeted with concentrated fire from the rear guns of at least 2 of the vultures...I winced as the bullets bounced off my armoured windscreen - actually SEEING the hits, and feeling them impact all along the length of my aircraft. The engine coughed once, and then everything got real quite. Oh DAMN! I thought...they've gotten my engine!! Setting up my glide, I gently straightened out, and began heading for land. I figured if Icould make, I'd set down as close as possible to the radar station itself. About that time, our controllor called in "Tango flight, mission accomplished. We have no further trade for you at this time" We'd stopped the bombers from hitting our long-range eyes. Even though only ONE made it to it's release point, it's bombs went wide and missed the towers. My radio was still working, and I called my wingman; "Take the boys home. I'm heading in with a dead engine. I'll land here." "Righto, skipper. Tango flight, join up on me. Return to base." I watched as the rejoined, and circled overhead as I made wide S turns to bleed off speed. I'll say one thing for these Tommy-hawks; they sure can take a beating. And the extra punch of the American 50 caliber guns sure shows on the enemy. Watching the smoke and dust cloud from the bomb that missed, I made a nice slow, easy turn into the wind. "Here's hoping" I thought as I dropped the undercarraige and flaps. I was greeted by the disticnt 'thumps' as the wheels came down and locked. This is good...down in one piece, they'll send over and drag my poor little ship back to base, where it can be fixed and fight again. 20 feet...airspeed 85,....10.....5....BOUNCE as I skimmed over the grass. I wiggled the rudder pedals to loose speed, and get me pointed towards to station's main building. I rolled to a stop 100 yards short of my goal. As I cut the remaining switches, fuel petcocks, and set the brakes, I noticed the stations' personell were all running towards me, severel bouncing over the field on bicycles. I unstrapped, and clambered out of the cockpit, slipping off down to the ground. I saluted the WAAF officer in charge, reporting in. "Can I use your telephone to call my station?" "Of course, Flying Officer," she said, "But it'll have to wait a mo'. It dosen't smell too good in the house right now." "Oh?" I looked puzzled, "Why is that" "That bleeding Nazi dropped his bomb right on the latrine. All the drains are broken, and there's sewage everywhere. How about a nice cuppa tea, then?" Just another day in the Battle of Britian... ---------- Another one of my 'What If..' skins for an ETO Tomahawk. It's nearly ready, just have to write the readme with the 'Fictional Historical Notes" Wrench kevin stein
  6. Nice! but you gotta give that guy something to sit on... Try this, I used in on all my Lightenings. Just insert this below the pilotpostion line: Make him look a little more comfortable! Wrench kevin stein
  7. Can't you just delete the pilot from the one of the menu screens??? Options? can't remember... I know all the pilot info is stored in a file called "Pilot00*whatevernumberpilotitis* ie: Pilot001, 002, etc. You can always delete them, and create a new pilot. There's also a PilotList.ini, that you can change your name on, or delete the entry. Me thinks! Wrench kevin stein
  8. I really like those cut-away displays. It appeal to the mechanic that's still hiding in me; the fellow that likes to know the how/why things work. Also reminds me of all the 'Visible' models from the 60s....Visible V-8 and Visible Mustang were still the coolest (although the Visible Women had her points....) Wrench kevin stein
  9. This is one of my very old projects, resureccted to see if I can do it...so, no laughing!!! I'll be listening even for any snickering... Very much still a WIP, so the camo pattern isn't written in stone. Colors are matched from FS numbers, then RGB numbers from the Simmers Paintshop color chips. Your monitor may vary. The yellow (ok, without the red stripes) marking on the tail & cowl are also not finalized. The port nose gun is a known problem...it won't take any color for any reason I can figure out (Wolf even looked at it over a year ago, and never did figure it out - unless its just something I'm not painting on the map). This is one of those cases were a LOD viewer would great to have! So, should it be done with the yellow/red (if possible!!!), or just in the plain 3 tone, as the profiles I've been collecting show several different markings. I'm assuming the yellow/red is a squadron marking??? Without it, it could be rebadged and used for a 'Battle of France' AdA version too. BTW, since all my references books are in Polish...did they have all 6 guns? I know they were 7.5mm (French); could use the US 30cal or UK 303 for Allied types. This version, for Vichy, I've used German 7.9s. A KLU version for the NEI would also be super simple to make....just need the markings locations (well, I can make them as decals or painted on versions ... got a whole sets of national markings. Idea, comments, ??? Wrench kevin stein
  10. I added the newest BoB terrain to my SWOTL install, flew a Sweep over Gernsey...and was in one of the most intense dogfights I've ever had in a sim! Our 12 Spits against, well, it felt like the whole of the Luftwaffe was up there after us! Wrench kevin stein
  11. Right now, the data link don't do nothing. Maybe someday we'll be able to link to AWACs like we used to in ATF/FA. (or Falcon) You can add ECM, flaff and chare dispensers, as well as illuminator flares, too. Wrench kevin stein
  12. That's an image that's gonna bother me for the rest of the weekend....but hey, like the man said, 'whatever finishes the mod' As for those Hog pics, wouldn't the pilot gotten awfully cold up in the sky with no skin on the plane??? ducks and runs...... Wrench kevin stein
  13. Happy Birthday Hrntfixr

    Happy B-Day Jim! Have one for me!! Wrench kevin stein
  14. So, you're looking to do something like.... or These were done the lazy mans way...using the existing postions of the buttons. Kout has done some superb re-dos, like in OTC, that move the buttons to other places on the bmp Wrench kevin stein
  15. I'll take anything I can get, that eases the workload!! Wonder how I'd do 3 squadrons worth...3 sets of skins/decals? or all in one??? Same skin, just different numbers. Sounds llike 3 seperate skins (ok, same skin used 3 time!), with the approiate decals for each. Can you send them to my home email? kjstein-at-ca-dot-rr-dot-com It'll be cool to see "new gun and decals by Heck, skin by The Wrench" in the readme, huh?? TIA!! Wrench kevin stein
  16. It's like, how many time do we have to repeat: You don't think Zur or Dels didn't want the correct AG/AA radars for the Talon and Black Widow II? Hell, what about the Mud Hen and Bugs themselves?? Sure, there are workarounds of sorts, but it ain't the same! As far as I know, the RCS modifier is still flakey (if not broked). Just be patient, you'll all be notified if/when they're nearing release. We're all waiting for it be fixed.... Wrench kevin stein
  17. In 3dmax? I don't know. I know that the Mirage FActory's Fishbed rotates up with gear, as does Wolf's V.2 Mustangs. Mabybe linking animations??? But getting it to turn off as the gear comes up is an ini edit: note: there is no actual node for this, but I think it needs to be listed for it to turn off??? [LandingLight] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.88,0.88,0.88 Brightness=0.05 Position=-3.5,0.15,-0.37 LightSrcOffset=2.6046,49.0560,3.50 LightSrcRange=150 LightRange=45.0 CanFlash=FALSE LightNodeName=LandingLight IsLandingLight=TRUE this is the line that makes it turn off on retraction Hope that helps somewhat! (but ya probably already knew that!) Wrench kevin stein
  18. Just for fun, a very quick and dirty Hawk 75A ML-KNIL: You'll note the fuselage roundel (triangdel??) is slightly disorted...so it'll probably be replaced with a decal. Looking up serial numbers is next. Wrench kevin stein
  19. I'll take the 7.5!!! Still need to figure out how/what to use for squadron & aircraft numbers. Looks like I'll be off scouring my 'e-books' sites for info. It that turns out easier than I thought, a BoF version will most likely be first. Vichy/Torch will be later. Might have to put this project on hold for a while though; I'm attempting something I've never done before...creating a skin from scratch for one of our Dev A-Team projects. Wrench kevin stein
  20. Like Capun and Paul said, it's not a decal fault, but 'open' meshes in the model. I've had it occur on several. It's just something we have to live with. Or try to paint it on. Wrench kevin stein
  21. For Paul This was just this weekend's work, redoing what I'd started back then. A decal is a great idea...how did I miss that? That's how Gramps fixed the P-39 canopy issue. (thanks saint aj) I'll have to use the panel finder too, to see what shows where. (thank G!) I keep forgetting these easy ways to do things.... The guns aren't that big an issue- I can always switch over the the standard 303s (save my brain from trying to figure out how to create the 7.5s; and if I do a NEI version, well, keeps standardization). This one here must be an A-1, as I used only the nose and 2 wing guns. Easy enough to add the others back for the different variants. I've already added the 'vitrual' bomb rack (ie: via ini edits) to the outer wings. Just have to position them outboard a little more. 2 100lbers ain't much! Compared to some around here, I'm just fair to middling. I just pick 'strange' things to work on. A BoF version will probably be first...slightly eaiser to do. Once I get the pattern straightned out. The colors are good I think (given the differences in monitors and eyes) Now, if we just had some Moraines, Blochs, etc.... Wrench kevin stein
  22. Your Range.ini should look like this: Somewhere, someplace, I uploaded an upgrade for both the Range and Red Range...added new target area, movements for Armed Recon missions...have to see where that went.... Wrench kevin stein
  23. Split loadouts can be very cool.... Wrench kevin stein
  24. I seem to remember having the same problem with the GSH-301. I think it needs to be added to the soundslist.ini, and then make sure the sound is pointed to in the gundata ini (reqires useing the gun editor - remember: win95 compatibility mode for that one) It came up again a few weeks ago...see if a search turns it up. (I never did the fix meself, just used the 23mm sound = lazy SOB that I am ) The 50 cal sound alread exists in game, but it sounds like a little poot-fart. Fubar (?) had/has a nice heavy mg sound I use for anything from 12.5-14mm MGs. I renamed the original to "x50cal" and use if for anything below 30 cal. It was in a sounds pak here, but if you can't find it, let me know and I'll get to you. Wrench kevin stein
  25. That Dragon one is RIGHTEOUS!!! Great stuff, Ant!!! On the subject of size, even on my monster XPS, 2048 act a little funny sometimes. A 1 gig template...jeeezz!!! Wrench kevin stein

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