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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Nice! but you gotta give that guy something to sit on... Try this, I used in on all my Lightenings. Just insert this below the pilotpostion line: Make him look a little more comfortable! Wrench kevin stein
  2. Can't you just delete the pilot from the one of the menu screens??? Options? can't remember... I know all the pilot info is stored in a file called "Pilot00*whatevernumberpilotitis* ie: Pilot001, 002, etc. You can always delete them, and create a new pilot. There's also a PilotList.ini, that you can change your name on, or delete the entry. Me thinks! Wrench kevin stein
  3. I really like those cut-away displays. It appeal to the mechanic that's still hiding in me; the fellow that likes to know the how/why things work. Also reminds me of all the 'Visible' models from the 60s....Visible V-8 and Visible Mustang were still the coolest (although the Visible Women had her points....) Wrench kevin stein
  4. This is one of my very old projects, resureccted to see if I can do it...so, no laughing!!! I'll be listening even for any snickering... Very much still a WIP, so the camo pattern isn't written in stone. Colors are matched from FS numbers, then RGB numbers from the Simmers Paintshop color chips. Your monitor may vary. The yellow (ok, without the red stripes) marking on the tail & cowl are also not finalized. The port nose gun is a known problem...it won't take any color for any reason I can figure out (Wolf even looked at it over a year ago, and never did figure it out - unless its just something I'm not painting on the map). This is one of those cases were a LOD viewer would great to have! So, should it be done with the yellow/red (if possible!!!), or just in the plain 3 tone, as the profiles I've been collecting show several different markings. I'm assuming the yellow/red is a squadron marking??? Without it, it could be rebadged and used for a 'Battle of France' AdA version too. BTW, since all my references books are in Polish...did they have all 6 guns? I know they were 7.5mm (French); could use the US 30cal or UK 303 for Allied types. This version, for Vichy, I've used German 7.9s. A KLU version for the NEI would also be super simple to make....just need the markings locations (well, I can make them as decals or painted on versions ... got a whole sets of national markings. Idea, comments, ??? Wrench kevin stein
  5. I added the newest BoB terrain to my SWOTL install, flew a Sweep over Gernsey...and was in one of the most intense dogfights I've ever had in a sim! Our 12 Spits against, well, it felt like the whole of the Luftwaffe was up there after us! Wrench kevin stein
  6. Right now, the data link don't do nothing. Maybe someday we'll be able to link to AWACs like we used to in ATF/FA. (or Falcon) You can add ECM, flaff and chare dispensers, as well as illuminator flares, too. Wrench kevin stein
  7. That's an image that's gonna bother me for the rest of the weekend....but hey, like the man said, 'whatever finishes the mod' As for those Hog pics, wouldn't the pilot gotten awfully cold up in the sky with no skin on the plane??? ducks and runs...... Wrench kevin stein
  8. Happy Birthday Hrntfixr

    Happy B-Day Jim! Have one for me!! Wrench kevin stein
  9. So, you're looking to do something like.... or These were done the lazy mans way...using the existing postions of the buttons. Kout has done some superb re-dos, like in OTC, that move the buttons to other places on the bmp Wrench kevin stein
  10. I'll take anything I can get, that eases the workload!! Wonder how I'd do 3 squadrons worth...3 sets of skins/decals? or all in one??? Same skin, just different numbers. Sounds llike 3 seperate skins (ok, same skin used 3 time!), with the approiate decals for each. Can you send them to my home email? kjstein-at-ca-dot-rr-dot-com It'll be cool to see "new gun and decals by Heck, skin by The Wrench" in the readme, huh?? TIA!! Wrench kevin stein
  11. It's like, how many time do we have to repeat: You don't think Zur or Dels didn't want the correct AG/AA radars for the Talon and Black Widow II? Hell, what about the Mud Hen and Bugs themselves?? Sure, there are workarounds of sorts, but it ain't the same! As far as I know, the RCS modifier is still flakey (if not broked). Just be patient, you'll all be notified if/when they're nearing release. We're all waiting for it be fixed.... Wrench kevin stein
  12. In 3dmax? I don't know. I know that the Mirage FActory's Fishbed rotates up with gear, as does Wolf's V.2 Mustangs. Mabybe linking animations??? But getting it to turn off as the gear comes up is an ini edit: note: there is no actual node for this, but I think it needs to be listed for it to turn off??? [LandingLight] SystemType=LIGHT Color=0.88,0.88,0.88 Brightness=0.05 Position=-3.5,0.15,-0.37 LightSrcOffset=2.6046,49.0560,3.50 LightSrcRange=150 LightRange=45.0 CanFlash=FALSE LightNodeName=LandingLight IsLandingLight=TRUE this is the line that makes it turn off on retraction Hope that helps somewhat! (but ya probably already knew that!) Wrench kevin stein
  13. Just for fun, a very quick and dirty Hawk 75A ML-KNIL: You'll note the fuselage roundel (triangdel??) is slightly disorted...so it'll probably be replaced with a decal. Looking up serial numbers is next. Wrench kevin stein
  14. I'll take the 7.5!!! Still need to figure out how/what to use for squadron & aircraft numbers. Looks like I'll be off scouring my 'e-books' sites for info. It that turns out easier than I thought, a BoF version will most likely be first. Vichy/Torch will be later. Might have to put this project on hold for a while though; I'm attempting something I've never done before...creating a skin from scratch for one of our Dev A-Team projects. Wrench kevin stein
  15. Like Capun and Paul said, it's not a decal fault, but 'open' meshes in the model. I've had it occur on several. It's just something we have to live with. Or try to paint it on. Wrench kevin stein
  16. For Paul This was just this weekend's work, redoing what I'd started back then. A decal is a great idea...how did I miss that? That's how Gramps fixed the P-39 canopy issue. (thanks saint aj) I'll have to use the panel finder too, to see what shows where. (thank G!) I keep forgetting these easy ways to do things.... The guns aren't that big an issue- I can always switch over the the standard 303s (save my brain from trying to figure out how to create the 7.5s; and if I do a NEI version, well, keeps standardization). This one here must be an A-1, as I used only the nose and 2 wing guns. Easy enough to add the others back for the different variants. I've already added the 'vitrual' bomb rack (ie: via ini edits) to the outer wings. Just have to position them outboard a little more. 2 100lbers ain't much! Compared to some around here, I'm just fair to middling. I just pick 'strange' things to work on. A BoF version will probably be first...slightly eaiser to do. Once I get the pattern straightned out. The colors are good I think (given the differences in monitors and eyes) Now, if we just had some Moraines, Blochs, etc.... Wrench kevin stein
  17. Your Range.ini should look like this: Somewhere, someplace, I uploaded an upgrade for both the Range and Red Range...added new target area, movements for Armed Recon missions...have to see where that went.... Wrench kevin stein
  18. Split loadouts can be very cool.... Wrench kevin stein
  19. I seem to remember having the same problem with the GSH-301. I think it needs to be added to the soundslist.ini, and then make sure the sound is pointed to in the gundata ini (reqires useing the gun editor - remember: win95 compatibility mode for that one) It came up again a few weeks ago...see if a search turns it up. (I never did the fix meself, just used the 23mm sound = lazy SOB that I am ) The 50 cal sound alread exists in game, but it sounds like a little poot-fart. Fubar (?) had/has a nice heavy mg sound I use for anything from 12.5-14mm MGs. I renamed the original to "x50cal" and use if for anything below 30 cal. It was in a sounds pak here, but if you can't find it, let me know and I'll get to you. Wrench kevin stein
  20. That Dragon one is RIGHTEOUS!!! Great stuff, Ant!!! On the subject of size, even on my monster XPS, 2048 act a little funny sometimes. A 1 gig template...jeeezz!!! Wrench kevin stein
  21. You won't be sorry!!! What's you're preferance?? PTO, ETO or MTO??? PTO: all of Edwards's terrains ETO: BoB terrain, EAWEuro MTO: again, Edwards Tunsia and North Africa (and maybe my ww2 Lybia for fun ) Aircraft: Wolf's WW2 Planes pak -- a MUST!! Spit, Hurris, 110, Ju88, He-111, 262...etc, etc, and of course, etc. Russo's 109E ArmourDave's IJN/IJAAF planes pak ground objects gets a little fuzzy, as some are included in the terrain's (which makes is slightly easier - I've converted all mine to SP 4 compliant ground objects). Geo has a bunch on his sight, gotta have those! Damn, I don't know where to begin!!! Be interesting to see if you start skinning, what you come up with!!! We could use an FAA Gannet/Hellcat...hint Wrench kevin stein ps: note to self, begin updating Loadouts Thread to include fixes for WW2 Axis and Allied aircraft.....
  22. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5204 File Name: 488 Sqdn RNZAF Hurricane IIB File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 8 Sep 2007 File Updated: 9 Feb 2008 File Category: British Commonwealth File Version: No Information Website: No Information 488 Squadron, RNZAF, Hurricane IIB Skin, for SF/WoV/WoE PTO installs ONLY New skin for the Dev A-Team's Hawker Hurrican IIB. This is just a little something I've had laying around for a lloooong time, and never got around to finishing. After looking at the skin bmp itself, I decieded to re-do the entire thing. So, you've got new panel & rivet lines, new scuffing and wear, and I tried to get some 'dirt' along the underside. Speaking of the number decals, I don't know exactly (other than BM899) if these aircraft were actually used in the defense of Singapore, and during the retreat to Sumatra. I've also given you 12 serial numbers, although historically, only 9 Hurricanes were assigned to 488, before they were either destroyed by enemy action, or by their crews to prevent capture Just something for use in those early, dark days of WW2 in the Pacific.... Please see the enclosed readme for more information and Install instructions Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  23. Version


    488 Squadron, RNZAF, Hurricane IIB Skin, for SF/WoV/WoE PTO installs ONLY New skin for the Dev A-Team's Hawker Hurrican IIB. This is just a little something I've had laying around for a lloooong time, and never got around to finishing. After looking at the skin bmp itself, I decieded to re-do the entire thing. So, you've got new panel & rivet lines, new scuffing and wear, and I tried to get some 'dirt' along the underside. Speaking of the number decals, I don't know exactly (other than BM899) if these aircraft were actually used in the defense of Singapore, and during the retreat to Sumatra. I've also given you 12 serial numbers, although historically, only 9 Hurricanes were assigned to 488, before they were either destroyed by enemy action, or by their crews to prevent capture Just something for use in those early, dark days of WW2 in the Pacific.... Please see the enclosed readme for more information and Install instructions Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  24. How to Fix Mk.82 and CBU MER loadouts (by Fast Cargo) I'm surprised no one has brought this up before...the WeaponsPack adds a lot of nice weapons...but also intros some errors, especially when it comes to MER usage. Here's an example: From left to right (LOD files) - SUU30, SUU-30 (WOE stock), Mk82LD (Weaponspack), Mk82LD (WOE stock). Okay, so if you want to fix these issues...where to start. Read this post IN ITS ENTIRETY first! Remember, this is only for those installations that have the Weaponspack installed!!! First, you need the CAT extractor: HERE . Second, you'll need the Weaponsdata editor, available HERE. Finally, BACKUP your WEAPONSDATA.INI, Mk82LD.LOD and WEAPONSDATA.DAT file! Okay, lets start with the MER (Multiple Ejector Rack). In the stock and Weaponspack WEAPONSDATA.INI file, there is this entry for the MER: [WeaponDataxxx] TypeName=MER FullName=A/A-37B-6 MER ModelName=mer Mass=99.790001 Diameter=0.260000 Length=3.590000 AttachmentType=NATO NationName=USAF StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=3 BaseQuantity=1 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=3 WeaponDataType=6 WeaponsRackType=MER NumWeapons=6 LoadLimit=500.000000 LengthLimit=2.500000 MaxFuelAmount=0.000000 Attachment01Position=0.180000,1.110000,0.000000 Attachment01Angle=0.000000,0.000000,-2578.310078 Attachment02Position=0.180000,-1.130000,0.000000 Attachment02Angle=0.000000,0.000000,-2578.310078 Attachment03Position=-0.180000,1.110000,0.000000 Attachment03Angle=0.000000,0.000000,2578.310078 Attachment04Position=-0.180000,-1.130000,0.000000 Attachment04Angle=0.000000,0.000000,2578.310078 Attachment05Position=0.000000,1.110000,-0.220000 Attachment05Angle=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 Attachment06Position=0.000000,-1.130000,-0.220000 Attachment06Angle=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 Note the bolded areas. The MER has a 2.5m weapon length limit...but you can place 2 bombs in a row with only 2.24m between mounting points. So, use notepad and open up the WEAPONSDATA.INI file, find the MER entry, and change the LengthLimit to LengthLimit=2.24. Do the Weapons Editor dance as per the knowledge base. Two methods to fix the Mk82s. One involves extracting the original LOD file. The second involves doing the Weapon Editor dance. The first method is simpler overall. Use the CAT extractor on the ObjectData.cat file located in "X:/Your TW sim"/Objects directory. Find the MK82.LOD file inside and extract it. Rename the extracted file to Mk82LD.LOD. Copy the newly renamed file to your "X:/Your TW sim"/Objects/Weapons directory (you did backup your Mk82LD.LOD file in that directory first...right?) and allow it to be overwritten. The second method is 'cleaner' but more intensive. Go into the WEAPONSDATA.INI, and substitute every line that says this: ModelName=Mk82LD with this: ModelName=Mk82. Save the WEAPONSDATA.INI. Then use the Weapons Editor as standard. Realise that there are a LOT of entries that use the Mk82 file...so you'll be scrolling through a lot of entries. Now, to fix the clusterbombs (everything based off the SUU-30) canister. A different problem here. First, here was my primary reference: Weapon Diagrams This website had diagrams, dimensions, etc. The problem is that there are 2 SUU-30 LODs. One is named SUU30.LOD and is inside the Weapons directory. It uses the SUU30.BMP file, also in that directory, as a 'skin'. As far as I can tell though, no weapons in the WEAPONSDATA.INI file reference this LOD file. The other SUU-30 LOD is called SUU-30.LOD, and is located in the Objectdata.cat file. It uses the SUU-30.BMP...either in the Weapons directory or in the Objectdata.cat file. In the stock TW WEAPONSDATA.INI, the cluster weapons reference the SUU-30 LOD, and have a length of 2.339 meters. In the Weaponspack WEAPONSDATA.INI file, the cluster weapons also use the SUU-30 LOD file, but have a length of 2.184 meters. The problem is, both length figures are correct...just depends on the subvariant! On the website it states this: Doh! The SUU-30.LODs have an arming mechanism (an air wheel for lack of a better term) that sticks out significantly...which causes the visual conflict. The SUU30.LOD doesn't have an obvious arming mechanism, and is smaller overall...and seems to closely match the diagram for the SUU-30B/B. So, there are three ways to fix this problem. The first two ways are model substitution...the last way is Weaponsdata.ini alterations that will not allow you to mount more than 3 CBUs (that use the SUU-30.LOD) on a MER. The first way is simpler overall. You basically replace the SUU-30 model with the SUU30 model (the smaller, blunt nose model). First, rename your SUU30.BMP file located in the Weapons directory to SUU30.BMP.BAK. Then, take the SUU-30.BMP file (either already in the Weapons directory, or extracted from the ObjectData.cat file) and make a copy...renaming the copy to SUU30.BMP. Next, make a copy of the SUU30.LOD file and rename the copy to SUU-30.LOD. Finally, go into Notepad, start a new file and enter the following text: [LOD001] Filename=SUU-30.lod Distance=1000 Save the file as SUU-30.INI in the Weapons directory and you're done. The second way accomplishes the same thing...just involves the Weapons Editor dance. Go into the WEAPONSDATA.INI, and substitute every line that says this: ModelName=SUU-30 with this: ModelName=SUU30. Save the WEAPONSDATA.INI. Then use the Weapons Editor as standard. Finally,take the SUU-30.BMP file (either already in the Weapons directory, or extracted from the ObjectData.cat file) and make a copy...renaming the copy to SUU30.BMP. And you're done. The third method is similar to the second, except there are no copying of files. But this will make it so you can't mount more than 3 cluster bombs (that use the SUU-30.LOD) on a MER. Go into the WEAPONSDATA.INI, and for every weapon that has ModelName=SUU-30 substitute the line that says this: Length=2.184000 with this: Length=2.339000. Save the WEAPONSDATA.INI. Then use the Weapons Editor as standard. This only fixes Mk82s and SUU-30s...LGBs (the smaller ones) are another issue for another post. FastCargo With many thanks!! Wrench kevin stein
  25. I like this! I"m going to copy this into the 'Weapons Loadouts Fixes" thread. That link to the designations, with all those diagrams is GOLD!! Thanks FC!! Wrench kevin stein

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