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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Righton bib!!! The closer you get to the stock ones, the worse they look!! I swear, it makes it seem the russians put their planes together with rivets the size of my fist!!! Anyway, here's a little 'fix' for the new Izumrud nose for the PM: That took a LOT longer than I thought it would, to find the part that was showing. It seem the 17pfu nose (now renamed and hex edited to 19PM), is a lot further in than I first thought. Still can't get rid of the gun barrels....hey, it's a hack job, what can I say??? (with NO insult meant to Lexx, as this wouldn't be happening without his terrific idea!) When it released, it'll be a PVO version. You all can re-decal it taste Wrench kevin stein
  2. Thanks, d! It's nice to know other folks love the 'stang as much as me!! So, given the interest in the Farmer B, how about this one: A rather early shot (taken just this afternoon!), you'll note MAJOR problem in the cockpit....the 17PFU nose bubble obscures the pilot. I'm working out how the bmp is mapped, so I can paint the offending section black, and kinda hide it from prying eyes. Of course, that also means, via hex editing, creating a "19PM" nose/pylon set -- which is relativley easy. I also don't have the 4 digit CzAF buzz numbers, but I'm sure someone would be happy to make them....and figure out their placement on the rear fues. I can't really take too much credit for this one...a lot of the brain work was done by Lexx, and a bunch of pretty good folks in figguring out a 'work around' for the misplaced nose/pylons/nose assemblies (it in 2 parts - 17PF nose, and 17PFU nose/pylon set). Gotta thank Pasko for creating the 2 nose bubbles...they make these 2 mods possible! I just basically assembled all the bits using their suggestions. There's a thread here somewhere, kuklino can probably point it out; a search for "MiG-19PM" should turn it up. Again, this one makes use of the 21PFM cockpit. I'm sure it's not right, what with that heavy gunsight hanging down from the top, but it works...and works pretty good, too! Other than the aforementioned external cockpit view glitch (nose), and writing a readme that gives the right people credit, and of course, the 'how to', it's ready to fly. Actually, both are ready to leave the nest. Just lazy right now...don't feel like writing just as yet. Wrench kevin stein
  3. Vigilant: get me whatever data you can find for the 21R, and I'll update the Loadout Thread to reflect it. I must admit, I just went with whatever the loads were that Madcaddie had; I didn't do any follow-up research to confirm if it was right to start with!!! m'bad!! Wrench kevin stein
  4. Easy, X!! Stop shouting, we can hear ya, brother! :yes: Ok, just looked in all my WW2 folders, there is NO db603 file in existence. It's most likely that it wasn't included in the Uhu d/l package. why not just switch it over to something else, may I suggest the "do335.wav"?? It has a nice deep tone, or even Hinch's 'LavEngine' wav, but that's a little too raspy -- better used for pure radial (FW190, Wildcat, La-9,etc) Wrench Kevin Stein
  5. There certainly is, in the pdf file that came in the Weapons Pak, you should find this: Happy Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  6. MiG-19 Farmer Series Fixes After stumbling over the differences in the Fresco series' data ini, I took a look at the MiG-19 Farmer-C, and also noticed some changes in the data. I don't exactly know WHAT it fixes, but it does seem to imporve the handling. The following aircraft are effected by this change: F-6 (Paki) - and by inference any J-6 mods created for the PLAAF MiG-19F MiG-19SF (from Madcaddie's More Migs Pak) also, MiG-19P MiG-19PM (although not released yet, I know these 2 are 'in the works'...as they're sitting on my hard drive! Basically, we're going to change the same areas in the data ini. Like before, it's advisable that you make a backup copy of the data inis in question by 'save as' ***_DATA.ini, where *** is the aircraft in questions name. copy/paste the following information over the affected area: [FlightControl] StallSpeed=66.64 CruiseSpeed=160.16 ClimbSpeed=320.24 CornerSpeed=204.22 MaxG=8.00 MaxSpeedSL=305.56 MachLimit=1.44 PitchDamper=0.6 RollDamper=0.0 YawDamper=0.0 scroll down a little further to... [AircraftData] EmptyMass=5172.0 EmptyInertia=19731.1,5540.4,32490.7 ReferenceArea=25.16 ReferenceSpan=9.00 ReferenceChord=3.06 CGPosition=0.0,1.40,0.0 Again, I'm not sure what it changes, but something is different! Clear Skies! Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. I think the 'bf109e.wav' comes in RussoUK's Bf-109E. It'a also quite usefull for all the Messerschmitts, (109, 110), and the IJAAF Ki-61 too, or for that matter, any Daimler power birds. I "think" it's here at CA, in the WW2 aircraft section. If you can't find it, PM me and I'll send you the wav. Wrench kevin stein
  8. Hey AD!!! Good to see you again!! Hope things are good with you On a side note, could you grant permission for Lexx_Luthor to use bits, pieces and parts from your Su-17 pit to make us new Red Air cockpits??? please????? He's done some amazing!!! stuff. Sag: cosmic event?? it is 2012 already?? Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. Well, too late now! I've uploaded it, and it's awaiting confirmation/approval. You guys know the drill...the hardpoint's already stressed for FAB500, if you wanted, so switching back to the 250 is just a simple text edit. have fun with it!!! Wrench kevin stein ps: the 17PF already exists;you can find it at AvSim in Madcaddie's More Migs Pak -- from 3 years ago!!! I wonder if it would be ok to upload the package here....Madcaddie ain't been around for some time
  10. Hmm...I thought I'd gotten all the buildings out of the water (or turned them into ships!) don't worry about the boats on the land, that's just where the Aliens put them, to make us wonder! (btw, nice catches!) Wrench kevin stein
  11. Version


    MiG-15bis BS Fighter Bomber 'stand-in' For SF, WoV & WoE From the readme: Based on some discussions & wishes for more 'NATO Fighters' mods, I thought I see if I could do a quick and dirty hack job and create the fighter-bomber version of the MiG-15bis as used by the Soviet and other client state's air forces. Mind you, it is exactly what I say it is -- a hack job adding the extra wing hardpoints 'virtually' via data ini edits, but it seems relatively close to what should actually be there... I hope you like this little tweek; albeit not perfect, it does add another version of this historical, and varied aircraft. -- This mod is designed for use with the Weapons Pak!!! -- Ok, first off...this is NOT a full aircraft mod; this is only a group of inis and a few other bits. You WILL need to have Pasko's MiG-15bis already installed, as you will be transfering most of the physical parts (the aircraft itself). Also as there is no cockpit with the original, you will probably want to use one of the Russianized Skyhawk pits available at CombatAce. The cockpit ini supplied with the kit is built around that one; either the black or green, it dosen't matter. I've built the ini's around a standard Soviet Air Force version; if you want it to be for another country (ie: Czech AF), you should know by now the edits necessary to create a 'country specific' version of the aircraft. Please read the readme for further, detailed instructions for installation!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  12. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the F-16XL HH aka "The Hawk Hunter Special" Fresh from it's rebuild at the GD factroy in the Republic of Texas from it's original F-16C state, after crashing in the Arabian desert at the end of the 'Lucifer Crusade'. Brought back to RepTex under the orders of UAAF Commander General Dave Jones himself. It is the only one in the world...the last remaininh F-16. The personal mount of Major Hawk Hunter, 'The Wingman' He's the last hope for a devastated America Now, off to the paint shop!!! Wrench kevin stein
  13. MiG-17 Fresco Series "Bouncy Jiggly" Fix Metric Cockpit Mod Enhanced AI data This will hopefuly fix the 'leaning back on it's butt problem' and 'landing gear bouncing' on the runway that has been seen on various versions of the MiG-17. I was actually working on something else, when I stumpled across this. There are some differences in the Fresco's data ini, that probably occured after the last round of patchs. It seem that some of the paramaters for CG, the way the game engine reads the wing chord and span, and others have been changed. The data is taken directly from the MiG-17_DATA.INI, extracted from the objects cats. It is reccomended, but not necessary, you have this file in your stock 3rd Wires MiG-17F's folder. Bouncy-Jiggly Leaning Back Fix This Fix is for the following Fresco Variants, mostly from Madcaddie's More Migs Pak: J-4 J-4 (IRM) J-5A (PLAAF PFU variant) MiG-17AS (Cuban AF) MiG-17F (SF-E) MiG-17PF MiG-17PF (SP-16) MiG-17PFU Ready? Copy/Paste the following data over the sections indicated. For saftey's sake, you may want to back up your original data inis by renaming them ori_***_data.ini, where *** is the aircraft in question's name. [FlightControl] StallSpeed=52.30 CruiseSpeed=136.54 ClimbSpeed=258.92 CornerSpeed=158.50 MaxG=8.00 MaxSpeedSL=300.00 MachLimit=1.15 PitchDamper=0.4 RollDamper=0.0 YawDamper=0.0 For the section below, we're only replacing the top bits. [AircraftData] EmptyMass=3919.0 EmptyInertia=10634.6,4806.4,22180.1 ReferenceArea=22.64 ReferenceSpan=9.63 ReferenceChord=2.41 CGPosition=0.0,1.40,0.0 Comparing them with your originials, you'll see the CG has been moved waaay forward .. it originally was 10 meters back!!! Metric Readout Mod Another very cool thing, is if you've switched over to one of the aftermarket MiG cockpits, and the gauges (via the cockpit ini as well as visual markings) are calibrated in the metric system, add the following line to the AircraftData section: UseMetricUnit=TRUE This will show up in the little info box in the left corner, now reading in KPH and meters altitude. This fix also works on all the Fishbed's that use Badger and Magoo's cockpits. With thanks to the Mirage Factory for finding this; it's built into their MiG-21F13 Fishbed C. Enhanced AI Data To get a little more out of your AI wingmen, or for general AI enhancements, just copy/paste the following anywhere in the Data ini of any aircraft that dosen't already have it -- several 3rd Party devs do so already, so examine the data ini so you don't double up. It dosen't make them twice as smart !! [AIData] AileronDeltaRoll=1.2 AileronRollRate=-1.0 ElevatorDeltaPitch=1.0 ElevatorPitchRate=-0.1 ThrottleDeltaSpeed=0.01 ThrottleVelocity=-0.05 DeltaSpeedForAfterburner=10 DeltaSpeedForAirbrakes=-30 MaxPitchForAltitude=15.0 MinPitchForAltitude=-35.0 PitchForThrottle=0.002 PitchForAltitude=0.005 PitchForVerticalVelocity=-0.01 RollForHeading=35.0 RollForHeadingRate=-0.5 MinRollHeading=15.0 MaxRollForHeading=45.0 PitchForRoll=0.25 FormationSpeedForPosition=0.8 FormationSpeedForRate=0.5 GunnerFireChance=100 GunnerFireTime=2.5 GunnerAimOffset=0.0050 It's not a perfect fix, but it DOES help!! happy hunting! Wrench kevin stein
  14. You should be using the Mk.13, as the 48 isn't developed until the 70s (?) (suffice it say, mine also used the 48! ) I haven't addressed any of the WW2 aircraft in the 'Editing Loadouts Thread' in the KB -YET-, but here's the fix: drop this over the line in the BombBay section: AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,IOGR,LGR,EOGR This covers all bases. Same for the Beau Wrench kevin stein
  15. Interesting pic! The 2nd one looks like the shot out of the 4+ publication on the MiG-15 (which fortunately I have!) I assume the LR-130 is similiar to the S-24 rocket? Not sure how well they'd fit in the inboard station, given it's placement. I was worried about the flaps hitting (if I went back too far), or the interfering with the landing gear (if I went too far inboard). Would definately fit on the outboard. Right now, the placement is a compromise. I even experimentaly placed the SK-7 rocket rack, but it just looks funny. But it is still loadable on the loadout screen. The loads are also a 'best guess'; I've used the FAB250 on the outer, and can load the FAB100 on the inner. I went with the 4-shot PU-55 cause it looked better. You'll note, however, the 4 UV16 set up for a CAS mission. Other than a few little tweeks in placement, it's ready to go. We just won't have any pylons showing for the weapos to hang from. Can you folks live with that, until somebody builds us a real BS or a pylon set?? Cockpitwise, mine's using the Russanized Skyhawk, which I don't particularlly like, but I've a nice russian gunsight tga for it!! Let me finish off the tweeks, and if you all want it, I'll write up a detailed readme for it's install. The 'fix' will be ini's only, as I won't upload Pasko's aircraft. You'll have to make a 'new' one from the existing 15bis - very similiar to some other's I've done. (you know, copy lods etc, blah blah blah) Once it's out to whomever wants it, they can adjust the loads to suit. Wrench kevin stein
  16. Timmy: I've 2 versions of the Fargo hangar screen ready, the original which has a pic of 9L trainer, and one without. I'll get them uploaded later today, and send you a link via PM, so you'll have both to choose from. Wrench kevin stein
  17. I've no idea! I've never heard the term before...the closest thing I can think of is what you folks on the other side of the pond call 'boffins'; aren't those the 'absent minded professor' types, usually found around Farnbrough? (superbly protrayed by James Stewart in "No Highway In the Sky" - on of my favorite movies umm...Glynis Johns!!!) Wrench kevin stein
  18. Thanks Lexx! I searched over there, but couldn't find. (shows that even I make mistakes!! ) Wrench kevin stein
  19. Here: SF/WoV/WoE Object Mods - Non-aircraft add-ons and modifications - includes ground vehicles Wrench kevin stein yanks yellow handle....
  20. Ok the results of 2+ hours of work. I gave up on the pylons, as they just don't fit. So.... You'll note both types of drop tanks were used in the test...the 300 gallon slipper and 400 gallon Fresco types. Still needs some dailing in of the up/down of the pods/bombs, but I think it damn close!! Wrench kevin stein
  21. A fighter-bomber variant of the 15 would be a great additon, in any case! Wonder how we could get the xtra pylons on.....maybe use the PF, bury the radar nose in the fuselage (or so) and just move thing around to get the pylons more or less under the wings? Or, conversly, use the F6WP pylon set (for the Paki F-6 Farmers) as was done on the Cuban 17AS....more ideas to play with Wrench kevin stein
  22. thinking more along the lines of the 27 converted to the 23BN, especiallly for those without WoE... what about ini mods ONLY for the 27D that USAFMTL and Team brought out a few months ago?? Now, I'm sure the shape isn't quite right for what we want, and it lacks a decent cockpit with a screen for those decadent Western TV progams... -because the one workable pit is unreleasable due to permissions- (unless Lexx can do his MOVE magic on an existing pit to shift the screen to the upper right, russanize the gauges, etc) Just something I thought I'd toss out there...yeah, I know, stuck thinking outside the box again!!! Wrench kevin stein
  23. Now, if we can just get the 17PF(SP16) to stop dropping the rocket pods...... Wasn't Lexx working on an ini tweek for that??? I wonder if the line: NoJettisionTank=TRUE could be modified to something like: NoJettisonRocketPod=TRUE and if it would work???? Then, of course, we'd need A-A unguided rockets....hmm...treat is like a gun pod??? Ok, need more input! Wrench kevin stein
  24. It's based off Edward WW2 Darwin/Timor map,with updated ground objects (read: air defense units!) I don't think it's ever been released ??? ??? Wrench kevin stein
  25. Hey JM, you should see the nose art I have for 'Jafaa Cree!!' One of the better Jessica Alba fakes, done up in pin-up style. I"ll get them set up on 3W Eagle (since I alrady know the mesh name & coordinates), snap a screenie, censor it (it's a topless shot), and post it. Wrench kevin stein

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