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Files posted by Wrench

  1. Libya - Ver 3.75

    Lybia Terrain; Updates, Fixes and Clean-Up For SF2 Series (& SF/Wo*, too!)

    What started out as a simple, quick "Limited Nations" fix, turned into a semi-major overhaul. This includes some retiling, and some fairly major targeting fixes. It has NOT been completly rebuilt; there might still be a few cities in Libya that might need re-working, but I just didn't want to futz around with them. Also, several of the NATO side targets have been vastly improved upon and expanded. Since I totally lost track of WHAT I added, I've chosen to re-release this as a FULL terrain. It is designed to replace any and all other originals or mods, as everything has been incoporated to this version, plus some additiional stuff and thingys, including some GroundObject tweeks.
    As stated above, this is the FULL terrain, with all internal objects needed. You simply need to unzip and install.
    This terrain mod, while designed for SF2 merged installs, is easily back-dated for use in all 1st Gen SF/SFG/Wo* game installs at the 08 Patch Level. You'll just need to change the shader statments; instructions are below. Information on the GroundObjects are in the "Notes" section.
    Also added are several new tiles, updating of some other tiles (to make them fit and look better), and LOTS of custom TODs for buildings and trees and such. For those that expect them, the 'Easter Eggs' on this terrian a the same as before, with the addition of a new billboard or 2.....
    It is also reccomened you have the Pasko's Ground Objects, Kesselbrut's Vehicles Pak, Fast Cargo's SA-5s; in short any and all add-on SAMs, AAA, vehicles, ships, and whatnot from any and all other terrain mods. They are NOT all included. See "Notes" below for information about Stock & 3rd Party Ships. However, some modified data inis for stock and 3rd party AAA units are included, as they are now networked to a search/track/fire control radar.
    Be advised, however, of the use of the "LimitedNations=TRUE" statement, thereby limiting WHO gets to play in this sandbox.
    It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ this entire document through before installing this mod. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we WILL clown on you.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  2. Libya - Version 3.0 Ulitmate Final -

    Libya Terrain Upgrade, Version 3.0 -- For SF/WoV/WoE and probably WoI/FE/SF2
    Ok, I know, I know...I said I'd NEVER go back to this terrain, but since the 2.0 FINAL was released I've learned a bit more on how to use the Terrain Editor...to wit:
    There has been extensive retiling of many of the major areas on the map, replacing LOTS of mismatched or ill-fitting tiles. The entire coast of North Africa, from Tunisa to the Libyan/Egyptian border and been completely retiled with matching units. Sicily and Greece, and the 'boot' of the toe of Italy have also been extensively retiled. Approximately 75% of the map tiles have been replaced -BY HAND!!!!-, making a much smoother and better looking map. Unfortunately, a couple of the target areas required small location adjusments, so that had to be corrected as well.
    Included in the package are new HFD, TFD, data and targets inis. The data ini has been fully updated to make use of the terrrain effects as per the 9/08 & 10/08 patches. Adjustments to sea level and uping the Alpha Object count have also been implemented in the data ini. Some trees are around, but not as many as I'd like.
    You =MUST= have the orginal Libya 2.0 terrain to make use of the Update Pak. It's available in the CombatAce download section at the following url:
    The targets ini in this pak includes the "Targets Hot Fix", and the new planning maps from that package. So, don't worry if you don't have the Hot Fix pack.
    So, really...consider this the Ultimate Final Version....I'm NOT going back to it again. Promise!!
    = This has been tested in WoE (my main Laboratory of choice..) As it was originally built for SF, no worries there. WoV should also be no problem. It -should- work in WoI and First Eagles, but you'll still need one of the Original 3 Terrains ™ for the terrain cat reachback. This, however, has =NOT= been tested. You use it in these games (WoI & FE) at your own risk.
    For SF2 users ... don't know what you to tell ya...you're on your own! =
    As usual, there's more relatively simple install instructions in the enclosed readme. So, give it a once over...
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  3. Libya Map Tweeks, for 2011

    Lybia Terrain - 2011 Updates
    Found this while looking for something else!
    Way back in March, 2011, when the New Libyan Revolution started, a couple of CombatAce members asked me to add a couple of new cities. In particular, those where the fighting was heaviest at the time - Bin Jawd and Ra's Lanuf.
    This is the result -- just some very minor tweeks and retiling/retargeting to add these 2 places. No other major changes are in effect.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!!
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  4. Libya Mod for WW2

    Modification of USAFMTL's Libya map into a WW2 Theatre. Designed for a SF/WoV EAW intall ONLY!! You'll need many WW2 objects; some are packaged, some are not. READ THE README!


       (1 review)



  5. Libya Upgrade, Targets Hot-Fix

    Targets Fix for Libya Map ver.2.0
    This little fix will remove Gamal Abel Nassar AB from the targets ini, as it's been reported that it was too close to "The Wall", that 80km limit on the map edge. It's been replaced by a 'Military District HQ' at Benghazi (ie: another vehicle depot).
    Included are 3 new versions of the planning maps, with GAN AB removed. NO OTHER CHANGES HAVE BEEN EFFECTED!!!! All other inis remain fully functional.
    This package ONLY includes a new targets, cities ini, and the 3 maps.
    See enclosed readme for super-easy install instructions (for a change!!!)
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  6. Libya, Modern Ver 2.0 -Final-

    Lybia Terrain; Updates, Fixes and General Mayhem
    Version 2.0 =FINAL= No more updates after this release!!!
    This is mostly a 'fix' of the targets, types, and movements inis. It replaces ALL PERVIOUS VERSIONS of the Libya map. It is a FULL terrain, with everything needed to just unzip, drop into your game of choice, select the proper terrain cat pointer (more below), and go fly. That means that EVERYTHING is included - tiles, inis, the usual suspect terrain items (factory place, truck depot, country flags, etc). It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE. It should work in WoI, as long as one of the original terrains is present, and the cat pointer adjusted to 'look' for it. -- This has NOT been tested!
    It has been rebuilt, with corrected placements and flattening of the Libyan airbases, renaming of some target areas, and an EXTENSIVE expansion of the target's themselves. Due to terrain considerations, there are several airbases that are NOT in their Real World ™ locations or have the proper runway configuration. But they're pretty damn close! All the inis, especially the movement, have been rebuilt to change the semi-functional Anti-Shipping mission placements to something that works, and the addition of several Ground Attack routes from Tunisia. As you can expect, there are several 'Easter Eggs' scattered around the map. Have fun finding them!
    It is also reccomened you have the latest Weapons Pak (either one should be ok), Pasko's Ground Objects, and Kesselbrut's Vehicles Pak. I haven't acutally placed their objects, other than the HAWK batteries, but they're nice to have. See "Notes" below for information about Stock & 3rd Party Ships.
    PLEASE read the readme for full, detailed, step-by-step install instructions. Also, have a look at the semi-extensive "Notes" section for more of my color commentary and additional sidebars.
    Happy Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  7. Lockheed P-38H, ETO

    Lockheed P-38H, ETO
    = For SF2, Any and All (Full-5 Merged Prefered/Reccomended) =
    - Something for the European Theatre
    *Note: due to certain changes in the data ini, it may NOT be usable in any 1stGen game install at any patch level. End Users ™ who choose to do so can expect no support if/when issues arise.*
    This pack represents P-38s from the 8th and 9th AF in 43/44 time frame.
    The 2 squadrons represented are:
    55th FS, 20 FG
    38th FS, 55th FG
    Both are finished in the standard OD/Neutral Grey.
    All skins are in jpg format. Included are sounds, pilot figue, and weapons (just the drop tanks). Decal randomization is set to TRUE. The Squadron Name display on the Loadout Screen has been activated via my "fake" SqTail decal, so their modern names will show, if in the stock SquadronList.
    NEW Hangar and Loading screens are included for your viewing pleasures.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  8. Lockheed P-38J, 20th FG, 8th AF, ETO

    Lockheed P-38J, 20th FG, 8th AF, ETO
    = For SF2, Any and All (Full-5 Merged Prefered/Reccomended) =
    - Something for the European Theatre
    *Note: due to certain changes in the data ini, it may NOT be usable in any 1stGen game install at any patch level. End Users ™ who choose to do so can expect no support if/when issues arise.*
    This pack is a revamp of the 1stGen (SF/Wo*) WW2 ETO 20th FG pak originally released in 2009. It now incorporates the changes seen on the Recently Released PTO P-38 Pak. This is the complete aircraft, with all the "little fiddly bits" included.
    The 3 squadrons of the Group represented are:
    55th FS
    77th FS (both in OD/Grey)
    79th FS (in Natural Metal)
    All skins are in jpg format. Included are sounds, pilot figue, and weapons (excepting the standard WW2 AN series bombs, readly available all over the place!). Decal randomization is set to TRUE. The Squadron Name display on the Loadout Screen has been activated via my "fake" SqTail decal, so their modern names will show.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! The original readme from my SF/Wo* release is included, as it contains further explainations and historical notations. Wolf's original release readme is also included
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  9. Lockheed S-3B Viking by FoxMontor

    Lockheed S-3B Viking by FoxMonter
    = For SF2, Any and All =
    This is the (hopefully) full, compiled package of FoxMonter' S-3B "Viking" Sea Control Aircraft, upgraded/updated/fiddled-to-fit the SF2 series. I've assembled all the skin/decal sets I could find into one big lump.
    Skins included in the pak are:
    VS-21 Fighting Redtails +
    VS-27 Sea Wolves *
    VS-29 Dragonfires +
    VS-30 Diamondcutters +
    VS-30DS (Desert Storm) ?
    VS-32 Maulers ?
    VS-33 Screwbirds +
    VS-33lo Screwbirds (Lo-Viz) +
    VS-35 Blue Wolves *
    VS-38 Red Griffins +
    VX-1 Pioneers +
    The suffix symbols designate the artist that created the skins/decals. The Key is below:
    +=Paul Nortness
    All decals and decal inis have been fixed and updated to SF2 standards.
    Several ini edits to the loadout, data and avionics also update them to SF2 standards (as of Aug, 2011). Wingfold and bombay animations have been seperated; bombay uses the standard Control/O (oh)key, and the wingfold is activated via the Shift/9 key. The cockpit is not equiped with an RWR display, so an 'audio-only' version is used. The flight model is unchanged.
    A new, SF2-style photographic hangar screen is also included. I've also included several sounds called for in the data ini.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full,detailed, easy-to-follow install instructions.
    With thanks to all the skinners, and FoxMontor for their work!
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (9 reviews)



  10. Lockheed U-2A for SF2

    Lockheed U-2A


    =For SF2 (any and all merge levels)

    *Note: as I'm not fully sure if "Dragon Lady" applies to this early model, I didn't add the name*.
    This is a slight overhaul of Pasko/Column5's Lockheed U-2A recon plane. This is a full aircraft pak, with a modified cockpit. All new serial number decals have been created, historcally accurate for the USAF version, and those discoverable for CIA usage (US civil N-series). Both the original skins (NM and 'dark gray') are included. A new SF2-style hangar screen is included, as is Pasko's "PilotU2" , dressed in the 1950s style pressure suit.
    The flight model feels pretty good in SF2, considering it hasn't been tweeked since 2005, but the aircraft is NOT a fighter, so don't expect massive manuverabililty. Other ini tweek remove some unneeded cockpit bits, add an audio-only RWR (couldn't find any info if A-models had jammer suites), landing lights, and a working Driftsight (ie: downward looking periscope). A destroyed model has also been assigned, for SF2 users.
    As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, as usual, the expected 'Notes and Other Nonesense' comments by me.
    You should pay special attention to the "Flying the U-2" sections below, as it explains the use of the 'driftsight' and other things you'll need to know for correctly flying recon missions in this bird.
    It is also highly likely this mod can be used in 1stGen SF/Wo* with minimal adjustments -- as 08 level game also use the /Decals subfolder, this should pose no issue whatsoever. Some data ini adjusment of the landing gear rolling radi may be necessary. Since I don't mod 1stGens anymore, this was not tested.
    And yes, for those that look for such things, there are 2 Easter Eggs in the cockpit (actually, 3, but one seems to have disappeared!).
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (6 reviews)



  11. LOTR "The Evil Ones" MiGs SkinPak

    LOTR "The Evil Ones" MiGs SkinPak

    -- For SF2, any and all that have the 21MF & 23MF --

    A Just for fun Pure Fantasy Mod (a What If... that's beyond belief)

    Yet another in the Series of "Things That Prove The Wrench Is Off His Meds"...
    This is, basically, a redecalling of the stock MiG-21MF and MiG-23MF, but with new insignia decals for the the main Antoganists ™ from "The Lord of the Rings" Trilogy ©.
    We have:
    MiG-21MF "Isengard", for Saruman's forces *
    MiG-23MF "Morder", for Sauron's forces
    (*=how an Urik-hai is gonna fit in that little cockpit is beyond my understanding! Or if Sauron's Orcs are smart enough to fly a Flogger...)
    This mod also assumes that you've converted the AI MiGs into Player-Flyable units. If not, consult the SF/SF2 Knowledge Bases, and download Ordway's MiG cockpits.
    For those truely bent, these decals can easily be (re)used on any aircraft that suits your fancy, and where insignia decal positions are known. Just check the relevant aircraft's decals ini for positionings.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
    Have Fun! I sure did making these!!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  12. LOTR RNZAF Kfir C.16 "Raiona"

    LOTR RNZAF Kfir C.16 "Raiona"

    -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged =ONLY!!!=

    This mod creates a fully new aircraft, an EXTENSIVELY upgraded Kfir "C16" as might be used by the RNZAF.
    It =REQUIRES= a Full-4 Merged install, or at the very least, SF2:I and SF2:V for the various and sundry bits used herein. If you do NOT have the minimum required game installs, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD, as you won't be able to use it.
    3 new skins, (partly redrawn from stock) and their attendant decals are included. No aircraft or cockpit parts (lods, bmps/tga/jpg) are included, as they use all 'internal' bits pulled from the various game cat files (in a similiar fashion as the Panama Mirage IIIPN).
    The 3 skins "represent" some of the aspects of the "Forces of Good" from the LOTR series:
    Rohan1 = Shieldmaidens (a squadron of mostly female pilots!!!)
    Rohan2 = Riders of Rohan
    Gondor = Stewards of Gondor
    Each with a different fin-flash.
    Modifications to the base model include (but not limited to), addition of landing lights, correcting the positions of the taillights, activating the canopy via an manual animation key (use Shift/0 to open and close), massive upgrading of the avionics suite (included new jammers and CM dispensers). Other mods include the addition of a laser designator for prescision strike, new A-A & A-G radars, and many other 'hidden' changes.
    NOTE: most, if not all, of the weapons used are STOCK. With possibly 2 exceptions, and they're not presently used.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
    Have fun with it!!
    I sure did, when building it!!
    Kyr Jhes, kyr celol
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  13. Lybia Terrain Update Ver3 -

    Upgrade/Update for Lybia Terrain -- For Use With Polak's New Desert Tiles =ONLY=
    This is mostly a 'fix' of the targets, types, and movements inis.
    I've peaked and tweeked the targets, mostly to try to remove of 'floating' objects in the Gulf of Sidra, and to add more things for everyone to blow up. I've added the Factory Place, Truck Depot, a Patrol Boat (stock object, but I'm including all the extracted parts anyway), a Lybian flag to wave in the breeze, and a few other things that'll be surprises.
    It should be noted, the water mod is NOT included in this pak...the oceans are just plain water, no wave action. This is fixed by the use of Polak's New Desert Tile Set, which includes modified water tgas. This package was designed for using JUST Polak's Desert tiles, so you'll have to go and get them from the CombatAce SF/WoV/WoE Terrain downloads section. The data ini included with this set is already set up for use with his tiles, and the water effects are activated. Vista users should read the note section below, as they are a 'special' case.
    This has been tested in SF & WoE; It should also work in WoV, but I've not tested it in there.
    There is, for some reason, a bit of strangness with the Anti-Ship missions. You seem be get given target areas that are NOT listed, far off from the routes I've defined in the movements ini. Also, there is NO provision for CAS missions, as this was originally set up for air strikes, recon, sweeps, etc. SO DON'T TRY ANY CAS MISSIONS - I'm not sure what would happen; you just might be sitting in the cockpit, and get a 'mission accomplished' or it may crash. Don't know.
    If anyone is so inclined, and wants to build a 'fix' for the shipping routes, please do so, and post it so all and sundry can have it!
    I've also fiddled with target area placements to give some kind of a front line, right across the Gulf.
    There are further, highly detailed instructions, especially for Vista users, in the enclosed readme -- so for your own sake, read the cursed thing!!!!
    Don't forget to grab Polak's Desert Tile set, here at CombatAce
    happy hunting!
    kevin stein


       (5 reviews)



  14. Lybia Terrain Upgrade Ver.2

    Update/Upgrade of USAFMTL's Lybia terrain
    From the Readme:
    This is mostly a 'fix' of the targets, types, and movements inis.
    I've peaked and tweeked the targets, mostly to try to remove of 'floating' objects in the Gulf of Sidra, and to add more things for everyone to blow up. I've added the Factory Place, Truck Depot, a Lybian flag to wave in the breeze, and quite a few surprises.
    It should be noted, the water mod is NOT included in this pak...the oceans are just plain water, no wave action. You can get Tristan's Lybia water mod here at CombatAce, in the SF/WoV/WoE Terrain Mods section. If you're so inclined...
    (the DATA INI is already set up for it's usage)
    As I always reccomend, unzip to a temp director that's easy to find.
    (just my way of saying I ain't responsible for you doing dumb things!!)
    = A REALLY Important note:
    The targets ini in this pak is designed with the ORIGINAL tileset that came when this map was first released.
    I've tested it, in one of my many installs, with Polak's New Desert Tile Set - and it looks SPECTACULAR! But....
    there is a problem with using this newest targets ini -- all the stuff will be buried by the latest terobjects (buildings built into the tiles). It makes the cities look how they're supposed to, but the entire targets ini will need rebuilding to move or remove all the added buildings, AA & SAM units, vehicle depots, industrial centers, parked ships, POL depots, well you get the idea -- everything must be tweeked AGAIN to make use of his tile set.
    So, I reccomend NOT using his latest and greatest work, until I can get things moved around again.
    Which means, expect another version of the targets ini built to work with the newest desert terrain tiles. It's almost ready, so it won't be more than "2 weeks" <vbg>
    This is just a sample from the readme -- it's very extensive, and give FULL, CLEAR instructions on how to get it to work in all 3 versions of the sim. It also describes in detail what you can expect to see and experience; mostly.
    There is even MORE information for Vista users on disabling the shader (actually, a full DATA ini already adjusted just for them!).
    REMEMBER: follow the instructions exactly as they're presented to you...you should have no problems getting this to run.
    A full listing of credits and other people to blame are in the readme as well
    HapPy HunTing!!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  15. M-59 APC

    M-59 APC, with working machine gun. Set as "TANK", shoots at other ground objects


       (1 review)



  16. Martlet I/III Fleet Air Arm

    Grumman Martlet Mk. I/III Pak for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE - WW2 MTO Installs (06 Patch Level)

    This is a mod of my mod of the F4F-3 variant, based on Pasko's F4F-4, as used by the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, the Martlet I & III. These these 2 marks were 'acquired' by the FAA from the French and Greek orders, they were never recieved by the countries they were destined for due to "an inconvient lack of a deliver point" (ie: overrun by the enemy). It is the standard, non-folding wing version, with 4 50 caliber machine guns. It IS fully carrier capable, and can be used in user-made missions or campaigns.
    This is a brand new skin, using my home-grown templates (as also used on my USN versions), representing a semi-fictional skin for 805 Squadron, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. I say semi-fictional, as this is designed to either compliment or replace the FAA 805 Buffalo that I did earlier in 2009; for those that can't get the F2A Buffalo, this will suffice. It carries the standard FAA camo scheme of Extra Dark Sea Gray/Slate Gray over Sky, as seen on other Martlets serving in the Middle East/Western Desert in 1940/41. New decals for serial numbers have been created; these ARE accurate serials assinged to Martlet I & IIIs, as taken over by the Royal Navy. Again; in this semi-fictional usege, they fit quite nicely.
    This is a complete aircraft mod with all parts needed to unzip, install and fly away. REMEMBER: although designed for the MTO (ie: Battle for Crete, and Defense of Alexandria, etc), this skin IS perfectly usable for FAA Squadrons flying from English bases (ie: Orkneys, Scapa Flow, etc). BTW, the letters ARE for 805 when flying their Buffalos from HMS Eagle, during the Battle for Crete. They were all lost at Malme, Crete (well, there 3 or 4 that were really there...that is).
    I have supplied an "alternative" cockpit ini, modified from Geo's F6F-3, for those that may want a more 'closer approximation' of the Wildcat's Real Life ™ pit. The cockpit is NOT supplied from the Hellcat, so you'll need to obtain it yourselves from Geo's site and transfer over the cockpit folder, and from this version, the "US_N-3_Gunsight.tga". Instructions for that are below, in the "To Swap Pits" section. In truth, THIS would be the way to go. It's much closer, and better looking than the original, which isn't a US Navy pit at all!!
    = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/SFG/WoV/WoE, at the 06 patch level -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI. It has also NOT been tested in the NextGen, SF2 series. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. =
    =This mod is designed for use with the WW2 Weapons Pak by me, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.=
    As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings...
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  17. MD-450 Ouragon template set

    MD-450 Ouragon template set
    This is my "Home Grown" Template set for Pasko's French Jet Fighter. They are 1024 x 1024.
    Multi-layered PDS format templates. There is only one template for the wings (Left Wing), as the right and left wings are mapped identically.
    Be adivised, that if NOT in natural metal finish (say, a camo of some kind), the right lower aileron is NOT mapped correctly. There are several skins now available that show how to correct this (ie: via a decal). The right aileron psd is also provided.
    I've also supplied a blank, generic NM skin, in bmp format.
    Please feel free to make any correction, modification, etc. I only ask they said improvements be made available to the entire community.
    Happy Sinning!!!!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  18. Me-109 Hangar Screen #1

    1st of 2 Hangar Screens for the Me-109 by Wolf


       (0 reviews)



  19. Me-109 Hangar Screen #2

    2nd of 2 Hangar Screens for the Me-109 by Wolf


       (0 reviews)



  20. MidWest USA Terrain for SF2

    MidWest USA Terrain for SF2
    = For SF2, Any and All (Full-4 Merged Reccomended)
    This map represents the Central section of the North American continent; from the Great Lakes in the east as far west/north as Regina SK, and as far south as Tulsa Oklahoma (destroyed/occupied) and pretty much all points in-between. The original base map, centered around Omaha, Nebraska, is/was the basis for FastCargo's "Super Secret Mod". This is a =highly= expanded version. Rivers include the Mississippi, Missouri, Platte, Assiniboine & Soruis, all the waterways and canals interconnecting the Great Lakes, and so forth. Lots to see and do here!!!
    The map takes place in a "What If..." world of a partly Occupied America; something along the lines of "The Wingman" novels, the TV series 'Jericho', the movie "Red Dawn" (always a favorite!) and any number of Post-Apocalyptic scenarios. It will fit any timeframe from the mid-1950s through the Present Day (ie: my "Global Sedition vs the North American Alliance" kinda thing).
    This map make use of the Limited Nations statement, as well as the Allowed Mission Type. This is due to there =not= being any shipping routes for the Blue side to attack; all those routes are within Blue territory, so only the Red side can use them. All others are active.
    Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, or even exist as such. Several cities and other physical features may also fall into that classification (ie: mountains, hills, valleys, etc). Some cities may also NOT have all their proper Real Life ™ industries, facilities and other building classifications, or be fully loaded with 'target objects'. Accuracy has been strived for in all cases, to reflect the Real World ™. As much as is possible with this Engine.
    This map also makes use of the 'Expanded Borders' mod, wherein you make changes to the FlightEngine.ini. Instructions on making this adjustment are included (if you haven't already).
    Several 'new' GroundObjects are included, some modified from others, some you may already have. All are SF2 compliant and may not be 'down convertable' for 1stGen usage. As I don't mod 1stGens anymore ... Many more GOs are required; you should have them already for other terrain mods. If not, its up to YOU to get them. All the usual suspects, of course (SAMs, vehicles, ships, AAA units, truck, tanks, dinosaurs, etc)
    As expected, there are several Easter Eggs -- you'll find them if you look hard enough. As a matter of fact, the largest Easter Eggs =EVER= placed on ANY terrain in SF series history are on this map.
    There are also several target items that will "turn on" after a set year; this being the year of construction or start-of-existence (for a certain shipping company, some buildings and bridges).
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping before installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section may make for entertaining reading. It's most important that the disclaimer be read, as there are a couple of 'permisison only' items used, that CANNOT be used elsewhere with their creator' approval.
    Happy Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  21. MiG-15bis BS Fighter-Bomber Mod

    MiG-15bis BS Fighter Bomber 'stand-in' For SF, WoV & WoE
    From the readme:
    Based on some discussions & wishes for more 'NATO Fighters' mods, I thought I see if I could do a quick and dirty hack job and create the fighter-bomber version of the MiG-15bis as used by the Soviet and other client state's air forces.
    Mind you, it is exactly what I say it is -- a hack job adding the extra wing hardpoints 'virtually' via data ini edits, but it seems relatively close to what should actually be there...
    I hope you like this little tweek; albeit not perfect, it does add another version of this historical, and varied aircraft.
    -- This mod is designed for use with the Weapons Pak!!! --
    Ok, first off...this is NOT a full aircraft mod; this is only a group of inis and a few other bits. You WILL need to have Pasko's MiG-15bis already installed, as you will be transfering most of the physical parts (the aircraft itself). Also as there is no cockpit with the original, you will probably want to use one of the Russianized Skyhawk pits available at CombatAce. The cockpit ini supplied with the kit is built around that one; either the black or green, it dosen't matter.
    I've built the ini's around a standard Soviet Air Force version; if you want it to be for another country (ie: Czech AF), you should know by now the edits necessary to create a 'country specific' version of the aircraft.
    Please read the readme for further, detailed instructions for installation!!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  22. MiG-15bis Fagot-B, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)

    MiG-15bis Fagot-B, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara
    = For SF2, Full-4 Merged, PLUS Expansion Pak 1 =
    As stated above, you MUST have -at minimum!!- SF2 (full-4 merged) plus and/or SF2I with Expansion Pak 1, as this added the 15bis to our aircraft stable. As I have a full-4 merged, plus both expansions, I can't say for sure it's available any other way.
    The skin, is a base natural metal, with a partly repainted (from a partial template) tail bmp to add the FAR rudder flash. The stock in-game Bort number decals are used, as all the photographic evidence seems to point that way. (in fact, other than the repainted tail bmp, everything is stock!)
    The latest (as of 1/11 patch) _data ini is included, as I've activated the canopy, added a different pilot (my craptastic PilotER), and a seat ("liberated" from Pakso's old version -- fits quite nicely, too!) for him to park it on. The 'main' ini is also included, as I've included Ordway's Mig Pit, making the aircraft player-flyable (as if you all haven't done that alreadly!). The engine sound has been set to the old TMF "MiGEngine.wav" (not supplied), but there are several good/better ones out there for you to find.
    The canopy is activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    ¡Aterrizajes felices!
    Kevin Stein
    (hope the translation came out ok! or at least right!)




  23. MiG-15bis Fagot-B, NKPAF "The Hunters"

    MiG-15bis Fagot-B, NKPAF "The Hunters"
    = For SF2, Full-4 Merged, PLUS Expansion Pak 1 =
    As stated above, you MUST have -at minimum!!- SF2 (full-4 merged) plus/and/or SF2I with Expansion Pak 1. If you do not have these minimum requirements, DO NOT DOWNLOAD this package, as you'll be unable to use it.
    The skin is a base natural metal, with a partly repainted (from a partial template) "nose" bmp to add the NKPAF Red Nose. Those familiar with actual historical marking will note that is IS slightly smaller, and without the central cutout for the Bort numbers, than those made (in)famous during the Korean War. Those familiar with the movie "The Hunters" will note that the 'MiGs' were really F-84s, but that's neither here nor there <grin>.....
    So, basically what this is, is a re-purposing of of the decal set as used on Pasko's MiG-15 to recreate the movie Enemy Aircraft ™, now using TK's model from Expansion Pak 1.
    However ... number randomization has NOT been activated for this skin, so with luck "7-11" should be the first aircraft shown. After all, you want to fly as Casey Jones, right? Not as some lower-echelon flunky??
    The latest (as of 7/11 patch + all the DLCs -don't know if they changed/added anything) Data ini is included, as I've activated the canopy, added a different pilot (my craptastic PilotER), and a seat ("liberated" from Pakso's old version -- fits quite nicely, too!) for him to park it on.
    If you have the Cuban MiG-15 skin/ini pak, the data ini herein will replace that one. Allow the Overwrite. I've made some AI changes, to try and improve the insane pitch-up they perform on take-offs.
    The canopy is (still!) activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    Have Fun!!
    kevin stein
    8/11/2013 Note: It's suggested you ONLY add the skin and decals to the KAW MiG-15bis. THAT one has the good flight model by Fubar512. So, do NOT use the data ini included herein!


    1 comment


  24. Mig-15UTI Midget by Pakso, SF2 Updated Pak

    MiG-15UTI "Midget" Jet Trainer by Pasko, for SF2
    =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended)
    Modification, tweeks, compilations and other adjustments to Pasko's MiG-15UTI trainer, to bring in more in line with SF2 requirements.
    Data ini tweeks include an all new FM, based off the stock 15bis; please note that as that is usually an AI-only aircraft, there may be some small issues. Fly accordingly.
    Several skin/decal sets have been compiled from the Archives, to try and present as complete a set as possible. Included skins are:
    Soviet Silver
    EAF Silver
    LSK Silver
    Mozambique (a pale blue)
    Desert camo (Iraqi)
    Also included are the weapons (ok, the slipper-style drop tank), 'Early MiG' pilot figures and M15 seat, and the VK-1 sound. New Post-Oct patch SF2 hangar screens are included, rebuilt from the original 2004 release version. As expected, the canopy still operates via the standard or garden variety manual animation keystroke -shift/0.
    Is should be noted, that most of the original work was done by suhjake, and is taken from his MiG-15bis & 15UTI pack from 2009 (available here at CA). I just did a little fine tuning and compiling. THIS pak replaces the UTI from that one.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  25. MiG-17 & MiG-19 Family Variants Data Ini Upgrades

    Data Ini Fixes for Various Frescos & Farmers - WoV/WoE/WoI
    This package of data inis is designed to bring various sub-variants of the MiG-17 and MiG-19 family up to the latest, post 9/08 patch standard.
    They are designed for use on mods from Madcaddie & howling1s "MigPak", "More Migs Pak" and "Still More Migs Pak", which are available at AvSim. Also included is a data ini for the Cuban MiG-17AS by Starfighter, Pasko's 17PFU, and a couple of mods by me, and some other people I can't remember....
    The data inis contained herein are modification, per nations and loads, with all the FM updates, taken right from a freshly extracted stock MiG-17F Fresco-C and MiG-19S Farmer-C data inis. This brings in the newly added AI sections, and improved FM to these very old mods...
    The aircraft 'repaired' by the enclosed data inis are:
    J-5A (PLAAF mod of Pasko's 17PFU)
    MiG-17AS (by starfighter)
    MiG-17PF (SP-16)
    MiG-17PFU (Pasko)
    MiG-19 (IRM mod)
    MiG-19PM (these 2 by me, The Wrench)
    F-6 (Shenyang Farmer, Pakistani AF)
    I've tried to keep the weapons "NationName" and "AttachmentType" as close to stock whenever and wherever possible. I've tried to design this fix for use with any weapons pak ...remember all these aircraft WERE designed with the Bunyap Pak of 6/06 in mind. If you plan to use these with a 'stock' install, you WILL need to add the various weapons called out in their loadout inis. MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you plan on using these with the Mirage Factory Weapons Pak; either the WoI (-which you shouldn't, really-) or the soon-to-be-released WoE version, you WILL have to import various and sundry bits. In particular, the Izumrd radar nose for the 17P/PF/PFU/J-5A, 19P/PM and the nationalized weapons for the Paki F-6 (as their Sidewinder is a mod of the US version, plus their nationalized bombs and rocket pods and suchlike...), plus the 'pylons' necessary for their attachment.
    Highly detailed information on the various loadouts, and eariler data ini fixes can be found in the CombatAce Knowledge Base, in the "Bunyap Wepons and Loadouts Fixes Thread"
    It is highly suggested that you spend some time in there..otherwise, you may have some "issues".
    Happy Landings
    kevin stein


       (1 review)




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