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Files posted by Wrench

  1. Nigerian Air Force Tiger Moth

    Nigerian Air Force Tiger Moth skin for SF, WoV, WoE
    This is a re-skin of RussoUK's excellent little Tiger Moth into those used (???) by the Nigerian Air Force, in their never ending battle for freedom against the aggressors from it's evil neighbor, Togo
    (also reccomended is the weapons modification pak for the Moth available both here at CA and my site)
    This little gem stems from the never ending, good natured ribbing amongst many of us that follow El Presedentie-for-Life, Sparkomatic.
    I'd actually made, and finished this, over a year ago, and promptly forgot about it.
    But with renewed intrest in the Nigerian money-schemes (as posted at C5s), I realized it was time for it's release.
    Defend the Honor of our Beloved Country!!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  2. NKPAF MiG-15bis "The Hunters" Mod

    MiG-15bis, North Korea "The Hunters" Mod
    For SF/WoV/WoE/WoI
    A small mod of Pasko's MiG-15bis into a 'nation specific' version as used by the NKPAF during the Korean War, and badged as seen in the movie "The Hunters". Albeit THIS version is a MiG-15, not a repainted F-84F <vbg>
    This is an INCOMPLETE mod, meaing that I'm NOT supplying the aircraft lods, or the new Mig-15 cockpit by Richard Ordway -which is a MUST have!!!!-, or any of the other skins. So, this means YOU MUST HAVE THE MIG-15 INSTALLED TO COPY THE NEEDED PARTS FROM. Or download a fresh one from CombatAce, or wherever. See "To Install" below for a full parts list, and detailed instructions.
    This is, basically, a re-decaling of the original North Korean silver skin as supplied with the aircraft, when first released. I've included the "GermanNum" tgas that are stock, 3rd Wire units. This makes it easier to have exactly the numbers I want to show on the aircraft. I cannot vouch for their histroical accuracy, but they look just fine on the nose. The lead aircraft represents "7-11" aka Casey Jones 'The Crapshooter', and his dice nose art, as well has the bort number of 7-11.
    This mod has NOT been tested in WoI, but as the standard 15bis seems to work OK, this one should as well. Use at you own risk, however. The FM in in the data ini is as originally released; it has not been adjusted as per some of the newer versions as released by TazKiller and Dave.
    As usual, you are ORDERED by our Beloved Leader to read the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions on installing The People's MiG to your game. As well as the expected "Notes & Comments" section by the Political Officer. Your diligence will be rewarded....
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    ps to Jug: here ya go, man. with only the minium of begging!!!


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  3. Nord Noratlas Photoshop Templates

    As promised ...
    PSD format templates for the Nord 2501 Noratlas by Coyote Aerospace. Template created by Coupi
    Happy Skinning!!!


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  4. North Africa (Western Desert) ver.2

    North Africa Terrain Upgrade For SF/WoV/WoE WW2 MTO mods

    This started out as a simple targets upgrade, and turned into a major rework of Edward's "North Africa" or Western Desert Terrain for WW2. As you can expect, the targets have been greatly 'enhanced', with some additions, some areas have been retiled for ease of targetization. The visuals (ie: the eye candy) has been enhanced by these revamped target areas. This will allow single mission and campain builders more latitude in their creation of missions and campaigns. It also has the side effect of enhancing in-game generated single mission play, too!
    This is a COMPLETE terrain, designed to REPLACE the original verison in it's entirety. All necessary parts are included; tiles, inis, LOTS of new terrain items, with the excpetion for some 'permission-only' GroundObject items. 2 re-done planning maps (1 & 2) are also included. Also, there are at LEAST 3 Easter Eggs on the map.
    There ARE some historical flaws (and probably physical geographic ones as well!!), which as most of you know gauls the daylights out of me; they are fully detailed in the "Notes & Explinations" section below.
    The data ini has been upgraded to the semi-latest standards (ie: 2006 patch level). Water effects are active, so Vista users beware...more information for you is below in the Install Instructions. See "Notes for Vista Users". NOTE: this is NOT designed for the post-08 patch or SF2 "NextGen" series. The terrain's data ini does NOT have the new Height Data included!!! (however, that is easily added if you're familiar with the varous terrain data inis, and how to 'update' them).
    It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 08 SF/WoV/WoE/WoI or any of the SF2 'NextGen' series; it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. Although, it should work pretty well, in any case. Some data ini adjustments will probably be required for the additional effects.
    As always, it's reccomended you unzip this to a temp folder somewhere's thats easy to find. This will give you access to the rest of the readme for full, detailed install instructions and the Usual Notes and Other Ramblings...
    Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's HIGHLY reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod.
    Happy Landings!!
    kevin stein


       (2 reviews)



  5. North Cape Hotfix Correction Pak

    HotFix for North Cape Terrain
    Due to a senior moment, I forgot to create and add the _water.bmp the SF2 mission builder needs.
    Here it is, with the necessary pointer line added to the main ini (NorthCape.ini)
    Also, is a modified ini for the Pit1 object, that will remove the offending tractorbeam shadows that I just discovered!
    have fun!
    kevin stein
    ps: a notes sections in the readme, please read it about certain airbase "oddities"


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  6. North Cape Terrain (Beta+) for SF2 by Baltika

    North Cape terrain (Beta+) by Baltika for SF2
    A slight revamp of the 1stGen Beta terrain, with all new tga tiles for the sea and sea/land transition tiles (aka: "Working Water"). Consider this perhaps as a kinda sorta Ver. 0.8
    As with the original release, the targeting is not finished, but at least now the water will work. The data ini has been brought up to the latest standards (as of Aug 2011). I did do some cleanup on the targets ini, but nothing major.
    I figured with all the Swedish aircraft now available, this would be a fun sandbox (ok, snowbox) for them to play in. Eventually, I'm sure somebody will get around to finishing it!
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
    Have fun!
    kevin stein


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  7. Northrop/Horten F-79C Manta

    Northrop/Horton F-79C "Manta" for SF/WoV/WoE and maybe WoI & SF2

    For Post-Patch (9/08 & 10/08) Installs ONLY

    A "What If..." aircraft for the early Cold War....
    This is a mod of Pasko's Ho-229 into a "What If" aircraft for the immeadate Post-War/Cold War period of 1948-1955.
    This is a complete aircraft mod, containing everything needed to just unzip and fly. Some weapons and, of course, a new pilot figure will need installing, but that's a pretty simple matter.
    The skin, created from new 1024x1024 templates, is based off the original WW2 Luftwaffe one, and has completly redrawn panel and rivet lines. All new decals representing a ficitonal USAF unit, 54th FIW, are included for 38 aircraft. These are the standard 'buzz numbers' and serial numbers as seen on USAF aircraft of the time period. Period style lighting has been added; running and ID lights, and a landing light. The cockpit, while based off the A-4B, has been extensively edited to make use of the new coding in post-08-patches for the "OpenCockpit", as has the data ini. This allows the external model's canopy frame to work for us. If attempting to use in a pre-patch install, you'll need to make all sorts of adjustments, and even I don't remember them all. Suffice it to say, it's built for post patch -- keep it that way.
    A new "WoE-style" hangar screen has been created for this aircraft. Also included are an illustrated Word doc and a pdf with the "What If..." historical notes. Damage tgas are here as well, just in case you happen to get shot up....
    This mod is designed for use with, I'm hoping, ANY weapons pak. You may just need to add a few things. If you've already added the weapons provided from another mod or weapons pak, you need not add them again.
    = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level) aircraft. Fly accordingly!!! It should also work in SF2 and later iterations - this has NOT been tested, however.
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    (this should actually go under "Cold War Aircraft", but there isn't a category for Fictional/What Ifs in there ... so, here it is)


       (1 review)



  8. OA-4M Skyhawk, for SF2

    OA-4M Skyhawk by triplethr3at/pappychksix/Fracture
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    ** The Full-4/5 Merged is a requirement, as the A-7D_78 cockpit is referenced for the Mod
    If you don't have these minimum requirements, you shouldn't download this, as you
    will not be able to use it.**
    This is an overhaul of triplethr3at's SF2 USMC OA-4M Skyhawk FAC/Attack aircraft. All the
    inis have been brought up to the latest (as of July, 2012) standard. Some modifications to
    the avionics are existant more for 'playability' (meaning: it's far more capable then the
    Real Life ™ aircraft).
    Loadouts use all common or garden variety stock 3W weapons. It is set to fly all mission
    profiles as any other standard Scooter (with the exception of carrier basing). Decal
    randomizations is implemented, and all skin maps are jpg.
    The avionics hump, while not fitting quite as nice as I would like, and the
    'probe/antenna/blister combo kit' are attached via the Fake Pilot Method ™*
    New damage textures (dds) and a new SF2-style hangar screen are included. Data ini
    modifications using the 'Remove Component Trick**' eliminate the shadow tractor beams from
    the outer pylons as seen on other mods using the TA-4J LOD.
    The Threat Library also makes use of dtmdragons' extensively expanded list (not included). A
    userlist is included, even though the aircraft has only one User (USMC). SF2NA style Carrier
    statements are listed in the Data ini, but commented out; as I was unable to determine if
    these ever were flown from The Boats.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So,
    please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. More interesting and perhaps
    vital info there, as well.
    Triplethr3at's original readme is included for histerical purposes.
    Happy Hunting!
    kevin stein
    * the FPM is copyright © FastCargo, and used freely
    ** the RCT is copyright © BPAO and The Mirage Factory, used by permission, also freely


       (5 reviews)



  9. Object Library 1 by Polak & CFS Midway Group

    Object Library 1 by Polak & CFS2 Midway Group 11/30/2013
    This is the collection, once posted at SimHQ of various and sundry buildings for use by
    terrain builders to add a to the target areas when building terrains. It is being
    reposted here at CA by request. Originally, it was NOT supposed to be posted elsewhere
    (than the original a SHQ), but as so much time has passed ... my judgement call is
    sharing is allowed.
    Thses objects will work perfectly in ANY of the 3W series: SF/Wo* 1stGens, SF2, and
    This has been tested by me, over the years in ALL versions of the game.
    While more designed with WW2 Pacific (including CBI) in mind, they can be used even
    Europe and North Africa/Med. Well, pretty much anywhere that catches your fancy.
    Even unto Modern Times ™.
    Included, of course, are Polak's original readme, and the config files: a Desert_targets
    and Desert_types inis that lists the various objects for importation to other terrains.
    I've gone through all the skin tgas, and have painted out the odd green color, so they
    should look a bit better. However, that does NOT fix certain visual issues with some of
    the models from close up and at some angles. Also, there are a couple of them that
    simply do NOT work at all; they will cause CTDs or other game issues. Unfortunately, I
    don't remember exactly WHICH ones they are.
    Be adivsed: the _types listing is AS RELEASED in 2007 and/or 2009 (I think I made some
    changes back then). It does NOT reflect those change I do when adding them to my terrain
    works. This means the destroyed models, destroyed effects and secondary effects listed
    are NOT proper and correct. YOU will need to make the adjustments (or locate the object
    in the multitude of types inis from MY terrain mods, and copy/paste!)
    This is =NOT= a package of objects that can be used by the 'general masses'. It is being
    rereleased for those terraformers that can actually make use of them.
    As always READ Polak's readme, enclosed in the 'readme_and_configuration files' folder.
    Happy Targeting!!
    Kevin Stein


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  10. OKB Hawker Falchion F.1 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI

    OKB Hawker Falchion F.1 (ie: MiG-15Bis) for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI (and maybe SF2, still, even)

    A rebuild of Spinners really fun "What If" MiG-15 as used in an alternate universe by the British People's Republic Air Force, for use in the non-Vista enhanced Original Games (as listed above). Meaning, the inis are now in the older ANSI style, as opposed to Unicode.
    ALL the inis have been completly rebuilt for use in these earlier games (SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI). This is a complete aircraft mod, with everything included; all the inis, lods, a full cockpit (ordway's Mig-15 pit). The cockpit and data ini have been converted to metric measurements (KMPH, MPS, etc), so the UK is now metric some 40-odd years earlier than in our universe. The skins and decals are the ones created by Spinners, but each skin now gets a new 'patch.bmp' with the actual Real Life ™ RAF Squadron badges.
    This mod is designed for use with, I'm hoping, ANY weapons pak, or none at all. The data ini has been set to use "NATO,UK", so you'll be using all the stock items, excepting the 300 gallon slipper tanks (included), which will need to be added. My old "PilotER" has also been included, just in case you want to switch over to one with a 'soft' leather helmet. Right now, it's set to use the stock 3rdWire pilot. The position of the pilot has been adjusted to show the seat more.
    Spinners original Hangar and Loading screens are included, with a small edit by me on the loading screen. My damage tgas are included, as are probably some various bits and things I've forgotten to remove.
    = IMPORTANT: This aircraft has been tested in Post-Patch SF/WoV/WoE/WoI. Be advised of the existence of some handling issues prevelant in WW2 era, and many Pre-Patch (ie: 06 level and earlier), aircraft. Fly accordingly!!! It should also work in SF2 and later iterations - this has NOT been tested with THIS version, however.
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder somwhere, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
    With special thanks to Spinners for creating it, and allowing me to re-convert it for the older games!!
    Happy Landings!!
    Kevin Stein


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  11. Okinawa (WW2) Terrain Upgrade

    Okinawa Terrain Upgrade: For WW2 PTO mods
    This mod is a relatively large upgrade to Edward's WW2 Okinawa terrain. What I've done is add several new targets and target areas, and replaced several airfields with a newly repainted "desert airfiled 1", which is now a medium dirt runway. You'll also have a new "Runway7", which is a partly-paved version of Airfield6, thereby creating a NEW airfield. The 'new' target areas are enhancements of already existing ones -- I've just added some more things here and there to make it look a little more populated. There are a couple of new parked planes, based of existing ones, hex-edited and reskinned for their proper users.
    This is a very 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also fairly well defended - so watch out for the flak.
    It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line)
    You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships -- make sure you have the barges (get both, they're needed in the GO folder), the Liberty ship, and all warships, both Allied and Japanese. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well.
    It should be noted, that the main, original Okinawa terrain is NOT here at CombatAce, but is available at AvSim. I'm working on trying to get permission to upload the original here.
    Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems.
    In other words, read the enclosed 'readme.txt'. Also, I'd suggest a perusal of the General Notes and Comments section, too.
    Happy Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    ps: the screenie above is just a nice, generic shot; nothing special!


       (2 reviews)



  12. Okinawa/Japan - Version 3 (WW2)

    Okinawa Terrain Upgrade, Version 3.0

    For SF/SFG/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO modded installs, 06 Patch Levels

    This mod is a extensive rebuild to Edward's WW2 Okinawa terrain, and is designed to COMPLETELY replace any and all eariler versions. This is the COMPLETE terrain, with all tiles, TODs, inis and terrain objects necessary to (almost) just unzip and fly over. YOU, the End User ™ are still responsible to locate the various and sundry Ground Objects and Aircraft needed for you PTO flying pleasure. I've supplied MANY, but more are not included. This map has been re-designed with Operation Olympic in mind, hence the island of Okinawa itself should be consided "nearly" secured; ie American and Allied forces have pretty much taken the island, and are building up for the Invasion of Japan. The time frame I have in mind in Mid-1945 to approx late 1947, or even into 1948 if needed. To that end, expect a Runway 4 (large airfield, albeit -NOT- historically correct) at Kadena for Bomber Operations, and several smaller auxillary fields to 'activate' themselves based on the year flown (ie: 1946).
    Many completely NEW target areas have been added, and the map has been extensively retiled to create a more Japanese looking environment. This retiling 'resets' several cities, adds some rivers, creates clear zones around the various airfields, and corrects some other issues. The targets ini itself has been almost complety rebuilt, adding LOTS of interesting things to look at and blow up. TODs and tgas from "Green Hell" and another terrain project have been used to create forests and such, and several brand new custom TODs and and several new tiles have been created. These are based off the stock VietnamSEA tiling, so these new TODs are usable in ANY map that uses the WoV VietnamSEA tiles, or can easily be imported for any other terrain type.
    This is a very 'target rich' environment -- there are plenty of items for strike and anti-shipping missions. It is also HEAVILY defended - so watch out for the flak. As expected, I added the 'Rising Sun' Japanese flag, and the Stars and Stripes. Several 'new' parked aircraft have been added; you'll see them if you look for them. There are also other bits of 'eye candy' floating around... :) I've included several updated data inis for some ships, as they now have semi-proper effects (IJN DDs now have smoke coming out the stacks)
    You MUST have ALL the Pacific Objects (ground units, ships, AAA, infantry, etc) already installed in you PTO version of the game; otherwise things won't be appearing. This is especially important for the ships. See below in the "To Install" for more information. Don't forget to check Geo's page for more WW2 goodies ... there's a lot of stuff that's usable (and used!) here as well.


    It has been tested in SF, WoV and WoE, using their cats pointed to in the main ini. As most of the new objects will be residing directly in the terrain folder, you should have no problems. (see the CombatAce Knowledge Base for the tutorial on using the cat pointer line). It has NOT, however, been tested in post 08 patch WoI or post 08 patch SF/SFG/WoV/WoE; nor has it been tested in the SF2 Series - it is NOT designed for useage in those type of game installs. If you choose to do so, expect NO support from me -- you're on your own. However, it IS usable ... it's just 98.6% ™ of the aircraft are NOT!
    As always, it's reccomended that you unzip this package to a temp folder or your desktop to gain access to the rest of this readme.
    Follow these instructions herein =EXACTLY= and you should have no problems. It's =HIGHLY= reccomended you read this document completly through before installing this mod. In other words -- read this damn thing, or you'll get yourself in a jam!!!!
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    ps: like the recent Solomons V3 pak, there are still a few new parked aircraft that are NOT finished yet, and therefore not included (doh!). When and as they are done, expect a VERY small update.


       (2 reviews)



  13. Operation Darius - Part 1

    Operation Darius
    Mods Folder Paks, In Various Parts
    As the entire mods folder would have been FAR to huge to upload, the varous and sundry folders have been broken down into many smaller, more managable parts.
    You'll need to d/l EACH and EVERY part, and then unzip them into a temp folder to reassemble the entire thing.
    Once assembled, you'll need to create a stand-alone mods folder for the 'NATO Action Group' (aka NAG - or call it whatever you want).
    You'll then delete ALL the folders from the NAG mods folder, and use ONLY those supplied.
    You can, OTH, simply install the GroundObjects, Aircraft, Pilots, Weapons, Guns, and Decals to a regualar install, but you do so at your own risk. There is a distinct possiblity of severe damage to said install.
    However, use of the varous GroundObjects would probably NOT cause any difficulties. Many of them you may already have; 99.9% of the original releases were WRONG in how they were handled either for incorrect Nations applied and/or the complete and utter lack of proper Userlist.inis. This has been corrected.
    As yet, there is no 'Campaign' built for this .. it's designed for running single missions, as outlined in the various threads in the General Discussion Forum. You'd be adivsed to read through those, to get a feel for what's going on
    This is Part 1.
    The zip file contents are as shown in the screenshot.
    Sub-folder for the main mods folder contained herein are:
    *please note: the HUDData.ini included MAY have the Debug= set to TRUE. You'll need to change it to FALSE. My Bad!*
    Do Nothing With These Until You've Obtained ALL the Pieces! There are 6 in total, of varying large sizes, included the IR2003 terrain. All available seperatly.


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  14. Operation Darius - Part 2

    Operation Darius
    Mods Folder Paks, In Various Parts
    As the entire mods folder would have been FAR to huge to upload (855 megs zipped with 7z), the varous and sundry folders have been broken down into parts.
    You'll need to d/l EACH and EVERY part, and then unzip them into a temp folder to reassemble the entire thing.
    Once assembled, you'll need to create a stand-alone mods folder for the 'NATO Action Group' (aka NAG - or call it whatever you want).
    You'll then delete ALL the folders from the NAG mods folder, and use ONLY those supplied. (With the exception of the main /Objects folder - you still need someplace to put the G0,Decals,Pilots, Weapons and aircaft. BTW, the aircraft d/l is divided into 3 parts)
    You can, OTH, simply install the GroundObjects, Aircraft, Pilots, Weapons, Guns, and Decals to a regualar install, but you do so at your own risk. There is a distinct possiblity of severe damage to said install.
    Howver, use of the varous GroundObjects would probably NOT cause any difficulties. Many of them you may already have; 99.9% of the original releases were WRONG in how they were handled either for incorrect Nations applied and/or the complete and utter lack of proper Userlist.inis. This has been corrected.
    As yet, there is no 'Campaign' built for this .. it's designed for running single missions, as outlined in the various threads in the General Discussion Forum. You'd be adivsed to read through those, to get a feel for what's going on
    This is Part 2, which contains the following sub-folders for your Mods folder's main /Objects folder, as seen in the screenshot above:


       (0 reviews)



  15. Operation Darius - Part 3 Aircraft, Part 2

    Operation Darius
    Mods Folder Paks, In Various Parts
    As the entire mods folder would have been FAR to huge to upload, the varous and sundry folders have been broken down into parts.
    You'll need to d/l EACH and EVERY part, and then unzip them into a temp folder to reassemble the entire thing.
    Once assembled, you'll need to create a stand-alone mods folder for the 'NATO Action Group' (aka NAG - or call it whatever you want).
    You'll then delete ALL the folders from the NAG mods folder, and use ONLY those supplied. (With the exception of the main /Objects folder - you still need someplace to put the G0,Decals,Pilots, Weapons and aircaft. BTW, the aircraft d/l is divided into 3 parts)
    This is the /Aircraft folder, Part 2.
    It covers aircraft from E - F, as detailed in the attached screenshot


       (1 review)



  16. Operation Darius - Part 4 -- Aircraft Part 3

    Operation Darius
    Mods Folder Paks, In Various Parts
    As the entire mods folder would have been FAR to huge to upload, the varous and sundry folders have been broken down into parts.
    You'll need to d/l EACH and EVERY part, and then unzip them into a temp folder to reassemble the entire thing.
    Once assembled, you'll need to create a stand-alone mods folder for the 'NATO Action Group' (aka NAG - or call it whatever you want).
    This is the /Aircraft folder, Part 3,
    It includes aircraft from FA thru T, as detailed in the accompaning screenshot


       (1 review)



  17. Operation Darius Part 3a -- Aircraft Part 1

    Operation Darius
    Aircraft folder, part 1
    this contains the 1st Part of the /Aircraft folder.
    Aircraft included are A - 3, as detailed in the attached screenshot
    (somehow, ths Part 1 got mislaid...)


       (1 review)



  18. Ordway's Early MiG Pits -Upgrade/Repair Package

    Early MiG Series Cockpit Upgrade/Repair Pakage

    for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI & SF2/SF2:V/SF2:E

    This is a rebulid of Ordway's Early MiG pits for use in ALL the 3rd Wire Series. It's designed for the following aircraft (and/or variants thereof):
    MiG-15bis (by Pasko)
    Stock 3rdWire:
    MiG-17 Fresco-A
    MiG-17F Fresco-C
    MiG-19S Farmer-C
    It is also, therefore, completly useable for any of the myriad 3rd-Party mods of variants of these aircraft (excepting those Frescos and Farmers that are radar equipped -doh!)
    Specifialy, it's designed to REPLACE the original versions, as some (including myself) have experienced odd CTDs with an 'aircraftobject.dll' fault in the SF2 series.. By rebuilding these with a STOCK A-4B cockpit lod (albeit from WoE), and reusing Mr. Ordway's VERY COOL gauge bmp repaints, and re-editing the A-4B_cockpit ini, this has been eliminated. This mod has been EXTENSIVELY tested in SF2, as this was the basis and reason for the 'fix', and will work in the Classic Series ™ just as well as the originals. All necessary parts are included.
    I even snuck in some Generic WoE-style Hangar screens for the 17 & 19. These will also work in ANY version of the sim.
    As always, it's reccomended that you unzip this package to temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of the readme for it's specific instructions. Which are gonna run a bit on the long side....so you probably (read: SHOULD) read the document all the way through first before installing. Just to be safe, doncha know :yes:
    With expecial thanks to Mr. R. Ordway for creating these in the first place!!
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    ps: yes, that's still the original screenie. why mess with a good shot?


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  19. P-26 Peashooter, Chinese Air Force

    P-26 Peashooter, Chinese Air Force, mod for SF/WoV/WoE WW2 PTO installs

    == For Pre-Patch (9/08-10/08) Installs -ONLY!!! ==

    This is a slight rebuild, in a major sense, of Bunyap's P-26 Peashooter, as used by the Chinese Air Force in the late 1930s. It is a complete aircraft mod, with all the bits needed to just unzip, install and fly away.
    It is a 'nation-specific' aircraft, and will not conflict with any other versions of P-26 you may have in your game installs.
    There are 2 version of the data ini included with this; one (called ori-P-26A_DATA.ini) is the original as issued (with my lighting modifications as seen in a few other Peashooter mods). The other, set to use right now, has had it's FM parameters 'adjusted' to something that seems a LOT closer to how the aircraft should be (More in the "Notes" section below). Lighting is the same for both.
    Brand new, "only-available-in-this-mod" nation specific Hangar and Loading screens are included.
    A new 'natural metal' skin, based on Bunyap's templates, and new ID number decals for 18 aircraft are also included. The cockpit, created by CA_Stary is included. The only mod to his pit is a I added my 'ring-and-bead' gunsight (nestled quite comfortably inside the telescope tube).
    Full, detailed instructions are below in the "To Installate" section. Along with the usual notes, comments and general foolishness....
    - This mod is designed to work ONLY in pre/unpatched installs -those that pre-date the 9/08 & 10/08 units. If you install this mod to a post-patched game install, you do so at your own risk. Prop Flight Models are still a little "iffy" Post-Patch, and it is NOT reccomended you use this as such. -
    As you'd expect, there's a fully detailed readme enclosed with all the necessary instructions for installing and so forth.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin stein


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  20. P-2H "Neptune" Remod Pak

    P-2H "Neptune" Remod Pak                11/19/22
    -- For SF2, Any & All --
    This is a complete overhaul, plus numerous additions, to the P2V-7/P-2H Neptune package I released in 2011 (THAT long ago????!!!!). I was going over some things, and found numerous flaws and faults, and chose to fix them up.
    This package, due to numerous changes (listed in the Change Log), is designed to replace in total the early 2011 kit. If you have that original repackaging mod, you CAN just drop all of this one directly over it, or delete the aircraft and decals folders and start fresh. Your Choice (tm). Either way will work with no issues.
    Skin sets NOW included are:
    These 3 from the original 2011 pack--
    VP-18 "Flying Phantoms", NAS Jacksonville as seen during the Cuban Missile Crisis
    VP-65 "Tridents", NAS Point Magu, in the mid/late 1960s through the 1970s
    VP-69 "Totems", NAS Whidbey Island, in the 1970s
    plus ...
    320 Squadron, RNNAS (now included)
    The new skins are:
    JMSDF (2,3,4 & 51 Kokutais)-squadron insginia are randomly applied
    RAAF (10 & 11 Squadrons) - early Seaplane Gray/White and late Gull Gray/White skins
    French Aeronavale - Flotilles 21/23(ish)
    USN --
    VP-9 "Golden Eagles, NAS Barbers Point (Early Seaplane Gray/White)
    VP-18 "Flying Phantoms" NAS Jacksonville, NAS Rossevelt Roads (Early SG/W)
    Argentina -- Both original COAN skins NOW included!
    The only country's skins NOT included are the RCAF/CF by 1977Frenchie; his set for the CP-122 which is good enough to stand on it's own :) .
    All skins remain in their original bmp format. All new decals are included, "almost" all with historically matching BuNums-to-Modex numbers (wherever possible, and the information was discoverable). Decal randomization for ALL skins is TRUE. For those forces with paint scheme changes at specific years, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active.  This can be seen on the Loading Screen, skin/squadron drop-down menu as shown below:
    VP-9 Golden Eagles (>1962) (before 1962)
    VP-69 Totems (<1964)  (after 1964)
    As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  21. P-2H "Neptune" Skins/Decals and Ini Update Pak

    P-2H "Neptune" Skins/Decals and Ini Update Pak


    -- For SF2, Any & All --

    This is a mod of the original P-2H (P2V-7) released by Tracker and the Argentine Modders Group, incorporating some tweeks perfomred by ChampionsVA56
    You do NOT need to original download, but if you want the COAN skins, you'll need it to add them.
    All inis, lods, etc, and 3 new skin and decal sets are provided. The inis have been 'adjusted' back to original USN state, with a completely new UserList.ini, descripting the different countries that used this late-model Neptune. (NOTE: RAF is not listed, as they used only earlier models, with the gun turrets. Hopefully, I also got the users & years farily close, too)
    Skins included in this set are:
    VP-18 "Flying Phantoms", NAS Jacksonville as seen during the Cuban Missile Crisis
    VP-65 "Tridents", NAS Point Magu, in the mid/late 1960s through the 1970s
    VP-69 "Totems", NAS Whidbey Island, in the 1970s *
    (* revamped version of pappychksix's, now with decals)
    All new decals are included, many with historically matching BuNums-to-Modex numbers (wherever possible, and the information was discoverable). The Basic Skins ™ for the USN Gull Gray/White and Seaplane Gray and White, can be used for many other countries, simply by creating new skin folders, copying the relevant files, and creating new textureset and decals inis that reference the proper markings and nationality.
    A new weapon is included; the Mk.44 lightweight torpedo (note: it needs a new lod, as it's using the Mk.13 which is too long, but it works just fine!!). Loadouts have been corrected, with some reengineering of mounting points. Not perfect, but very workable.
    Other ini edits use Champ's landing gear & light fix, and I've replaced the pilot figures with the stock 'Prop_Pilot' with the baseball cap. The engine sound has also been replaced, and supplied. It's not what I consider a perfect match, but it's seems what should be farily close.
    As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install.
    Warning Note: If installing fresh, do not use the original download;s inis, use these =ONLY=!!! If/when installing the COAN skins, use =ONLY= the skins, and nothing else!! You will mess things up severly, and have to start completly over.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  22. P-2H Neptune MLD (Netherlands Naval Air Service)

    P-2H "Neptune" RNNAS (MLD) Skin/Decals Pak


    -- For SF2, Any & All --

    This skin and decal pak is for the P-2H Neptune, and recreates aircraft from 320 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Naval Air Service (aka Marine-Luchtvaartdienst or MLD), in the 1970s.
    Designed for the recently released SF2 upgrade, which can be found here:
    (yes, shameless self-promotion!)
    This adds another user's skin, with (hopefully!) historically accurate markings and serials.
    Another minor tweek, is the canopy glass tga has now been made fully transparant.
    As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. A note about the canopy glass tga is in here too!
    Happy Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (2 reviews)



  23. P-36A Skin & Ini Update Pak

    Curtiss P-36A Mohawk Mod "Pearl Harbor Defenders"
    This is a somewhat nearly complete overhaul of Wolf257's P-36 Mohawk, into a slightly more accurate version as used by the US Army Air Corps during 1941. (FM is the same -- just 'other' things modded)
    This is a COMPLETE aircraft mod; everything is included, excepting the ORIGINAL P-36A.LOD. This mod make use of the modified LOD created for the French & ML-KNIL (NEI) Hawk 75A mod I did a some time ago. 2 completely new skins and decal sets are included representing:

    46th Pursuit Squadron, 15th Pursuit Group, Wheeler Field, HI (Natural Metal)
    47th Pursuit Squadron, 15 Pursuit Group, Haleiwa Field, HI (OD/Neutral Gray

    as seen on the morning of 7 December, 1941.
    The cockpit ini has been modified to use my 'ring-and-bead' sight tga, a damage tga and Hangar & Loading Screens are provided.
    The data ini has been modified via the 'removing components' trick to delete the wing machine guns, as these were not used on USAAC aircraft. They are also 'inily' removed. Some liberties have been taken on the 2 remaining MGs; historically these aircraft were being used as trainers and squadron hacks, as the 15th PG was transitioning to P-40Cs, and only had a single 30 cal left in the nose. I've chosen to leave the 2 50 cals in place for playability, as this gives you a slightly better chance of knocking the enemy aircraft down. Those that wish to switch to the historically accurate 30s, I've supplied the needed data below in the "To Re-Create the Historical Gun Mountings" section. These aircraft carried no bombs or drop tanks, they were only armed with their twin MGs.
    The lighting has been updated, with the addition of the formation, runnning and landing light; positions have been corrected and so forth.
    As this mod is designed to -replace- the existing P-36A, backing up the Original Aircraft ™ in it's totality is HIGHLY reccomended!!! (Instructions below)
    = IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed for use in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, It has =NOT= been tested it in post 8/28/08 patch WoI, or post 9/08 - 10/08 patch SF/WoV/WoE. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk. =
    =This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons . If attempting to use this aircraft with any other weapons pak, you'll need to add ALL the WW2 era bombs, torpedoes, etc. They are NOT included in this package.=
    As usual, a highly detailed readme is included; it's HIGHLY suggested you read it...
    See 'Credit & Sources' for a complete listing of, well, Credits & Sources!
    Good Hunting, and Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  24. P-38F Lighting, 94th FS, MTO 42-43

    P-38F Lightining, 94th Fighter Squadron; for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE MTO Installs
    This is a new skin for Wolf257's Lightinig, and my mod of it into the P-38F Lightning. It is desinged to replace the "Generic OD1943" skin for use in your MTO-themed WW2 game install.
    This skin is based off Wolf's original templates that came with his "WW2 Planes Pak", that I've made a few little enhancements too. New panel lines, weathering and some detail work to the interior sections have been added (look around, and you'll find them!)
    All new decals for serial and ID letters have been created, to represent aircraft from the 94th Fighter Squadron "Hat In The Ring", 1st Fighter Group as they appeared when in service in North Africa/MTO during late 1942 through late 1943. Hence, the use of the Operation Torch yellow-outlined fuselage star, and the plane star roundel on the wings. Research seems to indicate the yellow-outline was used by the 94th well into 1943, until replaced by the red-outlined star-and-bar, which only lasted a few months itself before being replaced by the blue-outlined star-and-bar. Then they moved up to later model Lightnings, in OD/Gray and then to Natural Metal finish.
    Serial numbers ARE accurate for F model Lightnings, but I was unable to match ID letters to serials, excepting for UN-Q; that one IS the correct serial. Consider the serials as "generic" for this usage.
    As always, it's reccomended you unzip this package to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere's else that's easy to find to gain access to the rest of this readme for full, detailed install instructions.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  25. P-38J Lightning, 20th FG, 8th AF, ETO

    P-38J Lightning, 20th FG, 8th AF, ETO

    This is a semi-complete aircraft mod, recreating the J Model Lightnings as used in the ETO in 1943/44 by the 20th FG.
    I say 'semi-complete', because as per Wolf's wishes, the aircraft LOD file is NOT included. However, everything else is.
    You =MUST= have Wolf's WW2 Planes Pak to copy the P-38H.LOD that this mod requires
    This package includes skins/decal sets for the 3 squadrons of J models Lightnings that composed the 20th FG, up until they converted to Mustangs at the beginning of 1945. Unfortnately, Invasion stripes are NOT painted on; this is a simpler, cleaner version for either before OVERLORD or after, when they were removed (ok, I'll admit it...I was just too lazy to actually plot their positions, and paint them on the skin bmp. Ya got me!!<grin>). I give this set a rating of 98.6% for historical accurary, for with the excepetion of approx 6 aircraft between the 3 squadrons, every single serial number has been matched to it's aircraft, based on the radio-call/Plane-in-Group letter. These other serials, while regarded as 'filler', ARE actual serials issued to aircraft assigned to the squadrons of the 20th, but that had no particular call letter, or the letter was undiscoverable. But rest assured, these are 100% accurate serials for J Models, as used by the 20th.
    The 3 squadrons represented are:
    55th FS
    77th FS
    79th FS
    On the loadout screen, each squadron is represented by the Squadron Patch as the Paint Chip. It should be noted the 55th and 77th are done up in OD/Neutral Gray and the 79th is in Natural Metal. Every marking or color blob you'll see on these aircraft -is- a decal, excpeting the anti-glare panel on the 79th skin. There is nothing painted on anywheres. Unfortunately, there is no nose art, due to a) not being able to find good examples per each aircraft, and b) decal bleed on the nose mesh.
    As stated, this is a complete pak, minus the LOD, that incluces the cockpit (with a new N-3 gunsight tga), and all the inis, including my experimental 'updated' data ini with some small flight model tweeks. Damage tgas are included. It is designed for use ONLY in 06 level SF/SFG/WoV/WoE. It has NOT been tested in in 08 1st Gens or SF2 Series sims. You use it in these enviroments at your own risk, and completly unsupported by me. You are on your own. (btw, for you nut jobs that don't listen, and actually DO fly this is 08 or SF2, I'd like feedback on 'how it feels'. I actually HAVE flown it in an 08 install, and it felt 'pretty good'. This may hold us until the AvHistory Guys get us realistic FMs)
    You MUST also have the WW2 Weapons Pak, available at CombatAce at the following URL:
    As always, it's reccomended you unzip this package to a temp folder or your desktop, or somewhere's else that's easy to find to gain access to the rest of this readme for full, detailed install instructions.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)




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