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Everything posted by Derk

  1. Dodged a big freaking bullet last night

    Thinking of you guys !!!!
  2. Historic air show in Iran

    IRAF Historic Flight, we got one too over here...
  3. Never Again!

  4. Portugals new drone

    That's what you get when you do no use the Wrenche's Readme...!!!!
  5. Snooker was never that exciting to watch

    Brilliant performance by the woman !!!!
  6. Mein Korea MiG-Alley terrain.

    Sieht gut aus Michael , schon in diese Version empfehlenswert, freue mich d'rauf !!! Edit: macht sehr viel Spass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Even the idiot on the left has to smile about it.....
  8. Very good to see them active again !!!!!!
  9. Nice Russian vieuw...... Reminds me strongly of what my youngest daughter did while acting in a very nice performance of "Animal Farm" by Orwell this week. In the play they brilliantly used the same sort of old fashioned commie propaganda shit for the dumb people like in "Khibiny" nonsense. Same sort of crap was used by Göbbels in WW II....... Not that the Western gouvernements are that much better, but at least there is room for different opinions and reports......
  10. Onboard A-4C Skyhawk

    Going straight into flying this routine at my compu !!!!
  11. I like Typhoid's remarks on buzzing. During decennia of Cold War, both NATO and Warpac did it thousands and thousands of times. A single Fencer boring in, not using ECM or whatever, in the full knowledge of the capacities of the US vessel can in my opinion hardly be considered a threath. In case of real trouble they would have used stand off weaponry, heavy ECM and a LOT more planes..... As for Putin, it's Hitler and the Sudeten Germans all over and the frightening thing is that we really don't know if he is really in control of all the thugs calling themselves militants........ I wonder what his idea's are on the Baltic states, now our NATO allies...
  12. No, not you, but probably your TV set is that bad.....
  13. Let's be polite and say "...among the best beers in the world ..."
  14. IL 2 Skyhawk Promo

    Yes, but only the Argentinians used them (Belgrano), not the Brits.....
  15. Frisian Flag 2014

    Makes me proud to be Dutch, great excercise !!!!
  16. IL 2 Skyhawk Promo

    Jetsounds are great, models awfull, ships = US Navy WW II..... not my cup of tea...
  17. Beer!

    It has been and will always be an option....
  18. Don't see many Fulcrums doing A/G work..
  19. War Stories

    My father was captured by the Japs in 1942 at Java and quite soon he was transported to Singapore and from there to the Burma Railway for slave labour. He narrowly survived the Imperial Japanes Army's "hospitality". Never told very much about the hardships he had to endure, but one story stands out, as he considered it more or less funny.. While at work at a stretch of the railroad, there was a quite unexpected air raid by Allied medium bombers.... There wasn't much warning and when te bombs started to explode the whole working gang sprinted away from the track into what turned out to be a freshly mown grain field.......... . The point was that they ran bare footed, WITHOUT SHOES..... Anyone ever tried out that one ?
  20. And With That..........

  21. About time I'd say after laying wide open to everything.......
  22. Happy Birthday Dave!

    HB2U Sir !!!
  23. Priceless.. LMAO


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