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Everything posted by Derk

  1. KING Willem Alexander .....

    Hm... just home- sort of tipsy, my wife definitely beyond that- from the local party in the village park and in the pub afterwards.. The whole country kind of blew up celebrating the crowning of the (already) very popular new King & Queen with literally millions and millions of people out in the streets. Great celebrations in very nice weather all over the country with the King & the Queen and the Princesses taking some wonderfull spontaneous actions in Amsterdam. Proud of my country...... . Please don't phone us tomorrow , we'll be back later. I'll be editing this with some Youtube stuff later on....
  2. Splash one UAV

    Point 5:not strange at all. they are reading the other way too ......... apart from that they are top notch professionals and I don't need this propaganda nonsense stuff for that.
  3. Splash one UAV

    Well, from the north... must have originated in Sweden or Norway then....
  4. Sun N Fun Fly In/Airshow

    Great, beautiful Navy stuff, so well maintained and good to see the Kiwi Skyhawk...
  5. Good job mon Capitaine... !!!!
  6. Well, why should they anyway, they are plastic Sparrows only....
  7. Got that one too, it is one of my eldest scale models, first half of the '60's (I think), still there, in good shape although it is only now, after about 50 (!) years that I find out that either I have to remove the centerline tank, or the two front end fuselage Sparrows...
  8. From the USMC Aviation Museum, Havelock NC

    Maybe it has to do with the fact that it's Navy stuff, different sort of paint because of a normally rather salty environment ?
  9. Banks (f..k them) do have ways of doing things, not only in Greece...... Good luck Sophocles....
  10. Almaleki, did you take a look into the data.ini at the maximum speeds and Mach numbers? Seem to remember they were very much at the low side in some original Floggers...... (easy to tweak)
  11. From the USMC Aviation Museum, Havelock NC

    Rainy or not, well looking planes. well kept ....
  12. Great, and now how about an FH-104N for the Swiss Navy....... (sorry, the smileys didn't work for some reason...)
  13. A definete goodbye to Thirdwire.

    FB is direct om de hoek (FB is directly round the hook in Dunglish..) See you there and thx a lot vriend !!
  14. Back to Homeland

    Very interesting pics.....
  15. ....and what a SPLENDID idea in the light of the environment, nature preservation and global warming
  16. Apart from the skins/models, I REALLY enjoy your background stories !!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Hi, hi, you're really into the BAFaren't you .......
  18. Spring in Germany

    OK, we made it, Easter 2013, the coldest since 1964......... We went to the zoo today and it's funny to look at lions, tigers, orang oetans, giraffes, elephants and many more tropical animals while it is (lightly) snowing . Our dogs enjoyed it immensely though, and so did the bears, wolves, penguins, ice bears and some more of the beasties from the more moderate climate zones....
  19. Spring in Germany

    Good Friday 2013: SNOW... F. ck global warmimg, I want some local warming !!!!!!
  20. HOW TO MAKE A MAN HAPPY 1. Feed him 2. Sleep with him 3. Leave him with peace 4. Don't check his phone (Msgs) 5. Don't bother him with his movements So whats so hard about that ? HOW TO MAKE A WOMAN HAPPY It's really not too difficult but.... To make a woman happy, a man only needs to be: 1. a friend 2. a companion 3. a lover 4. a brother 5. a father 6. a master 7. a chef 8. an electrician 9. a plumber 10. a mechanic 11. a carpenter 12. a decorator 13. a stylist 14. a sexologist 15. a gynecologist 16. a psychologist 17. a pest exterminator 18. a psychiatrist 19. a healer 20. a good listener 21. an organizer 22. a good father 23. very clean 24. sympathetic 25. athletic 26. warm 27. attentive 28. gallant 29. intelligent 30. funny 31. creative 32. tender 33. strong 34. understanding 35. tolerant 36. prudent 37. ambitious 38. capable 39. courageous 40. determined 41. true 42. dependable 43. passionate WITHOUT FORGETTING TO: 44. give her compliments regularly 45. Go shopping with her 46. be honest 47. be very rich 48. not stress her out 49. not look at other girls AND AT THE SAME TIME, YOU MUST ALSO: 50. give her lots of attention 51. give her lots of time, especially time for herself 52. give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes. BUT MOST OF ALL IT IS VERY IMPORTANT 53. never forget *birthdays *anniversaries *valentine *arrangements she makes. — Well, no problem really, isn't it ?
  21. Choo choo, motherf***ers!

    Well, makes sense too. We have got a couple of 50's at museum lines over here too, in working order and they can be seen at main lines every now and then. Sufficient spare parts available and there is a former DR workshop at Meiningen (Germany), just a day's ride away where they perform complete revisions (of boilers too), and not only for German loco's for that matter....
  22. Choo choo, motherf***ers!

    This is pure joy, already said something on FB to Aleks.... Most probably the German series 50 already made their mileage in Italy around the end of the war, it was a great loco, available in great numbers, could be used for about every sort of train, powerfull, with a low axle loading and able to run 50mph forward as well as backward so it didn't need turntables etc. This one was an extensive rebuilt (Reko) by the former DR (DDR railways) Must have been a nice trip though(over the Brenner Pass?), wonder if it was under power or running idle as part of a (goods)train.

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