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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. When or if this gets completed, would be nice to see revamped AI code and maybe a map that covered all the major test/training ranges in the Southwestern US (Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, etc.)
  2. Anyone see that movie Fury yet?

    I liked it, really liked it. One of the first good war movies (besides Lone Survivor)...really movie period....that I had seen in a long time. Yes, "tactically" and "technically" the movie had some flaws (as did Platoon, Patton, insert favorite war movie here), but I was willing to reconcile that with the fact that: It was the end of the war and the Germans were out of fuel, spare parts, and ammo. During most of the war in Europe Germany had most of its best units in the East to fight the Russians (not saying that the US and British did not tangle with some crack and fanatical units). A lot of German units got "mixed" during the time-frame of the movie, so conscripts were thrown in with the remnants of elite Panzer/SS squads. Shermans were known as "zippo lighters" and early on in the European/African theater allied armor crews would get slaughtered, but they did dramatically improve their tactics, training, and equipment (field upgrades) later on. *Side note, one of my old professors was a retired Army Lt Col. and tank commander from the 1970s-80s. He told me that US armor did not stand a chance against ANYTHING until the Abramas came on the scene. Also said that everything field before hand was basically an up-build of the Sherman/Patton tank.
  3. Just finished another video short, you may want to turn annotations off.
  4. Close Call

    From the album Ironroad

  5. Thanks will check it out. Spinner's work is pretty spot on to the real thing
  6. Help Us Prevent Cable Company F..kery

    Ditto! I hope like most modern day "activist" movements for meaningful change this does not loose steam. Many in this country seem to suffer from some sort of ADD and no one has the patience stick with any issue once it the media coverage stops. People should would not just focus on US Congressional members and the executive appointment members of the FCC and FTC. They need to get at their state/local representatives in on it because were all the obscure locality rules come from and the taxes.
  7. My home city I'm surprised no one has done a DCANG skin for the F-4D, F-105D, or F-100C. Good stuff!
  8. Couldn't see why it wouldn't be feasible, if they can get the actual rocket payload small and light enough and still make it functional. As long as the craft can carry the weight, is stable, and can get high enough anything can be used as a "mother".
  9. Brrrrrrrrrrr!

    Well... This post's title was very misleading. I kind of don't know what to do now...
  10. Will believe it when I actually see it. Until then it is all vaporware to me...
  11. Navy MH/HH/CH-53s have been going down for years, I remember a few years back one crashed on a gulf course (crew was safe) and another went down (all crew members lost). Those heavy birds are the unsung and unapperiacted workhorses of the the Navy, plus the Navy is known to use and work a helicopter until it litterally can't fly anymore. The only reason they got rid of the CH-46, SH-3, and SH-2 was because they HAD too.
  12. Oh baby what a game!

    Ohhh there was some sort of game today?
  13. Baltic Air Policing shots

    All those are "live" weapons too..that Canuck is ready to start some sheet!!
  14. Looks pretty nice, great work! As far as using grey in the SEA-scheme during the conflict; based on the pictures provided to me it looks like it could have been a bleached-out photo or bleached-out bird (paint faded). Now I know in the 1970s-80s USAF F-4s, A-7s, and even F-105s were painted in Euro/Lizard-type camo with grey mixed into the camouflage scheme.
  15. Pukin'

    From the album Ironroad

    © Ironroad 2015

  16. The Whisper Tames The Lion 2

    From the album Ironroad

  17. Zone 5

    From the album Ironroad

  18. Oh, man -- talk about bad luck!

    I going to hug my Dodge a little closer tonight, good night sweet prince...
  19. Well worth it IMHO, especially since MS Flight Gold is going anywhere from 150.00 USD to 300.00+ on Ebay. The sale will be over in about two days, then it goes back to 25.00 USD.
  20. It’s Official: Sony Scraps ‘The Interview’

    Worse, the hypocrisy of these entertainment and mass media conglomerates is sicking. They have no problem screaming "freedom of speech, press, and expression" at the top of their lungs when it suits them. Or shaming others for not falling in line with their point of view, but the moment something or someone threatens their pocketbook, all of the "activism" goes out of the window.
  21. It’s Official: Sony Scraps ‘The Interview’

    Paramount Cancels ‘Team America’ Showings, Theaters Say https://deadline.com/2014/12/paramount-cancel-team-america-1201329597/ And after reading Fast Cargo's link I'm starting to think that this nothing to do with North Korea and everything to do with some embarrassing Hollywood, or Hollywood to Washington (government offices/liaisons) emails/data someone got a hold of. No different than the rumors and theories that the Italian/Sicilian mafia had dirt on the shady U.S. Government dealings (or pictures of J Edgar Hoover in women's panties) so the federal government decided not to go after them for many decades.
  22. It’s Official: Sony Scraps ‘The Interview’

    PR move... 1: Make a mediocre half-assed movie, with a mediocre cast, that is an obvious money grab and give it a "controversial" promo/preview to stir up the shit. 2: ? 3: "Cancel" previews to make it a forbidden movie that everyone must now see... 4: Profit No doubt the threats from a backwards 1950s regime are real, but the North Koreans have to know that if they push to hard they would probably be crushed and rolled up within a week. Pyongyang be damned, that movie script should have been used as toilet paper to begin with. But like everything that comes out of Hollywood..."They keep crapping them out, and people keep paying to see them do it..."
  23. Thanks Streakeagle Do you know if the acceleration pack will be available or would this just be plain FSX?
  24. When it comes to us flight and space simmers we have been pretty much left out in the cold the last decade or so. Most companies have gone the console or racing sim/game route when it comes to accessories. Came across this because for over two years I have been looking for an alternative to the now defunct Joylock Clamp system. https://forums.robertsspaceindustries.com/discussion/151681/joystick-or-hotas-desk-mounting-hardware http://www.fanatec.com/us-en/shifter-accessories/clubsport-shifter-table-clamp-us.html 29.95 USD, not sure how much they charge for shipping, but looks like it holds some promise. The L-bracket is 21.95. http://www.altrider.com/rotopax-l-bracket/pid/398and sold by a different company. Before I got my current desk, the Ikea Fredde, I used of metal braces and L-shaped brackets to make a mount for my X65 HOTAS system. The brackets worked; but the system was fixed, the corners were sharp and dangerous, and it required drilling into the desk to mount it. Not sure what the shipping would be for the above clamps and for those in North America/The Americas, I believe these objects ship from Europe or the UK (not sure). More information and examples of use can be found on the Roberts Space Industries form (link above).

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