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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. I know that the F-86 and the MIG-21 are in vogue and all the rage, but has anyone flown the F-15C lately? Not withstanding the AIM-120 lawn darts it is armed with (another story for another time) That plane handles like a pig. With any positive G loading it tends to get ass heavy and start rolling uncontrollably. Feels like I'm flying Operation Flash Point or ARMA planes all over again (the dragging ass-end on a pinhead effect). The AI seems effected by it as well (or the AI has just been dumbed down on one side). Ran a few force on force scenarios with anything the Russians hand (Mig-21s, FLANKERS, etc.) against two flights of F-15s. Nine times out of ten, the F-15s get slaughtered; they do not do much maneuvering, they seem obvious to missiles tracking on them, and their Aim-120s turn into gravity bombs as soon as they leave the rails.
  2. Been flying the F-15C with the PFM module for sometime (since it was released) and I have had my X-65F since the days of FC2. However, I have noticed that in the sim the aircraft tends to roll on its rear and the FCS kicks in way too much and throws in way to much rudder which causes spins. It also appears that the AI has no idea what to do with the aircraft AMRAAMS are all but useless. Taxiing, landing, and takeoffs are a dream, aircraft handles better in crosswinds, toe braking is easier with my pedals, and the aircraft doesn't slam in like a brick like it did in the old days, but the medium to high alt flight regimes and the AI's handling of the aircraft leave much to be desired.
  3. Recruiting mob to lynch Michael Bay

    Count me out... Now if you were to horsewhip him for making so many horrible cliche movies I would be all in.
  4. RN/USMC F-4K?

    Wow! I'm surprised US F-4 B/Ns were able to operate off the smaller British ships. I know the UK had to heavy modify their F-4s before they put them in active service.
  5. I vividly recall this Movie...or video game? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTNsdVXPb10 However...my favorite cinematic dogfight scenes have to be... 1: Top Gun: As cheesy as it seems today the movie broke a lot of ground and became a pop culture icon. Every military movie made sense (particularly one featuring aircraft) has tried to emulate it in some shape or form 2: Battle of Britain: Never saw the original when it was released in theaters but I do recall seeing for the first time on VHS when I was young. I don't see how you can not watch the movie and root for the good guys. Robert Shaw, Michale Caine, Edward Fox...some of the most talented UK actors to grace the screen. The movie's musical score was superb. "Repeat Please!" 3: The Final Countdown: The movie plot is a little too "tv scifisih" but the flight scenes more than make up for it. Seeing the "Golden Age" of US Naval Aviation at work, hearing TF30 screeching while maneuvering behind a Japanese Zero. Seeing the RF-8 on screen, that aircraft did not get its full cinematic just due until about 20+ years later until Thirteen Days. 4: Firefox: I like the espionage/spy thriller parts of the more than I like the final showdown between the two super MIGs. Yes it was low budget and scifi, but still turned out to be an entertaining movie. 5: Hot Shots: The training flight scenes and the last show down are funny as all hell. Admiral Benson is what made the movie.
  6. The Official CombatAce MTV Thread

    Blew my mind when I first saw this on Yo! Mtv Raps.
  7. Rats...I really like that word, I use it at meetings, during speeches, and even at church... Annoucments, patches, vapourware, and over promises are fine.... But the "holier than thou" and "you owe me" attitude that some developers have towards the online community really boggles my mind. Particularly, barring some lucrative government or commercial contract, 99.9% of them are dependent on said community for all it its marketing, testing, and development needs (not including all the mods and third party addons that keep their product going long after their product has been released.) Unless Hollywood comes out with this generation's "Top Gun" or console companies start pushing "Ace Combat" in lieu of the next Madden or Call or Duty, IMHO such an attitude by the developers is going to do nothing but make simming even more obscure than it is now and relegate everything to an MS Flight Sim Add on...
  8. The actors (both from the UK and US) of the "Greatest Generation" are going or have gone. Richard Attenborough is one my favorites and his role in the Sand Pebbles is what clenched it for me. http://metro.co.uk/2014/08/24/richard-attenborough-dies-aged-90-a-life-in-pictures-4844464/
  9. A-10 GoPro

    I wonder if the F-35's avionics and electronics are going to be able to stand up to that type of rugged, dirty, and austere environment. Frankly, and I hope I am wrong, I see dirt and sand bricking that thing...
  10. PLAAF jet buzzes Navy aircraft

    It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye... And when the PRC pilot loses his eye, because he collided with a heaving, heavy, and lumbering aircraft, his government will scream to high hell how a slow moving transport/recon/special duty aircraft deliberately chased their nimble, yet innocent fighter down and intentionally rammed it.
  11. So this is the b*stard responsible for pop ups!

    Some people like that kind of thing... The pop-up ads I mean
  12. Almost all the realty TV shows are contrived "faux" dramas, although not my cup of tea, I can understand how some people can find them entertaining. I will occasionally watch one of the millions of variations of "Pimp my Ride" that come on one of Discovery network or Speed channels. What really pains me is what the History Channel has become, the name changes of the "Anything but" Wings, Military, what are you being called this week Channel, and the slow death of TLC (which was the first channel in that grouping to go). Speaking of Frontline, it looks like PBS is trying ti damnedest to play in the "cable TV" sandbox with its realty tv and cartoon line-ups. Miss the good old days of watching Frontline and local documentaries/dramas on weeknights and classic British comedies on weekends. I suspect cable TV will be the next "bubble" that will burst, and services like netflix, ondemand, etc. will slowly take over.
  13. In the US all it takes is an "allegation" of sexual misconduct or abuse and a man's (keyword MAN) life and career are ruined forever. If he is found guilty then it is on the sexual predator's list for the rest of his life (although I do agree with the need for having a such a list), if he is completely exonerated most people (including the authorities in the jurisdiction he lives in) are still going to assume he "did something wrong" and will treat him accordingly. In the court of public opinion, which seems to be the only court that matters, he is finished... I highly doubt it, if at most maybe a "fine" or a behind the scenes "don't do it again miss, unless you have more "credible" allegations that can put him away ;-) ". In this instance there is really no difference when a police officer or government official knowingly and willingly official commits perjury in court or during an official hearing and there is written evidence (official reports, video, etc.) that shows everything contrary to their testimony or account. It is about "getting their man". It sucks, but it is how the justice system in the US has been twisted and contorted to be used against the majority of the people it is supposed to protect,
  14. Have not seen it, but Jimmie Stewart is in it so has to be worth watching based on that alone.
  15. DCS: F-86F Beta Released

    Caught a few glimpses of a few on a free flight server the other night. Not sure how hard pressed Korean War-era bird can make it ways into the Black Sea region. Then again, not sure how a US Army AIR CAV UH-1H "SLICK" helo from the Vietnam War (barring the ones used by the Georgian Military), a P-51, or a FW-190 fit into the scheme of things either. Maybe a Final Countdown type time warp??? Got a few snaps of him before I rolled out.
  16. Screen 140726 022018

    From the album Ironroad

  17. Screen 140726 022017

    From the album Ironroad

  18. Screen 140726 021958

    From the album Ironroad

  19. Screen 140726 021957

    From the album Ironroad

  20. Screen 140726 021949

    From the album Ironroad

  21. Screen 140726 021940

    From the album Ironroad

  22. Screen 140726 021935

    From the album Ironroad

    DACT with a Korean War-era F-86 Saber Jet. Not sure how an F-86 fits into the Black Sea, Final Countdown Maybe?
  23. Screen 140726 021933

    From the album Ironroad

  24. Screen 140726 021930

    From the album Ironroad

  25. Screen 140726 021906

    From the album Ironroad


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