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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. Thoughts? [RPG Flight Sim/Wetdream] WARNING LONG READ

    I agree, past games and sims were about providing options and immersion. Very few console games do that anymore and sims (the few that get made) hardly do that all anymore. Somewhere the sim developers (as well as the console crew) that idea graphics was the only thing that ever needed be worked in for gaming. That eye-popping bloom effects and constant "lens flare" trumped game-play, mechanics, context, storyline, etc. Sounds good, and I look forward to it because I certainly would buy whatever the end product may be. I would gladly pay more for something with a lot of effort put into it, then something slapped together for sake of using the latest "pretty effects" game engine.
  2. HOTAS Setup

    Looking at getting a new HOTAS setup, my various low end thrust master sticks have served well, most recently the T-flight HOTAS, but I am looking to upgrade. Had my eye on either the Saitek X52 (PRO) or Logitech 940. The 940's price tag is really pushing what I can or will spend, but the ascetics of the X52 are bit of a turnoff (I do not own any space games or sims). I have come across a lot of long term reviews of the Saitek, and most of them have been positive. But I have come across information that indicates the system has problems related to the centering, tension, and stick deadzone. The lack of split throttle (additional axis) is somewhat a big draw back for me. On the flip side, there aren't too many full or long term reviews available for the 940 (outside of "un-boxing" reviews from two+ years ago), which is a bit unsettling . Also I have come across numerous post and complaints about the inner wiring and long-term quality of this system. Love the fact that rudder pedals are included, the large number of buttons and profiles, and the split throttle; however, I do not want to spend such a large sum of money on something that will break in less than year. Would be nice if I could get mt SUNCOM F-15E Talon and throttle back up and running again. The stick's base was beefy enough for me to mount, on a small stand/crate or to rails on the desk, so I could fly in a "natural" position. And I was looking to mounting my next system (especially if it has screw/drill holes in the base) to a system of angled shelving brackets drilled into my desk. I know TM's Warthog is considered one of the best (outside of CH), but I can not spend that much. Any ideas?
  3. Prince Harry in Afghanistan :)

    From what I have read, members of the Royal family who are currently serving willingly do their duty without any complaints or seeking any special favors.
  4. Thoughts? [RPG Flight Sim/Wetdream] WARNING LONG READ

    I'm not trying to bastardize or over-simply your ideas, which would be awesome if accomplished. But it seems like you are: taking "life" sandbox elements from something like Grand Theft Auto (most recent releases San Andreas and IV), where the player could interact with the "world" and the player's action in the storyline had affects on the side world (i.e. hearing of exploits on the radio while driving, getting control territory, or having increased or decreased police and/or rival gang presence). Infusing the storyline of the ACE Combat series, without the overemphasis on a melodramatic samurai based anime storyline. Sprinkling the the ground combat and scale of Operation Flash Point, especially when the player is down behind enemy lines or SAR/Spec ops crews have to go in and get the pilot out. Adding the fidelity of Falcon 4 and all if reincarnations, such as cockpit functions, switchology, resource management, and mission/campaign dynamics. The modabilty of the Strike Fighter Series The sim world immersion and options of the Jane's line of sims The graphics of DCS the series The world coverage of FSX. Just marrying up two or three of those elements would make an excellent game or flight sim the world has not seen in many years. Taking elements from all of those would herald in the second coming. However, it all comes down to money, time, money, and a system that has the ability (just for the developers alone) that can process all of that information.
  5. You mean the only patch, they left that game to rot only after two patch attempts. If it weren't for the modding community (to include stuff done by you and your squadron) and multiplayer, LoMac would have been a relic of Windows Me/Xp systems.
  6. Ahh man, That's like telling a child Santa Claus was killed the previous year in a car accident. Not directed at you (or anyone here), but why in the high hell would the trumpet this thing up and then release with a non functioning... NVM, just answered my own question, I remember how long it took to get LoMac 1.00 patched.
  7. Don't care, about the who, what, when, or why (or how much$$$)...just do the Eagle her due justice. Meanwhile, I will be cleaning out the old hard drive and getting prepared for the online melee that is going to ensue in the coming weeks...
  8. Many years ago... A compliation of Stock USAF footage and defense contractor "marketing" films from the1980s. Great music, features just about every major USAF fighter aircraft from that period (minius some of the attack/observation birds), and closes with a Thunderbirds performace and the Air Force Hymn. Much perfed this to ANYTHING that gets shown on the Discovery Network or the Pawnstars History (Channel/Network). Good times.... Many thanks to the uploader of this one. Hopefully Youtube/Google leaves it alone.
  9. The Official Chuck Norris CA Thread

    Some amature video from a while back, all of it has been verified true and authentic.
  10. I know I'm late, but.... I agree, yet the momoment anything on the US/NATO side is "tweaked" offically a howling cry goes up across the internetz. The F-15 was broke/neutered in the first releasw, it was slightly corrected in the Flamming Cliff's release and all hell broke spewed loose. When the Aim-120s were "tweaked" to make it better than an Aim-9C, the hate mail/post rolled in. My hope is that they will improve the AI, EW, avonics, communications, and mission planning/profiles in the next release.I Reality tells me that most of it maybe just graphics improvements, as anything done to balance or improve Western aircraft is called "cheating" by those who like to fly Russian aircraft.
  11. does not mean you SHOULD do something... I may have considered buying a ticket (to use as toliet paper) if they kept China as the enemy (which seems more believable). Why does Hollywood keep doing this, why does the consuming public keep allowing Hollywood to do this. Remakes or recent movies or remakes/squels of recent mediocore movies. You would think the self-absorbed relativity tv generation whould be feed up by now...
  12. Slammers were supposedly fixed in FC2 with a bit more range and energy. They have also been better synced up with TWS as well so you can effectively use them against multiple targets.
  13. Been flying LOMAC since the days when 512mb of ram meant you had a decent box. I have only flown it for one reason and one reason only. that big a$$ flying tennis court called the F-15... My only hope is that FC3 is more than just an eye candy ARMA 2 -lite improvement. I hope they really work on the AI, fix a few features that were broken in FC1, and give the Eagle her just do (no matter how much Flanker and Fulcrum drivers scream and howl ).
  14. enb2011 1 13 1 53 1

    From the album Ironroad

    © ironroad 2008

  15. Crowded Deck

    From the album Ironroad

    © ironroad 2009

  16. Spooling Up

    From the album Ironroad

    © ironroad 2009

  17. On deck

    From the album Ironroad

    © ironroad 2009

  18. Takeoff Run2

    From the album Ironroad

    © ironroad 2009

  19. Somewhere In The Gulf

    From the album Ironroad

    © ironraod 2011


    From the album Ironroad

    © ironroad 2010

  21. Tanker Spill

    From the album Ironroad

    © ironroad 2011

  22. F 18F

    From the album Ironroad

    © Ironroad 2008

  23. Gypsy

    From the album Ironroad

    Gyspy 101 on a roll

    © Ironroad 2011

  24. To address the original topic... There are few a books out there that indicate US forces came across either white and/or tall blonde hair blue-eyed men traveling with groups of NVA regulars or VC/NLF troops. Most of the accounts are from US personnel that operated away from populated areas in the western part of Vietnam and/or near Laos and Cambodia. One such account is mentioned here... Ripcord: Screaming Eagles Under Siege, Vietnam 1970 Could they have been Russian or Warsaw Pact? Western defectors? Members of the Fonda family? It was also suspected that Russians were operating many of North Vietnam's SA-2 sites during the earlier years of the war, and Russian picket trawlers were constantly in the war zone providing early warning to Hanoi about incoming American airstrikes or ship movements throughout the duration of the war. The Russians and North Vietnam had a somewhat closer and more trusting relationship, than Hanoi had with China (or any other nation). So such accounts aren't too surprising.

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