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Everything posted by Bongodriver

  1. File Name: EF-2000 typhoon beta for SF 2 series File Submitter: Bongodriver File Submitted: 26 December 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft Typhoon beta for SF2 series.... These folders go into the relevant directories in the C:/users/xxx/saved games/ThirdWire........ This is very very beta at the moment so bare that in mind before asking too many questions or complaining :) I have released this for some community evaluation and to get some general help with tweaking, give it a go and see what you think. it has a 'what if' 74 squadron tigers skin for now and is using my original pit from the first typhoon, also the HUD symbology has 2 shades of green...this is from some testing I did and I havent bothered to revert to just 1 shade so it's not a bug, the HUD is formatted to the WIP pit so it will overlap the current one. still WIP is a brand new pit which will use the new eye candy like bump and specular..... enjoy Craig Click here to download this file
  2. Hi, Is it possible to make a laser designator integral to an aircraft i.e. the same way some aircraft have built in ECM and countermeasures, or would I have to create a separate designator and carry it on a dedicated weapon station. Craig
  3. SF2 : NA worth it?

    I may not have been around much but at least the eels are always here.
  4. I have in SF2, but only by forcing DX9 mode so a 3rd party driver works with it, and the result is interesting, sort of works but there is no actual 3d.
  5. Hi Folks, As the title reads, I have stalled a little on the Tiffie and am thinking whether to release as a beta, mainly because so much still needs tweaking and I'm hoping some folks can pick up the batton, real life and a second HD crash were the causes for my stall (thankfully I had backups) and at the rate I work on these thing it might never make it out the door. I'm still working on a completely new virtual pit and still have to finish up the skins with bump and AO, the FM and other ini's need some tweaking (like the last time I have hit a bit of a wall on that sort of stuff) So what do you think? give you guys the beta and I can check in to see what folks think so far and the community can tweak it back into life? Craig
  6. EF-2000 typhoon beta for SF 2 series

    Version 1.0 beta


    Typhoon beta for SF2 series.... These folders go into the relevant directories in the C:/users/xxx/saved games/ThirdWire........ This is very very beta at the moment so bare that in mind before asking too many questions or complaining :) I have released this for some community evaluation and to get some general help with tweaking, give it a go and see what you think. it has a 'what if' 74 squadron tigers skin for now and is using my original pit from the first typhoon, also the HUD symbology has 2 shades of green...this is from some testing I did and I havent bothered to revert to just 1 shade so it's not a bug, the HUD is formatted to the WIP pit so it will overlap the current one. still WIP is a brand new pit which will use the new eye candy like bump and specular..... enjoy Craig
  7. Not sure about that one, the litening III is not my model, I can only suggest tweaking the .ini until it fits
  8. OK....can you try the attached .LOD file and see if it works, but if it does then I will be extremely confused. TyphoonLOD.zip
  9. I can't help feeling that the 'white' shadow prob must be a problem that manifests on an individual basis, wether it's hardware of software I can't tell, it's not likely a problem I can fix unless I get the same problem on my machine, I seem to recall this might have come up with my SF1 typhoon.....anybody remember what was going on?
  10. I think I know whats up......put this HUD folder onside the cockpit folder, let me know if it works. Did you patch it?.........if so does it work now? HUD.zip
  11. I think the white object is a part that I forgot to link in the max file, I am surprised you have no textures on the seat......don't know whats happened there.
  12. Thanks guys...this is good feedback, it is almost encourageing me to think I'm not bad at getting to grips with the FM thingy, I have been trying to build a level of instability to give the manouverability, but the g limit thing is something I tried to counter with....a 'g limiter', if you look in the .ini you will see it, what I tried to get was an effect with the canards where they reduce the pitching moment upon reaching a certain 'g' Brain32....an RC....thanks, that is very flattering...but a very beta it is, everything is only just over half complete IMO, still learning new tricks and there is a complete new pit to come. Thanks again guys
  13. Good stuff....thanks chaps for getting stuck in and having a tweak... IanH...the rear section of the missile recess was a particular PITA for me to model, and at least this version has them, I really made an effort to study the aircraft and used the best reference I could find to get as good a shape and dimension but the Typhoon has some very complex structures to model in that regard and I don't think I will be able to improve on it, I am sure the dimensions of the weapons themselves are spot on but the only thing I could think of was to maybe model some Typhoon specifis AMRAM's which were slightly smaller.
  14. Thanks, yes the probe is still being built, only the doors and animations for now, may or may not decide to keep this because it might be nice to have something that is actually implemented in game instead, anything related to the 3d model you find you can take as already noted, I'm more intersted in getting the feedback with regards to FM and avionics etc...so could you elaborate on the g load....
  15. Thats actually how it is on the real thing.......not sure why they did it.
  16. OK it's up.....just waiting for admin aproval........
  17. Here are some screens of some progress made a while back, got into using 'bump' to make things look high poly.
  18. Exellent......just bear with me guys, my employers are getting every penny's worth out of me at the moment.......I know...I know! I'm flying jets all over europe and seeing some fantastic places, but my god I need a break!!!
  19. HOLY s**t!

    I guess you are nearly as old as me now.........have a good'un
  20. Why you don't f#@# with a Marine

    I'm praying this is a true story....it filled me with a warm glow
  21. for some a tent stake through the scrotum is a hobby too.........theres some oddballs in the world, but I wholeheartedly sympathise with the UV mapping issue, and for me it is compounded by the agony of actually painting the maps as well.

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