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Status Updates posted by Aintry

  1. Jake is not a finger-puller.

  2. Pardon me, stewardess, I speak jive.

    1. JediMaster


      ain't got no brains, anyhow

  3. Jake has all the loving sweetness of a seasick crocodile.

  4. Boy, you really am a wundah.

  5. That wasn't a very nice thing to say, Martha.

  6. We've got our work cut out for us. Well, you do, anyway.

  7. Took a look around, see which way the wind blow.

  8. Rocket science really is rocket science.

  9. This one goes to eleven....

  10. We emerged from the mental fog, somehow, and wound up at K-Mart.

  11. Veal was tonight's mystery meat.

  12. There's nothin' Nietzsche couldn't teach ya 'bout the raisin' of the wrist.

    1. Muesli


      I do like raisins!

    2. JediMaster


      Socrates himself was permanently pissed...

  13. I can do that AND chew gum.

  14. You're gonna die up there.

  15. Jake will not eat yellow snow, though he knows people who will.

  16. So I'm dating a masseuse....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Muesli


      No you're not!

    3. Aintry


      I had enough sense not to count on being believed. Lol.

    4. Muesli


      I commented about the age thingy. you're never too old to date beautiful women!

  17. Did he fire six shots or only five?

    1. macelena


      Do you feel lucky?

  18. Trying to keep the cat from breaking wind.

  19. Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah...

  20. You're go to continue powered descent.


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