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EsPeKTr0 last won the day on November 9 2009

EsPeKTr0 had the most liked content!

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31 Neutral

About EsPeKTr0

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Valencia , Spain
  • Interests
    Cars,motorcycles,Moto GP,Formula1 and Flightsims.

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  1. DCS Air to Air Refueling Attempt

    Nice!!!! Congrats mate.Im trying too to refuel with the f-18c hornet i'm not lucky :'( .
  2. Fiat G.91 "Gina" Pack

    Another brilliant work.Awsome ;)
  3. Mig-29 Variations

    Here presents the different colours of that plane :) .
  4. Faroe Islands terrain

    thx a lot for this map gepard. As always great work mate.
  5. Happy Independence Day

    Happy 4th of july for all americans day. Enjoy ;)
  6. TU-160 Blackjack(V2K)

    thank you very much veltro2k .Looks really beautiful ;) .
  7. Nuevo Harrier vestido de matador

    Ok tete sin problema alguno .Mi correo es Torquem24@yahoo.es
  8. I believed that the simulator itself when changing the measurements changed everything from heights of meters to feet to gallons and gallons. Now I see that it is not like that.
  9. I think it depends on how you put the reading mode or in km or miles directly the game transposes it to the European or English measure.
  10. Nuevo Harrier vestido de matador

    Estara disponible dicho skin?
  11. Return 2 Base . The air combat on the city between the skyscrapers is really impressive!! Nice movie.
  12. Man the bad idea is not, in fact it is curious since it had never been given that kind of hidden bases. It is very attractive the idea. I hope the rest think the same. For me it's a great idea
  13. It is not a bad idea since it could be used as a mercenary base for units as such. It is a good idea
  14. Mirage F1EQ-2

    Beautiful Bird ;)
  15. Mirage F1EQ-2

    Thank you very much Ludo. Happy Easter

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