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Everything posted by Dutch_P47M

  1. BH&H2 and VR

    Thanks, old readings on SimHQ forum and Youtube about WoFF-VR are talking about objects like planes and trees being flat 2D. But it seems that VorpX has been improved to bring more 3D to the surroundings. You are talking about an Cfs3 profile from the cloud, I guess it’s probably some download, could you share that link?
  2. BH&H2 and VR

    I know @Polovski could confirm this better, but I think if UE can run VorpX, then BH&H2 should have no problems either. Now about the VR-3D effects is this on the same level as in real VR flysims like “Battle of Stalingrad” or FS2020, or is it just flat objects in the sky as like an child’s popup book. Do you notice any depth while being in the cockpit, looking at the instruments, plane wings, guns.
  3. BH&H2 and VR

    @oolong, what is Z-Norman and what do you mean by no geometry 3D?
  4. Visiting here for WOFF VR development, I find this, https://www.neowin.net/news/windows-11-update-kb5012643-also-broke-ancient-directx-9-on-certain-gpus/ Who knows its helpful.
  5. BH&H2 and VR

    @Waggaz Please let me know if this VR is working at a decent level, not a mode that its more acting like a TrackIR/monitor on your head and not generating the 3D-VR. As this seems to be case in the Youtube sample. I still miss this this immersive game but I’m hooked on VR, now mainly Assetto Corsa with the roaring ‘20 cars/tracks mods. I do hope one day they can get the real 3D-VR implemented, with or without VorpX, (I gladly pay for additional software) and I’m back. edit dit you try the free route: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dtWNAaVLay8 @Polovski I did read you have also an VR headset (Pimex??) what is your experience in VR with this splendid game. Are there any plans to cope with software like VorpX, as I think its the easiest way for VR implementation?
  6. Because swapping from a GTX1080 to an RTX3070 did give me the opportunity to give it a retry, after an absence from nearly one year. Sorry to say but the WW1 game made by Uglymedia is still a cheap RoF swapjob, fuzzy looking and in VR a weird 3D cockpit look (this is not counting for the WW2 plane sets), while at the highest graphical settings it’s still a VR-shimmer festival and seeing trees doing pirouettes. On the other hand clouds are a great improvement for VR users. Pity because there are a lots of Nvidia stuff and injectors for VR that can really be helpfully. After more then 20y of only combat flysims (mainly WW1) I went to VR race sims and here you see a much better VR implementation. Even the old Assetto Corsa, is with Content Manager/SOL from modders, up to date in graphical eye candy. 1C should not neglect the VR users. But who knows time will solve this, as an outsider like Asobo or a combat flysim studio is using the FS2020 game engine or like Assetto Corsa Competizone the Unreal game engine.
  7. Lots of sales lately, anything going on?
  8. Think that typically for those Russian developers, while Jason is complaining about lack of labor/budget, they are still being prone to spill lots of efforts into minor aspects and small nice to have stuff, while neglecting the hardly needed major aspects totally.
  9. I Think for the tankgame you are right, as its now a bit lonely according to the youtube. Thats btw for me also counting as an potentially buyer, the tankgame looks great in VR only that sterile environment, is a real immersion breaker. While I never understand why spoiling that much effort on two flack vehicles, that little StugIII could be a success. The IAR-80 I guess an project from an modder because I do think this bird is only for an specific group of (Romanian) players and for the 1C fanboys.
  10. It looks finally 1C did introduce the desperate needed cloud upgrade all without much loss of performance. BTW, did the dev also tackle the shimmers and jaggies this game is facing in VR? Think I’m going to ask permission for an abolishment on my forum ban, reinstall BoS again and give it a try.
  11. Finally they doing something to improve the clouds, as I think very much needed even more prior than just another map/plane blabla. What me the most surprised was that this improvement did not enter BoX with an enormous FPS loss. Very good job 1C, who knows I’m going to reinstall the BoX series.
  12. Wings Over The Reich - News

    Great news, but please do also consider the transfer to VR, with or without the help of additional VR software like VorpX and DGVoodoo.
  13. Not into Il2 anymore, but its all looking good.
  14. No, the F2P from Steam was a Russian jet and a race Mustang, but it didn’t impress me.
  15. I want to give DCS a go, but only, if compared to the BoX series from 1C I clearly can see the better graphics while using VR. Not at the outside of the plane as I always fly in VR but more thinking of a better cockpit and more 3D detail of the (damaged) wings view, clouds, skydome, reducement of all the shimmer & jaggies you usually see in BoX. Did a search on youtube and did found a lot, only all very ancient, before the 2.7 update and not related to DCS-VR. So my question is, if I wanting to go a step higher then BoX-VR in eye-candy, is DCS-VR the right WW2 combat flysim or is it more a less the same graphics. Further, I wanting to know can DCS run on a AMD 6800XT, at full potential or is like in BOX a no go, because BOX is right now not being optimized for the new AMD RDNA2 6000 cards. Can I compare the Free2play on steam to what I actually see in payware, because I found the Free2play (tryout a year ago) a bit disappointing, by its vintage 2010 look.
  16. BH&H2 and VR

    Just did found a video about WoFF in VR, hope its helpful when a member wanting to try.
  17. It started as an WW1 project but in the BoS series the whole PWCG is now WW2 first and while PWCG could be integrated into RoF for BoX this seems to be a nogo. More a bigger point of concern is that I now read the whole new WW1 plane set is being made by Ugra media, I still think this is a big mistake as they showed they can not do the job on a high level. Reading all the criticism on the DCS Normandy, BoBpl map, Arras map and the FC planes, they sure need to do this job better.
  18. Do not get me wrong but I’m afraid not that much spectacular will happen.
  19. the uglymedia Normandy map for DCS was also a subject on heavily critics, same critics we see right now on the BOBpl and Arras map which seems also be the uninspired products from this Uglymedia studio. I do hope Uglymedia has learn his lessons, but also 1C should do a better controll job before releasing its Uglymedias Normandy and WW1 map.
  20. Wish List for WOFF BH&H II

    Implementation of an real 3D-VR mode.
  21. The whole DVD is not that spectacular improvement on damage, but ok if being compared to the unrealistic black ink spots on other planes, it is a good start for more and better. About the N28 I’m still not impressed by what I did see and read about it, Uglymedia and I keep repeating, is not the right partner for doing this RoF swap job. Now with all the FS2020 payware you can buy, 1C should have finally noticed that there are so many studios that are a much better partner to do this RoF swapping.
  22. I love this sim because ....

    First great to see activities on WoFF here at CAF, much better site then the buggy SIMHQ. Sorry I have some remarks Early war recon missions: By my knows (Cecil Lewis book as an sample in his MS parasol) early war reconnaissance missions were mostly single. Old CFS3 game engine: There is always some doubts about the CFS3 game engine. If doing WW1 monitor flying there is no substitute for WoFF, believe me the other “modern game engine” WW1 game, is nothing more then a sterile RoF swap. While we are talking about graphics, I can tell you, despite this FC game has an more modern game engine, the clouds, sky dome and the nomans land are still “2009 old style”. Black ink spots that’s supposed to be impact craters and trenches are hilarious. The so called 4k plane models are fuzzy made, read your self at the official FC website. I’m a big fan of flysims, WW1 specific, only now being infected by VR there is no way going back to the monitor. I do hope one day OBD does go for WOFF-VR, even its only 1 plane made in VR. Because right now, there is no decent WW1 combat flysim for VR. WoFF is a great immersive game and made with respect & love by OBD. note: to be clear here, this criticism is about FC and not counting for the WW2 BOX series.
  23. BH&H2 and VR

    Conclusion: no real 3d using VR in BH&H2 or other WoFF versions.
  24. How many of us still fly WOFF?

    Not playing WoFF anymore. For somestrange reason I always had a problem that the game refusses to start and I did have to reinstall it back again. So I did get a little tired about that and went back to RoF that strangely after an absence of 4 years it still could run, while that game is on the same disc. During the last Blackfriday I went for the Samsung Odyssey+ and now I shutdown RoF & Woff complete, because there is no wayback after getting the taste of VR. I’m now into Box-FC. I do hope one day OBD will introduce Woff-VR edition, lets start with one scout :-). Still miss the nice Woff members and the great campaign mode.

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