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Everything posted by warthog64

  1. severe problem to access CA

    Seems to be fixed now. I thought it was just me too lol.
  2. Just wondering if anyone could help me find a file that contains the Pave Knife pod. I thought it used to be included in the SF2 Vietnam expansion pack from 2014, however I can't seem to locate that file as it seems to have been removed. Thanks
  3. Shahak Tarmil 012.JPG

    Awesome shot.
  4. Very nice. Thanks Raven as always.
  5. Is anyone else not getting the SA-6 to show up in the game? SA-2s and SA-3s are in abundance, just no SA-6s on my end.
  6. Thunderbirds Fuel Stop at KCOS
  7. Unusual B-1 camo

    Cool pics. That aircraft is on display at the Strategic Air and Space Museum in Nebraska today.
  8. Nice Nice Nice. Thank You!
  9. I was wondering if it is possible to add the entire battlefleet to the carrier groups in the campaign? Is it ok to edit the data.ini file without affecting the game? Thanks
  10. I'm about to throw my Asus 703gle out the window. I don't know what happened but after I installed the newest update all my SF2 games cause the dreaded blue screen "your pc has run into a problem and needs to restart." I've tried all the fixes and nothing works. I've been looking at the Acer Nitro 5 as a replacement. Just wondering do any of you experts think this would be a good replacement? Thank you all
  11. Thanks everyone. I'll have to buy a new computer when I can afford it.
  12. I updated to the windows upgrade on March 7. Also upgraded to the in vidia driver on March 5th. Ever since then nothing has worked. I reverted to the Invidia driver from 2/22. I also deleted the driver from 3/7 windows driver. Tried all the fixes from YouTube. I can play the wwii games from capun(I know lol). Can't play any games from combatace though including menrva's ODS or SF2I games though.
  13. Has anyone else encountered this message? Just wondering if there is a way around it. I've never seen it before. Thanks The page you are trying to access is not available for your account.
  14. Question

    I'm trying to download the ODS_30AF_HotFix.zip
  15. Newest USMC Ace

    Nice. Thank you for this story.
  16. SF2 F3D-2/EF-10B Skyknight by Coyote Aerospace

    Beautiful addition!
  17. SF2 F3D-2/EF-10B Skyknight by Coyote Aerospace

    Thank you Wrench
  18. FW-190A8R2

    Is there a way to make the WGR21 pods jettisonable?

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