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Files posted by macelena

  1. SF2 TMF Mirage IIIEE (EDA) by Macelena Upgrade Pack (v.2)

    This is the variant of the Mirage IIIE employed by the Spanish Air Force. Includes all files needed to run it on SF2, along with loading screens,
    specific loadouts, and an ad hoc pilot model. Install dropping into your mods folder. In doubt, readme included also
    Thanks to Wildcat, Espektro and Mirage Factory. I would like to dedicate it to Bpao, recently deceased, the founder of Mirage Factory, but it would be strange
    since this was originally his job, so this is dedicated to the Spanish airmen killed aboard it
    Anything wrong with the release, plase contact me here
    Esta es la variante del Mirage IIIE empleada por el Ejército del Aire español. Incluye todo lo necesario para funcionar en SF2, así como fondos de pantalla de hangar
    y carga, configuracion de armao específica, y un piloto hecho expresamente. Instalar vertiendo sobre la carpa de mods. En caso de duda, incluye un Léame
    Gracias a Wildcat, Espektro y Mirage Factory. Me gustaria dedicarlo a la memoria de Bpao, recientemente fallecido, fundador de Mirage Factory, pero me resulta extraño
    dedicarle lo que originalmente fue su trabajo, así que dedicado a los aviadores españoles muertos abordo.
    Ante cualquier problema, contactar conmigo  
    *** New Version Uploaded 3/21/2024 ***
    See post below for more details


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  2. Mirage Factory F-5E for SF2

    Adaptation of the original Add-on to work on SF2, Thirdwire second generation.
    Includes all the original files by Mirage Factory, adapted weapons, and skins, along with several aggresor skins by wpnssgt
    Readme included


       (4 reviews)



  3. Lightweight placeholders: Starfighters

    Proper mods take a severe toll in my laptop, so these are ini edits to provide a cockpit and make stock aircraft flyable using only stock resources. That being said, there are much better mods that are much closer to the real thing, i only provide this  in case normal mods cause performance issues in your install
    These are a few edits to make DLC28 and stock Starfighters flyable
    Basically, i used stock Crusader cockpits and tweaked them a little bit to serve as placeholders, so you will need SF2V, and to already have the aircraft themselves
    either (or both) from SF2E and DLC28
    F-104As are a basic F-8C cockpit with an F-4E gunsight
    Most others (F-104C, F-104C(61), F-104G, CF104 and CF104(72)) are the same plus a ground search radar
    And F-104C (66) and CF104(76) add an audio only RWR
    If any issue arises, please tell me, will try to fix ASAP.


       (0 reviews)



  4. Lighweight placeholders: Arab Mirages

    Proper mods take a severe toll in my laptop, so these are ini edits to provide a cockpit and make stock aircraft flyable using only stock resources. That being said, there are much better mods that are much closer to the real thing, i only provide this  in case normal mods cause performance issues in your install
    These are a few files to make DLC28 LARAF and EAF Mirages flyable
    Requires SF2I and Mirage3EL DLC, as it uses Nesher and Mirage3EL cockpits
    I just added dtmdragon's sight fixes for Nesher and Mirage3Os, and audio RWR.
    There are more juicy mods around, but if you like keeping it down to a few INI fixes, this does the trick.
    Just drop contents in your SF2 mod folder and everything should go where it has to.
    If something goes wrong, blame me and me alone, and please send a PM with the issue, will fix ASAP. Can't promise anything 
    since I've become a mature and dependable professional and I'm supposed to be busy all day, but tell me anyway. 


       (0 reviews)



  5. Lightweight placeholders: F-84F

    Proper mods take a severe toll in my laptop, so these are ini edits to provide a cockpit and make stock aircraft flyable using only stock resources. That being said, there are much better mods that are much closer to the real thing, i only provide this  in case normal mods cause performance issues in your install
    You will need SF2 (the basic, desert one) since this uses both A-4B and F-100D elements (the manual says SF2V doesn't include A-4Bs, and the compressed 
    files seem to agree, i can't tell since i'm on the complete edition) 
    It should just drop in the mods folder and ask you to overwrite a couple of things, if you have any issue with the fix just tell me.


       (0 reviews)



  6. Lightweight placeholders: Vautour

    Proper mods take a severe toll in my laptop, so these are ini edits to provide a cockpit and make stock aircraft flyable using only stock resources. That being said, there are much better mods that are much closer to the real thing, i only provide this  in case normal mods cause performance issues in your install
    It uses the MystereIVA cockpit with Mirage sights, so besides SF2I you need
    EXP 1. It has certain issues, among other things, it is basically a single engine, 
    two cannon cockpit with a two engine, four cannon aircraft, so you only get 
    gauges for one engine, and i don't even want to look at the ammo counter.
    Any other issues or suggestions, don't hesitate to send me a message


       (0 reviews)



  7. Northern Sabre Plus (Expanded Iceland Campaign)

    Operation Northern Sabre Plus
    This is intended as an expanded campaign using resources from other TW games merged. For this campaign to work, a merged install with SF2:Vietnam
    is required, but as usual, a full-5 merged install is quite advisable.
    The campaign includes another US carrier, USS America, employing CVA-63 model. The escort for USS America is entirely fictional, and if anybody can provide some
    information on the real composition of its surface combat ships for her 1979 cruise, please, tell me.
    Most aircraft added are Phantoms. VMFA-333 flew the J type and used to be attached to CVW-8, so much that AJ is the tailcode it sports in stock installs, and
    it keeps a detachment embarked aboard USS Nimitz. VMFA-115 was actually deployed to NAS Keflavik during September 1979, so it was a no brainier. VF-201 was a
    USNR squadron stationed in NAS Dallas, and it has been added to USS America as a way to add more Phantoms, just in case. The campaign is made so it will display
    Daddyairplanes´s F-4J_74 or ThirdWires F-4N DLC, but if you don´t have them, it will revert to F-4Js and F-4Bs (remember i told you this required SF2V)
    I also included an USMC Skyhawk Squadron in Keflavik, wich will take dmtldragon´s A-4M, or alternatively, A-4F_74 from SF2.
    The stock campaign also included RAF Phantoms in case you had SF2E or F-4K DLC, however i overwrote those squadrons instead of making them flyable, i just guess
    they would be busy in Europe or guarding UK air space to get into a mess wich the USN and USMC are handling already
    Most of the work was Tannethal´s, who figured out how to make two different CVBGs work fine, and had the idea of the Soviet reinforcement convoy, a lot of
    credit goes to him. Also thanks to daddyairplanes, Viggen and all others wich contributed providing info and advise.
    I suggest using the HFD version of Iceland for keeping FPS low, and modified SA-8s for airfield coverage. I just did it by changing their role from MOBILE_SAM to
    MOBILE_AAA, but it may be better to use two different copies (one model of each variant in each role).
    If anything goes wrong, it must be my fault for messing around with some entries, please tell me so i can solve it.


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  8. Spanish Navy Surface ships pack 1.0

    This packs includes the main surface ships from the Spanish Navy
    at the time of Operation Northern Sabre (1979), including:
    -Lepanto Class (Fletcher destroyers)
    -Churruca Class (Gearing FRAM destroyers)
    -Baleares Class (AAW Frigates, modified Knox design, Knox model used as stand-in)
    The Lepanto (Fletcher) class were no longer first line ships,
    however, they were still being used for fisheries and patrol
    duties. Would have joined a (the) carrier group if needed. The
    model included is Grinch´s late 2WW Fletcher class, and lacks the
    FRAMish improvements of the ships in service with the spanish navy
    The Baleares (Knox) class frigates were different from the
    original Knox class, their role being AAW. The stock model
    has been tweaked and acts as an stand-in as no other is
    Improved skins including number decals are to follow. Please note
    that this pack is intended for SF2NA, alone or merged
    Thanks to Grinch for his model, Wrench for fixes, and WhiteBoySamurai
    for his much needed lessons on ship inis.
    If anything is wrong, i adapted and touched all ships, so i´m in
    fault, please report
    To install, drop in mod folder


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  9. Mirage IIIEE (Spanish Air Force) for 1st Gen sims

    This is the variant of the Mirage IIIE employed by the Spanish Air Force. Includes all files needed to run it on SFP1, WOE, WOV and WOI, along with loading screens,
    specific loadouts, and an ad hoc pilot model. Install dropping into your mods folder. In doubt, readme included also
    Mirage Factory Weapons Pack 06 recommended. It is the most downloaded file of the site, will be easy to find
    Thanks to Wildcat, Espektro and Mirage Factory. I would like to dedicate it to Bpao, recently deceased, the founder of Mirage Factory, but it would be strange
    since this was originally his job, so this is dedicated to the Spanish airmen killed aboard it
    Anything wrong with the release, plase contact me here
    Esta es la variante del Mirage IIIE empleada por el Ejército del Aire español. Incluye todo lo necesario para funcionar en SF2, así como fondos de pantalla de hangar
    y carga, configuracion de armao específica, y un piloto hecho expresamente. Instalar vertiendo sobre la carpa de mods. En caso de duda, incluye un Léame
    Recomendado el pack de armas de Mirage Factory del 2006. Es el archivo más descargado de la página, sera facil de encontrar
    Gracias a Wildcat, Espektro y Mirage Factory. Me gustaria dedicarlo a la memoria de Bpao, recientemente fallecido, fundador de Mirage Factory, pero me resulta extraño
    dedicarle lo que originalmente fue su trabajo, así que dedicado a los aviadores españoles muertos abordo.
    Ante cualquier problema, contactar conmigo


       (1 review)



  10. VMFA-314 Black Knights Skin 2.0

    Corrected version for Mirage Factory F/A-18A
    VMFA-314, based on Dave´s VMFA-122 skin.
    I always missed this skin, given that my first sim was "Black Knights", my favourite film
    when child was "Independence Day" and i always took to school a book about the squadron
    in Desert Storm. So i did this.
    If it´s allright, enjoy, if not, tell me


       (2 reviews)



  11. Spanish Navy Pack V1.0 (Corrected)

    Repost of the previous, wrong file, corrected skins
    This pack contains all harriers employed in the spanish navy since 1976, in nation-specific mods,
    wich should work in all thirdwire sims
    Includes AV-8S Matador (by wpnssgt) and AV-8B (by bobrock) in both Day Attack and Plus Versions,
    in nation-specific mods
    In 1976, the Spanish Navy, wich couldn´t afford to use a conventional Aircraft Carrier, became
    the first navy to use Harriers operationally from a WWII CVL(USS Cabot), the AV-8S "Matador", while
    the Royal Navy could still operate F-4Ks and Bucaneers from HMS Ark Royal.
    After the Falklands War, the Harrier won the trust of the Spanish Navy command, wich allowed the
    following models of the family to stay serving despite the cost it implicated. Such this way, the Harrier
    remains in spanish service.


       (6 reviews)



  12. VMFA-314 "Black Knights" skin

    I made this skin as i couldn´t find one to download and just wanted
    to have it. Could have made a specific skin for Capt Steven "Eagle" Hiller,
    but seemed too far. Derivates from Dave´s VMFA-122 skin


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