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Everything posted by macelena

  1. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    I don´t know how is in the USA, (or UK and Brazil) But here if you cause such effort, deployment of people and so, as regulations, you pay it either with your money or with your work "for the society".... ....and given the circunstances, althought the child was not in danger, his parents illegally got profit from him. Perhaps the administration (i mean,the state of Colorado) would take care of all children
  2. Ahaha. Who said the balloon kid was hiding to prevent being chewed up? Who said that Rio would get the Olimpics? Who said that it had to be a rocket? Who shaved his chest when made the bet "we shall win the yanks on soccer federations cup"? (Oops)
  3. It´s quite interesting info, but i mean for the game.
  4. BAPs are rockets. Use them as a reference To edit, get the weapons editor. If the WepsEd gives you trouble, come and tell
  5. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    Uff I had a feeling on it. Now he is ok, is time for him not to be ok any longer
  6. Wohoo! Argentina is Back!

    Ooor...you could keep it so we can get rid of you more easily. Then you can blame Maradona o your defeat Por cierto, esto, es ridiculo. Todos hablamos español, y a los que no, les importa un pijo
  7. You gotta love your wife a lot, man
  8. 6 year old child missing aborad balloon

    Confirmed, nothing aboard the balloon. Children feared to have fallen from the ballon. As choppers followed him soon since "take off", he could have gone down near home. Hope he is just hiding, as seems that nobody saw him exactly riding it. Perhaps he was playing nearby, broke the rope, and hid to prevent being chewed up. Hope so EDIT: link here http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/10/15/6-year-old-alone-in-hot-air-balloon-over-colorado/?hp
  9. The Green Hornet

    Well, not depending in oil, and all the stuff. Thinking of renewable (non-oil) energies usable for military things, fuel for aircraft was the one i was more concerned about

    Un caso interesante, bastante famoso por aquí. Unos 25 minutos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jon4Se0WFng&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jDEYQEQn7Y&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qs9IKNAPxuo&feature=related
  11. Random Pic Time

    Hell Yeah, but if i were a bottle, the second pic would seriously concern me
  12. Try to change ether their position or orientation in Terrain, targets ini fie. If that´s WOE default terrain, i guess that you may need a CAT extractor, available over here. You could also fly harriers
  13. Mercenary of the Seas is out

    Hope you can release it before christmas. The new one sounds better. By the way, it seems none remember that we hold CR9. Madeiras shall join the Spanish Galactic Empire as another autonomical community, or we shall return him... by parts. (do we appear? nevermind, i´ll try to get it anyway)
  14. AIM-120 on Hornet wingtips?

    Well, what i got, refering to Spanish Air Force Hornets, is what follows (i´ll try to translate the best i can):
  15. ScreenShots Sueltos

    Ya somos dos. Suicidal, España no fue un imperio porque fuesemos más valientes que el enemigo, sino que al ver nuestras monstruosas caras se acobardaban antes
  16. AIM-120 on Hornet wingtips?

    Well, i heard it about ours, but by now they use IRIS-T from those stations. Really i don´t see the need for such, specially when the AMRAAMs are rarely carried in peacetime, were airborne during 1999 in Kosovo and in 2002 when we had some disputes over islets with the moroccans, otherwise, they carry only AIM-7P

    Eso seguro que eran los chilenos. Una vez, en los años ochenta, un Mirage F1 nuestro salio a por un "ovni" a gran altura y velocidad sobre la costa, regreso con daños de combate y reclamo haberlo derribado. Seguro que era un MiG-25 argelino o algo asi
  18. Random Pic Time

    You´re playing with fire, pinky

    "You racist bastard"
  20. Perhaps someone else had this idea before, but i hope it works. Nowadays, in Thirdwire sims you can´t either make a pilot crash on purpose upon a target, or engage a weapon. This prevents us from having missions wich could be of interest (Kamikaze or V1 interception) So there are two charasteristics (crash on target and be downable) wich won´t meat each other on the same system. If you can´t tell easily if those attacks are from "bandits" or "vampyres" in RL, let alone the computer understand it So i thought that,in orderto feature this, we should make a combo: an "invisible" 3d model aircraft, wich would carry the visible 3d aircraft as a "bomb". The invisible aircraft would fly to the target as a bomber, being able to be engaged (making sure that hits have to be achieved in the points of the visible component). They would release the "bomb" (whose 3d should represent a kamikaze plane, a V1 or a cruise missile) upon it´s target. I know it would cause troubles, such as the flight pattern that it could choose, or the rebuild wich it could take to animations and other things, but i think that it´s an option. Does anybody think that it can be done and work fine?
  21. y el pato?

    La quinta que lleva, pucas?
  22. I know it is some off topic, but are those oerlikon 80mm rocket launchers? I may PM you for something, if you don´t mind
  23. Mercenary of the Seas is out

    What? Portugal cannot afford to loose Madeira, what about the National Footbal (Soccer) Team without Christiano?

    Miren, mi primer video en youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SpiderMack89#p/a
  25. All this depends on the faith you may put on stealth technology

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