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Everything posted by macelena

  1. The Area is Mozambique, IIRC. For the cities, if you can´t do it with the coordinates of Targets INI, i suggest you to print the map and write it manually as you fly over them0 in missions. You might also google it, i remember to have seen something like that, perhaps even on this site
  2. That´s what i meant. This will boost the game
  3. Downloadable??? Holy Sh..oulder, it´s cool, going to seek
  4. I did one, but in air superiority grey. Yours looks great
  5. ScreenShots Sueltos

    Los Transformers, como objetos terrestres, unas misiones CAS como las de las películas y una figurita de Megan Fox (demos gracias al señor) y no pido más para navidad.
  6. Strange aircraft sightings

    Once i saw a Hornet and a Rhino flying over a neighbour city (Murcia) It was quite weird, I don´t know what could it have been doing there
  7. Anyone knows "Goshawk Squadron", by Derek Robinson?
  8. Perhaps it was ground interference,or a bounce of the aircraft when the radar was scanning this sector
  9. Attention! MSgt Nesher ready for your orders!

    congrats, Nesher. Happy new rank
  10. Pwned!~

    It´s some more complex than it. Mainly, it´s far from being, exactly, sport. The brave bulls are grown only for that, and spend the whole life well treated, as racing horses. It´s not a matter of making the animal suffer, something wich, if happens, would encourage the crowd against the "Matador" (Killer Bullfighter), but of giving him some kind of "honorable" death, a chance to show what is he made of, and so for the bullfighter. I think it is a better way to die than electroshocked, and grown as farm animal. However, if we are to discuss it, we should do it on another, specifically created thread
  11. 6 Italians KIA in Afghanistan

    IIRC, the highest amount of italians killed in one blow since Nasiriyah´s 2004 attack. http://www.telegraph...Kabul-bomb.html
  12. SFC Jared Monti

  13. Racism - the One-way street...

    Personaly, i won´t believe that Obama is Black until i see this
  14. Racism - the One-way street...

    "Hey, look at me, i´m Kayne West, I´m gansta, pay attention to me, as i harass the white bitch, I rulez, sure?, U love me?"
  15. Rogue Reaper Reaps

    That´s nothing new. We use the same platform for our UAVs as Target for shooting practice

    I can´t speak for the Argentinians, but there are some points: @ Dave: I don´t think that they really give a damn about Typhoon in Falklands. IMHO, Argentine is not a threat wich would justify the detachment of Typhoons instead of Tornados, but this deployment, scheduled long ago, is a good way to try the type in hard conditions, an experience wich will benefit all partners. @ Jug: For what i know of Argentinians -a majority in the Spanish Language Subforum- the trouble is about pride, but also about the fear to be pressed by neighbour powers, not necessarely in a violent scenario, but just with a Jane´s on the desk @ suicidal: leave the dictatorship out. You wouldn´t be able to complain, and things wouldn´t be really better
  17. F-103? How will you deal with the cockpit?
  18. If i were you, I would get the Mirage IIIE up to 40k ft, dive vertical, loose and recover at, as low, 20k ft (don´t remove parachute from the bomb) afterburning outwards
  19. F-14

    There is a JAG episode on that. Was LOLing half an hour after the accidental ejection
  20. Patrick Swayze Dead st 57

    One year ago, they gave him on month. He started a show. RIP

    Si, ese es. Su hijo tambien pilota Dagger

    No, lo subi a un thread con la idea de "Malvinas a lo bestia" en inglés. Imagino que los Buccaneer hubiesen podido operar asi en ataque a superficie. Por otra parte, creo que los vuestros salian en ocasiones en solitario (Creo que a un Dagger lo pillaron así entre dos SeaHarrier, el piloto murió) y un Crusader a la francesa (Con Matras, no como la tortilla, que los conozco) me parecía bien
  23. Surprise for me

    I will tell you, tomorrow, how did i spend past night in a surprise birthday party Btw, me wants tooo
  24. Bad to the bone, tell him who is Gangsta.

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