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Everything posted by macelena

  1. I tried so warlord, but asks me to get admin permission (I´m the admin) and tells me to guard it in Documents, where it doesn´t work. How can i grant this move? EDIT: You mean save the INI. or the whole install?
  3. Zombies ahead

    I like to load in my 2 incher harquebus a chain, watch MythBusters. Once fired, miniguns are best. Electric saws, knife-fingered floves,etc. I scare zombies- and not only because of my face ` At racindriver, the church zombie at 28 days later seemed chris martin dancing. No troubleaxing
  4. Americanos vs Rusos

    Yo creo que en el escenario clásico y normal(Alemania) al final hubiera ganado la OTAN, pero no se confundan con el rendimiento pobre de los cazas rusos de "exportacion" y piensen que iba a ser como en Iraq y Yugoslavia. Los MiG-29 alemanes dieron muchas sorpresas al enfrentarse a los cazas occidentales (los alemanes, al estar controlados y ocupados, recibian la version buena de los aviones) y los rusos tenían el 90% de su industria (si, el 90%, no he bebido) destinado a sistemas de defensa. No hubiera sido un paseo. Ni siquiera lo fueron Yugoslavia e Iraq
  5. Haha, here in Spain is legal since 16. That´s why statistics say that we live 5 years longer
  6. Perhaps the weapons pack or something. I fixed it with MF WP 07. Check if you installed it all
  7. Americanos vs Rusos

    ¿De que epoca estaríamos hablando?¿En que condiciones?¿En que escenario? Es algo muy chungo
  8. There are two opposites in the universe, beer & still-girl pee
  9. He Finally Made It

    First i thought you were meaning the so-awaited Dave´s "amidship" operation. He got some kind of emotional lately
  10. Oraaaaaaaaaaaaaay Eels all-over!!!! By the way, did someone get emotional watching femalish films such as Stealth or Steel Va**nas?
  11. Could I use it as Tag? i rather this to "Yes we can" or "Be as nuts as you can be" In fact, i wouldn´t doubt that Dave is the most appropiate leader for such bunch, and i´ve been told several times that i´m a psico, but this boy deserves mercy. Found him:
  12. The Person Below Me

    False. I think that every excuse is good to get fat & drunk, and Aussie Day is also about surfing, jumping with a baby in the belly and eat eucaliptus (sorry if mispelled) and all these Australian things The person below me is able to type without looking at the keyboard, not as me
  13. Microsoft Aces Studio is Closed

    That´s what i think of Mr. Gates EDIT: anyway, sooner or later it will be restablished
  14. Iranian Air Space

    I suggest a proportionate response:
  15. Hola A TODOS !

    Además, habla ruso si señor, muy bien
  16. Iranian Air Space

    If it happened, no matter the variations, i don´t know how would it result, if the aircraft flying CAS and other operations around GWoT are usually unarmed for A2A. I guess that there will be some CAP missions in the borders of Afghanistan and Iraq with Iran to prevent troubles. There are, true?
  17. Passing of a Hero

    At least he got a long live
  18. Welcome Home EricJ

    Welcome back, man . I didn´t see this thread before
  19. Folowing this link i just found how did the USA get the "evil" technology to waste talibans and their fellas http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=8hmz6DVpz0s&...feature=related Look who just retired...only as POTUS

    Ya encontre el Himno de la República del Pato: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=S0Y4XiB07bc
  21. Topic de presentación

    Yo soy del 28 de Diciembre, no se si la diferencia horaria nos permitiría celebrarlos todos juntos
  22. Votación A-7 vs A-4

    Bueno, ¿querían votación? aqui tienen. No incluí cual es mejor en aire-aire porque todos coincidimos en el Skyhawk, pero tenganlo en cuenta si es una ventaja importante en cualquier pregunta.
  23. Votación A-7 vs A-4


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