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Everything posted by macelena

  1. Hey wrench: How would Africa be marked, friendly or enemy? It´s western sahara there, invaded by morocco. Since their Beagles and Fresco they didn´t have weapons from the other side...i made something for greek terrain, changing nationand terraindata inis, but i don´t know how would you solve the trouble of western equiped enemies Btw, about the terrain, if it´s gonna be around Canary Islands, they seem to look more like Hawaii than California: this would fit Andalucia Last but not least: thanks for such interest in our aircraft and terrains..shall you come there and meet one of us, we owe you a beer (both wrench and His Majesty the Emperor of France-that last sounded stranged)
  2. Here is a couple bugs getting me mad since I downloaded a SFP1megapack from cheksix, suggested to get F-18 better HUD: The wingtip droptanks at F-5A (Mirage Factory)... the portside tank doesn´t appear! The F-18 doesn´t recognize decals (not even Nationname nor Insignia, didn´t mistake the adress), just paints BMPs Please someone help me fix this But : GOT THE AADVARK COCKPIT INCLUDES ISRAEL, DESERT AND VIETNAM TERRAINS WITH BRIDGES GOT ALL MIRAGES, CORSAIRS, LOT OF SKINS,GIVES INIS TO MOD STANDARD AIRCRAFT I forgot the link to the patch, but it shall be easy to find here http://www.checksix-fr.com/
  3. I thought it was bobrock´s. Don´t know why. Perhaps i was thinking of F-5F, sorry
  4. Are these the ones wich shot down the USAF off-routed starfighters? They had some more incidents these years, i remember, with US aircraft
  5. First Pictures of Extrasolar Planets

    That´s really precious. Should appear in the mass media, in Mankind History, but seems that a pic of Paris Hilton mid-doughnut is a morebreaking new... By the grace of Norris, the new would be to find someone that didn´t see her yet, and the best image a human can see since the discovery of America will pass out ..like tears in rain
  6. I´ll try to look at the gallery EDIT: I got it http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...si&img=6802
  7. The Person Below Me

    My little bro counts? he believes to be so The person below me feels sorry about the girl at topic "OMG!"
  8. Why is the british 1000pounder shorter- less aerodynamic? To fit Tornado fuselage stations?
  9. FYI.....

    The guy got pics of him aboards any kind of ship, from a VLS-less AEGIS (saw the Mk44 launcher) to a SSBN. About the Raptor pilot you mentioned, typhoid... did you get him keel-hauled? That´s something that USAF should get from Navy, not only Phantoms
  10. Yep. Check Gallery, i don´t remember the link,but it´s there. I think it´s bobrock, the italian modder of the AV-8B+. I hope he makes another cockpit with cute details (his harrier pit included a picture of Monica Belluci- not nude)
  11. Si tienes para descomprimir archivos .rar, aqui tienes todos los que quieras http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7596 Si no, en column5 hay 7zip, que tambien sirve
  12. OMG!

    It´s in my eyes? Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! Hang it out!!!! Need surgery!!!
  13. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    We agree on the important things... I got a corsair license over here to fight pirates. It was t waste Henry Morgan, but the license can´t get phased out, so we could get the Intrepid, embark some scooters and sail, sail, etc. Any volunteers? EDIT: Loot is 50% for operational expenditure and 50%... OK, finder keepers
  14. FYI.....

    I´m not from the USAF Cyberspace Division, but i don´t think that anybody would post sensitive things, or that information released here could be of interest, or if been so, detected, processed and used properly by a rogue power. We aren´t so important well, better keep the mouth closed about some issues
  15. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    Has anybody seen Porco Rosso lately?Think he had something out Malaca Straits EDIT: Has he got a SeaDagger?? time to replace the Savoia 21F
  16. Mine is a weird one: i doesn´t show the oldest R.530s and the Magic1, but depending on the terrain: used 530s on Norway abord the Delta Dart and they appeared, but it doesn´t appear in MirageIIICJ/Es, Dhimar i.e
  17. India sinks Somali pirate ship

    It´s just a question of letting the military do their job. Knew of a seaman aboard SNS Mendez Nuñez, an AEGIS frigate that met pirates that just left an spanish fishing boat, and they were ordered to have their 5 incher empty to avoid any accidental damage- that we should have made on purpose. Our Orion had to drop smoke to scare pirates showing their RPG and protect a malasyian tanker, could not fire Mavericks because "they could be fishermen", bulls**t unless they were about...: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=Lk6Puz_sdts
  18. I guess that no, you explode. Try with lower difficulty settings, but i can´t say if you shall make "collision" or "landing" settings to "Easy" EDIT: wich setting have you got?
  19. FYI.....

    Aaaaah!, Truth is a TradeMark. Second deception in same topic
  20. Good to know, fastcargo. It would be fantastic to have them for bobrocks F-5B. Sonny, i thought it could be a wrong entry for decals.ini file, but i know nothing about skinning.
  21. baby f-35

    don´t worry, those ain´t the ones going to Israel.. I hope
  22. FYI.....

    Damn, i was about to tell who wasted Kennedy. Don´t worry, Dave. If you achieve the confidence by command to learn something classified, you shall be smart enough not to post it here.
  23. Well, i didn´t download the CF-5A, but i´ll download and see if tanks fit. The wingtip drop tanks look like two eggs(no kidding) stuck by the base ( the center of the fuselage of this tank is thiner than its points due to the rule of area, i guess)
  24. OMG!

    Wait a minute, if i wasn´t sober IT (leave SHE for nice ships) wouldn´t turn my stomach, and i wouldn´t feel ashamed but just drunk and happy.
  25. Phantom Tactics - Some Thoughts

    It´s always good to see people happy with their phantoms. I expend all time with Yo-yos, up & down like an elevator About the ini edits, is there something useful for the low speed turn in EF2000? drives me mad EDIT: edited caseu there was an error on message

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