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Everything posted by macelena

  1. I Pod Madness.....2

    That´s why i take my walkman and all my CDs with me when i´m out there...
  2. why can´t we download it from here? i mean, the rafale
  3. The Person Below Me

    False, perhaps i´m next The person below me would be afraid if i was the next POTUS.
  4. Already thought about stadiums, churchs, theaters, et cetera? I would like to get some target such as capitol like Debt of Honor, im tired of bombing mosques with the Vark
  5. Check This

    It´s scary
  6. The Person Below Me

    Wait a minute, i never meant anything negative
  7. Ayuda con la instalacion de aviones

    a mi me pasa lo mismo que a mi colegua de arriba... me salio de un WepsPack de Mirage Factory, como los huevos kinder ( un huevo de chocolate con juguete dentro)
  8. The Person Below Me

    True, but i would say that those around me suffe it. Btw, we would be impressed of the waste of time we make on this topic The person below me thinks and acts the same i do
  9. I know it sounds kind of homoerotic, but you got me horny
  10. More German Casulties

    The trouble is that people picks ideas like clothes... for fashion. The weekend before this attack, an spanish PRT was ambushed. No allies were injured, but at least two talibans died. The next day, a commision in my law school from all european countries condemned- the assasination of two partisans by our fascist army!!
  11. What would be necesary to play it in SFG? Operation Polar Glory, Nordic Hammer... best part of Red Storm Rising
  12. F-15A Noob

    Change radar mode to Track-while-scan (TWS) using the default avionics
  13. Ayuda con la instalacion de aviones

    Lo del cañon es que el que viene no esta en el juego ni ningun pack de armas. Metete en F-35A_DATA y busca al apartado donde pone el nombre del cañon y pon "20MM_M61A1" Por cierto dru, menudos pantallazos para el tiempo de carga, casi da pena cuando por fin empieza la mision
  14. We should put Decoy dispensers to the MiG25. I got mine with those of F-15A By the way, good idea the Kfir for Mercs. Tiger II would fit also One last issue: was the J-10, or the Ariete MBT in service for 1994?
  15. The Person Below Me

    False. By definition, steak sauce is for steaks. Ketchup is for ice cream The person below me is one of these airfreaks that join forums like CombatAce Dare and say false
  16. " I´ve got youuuuuuu under my skiiiiiiiiin" Great Sinatra
  17. More German Casulties

    Only Germans i met were the crew of Rheinland Pfalz frigate. Worth fighting beside
  18. More German Casulties

    More info: the f***er, stormed into them, killed 5 children, and injured two other troops and two children. May he burn in hell
  19. After the F-4G left service, F-16CJs were used for SEAD by the USAF, but, was it the best option for this role? As of its use, we can say that its performance was outstanding but i don´t think that F-16 is the best platform to SEAD, as intended to be a light fighter, no organic ECM, requires a pylon for RWR, preventing to mount LANTIRN or similar, low resistance to combat damage (the two manned aircraft lost by USAF in Balkans were Blk 40 CGs), etc For SEAD, before the arrival of CJs, Allied forces in the Balkans used F-18s from USMC and Spain especialist units,whose work was satisfactory. Hornet is my option, for cost, capability and surviability Wich would be yours? "brand new" QF-4G or other UCAV? F-15E?Tornado ECR? Its Ok with CJs?
  20. Pray so they get stuck in normal, straight position. If this fails, cut down both engines so it stops rolling (pray again) and jump safely (keep praying). If all this fails, make next prayer from Heaven for those of us still on Earth
  21. The best SEAD for today

    Well, UCAVs are the solution for today and nearby future, but the link with ground control could be jammed- theorically As manned SEADers, Growlers will do fine, i guess. But the USAF could have used some Hornet back in 90s, thats what i mean
  22. Mud & Army SSgt

    http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=-7w41n3qZpU&...feature=related For all those who had it this way ever in career Broke my chest also
  23. Mud & Army SSgt

    Well i thought that it was a Marine, i mistook the cap, thanks for the edit Anyway I always see those videos about Marines. Guess the boredom and pressure I wasn´t in the video, but once a friend of mine just saw Zohan and in a classroom made something like the film: quicked my chair off screaming "Don´t mess with me!!" I was sat on the chair...
  24. I rather SEAD at Suez Canal... but depending on the era, you could need CBUs for radarless targets(AAA or launchers) as much as ARMs for EWR and ownradar air defences. I prefer to do it in the 80s, with all targets radarized (Mirage Factory WepsPack)

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