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Everything posted by macelena

  1. Happy new year!

    Happy new year 5768 everyone. Let´s party hard, pals. Somethig good of a multicultural civilization is that you can celebrate parties for everybody. I feel that i missed the last 3760 New Year parties Peace for everybody!!
  2. USS Cabot question

    Now i see the Demon at column5 i remeber I heard something about the possibility of using f3h Demon, but project was cancelled considering it out of budget and technically "worthless". ¿Anyone heard anything about export the Demon?
  3. well i tried to jump over a friend´s Mini, like chuck norris. fortunately he was as drunk as i was and got off road before hitting me or you meant in sims?
  4. In fact what i use to see is how my line of fire crosses the scooters when im bored of escorting them, "ensign hawkins", but seriously, i had seen a lot of times, thought never killed him. what is more usual is that when you´re intercepting a bomber formation, one of yours hits you with an AIM9 when close to incoming raid
  5. phylosophing about why hate eMO.....

    i worked this summer as bully ejem entrance control at an EMO disco... thats freak, the worst place ever once i thought i would be sacrificed to satan. That´s hell, man. A girl tried to suicide, as she found freak-friends
  6. What Did You See Today?

    as i post this, an aviojet c.101 (spanish basic jet trainer) and a propeller trainer are doing fly-bys and some kind of DCT or something like that over my home. that rocks no matter their speed, seems Mustangs Vs Me262 :-), flying 60 ft above roofs
  7. Mirage F-1AR?

    Por cierto espectro, ¿nuestro F-1M tiran con AMRAAM? como poder creo que podrian, y es una modernizacion que me mencionó uno del Ejercito del Aire (un instructor de la AGA) como interesante junto a las ECM nuevas
  8. What Did You See Today?

    I saw once F-15Es from LN, F-16CGs from AV (including the one of a LtGen, guess USAFE co), Mirage 2000 and F1, Hornet, Harriers, Typhoons, AWACS, C-130, Tornado ECR, the tiger meet, Canadair Hidros, lots of choppers including a Mi-24, et cetera. So tell me... WHY AM I ENVYING YOU SUCH WAY NOW????!!!!
  9. the what? nope, but i´ll try to download thx for all
  10. Mirage IIIE, Ala 11, EdA

    Hoy mismo he visto algo de uno que iba a hacer un t-38, pero del mirage f-1 lo que me ------- de ------- es que no tenga sus dispensadores de señuelos de forma interna, pues el unico disponible es el ALE-37, que se retira en 1990 y queda chungo para meterte con Mig-29
  11. Mirage IIIE, Ala 11, EdA

    Yo me hice un par para el F-5, pintando la cruz y con decals-insignia del skoshi y del turco, pero me pasa igual, sin numeros ni el escudo del Ala 22. Para SFP1 me hice una campaña con Phantom, MirageIII y esos F-5, ambientada en 1972, pero lo suyo seria hacernos el Estrecho, como hicieron los griegos hace poco con el Egeo
  12. Got a trouble with it : it quits to main menu! it´on SFP1, the first time i flew it, it went ok, unless the cockpit opening in flight. I erased it from DATA.ini, and now it quits to main or resets the PC. Can you tell me how to solve it? I almost cried
  13. You Don't Mess with the Zohan

    I went to cinema in a double-session, along with Hancock, and i favoured Zohan to Hancock in many senses (unless miss Theron)
  14. Mirage IIIE, Ala 11, EdA

    Saludos, ya arreglare mi skin y la subire, a ver si me dejan los de Mirage Factory.
  15. Mirage IIIE, Ala 11, EdA

    Los mios son mas chapuceros; esta basado en el "ardennes", y el tono es mas frio, y con "calcas" antiguas, basadas en una maqueta de como estaban en 1970, pero me hice una skin igual, con la cruz de S. Andres "mini" y los decals del EF2000 "11-08" , segun vi en YouTube: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=QI9bWFbKaXw En cuanto sepa cuelgo las fotos del mio. En este foro el que no corre, vuela
  16. Musharraf Resigns...

    Shame that good old Sam the brave, your marshall, died before seeing this happen, he could have told it really loud and clear btw, i saw few ago a TV prog about the border joint closing before dawn...amazing ceremony, man
  17. RF4s for the USMC? could they be carrierborne? I thought that Navy operated RF-8Gs, so i supposed that marines did the same
  18. You mean an a-viator?
  19. USS Cabot question

    What about using Furies? Spain already had Sabres in the age, some kind of gunval, with missiles- perhaps too similar to Mig17 Why not Skyhawks? USS Cabot was a CVL, not a CVE, so some deck mod could serve. Anyway, i would rather use the Starfighter, with wich we got good results, or a later deployment with MirageIIIE - of course not embarked. Another idea is to have spanish pilots in USN flying crusaders, but before AV-8S, aboard Dedalo, is hard to say.
  20. The carrier force of the Royal Navy

    Here´s some issue that seems important to me: the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, is absolutely out of fighters as years go by, and JSF/JCA is taking longer, the carriers embark units of AV-8B+ from spanish and italian navies. Also, AEGIS ships from USN and spanish are detached to complete their AAW escort while waiting for the Type-45 DDGs to enter service How should the Royal solve this?Personally i think that they should lease some AV-8B+ from USMC or something, provided that allied navies such as italian and spanish have to fill their carriers. Should RN keep their vast deployments or resize their missions to their temporarily weakened force?
  21. The carrier force of the Royal Navy

    Truely the Harriers are worse than AEGIS in AAW, and for the other threats GRs could fit, but the multirole capability of a AV-8B+ or the s´har is worth the cost. About AEGIS, these ships are good in AAW (the spanish frigate with Lusty killed 11 incoming aircraft out of 39, rafale B included, before sunk in a tigermeet) but a complete air defense requieres these fighters, in spite of their low performance in speed, climb and payload. Should we rely in the AEGIS only, bad guys would find the way to go trought em As a proof, in early 80s, AV-8A, with some tuning for better comms, were vectored to an AEGIS cruiser by a poor navy, and strafed it succesfully before "killed"
  22. The carrier force of the Royal Navy

    Truely the most important effort by he british armed forces seems to be the afghan front (yes, i said front). But how long can the UK wait for embarked fighters is something that, given that the real JCA is takin more than our "two weeks", is concerning provided that there are battle groups around these carriers. If it was a navy such as spanish or italian, whose carriers are not usually far from home, it wouldnt be a trouble. But deployments so far, without fighters for battlegroup as large as a USN uses to be, aren´t such nice. About the escort ships, what is good to see is how well do they integrate. HMS Manchester made a good job with the Truman, so did the USS Cole and the spanish did with the Illustrious, but AEGIS aren´t enough as seems to protect a force against a major attack as even Harrier Fighters would do. Its a low probability attack, but what im concerned about is the lack of attention, about accepting such gap by the governments of command. Even the only way that hispano-italian harriers could make it was because their own carriers were out of service for a while due to update and these things seamen do-to their ships-both navies are to reicieve new carriers for operate at least one everytime
  23. It's a World wAAR!

    Nice game, emperor. I played hex games such as "people´s general" , and "Robert E. Lee: Civil War", but ppl doesn´t appreciate em enough
  24. The carrier force of the Royal Navy

    It´s a good idea, craigbrierly, the almightty creator of the EF2000 is working in the TRS, another british experimental aircraft. Perhaps he makes some, althought perhaps a new skin for the gr.1 based in the P.1154 is the most we could really get
  25. Ingrid Bertancourt is free

    Truely. Southern American armies are becoming the best in COIN operations by experience and US assistance.The army of El Salvador in Iraq, or the performance of colombian veterans in US and Spanish Armies, are a good proof of that

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