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Everything posted by macelena

  1. There is none, wich is why sparrows weren´t used in Vietnam to full capacity. Unless you lower the HUD realism settings and padlock your target before firing
  2. B-52 Tail Gun Question.

    It is also a matter of redundant-layered defences, i guess. I remember a vid of a US fighter(don´t know if it was an F-15) wich had a hard time intercepting a B-52 because it would jam his radar, shoot flares "like a motherfucker" and keep him off guns range with his own
  3. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    Got eye surgery back in July 11th, mine was just to correct hindsight but i hope yours goes just as smooth as mine, it was a pain in the ass to recover from, but they really do wonders these days
  4. Well perhaps if the USAF didn´t want to use internal jammers, they didn´t bother to add decoy dispensers. Probably a different approach with a bit more emphasis in the strike package concept compared to the USN in wich they didn´t feel like aircraft would have to be on their own. I don´t remember reading about Navy aircraft tasked specifically with deploying chaff screens in Alpha Strikes. Also, it could also be possible that assembling a certain number of airplanes from carriers is more complicated than doing so from ground bases, so if you could have the aircraft able to perform missions such as smaller scale raids you would want to include that specific task to a number of roles like attackers, flak suppresion, EW, escort, TARCAP, reconnaisance, BDA and Iron Hand, in addition to BARCAP, EAW and several other missions wich would be more desirable to be carried out , if neccesary, by the same carrier wing, with a limited number of aircraft. Last but not least, i have the feeling that US naval aviation was more concerned with tactical scenarios than the USAF, since the Navy already left their part of the nuclear deterrence trident mostly to SSBNs. Another example of it would be the different ways the USN used Sidewinders and improved their variants for dogfighting while USAF kept trying to use Falcons until they finally stuck with AIM-9s, or how did the Navy use aircraft wich, while not intentionally, prove useful in CAS while the USAF still had mostly, early in the war F-100s, wich, despite being in the end a beast in CAS, had its issues, spesiay with low speed stability. Now i´m probably wrong with most of what i said, but that would be what I, with my limited knowledge, can guess at best
  5. 70 years ago: Day 1 of the Nuclear Age

    If i recall correctly, they had such a surplus of purple stars made that up to this day, purple stars being awarded are taken from the lot stocked for the invasion of Japan. don´t see bombing civilians as anything fancy either conventionally or by nukes, but if that worked, well, i guess that if i was to make a decision, i would have dropped them, i just wish there had been a cleaner target to drop them against, but honestly, i don´t think i could have found a better solution.
  6. Debt of Honor by Tom Clancy

    The worse is we were left without an epic F-14 vs F-15J massive dogfight...or did i miss something?
  7. Fire Bombing

    The funny thing is, i´m a paratrooper. And it was cool when i left for summer leave, because i wouldn´t get anywhere close to a freaking air force plane trying to kill me for a month (you know, now it is kind of funny i thought C-130s were cool before i jumped from them) So i was in the beach a couple of weeks ago in my awesome tire shaped float taking a nap when one of these crappers pulled a "Penny Benjamin" on me to load water. I almost effing drowned and shat myself, much to the amusement of bywatchers.
  8. Movies

    Yeah, frikking tards are we...
  9. Movies

    Longest day is in original black and white despite the picture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEgAYGsPguQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUrin-b8It4&feature=youtu.be
  10. Hey everyone I'm engaged

    Congratulations man!!
  11. Here it was being reported as Islamic terrorism, i just went online to see what was going on
  12. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3153194/45-ISIS-fighters-die-eating-poisoned-Ramadan-meal-Iraq.html So here i am, feeling super-dooper-paratrooper, a killing machine ready to be unleashed upon the Islamic State, sitting behind a laptop, while a poor cook who never meant to harm anybody takes dozens in a single blow. And it is not even the first time this has been pulled off.
  13. There's a reason why 'Banker' rhyms

    What the fucking pile of bullshit did i just read??
  14. Normal or Hard FM?

    I fly hard, but that being said i fly mostly stock stuff. It just addds a little interest when your aircraft starts bouncing around a bit. However, i don´t ee much diference
  15. I´ve been trying to get the game to work on my new laptop, but i´m having issues with DLCs not finding the proper folder even if i browse them while on install and i keep having isues with key mapping (more precisely, it does recognize the proper keys, but somehow refuses to shoot, either with joystick or keyboard buttons assigned). I don´t know how much of it is related to it being windows 8, any clue on that? I´ve been searching but i find nothing quite like that particular issue in the forums
  16. Will do about Win10, so far i´ve been able to install F-4N and fly it, and the issue with the buttons was solved with some ini fiddling...slowly back to work
  17. The Mac is Back

    Hello again ladies an gentlemen, after some months out of touch with the forums, busy with the Army and without a working PC, i finally reached my summer leave, got a brand new laptop, and trying to get back into virtual action. Been missing the forum and the gang a lot
  18. Nope, I guess i'll go back to square one and do everything again to see how can i get it to work
  19. Well, most of time DLCs installing are interrupted by a message claiming that Strike fighters 2 could not be found in the folder and suggested me to use the browse function..., however DLC23, the F-4N, installed without issue, only that it doesn´t appear in the aircraft selection menu. I haven't installed any aircraft object ini, it is all vanilla except for trying to get some DLCs working.
  20. The Mac is Back

    Not sure if that counts, haven´t got many pics of me in uniform. That was around January, at Parachute School. I was picked to jump from the tower to demonstrate how the reserve chute worked, however, when i was about to be taken down from the cable, wind started blowing and kept me aloft until it finally calmed down a bit. I could have just released it, but then i would have fallen right into the ground and lost the chute. That was taken when i could finally get back down
  21. I honestly doubt we will ever get a serious chance to move the way further than it has been other than with mods. All the what ifs we´ve been dealing with sound like fiction. Not trying to be mean nor anything, but i don´t have much faith in any of those alternatives being possibly undergone.
  22. For what i am concerned, i liked the game the way it was. Any improvement was pretty much welcome, but i didn´t feel like the balance between game and simulator was wrong. An even wider variety of stock aircraft and campaigns would have been awesome, but to be honest, pretty much doable with mods. If all the stuff he released for tablet games was released for PC as AI only, and perhaps integrated in the campaigns i would have asked for nothing else.

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