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Everything posted by macelena

  1. May i suggest F-86Ks? License built out of the US since around 1955, a good compromise. With Sidewinders and 4x20mm I would feel more confident than with FFARs
  2. The fact that he didn't makes me feel as if there is some technical issue preventing him from doing so, it seems like it would have been simple otherwise to enable something like the targeting pods-TV bombs for air targets.
  3. I'll check it out later, but wasn't there a way to use the targeting pod functions to lock on air contacts already, or did I dream we had TISEO?
  4. Post-War Me262?

    It was one of the ideas, after the 1953 agreements to clear the export of the engines, but also some sort of Super Avia 92 for the IDF and some interim fighter for, say, France, they had a handful of former German gear and could have used some tooling to rebuild industry after the war.
  5. All I'm stating is fairly known , but just to explain what I'm thinking about Right after WW2, a few variants of aircraft designed in Nazi Germany were produced by other companies, such as Avia in Czechoslovakia or CASA in Spain. 109s with Jumo, Hispano or Rolls Royce engines, and even Me-262s as the Avia S-92, although on a small scale. Willy Messerschmitt himself still worked in aircraft for Hispano Aviacion while he couldn't in Germany. So the What-If story i came about is, What about a license built improved version of the 262 in some other country? I was thinking, powered by J34s,bubble canopy, stabilators, probably 20mm Hispanos, and perhaps, pushing it too much or for later upgrades, radar computing gunsights. How do you reckon it would perform?
  6. To be fair, I wasn't sure SF2W10 would ever come about, leaning more towards no. I guess a 20 year old sim is already pushing some limits, specially if it was not profitable 10 years ago and the attempt to finance the update failed, but to be honest I would miss the game a lot to be very reasonable.
  7. Welcome to the rabbit hole man, fasten your...everything. Lazercats and eels are as dangerous as SAMs here.
  8. Yes, the thing is I didn't bother doing the same to the Mustang ingame, I don't play with it much if any at all. I might like to deal with everything Hun but torque? Beyond me. Now that i looked after it, looks like the War Thunder devs did the same to the F-86 and gave it a K-14esque sight. I like it but it feels wrong knowing it wasn't that way.
  9. Thanks a lot. I had seen another like these, but i couldn't really tell which was what. The other (Warthunder) reminded me of a late WW2 sight, while this one really looks more like the one on an F-86.
  10. I don't have the Su-30, does it show Canards? If it doesn't but should, it might be using a fake pilot to represent them, but if they are missing for some reason, they could be using a stock pilot showing up
  11. Puedes preguntar en el subforo en Español, alguien más habrá tenido ese problema, con el ordenador que tengo ahora me compré directamente la edición completa y va automáticamente a Juegos Guardados
  12. I have no clue, to be honest, but if the airframes were in bad shape and they had not had their ECM and avionics gear updated, wouldn't it make sense to use them as bomb trucks to get more bombs within a better prepared strike package, to complement better suited aircraft? As in, you have Phantoms doing most of the SEAD, the main strike, F-15s claering the air, some EW to scramble it all and then the thuds come behind to drop a few more dumb bombs to add tons on targets that may need them, either airfields, staging areas and so on.
  13. Technically, leading edge slats changed Phantoms into a different animal, and as far as i know USAF F-4Es recieved them even as a conversion after having been delivered with the usual wing configuration, however the Navy was somewhat reluctant to the idea. What's your take on it? I've been trying with both and i often find myself more comfortable playing with older variants as they seem to fit better with what I'm used to get from a Phantom, stay fast, use the vertical, managing energy and so on, while with the slatted ones i never quite know when to go for a turning fight or treat it like i do the classic ones. I just played a mission several times against MiG-23MLDs with both F-4Es with slats and F-4Ds, and I felt the latter were much quicker and smoother, although this likely has more to do with me being better used to them.
  14. That would be great. Not just for realism and challenge, at some points I'm not even sure about what they are locked onto. Some friendly fire incidents may or may have not ocurred.
  15. I think part of that, at least ingame, has to do with Navy Sidewinders. While I can't see any practical difference during the Linebacker timeframe, when the slats came about, between AIM-9Js and G/Hs, for the rest of the war I think they are much better than USAF AIM-9Es. You don't need to keep up against MiG-17s to get a good shot with Sidewinders. Earlier than Js with the USAF against MiG-17s, I just go vertical and hope i don't screw leading them up with the gunpods.
  16. What would you be looking for specifically? For example, something i would have liked to have for SF2 Complete are Carrier Grop mechanics in, say, Desert and Vietnam campaigns (You can mod that, of course, but it would have been nice to have them as stock) or some features, like cruise missile attacks and E-2s for Israel.
  17. I think I need to have a talk with my creepy wingman about distancing.
  18. Iron Dome and C-Ram

    I'm sorry, I meant Iron Dome and the US Centurion-Phalanx, more than anything as a back up layer for those that get through Iron Dome as it is. Now that you mention it, regarding Arty, I'm not too confident in HEIT-SD rounds going reliably through the case of arty shells, and even if they switch to AP ammo like the Navy they might not detonate them, let alone self-destruct before hitting the ground.
  19. So thanks to Crusader specially, but also Piecemeal, UllyB, Wrench, and Ravenclaw, I managed to pimp my ride and get a vector RWR on Mirage5SDE. Here seen attacking a California class cruiser, the vector is pretty useful to guide you since it tells you where the "radar love" comes from. I would have likely taken that little rascal from another ship Or the next one, splashing here.
  20. That's what did it! I wanted to do it to update a fix i did to the DLC Arab Mirages, as i had only been able to give them audio RWR, but i was trying it on the MirageIIIO and EL, neither of which had any RWR at all in-game. Thanks a lot everybody
  21. So i tried to replace a MirageIIIEL accelerometer with an RWR, copied from Piecemeal's Shahak_71 mod, itself inspired by Ravenclaw's Hunter 58. However, while i carefully copypasted all the stuff I could see related to the issue, i can't get the vectors to light up, only having the bmp replace the gauge. Audio warning works fine. I would be very grateful if somebody could spare the time to take a look at what I have so far and find the problem. I used a MirageIIIEL cockpit with dtmdragon's gunsight fix and started editing from there. MIRAGE3E_AVIONICS.INI MIRAGE3E_COCKPIT.INI MIRAGE_IIIO_SIGHT_FIXED.TGA MIRAGE_IIIO_SIGHT_MOVING.TGA Mirage3_RWR.BMP
  22. Thanks a lot! Trying right now Edit: No joy so far. Got the vector TGAs from the flight files into the cockpit folder, just for good measure, and I'm pretty sure i got it right, tried it with both BMP and JPG.
  23. Grumman F-14A Golem. EDIT: It is just the stock skin with a couple of decal changes, and i'm kind of ashamed of it with all the other stuff posted here, but I just made this and only had to take the screenie

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