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Everything posted by macelena

  1. Mod para España y Portugal

    Perdon por tardar en responder, Piloto. Los aviones serian: Fuerza Aérea de Portugal: F-84G G.91 A-7P F-16AM Fuerza Aérea Española: T-6D Texan F-86F Sabre F-104G Starfighter F-5A Freedom Fighter Mirage IIIEE F-4C Phantom II Mirage F1 CE, EE y M EF-18A, F/A-18A+, EF-18M EF2000 Armada Española: AV-8S AV-8B y AV-8B+ Las línea temporal iria desde los años 50 al siglo XXI, mezclando campañas basadas en conflictos históricos reales entre España y Marruecos de haberse calentado la cosa, y varios ficticios que incluirian una alianza entre Marruecos y Argelia por un lado, y España y Portugal por otro. El asunto del escenario ya se esta resolviendo.
  2. Mod para España y Portugal

    Eso es muyyyyyy bueno. Esta mañana me han dejado el culo como la campana de la libertad yanqui (una abierta y rajada que hay en filadelfia) en un examen de internacional, asi que creo que voy a tener que centrarme en esto. Por otra parte, hay problemas tecnicos menores pero importantes que estan por resolversecon respecto a los aviones, pero en ello estaremos.
  3. Respect for your fellow man even though he is your enemy...

    This kind of events are honorable, and the German pilot who did it is a gentleman and a hero. But to tell the truth, i wouldn´t have done the same. If there is something worth fighting a war, it is worth destroying a bomber mid air so it can´t get back to bomb your side. Without any doubt, this was better for the brave men aboard the bomber, and for the whole of the mankind (sorry germans, but despite feats like that, you were a bit of trolls back then). Try to think about it without thinking about good or bad side. Imagine just two sides in war. If i was in his place, i don´t know what would i do, but i think that the best choice would be to prevent this plane from ever taking off against its targets. If they don´t jump over land controlled by yout own forces, you down the aircraft. It is not fair play, but it is not meant to. If you don´t want to see people die in the most unfair, cruel and ridiculous ways, don´t go to war. But once it has started, you must take it to the limits. The limits are not to kill innocents, or anybody wich doesn´t pose a threat. But while it is not gallant nor nice, i don´t have any trouble with the enemy being strafed with Apaches or Spectres wich they can´t see, or plant mines or charges to blow them up from afar. Trouble is when somebody is killed when no longer a menace, such as wounded, surrendered, civilians, or tortured in any fashion. But downing a bomber wich could get repaired and airborne to bomb targets within my cities? Of course i would. And i would probably feel sorry about it, but still that wouldn´t have been wrong. Beside that, Herr Steigler is without any doubt the best example of what the military are respected, good people wich get themselves into troubles for something greater than themselves. And i´m glad that he, as such a good man, displayed on that day the compassion wich, while in my opinion was wrong (if i were him, wich of course i´m not, so i don´t have the right to whipe his ass) allowed the crew live and earned him the respect of whoever may know about it.
  4. Mercedes making choppers now?

    EC145? It was selected to replace the last hueys as the UH-72 Lakota, just in case anyone didn´t know
  5. Why Men are never depressed

    Not really, that´s because... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gqYAuFvtXM&feature=related
  6. I hope they string him up!

    Bad year for the bad guys.
  7. For those who have rasied sons...

    In Spain, on St John´s Eve, we use to lit upp fires with old clothed and play with firecrakers a bit. Once i bought the biggest firework available, a "Cherokee No 4". Not one, really, but seven boxes, each with five of those cigar shaped, dynamite like sticks. I had no better idea than getting into an abandoned construction yard and blow a surplus clay brick with a "customized" device, packing 5 altogether. The abandoned car i took cover behind, 15 meters away or so from the brick, got shatered by clay sprinklers, the only tire remaining exploded, the glasses cracked up, a mirror flew awayover the car and my head and there were small fires in about a 30 meters radius, and after the detonation and the echo, all i could hear, deafened, were dogs barking in all the surroundings. Trouble is, i didn´t do this as a child, i was twenty, it was less than a year ago. When my girlfriend saw all the mess she got that stare "I better love you, otherwise i would cut your balls off". The worse part is that if i had not an exam scheduled for the next St-John´s Eve, i would probably do something as dangerous.

    Me van a matar, pero no puedo aguantarlo Esta mañana, siendo 25 de Mayo, he sido llamado por SM el Rey D. Juan Carlos I de Borbón y nosequemás, y hemos deliberado lo siguiente. Hace 201 años que Argentina tiene capacidad efectiva de autogobierno. Nos parece estupendo, pero nos empieza a parecer que van en serio, ya son 201 años y va siendo hora de arreglar este leve problema administrativo, asi que desde este mismo momento, quedan reintegrados en la Corona Española. Se deben seguir los siguientes puntos, que Su Majestad me ha encargado les transmita. 1º En la metrópoli queremos carne y asado. Mucho. 2º En serio, es importante, queremos carne y asado. No tendrán que pagar impuestos, solo manden cocineros y carne. 3º Messi y el Kun pasaran inmediatemente a jugar para la Roja. Lo del amistoso despues del mundial ha de olvidarse. Fue un error administrativo. 4º Dejen de meterse con los uruguayos. A ellos tambien los vamos a invad...reintegrar. Diego Forlán tampoco vendra mal en la selección Imperial. 5º Asunto Malvinas: Ahora son Europeos. Pueden mandar a 200.000 tios a pasar las vacaiones alli y luego pedir ese referendum. Aúnque no se como van a encontrar a 200.000 personas que quieran pasar las vacaciones en ese agujero. 6º Asunto Antártida: Nos vamos a pasar el tratado por el forro de los hue... en fin, que Repsol YPF va a explotar la zona, Telefónica Movistar va a llenarla de antenas de comunicaciones y Banco Santander va a financiarlo todo. Además, se construiran 300.000 viviendas y se exportara hielo de la Antártida, que le da un toque especial a las bebidas espirituosas. Se que se estaran preocupando por aquello de los pinguinos y las ballenas. Se abre la veda, acaben con todos. 7º Maradona sera el nuevo embajador imperial ante las Naciones Unidas, dado que es el más indicado para exponer nuestra posición sobre el asunto antártico. "que la sigan..." 8º El psicoanalisis es un timo, queda prohibido. Yo nunca he ido al psicoanalista y soy una persona completamente cabal y limpia de corazón. 9º Entregenme a Luisana Lopilato, el propósito de esto último no es del dominio público. 10º. Sin que tenga nada que ver con el punto anteriormente expuesto, coger significa agarrar, hacerse con un objeto mueble. Nos sentimos especialmente estúpidos cuando se rien de nosotros. 11º Por lo de la lengua, la Z. Arreglenlo, no les ha hecho nada malo. 12º El asunto del Tango. Nos tienen que enseñar. Es por las mujeres, ¿saben? Fdo en Madrid, Capital Imperial, a 25 de Mayo de 2011. Feliz 25 de Mayo!
  9. Old Dinnerjacket is being mad again...

    I remember an spanish, redneck tv show hero, "The Guy Of The Stick", who said it all "Such a Need for Stick! Fools of the world! I´m gonna beat you up!"
  10. How do you get into F-94 ?

    well, you could leave the parachute inside the cockpit if you can strap it up properly inside the plane, so it would help a little. Or...you could get to the manufacturer and kick his bawls till he fixes it. Flogger, in a Zero, i think you could only be 165 cm tall (5 feet 6 inches, for americans), an M41 Walker Bulldog tank was unconfortable for anyone taller than 175 cm, i think, and the last time i was in a sub, i had my brains beaten up by any single hatch i went through. So, being short is underrated.
  11. Woman on a rollercoaster.

    oh, crap...
  12. Preguntas varias y dudas en general

    Hay un Mirage F1 CH para Marruecos, esta bastante bien. Por lo demás, yo ya hable con gente y estaba autorizado todo lo necesario, iba a incluir lo siguiente: España: C.2111 AT-6D F-86F F-104G F-4C Mirage III EE Mirage F1CE Mirage F1EE (no apareceria al no estar incluidas las canarias) Mirage F1M EF-18A F/A-18A+ (no apareceria al no estar incluidas las canarias) EF2000 AV-8S AV-8B AV-8B+ Portugal F-84G G91 A-7P F-16AM Marruecos MiG-17 Il-28 F-5A F-5B Mirage F1CH Alpha Jet F-16C Argelia MiG-15 MiG-19 MiG-21 MiG-23 MiG-25 MiG-29 Su-22 Su-24 Su-30
  13. Gotta Love Those Nutjobs

    At least this time we can name the frikkin volcano. Maybe it could be a surprise doomsday "being Iceland of such a cold weather"
  14. I have an all4 merged install and it works, you need SF2E for the tilesets to work properly. On the other hand, there is trouble with the mission editor, when you create a ground unit in the sea (ie, an aircraft carrier) it should appear as a naval unit, however, it seems sea isn´t recognized as such, so the editor puts tanks there Btw, a lot of thanks!
  15. Mod para España y Portugal

    Coño, me pasa por hablar JOJOJO Voy a ponerme con ello, pero voy a estar ocupado con exámenes, asi que no puedo prometer que vaya a ser rápido
  16. Audio Visual Torture...

    WTF, is this AlQaeda´s band or what?
  17. Mod para España y Portugal

    Bueno, el problema es el mismo de siempre, que no hay terreno ni nadie de aqui que sepa hacerlo, y los de fuera estan ocupados, asi que por ahora, habra que aguantar. Si lo tuvieramos, tenemos todo listo para sacarlo. De hecho, podríamos sacarlo para el terreno DhimarParan, o Canarias, pero eso no es lo que se pretende.
  18. Osama and Facebook...

    Nope, firing squad is for soldiers, not for rich sissies wich dont find a meaning to their lives. Fry the fokker in a chair, i would have said.
  19. Why Battlefield 3 will beat Modern Warfare 3

    I love Battlefield and G3 rifles. But CoD is a filmgame. Each one has it´s own thing. What i miss in MW that the original CoD had, was the hunting. Now, everyone is a bunny hopper, it is more like making combos in Tekken or DOA than the hunt in the first one. Those battles in a clever environment with only bolt action rifles is no longer happening in the newest CoDs. And of course, the vehicles are something wich really make it up for Battlefield. While COD may be better if you go infantryman, the environment and the "combined arms" make BF much more enjoyable. Never got tired of Hueys in BF vietnam or Abrams in BF2 or Battleships in BF1942. I should get my hands on the new one. On the other hand, CoD is not the first videogame which puts modern warfare as a show, Delta Force Black Hawk Down kicked ass.
  20. Some possible last lines from Osama fish food...

    I wonder what does Achmed the Dead Terrorist have to say about all that lol
  21. Horrific

    Back on the issue, the cops said that he knew the victim before the crime, however there was no denounce. The cause of any conflict remains under summary secret
  22. F-5E/F

    "Creo que deberia simplemente escribirlo en Inglés... Estoy trabajando en unas skins para el modelo hecho por Vic Romano (FastCargo). Por ahora, pienso hacer todos los escuadrones de las fuerzas aéreas Taiwanesa y Surcoreana. Me gustaria incluir la version más concreta de Chile y Brasil. He visto las magníficas versiones del F-5E para Chile y Brasil con la sonda de reabastecimiento en vuelo y las antenas adicionales mediante el método "piloto falso" en este fórum en Español. Me preguntaba si alguien tendría la bondad de hacer la sonda y las antenas para el F-5F? Tal vez alguien lo haya hecho ya dado que las versiones específicas de Chile y Brasil ya estan hechas? En ese caso, podría subirlo para el público? Además, hay alguna posibilidad de que la persona o grupo que hizo la version específica del F-5E lo suba? (N. del T., no estoy seguro de que dice exactamente, no estaban ya?) O incluso mejor, hay alguien trabajando en un NUEVO F-5E?" Ok, did it, good luck
  23. Congrats to my wife for her lottery win

    Tim Matheson as Captain Loomis Birkhead in Steven Spielberg´s 1941, when trying score on Donna Straton (Nancy Allen), the secretary of the General...well, the one wich gets to watch Dumbo during the "raid".
  24. F-5E/F

    Ace, put it in english and i will translate, so far the post is kind of confusing, but by what i could understand, i think there is people wich can help you.

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