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Everything posted by macelena

  1. Porra sobre el Chile-España

    La de la tarta de feliz cumpleaños con la velita y el forzudo en pelotas, durante una semana, para quien pierda?
  2. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    My neighbourhood is full of inmigrants from North Africa, i walked by a bar full of Algerians while watching the game with the US, they made a show worth seeing
  3. Porra sobre el Chile-España

    Ya sabes lo que pienso yo de las camisetas de Brasil y su contenido, Enoc :D

    Cuando me pidan la documentación, me registren , paren en una aduana o en un control de carreteras, lo dire "racistas de mierda, es por que soy europeo, no?" Eso si, me gusta la firma, con tu permiso, PP, me la pongo
  5. Why me?

    But do you feel something for her or what? If so, go ahead and try, but this sounds bad.
  6. I didn´t try with 3D, but i use the Shahak and Netz cockpit in all MirageIII and F-16 models. SInce their original cockpits may be not adequate to the second generation, the SF2I ones fit despite the differences between different batchs of aircraft.
  7. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Honduras 0- Spain 2. Seems we are back in the game, but still i would like some score
  8. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Welcome to soccer, man. It reminds me of a poster my dad had on the office when he was stationed ashore in facilities, contracting supplies "Your bribery is our salary"
  9. The greatest past combat FS ever

    CFS2, i loved it. Perhaps there are others wich made better in several senses, but this one was awesome.

    Pensare algo que poner bajo mi avatar, tan solo para mantenerte ocupado
  11. My First Combat Flght Simulator

    The very first was "F-15 Strike Eagle", not sure about wich version, for PC. Then i got "Black Knights", about the VMFA-314. Later i moved on to the First World War, with "Red Baron" and "Royal Flying Corps" since then, i flew Novalogic and Microsoft CFS series until i got SFP1, and now the second generation
  12. On this day in 1815

    For this and some other reasons, here Nelson as an enemy is far more respected than Wellington as a supposed ally.
  13. Toqueteando INI's

    Puedes cambiar la función de una pantalla por otra, creo. Pero si no, podrias ponerle piezas de otras cabinas y cosas de esas. Esto ultimo nunca lo he hecho por mi cuenta, pero creo que saldria un poco frankenstein
  14. Toqueteando INI's

    Maldito sea MSN. Ese 204 se esta buscando un skin de la 3a escuadrilla de la Armada
  15. F-16s weren´t implemented with capability to use PGMs until Block 15, i think. I suppose that it also took some time to do with Hornets. Too new weapons systems, i guess.
  16. North Korea 1 X 0 Brazil

    The most ridiculous
  17. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Si, ya....
  18. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Neve liked that of the "Red Fury". To me, "Red Fury" is the time of the month in wich females get pissed at me for the mere fact of breathing. I wouldnt take seriously a team nicknamed "Menstruation"

    Lo se, odio a esos periodistas. Son lo peor del país. O casi. Imagina la mayor panda de gilipollas y fantasmas imaginable, aqui los ponen en la radio a hacerse los graciosos. Ahora estaran diciendo "Esto ya lo sabia yo" y poniendo cara de imbecil como si no hubiesen estado diciendo tonterías desde la eurocopa de 2008. Llevan 30 años diciendo que si España s favorita por ver si atraen audiencia, y no tienen ni puta idea de lo que hablan ni les importa. Asi que si os faltan payasos para la radio en Argentina, aqui los deportariamos con gusto.

    Voy a fumar un rato, a ver si de verdad mata.....
  21. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Spain was superior in anything but...accuracy. People keep saying it´s a great team, they play better and so, but what if you can get the ball through a rainbow? Switzers defense was dense, perfect to nail our people from doing anything, and they strike twice, scored once, so they won. Yeah, our team play with the ball nice and so, they were almost allways up, but they couldn´t end the job. Switzers got a couple of chances, and they used one, so it is perfectly fair. They owned us with justice
  22. Went to see it

    I could get to watch it by some means, and was really awesome. Yes,they do some killing this time. The gunship scenes with Ospreys and Spectres are somekind of <<Where the F*** did that come from?!?!>> and Jessica Biel is fantastic, even speaks , i would bet she wasn´t dubbed nor playbacking
  23. Bueno, habia una encuesta parecida por ahí y pense que podiamos hacer algo así aqui. Propongo que cada uno utilice el baremo que le apetezca: historial de combate, capacidades hipotéticas, superioridad aérea, polivalencia, prestaciones, incluso estética o que haya servido en su país. Si se les ocurre alguno que yo no haya incluido, díganlo y lo añado a la lista. (Luego añadire las encuestas para otras generaciones, ahora estoy vago)
  24. a warning for anyone on the flight deck

    It is amazing, but there is another guy who survived such kind of incident, and he looks fine for what he had to get trough
  25. Oh, no, the latvian mafia strikes again! Back on topic, from this Phantom you´ll learn the top four methods for defending against SAMs

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