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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. I think TMF's latest superpack requires the user to have SF2:NA to access certain elements the stock F-14's radar.
  2. Weakest of the DLC's for me so far...
  3. For British gentlemen of a certain age it'll always be a swan!
  4. Done. Hope the target gets smashed!
  5. Taking Care Of One Of Our Fellow Simmers

    Done. Hope the target gets smashed!
  6. Republic F-103A Thunderwarrior - 318th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, McChord AFB, WA
  7. Avro Canada / Saab J-36C 'Pilen' - F21, Flygvapnet, 1975 The first flight of the Avro Canada CF-105 on March 28th, 1958 was a complete success even on the lower power of the Pratt & Whitney J75 engines and during subsequent evaluation flights company test pilot Jan Zurakowski encountered no major problems. However, the programme received a major blow in September 1958 when the American Bomarc surface-to-air missile system was bought and this seemed to signal the end of the line for the Arrow although the Canadian government insisted that a decision would be deferred until the following March. This deadline gave Avro Canada the impetus to seek a development partner but there was no interest from UK companies (whose government had declared that manned aircraft were obsolete the previous year in the infamous Sandys White Paper) whilst American companies knew that the chances of the Arrow entering USAF service were virtually nil as the F-106 was just beginning to replace the F-102 on the Convair production line and, beyond that, the future lay with Weapon System 202 (F-108) - a Mach 3 interceptor programme running parallel with Weapon System 110A (B-70). In desparation, Avro Canada looked further afield and in January 1959 approached Saab on the basis that Sweden seemed to have similar requirements to Canada in terms of range and performance. With the outstanding Saab Draken entering production and scheduled to enter service the following year this seemed unlikely but, behind the scenes, senior Flygvapnet officials had expressed concerns over the Draken's single-engined overwater safety performance and unrefuelled range and hastily drafted a specification for Project 1299 for a twin-engined, radar-equipped, long-range all-weather fighter capable of reaching Mach 2.0 in level flight whilst operating from existing Swedish runways and designated sections of 'motorväg'. By early March 1959 a formal partnership backed by both Governments had been formed and although the development timescale was slowed down by the merger the Arrow was saved. Within months, the American F-108 programme was cancelled and the USAF suddenly became interested in the Arrow as a follow-on programme to the F-106 eventually ordering 300 as the F-112A. Arrow production commenced in 1963 with the first aircraft off the Malton production line going to the Royal Canadian Air Force whilst the first aircraft off the newly-built Linköping production line went to the Swedish Flygvapnet in February 1965.
  8. McDonnell Douglas F-4E - 318th FIS, 'ADTAC' 1977
  9. Man, we're being spoilt these last few days! Thanks to all - it's a cracker!
  10. Avro Canada F-112A Arrow - 186th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, Montana ANG, 1973 Happy with this but just cannot get a number decal on the fin. Will try with a fresh head on tomorrow...
  11. Avro Canada F-112C Arrow - 318th Fighter Interceptor Squadron, USAF Aerospace Defense Command, 1976 And another 186th FIS Arrow...
  12. It's good to see two people on exactly the same wavelength. It's almost as if you were one person...
  13. A very big well done to all concerned and especially ErikGen for creating a stunning P-80 family.
  14. Revised thanks to the release of some excellent 'Thud' templates by ludo.m54 - merci mon ami!
  15. Grumman F-14F Tomcat - 318th FIS USAF Aerospace Defense Command, 1977
  16. Park everything up except the Javelin... (joke)
  17. Vickers Valiant B.2 - No.214 Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1974
  18. Grumman Intruder S.2B - No.15 Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1972 Made using Home Fries RAAF Camo skin - thanks mate! Yes, I should have used a UK based squadron instead of one of the mainstays of RAFG!

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