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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Republic F-103J Thunderwarrior - 302nd Hikotai
  2. Republic F-103J Thunderwarrior - 203rd Hikotai, Japanese Air Self-Defence Forces, 1988
  3. @ Centurion-1 Lovely sky in your second shot
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/golf/19782304 Olazabal should get an honarary Knighthood!
  5. Republic CF-103A Thunderwarrior - No.425 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force, 1964
  6. That's why I prefixed it Blue Sky Thinking because it's not going to happen but I agree about the terrain!
  7. (Blue Sky Thinking) I think TK should follow up EP3 with an expansion pack for SF2V - I'm sure it would go down well with the home (US) market and might include a flyable A-6 and F-111A (Combat Lancer and beyond) with perhaps AI B-66 and B-57G.
  8. I think those centreline stores are nuke 'shapes' - nice pic though.
  9. Stick some chewing-gum in the slap-bang centre of your monitor...
  10. That definitely takes me back to my first dabble with SF Gold - definitely too many decals per mesh but I can't explain why it never happened when I got a better PC.
  11. Republic F-103A Thunderwarrior - 111 Filo, Turkish Air Force, 1970 As F-108A Rapiers began to replace the early model F-103's in USAF they were passed down to selected NATO allies including Turkey who operated 48 F-103A's from 1968 until 1977 when they were retired for budgetary reasons (much to the delight of the groundcrew).
  12. Republic F-103G Thunderwarrior - 330th Squadron, Hellenic Air Force, 1973 FastCargo's Thunderwarrior with the USAF SEA Camo (released by EricJ a few weeks ago) and some Hellenic markings.
  13. What surprised me about the Thunderwarrior is that the designation XF-103 was allocated in 1951 and that the basics of the 'tandem-turboramjet' propulsion system go back even further!
  14. I've slept for months and woke up on December 25th...
  15. Does a dark and dusty corner of your hangar have a Hawker P1121 sitting on half-inflated tyres with a slow drip of hydraulic oil just waiting for some TLC ????
  16. Sukhoi Su-9F 'Fishpot-D' - HävLLv 31, Ilmavoimat, 1987
  17. Sorry Russo, I remember now. They look outstanding!

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