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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. ScreenShots Sueltos

    Ole! El matador es un maestro!
  2. McDonnell Douglas F-4P Phantom - Combat Commanders School, Pakistan Air Force, 1979 In late 1977 the US Department of State authorised the export of 40 ex-USAFE F-4D's to Pakistan with all aircraft given a comprehensive refurbishment by a joint McDonnell Douglas/British Aerospace team at Kingston eventually emerging in standard PAF green/grey camouflage. Two frontline squadrons were re-equipped with the type plus the Combat Commanders School at Sarghoda.
  3. Take care Daniel. Enjoy life!
  4. Home Fries spiffing A-6 IDF camo scheme
  5. McDonnell Douglas F-4M - No.323 Squadron, Royal Netherlands Air Force, 1988
  6. It's the Ferris scheme from the new DLC F-4 skinpack modified to fit the F-4M_75 (but retaining the black radome) and some toned down decals.
  7. One of the best displays I've ever seen was these boys at RAF Brawdy in the mid-1980's. I'm not really into collectables but I bought a signed photo and have it framed.
  8. http://combatace.com/topic/51574-fictional-republic-aviation-f-84j-thunderstreak/page__hl__+f#820884j?do=findComment&comment=493869
  9. I've also thought that a USAF F-8 in SEA Camo would look cool and did put out a request for templates for the TW model a few months ago. Before I discovered WoV I never really liked the F-8 but I'm now a fan and consider it to be an outstanding design. How could it have so much internal fuel, be equipped for carrier operations, carry a pretty respectable radar and yet totally outfly the contemporary F-100 whilst using the same J57 engine?
  10. I get this occasionally in SF2:NA - can't explain why
  11. If I could only have one it would be SF2:E for the Hunter and Harrier.
  12. Breaking news! This just in. Apparently downloading the F-4 skin pack is NOT compulsory...
  13. Site Upgrades

    So far, so good. I like it.
  14. Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation Firefly - ARDU, Royal Australian Air Force, 2007
  15. A Third Wire Hunter T.7 and a Third Wire Meteor T.7 please!
  16. DecalMaxLOD= I've never really understood this entry on a decal.ini and would like to know what it does and what different values do.

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