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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Welcome back! And what a way to come back!
  2. The Aero L-29 Delfin masquerading as the... Bedek Aviation Company Hoopoe T-1 - 201 Squadron, Heyl Ha'Avir, 1973 Founded in 1953 the Bedek Aviation Company progressed from maintaining Heyl Ha'Avir aircraft to the licence production of the French Fouga Magister in 1959. By late 1961 they had commenced their first original design the Hoopoe advanced jet trainer a fairly conventional and conservative design but planned to have a reserve role of light attack and by 1965 had several prototypes flying with production machines beginning to roll off the Lod assembly line. After the French arms embargo of 1967 Bedek proposed a single-seat attack variant with an uprated engine but this was rejected in favour of the Douglas Skyhawk. Hoopoe's served with all major Heyl Ha'Avir training squadrons plus 201 Squadron who operated the aircraft in the light attack role during the 1973 Yom Kippur war.
  3. Tomcat FRS.1's - 899 NAS (foreground) and 893 NAS, Royal Navy, 1991
  4. Great news and it should be with us by the weekend.
  5. Northrop F-5I Tiger II - 119 Squadron, Heyl Ha'Avir, 1973 In September 1966 Israel became the launch customer for the new Mirage 5 when they placed an order for 50 Mirage 5J's. However, rising tensions between Israel and their neighbouring Arab states during the early summer of 1967 (allied to General de Gaulle's increasingly pro-Arab stance) led to a French arms embargo to Israel announced on June 3rd, 1967 just two days before the forthcoming Six-Day war despite Israel having paid for the aircraft in full. Despite the dazzling success of the Israeli Air Force's strikes against Arab runways that were a key factor is Israel's victory the IDF were desperate to replace combat losses and strengthen the Heyl Ha'Avir and Israel looked towards America soon ordering Skyhawks and Phantoms. The Heyl Ha'Avir had already evaluated the Northrop F-5A in the early 1960's but in late 1968 Northrop offered Israel a version of their proposed F-5E Tiger II as the F-5I and Northrop's success in the 1970 International Fighter Aircraft competition led to renewed interest by the Heyl Ha'Avir and they became one of the launch customers by ordering 72 F-5I's. Deliveries commenced in 1972 and by the time of the 1973 Yom Kippur War both 119 Squadron and 253 Squadrons had been re-equipped with the F-5I with eventually four squadrons serving until the mid-1980's when most of the surviving aircraft were sold to Argentina leaving a small Heyl Ha'Avir 'Aggressor' squadron flying the type until 2003.
  6. Not quite as simple as that I'm afraid...
  7. De Havilland Sea Vixen Mk.51 - 300 Indian Naval Air Squadron, 1971 The misguided political decision to run down the Royal Navy's carrier fleet saw HMS Eagle sold to India in 1967 and, after a modest refit, it entered service with the Indian Navy in 1970 equipped with ex-Fleet Air Arm Sea Vixens and Buccaneer S.1's.
  8. Northrop F-5I Tiger II - 201 Squadron, Heyl Ha'Avir 1973
  9. Not really, but I might try these markings on the Jordanian camo.
  10. Harbin H-5 (Chinese Il-28 Beagle)

    Version Version 2


    Harbin H-5 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire Il-28 'Beagle' to create the reverse engineered Harbin H-5 copy. As the PLAAF also operated the Il-28 I've set the service dates to match those given for the stock Third Wire Il-28 (for China) but the Chinese H-5 programme was a slow starter and it didn't enter service until 1967. Generic markings with new serial numbers based on the photo of '83002' with a painted radome are included and please note that this mod uses Wrench's F-4B pit for pasko's Yak-25B 'Brewer' so it should work with any version of SF2 that has medium length runways. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the H-5 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the H-5 folder into your main Decals folder. 3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_PLAAF folder into your main Pilots folder. That's it! CREDITS Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Thanks to Wrench for the Brewer cockpit. Thanks also to whoever did the excellent PLAAF pilot (let me know and I'll gladly give credit). And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 03/02/19 Version 1 - 14/07/12
  11. " JonathanRL - Cracking Gnat shot mate .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Flight as a Feather
  12. Not really. I think the Tu-95 is much more graceful looking and the tail on the Douglas 1211J just looks so wrong.
  13. Xian H-4 - Peoples' Liberation Army Air Force, 1959 Apart from the whole idea of a Chinese Canberra further artistic licence has been taken with adding the Chinese flag to the fin but it just looks bare without something there.
  14. Douglas B-26K Invader - Royal Rhodesian Air Force, 1964
  15. Well, it would have been rude not too....
  16. Towards the end the fuselage lost the B-70 look and became more like the A-5A with the fuselage virtually in line with the intakes.
  17. Aero Vochody L-39P Albatros - No.26 Squadron, Indian Air Force, 1985
  18. Thanks Sandesh. It's not for release so, for speed, I used the serials from my Indian Mirage.

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